Luis Manuel del Papa

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales
Cátedra de Anatomía Comparada, CONICET, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Dr. en Ciencias Naturales


Zooarqueología, tafonomía, subsistencia, arqueología, excavación, domesticación de animales


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Differentiation of camelids in the Chaco-Santiagueña region (Argentina) for the Agro-Pottery stage (350-1550 AD)
    Luis Manuel del Papa

    Cambridge University Press (CUP)
    Los camélidos sudamericanos han sido uno de los recursos de mayor importancia desde la llegada de los primeros humanos al continente, registrándose su domesticación para los Andes centro-sur alrededor de 4400-3000 aP. Las investigaciones realizadas en la región Chaco-Santiagueña para la etapa Agroalfarera (350 dC hasta la conquista española en el siglo dieciséis) en su mayoría han interpretado la presencia o ausencia de la especie doméstica de camélidos Lama glama a partir de fuentes etnohistóricas o por consideraciones eto-ecológicas. Sin embargo, con el avance de los estudios zooarqueológicos en la región, asignamos por técnicas osteométricas y análisis estadísticos multivariados especímenes al taxón L. glama para un sitio Agroalfarero tardío (ca. 1200-1500 dC). En este trabajo se incorporan sitios de toda la secuencia Agroalfarera y de distintas zonas geográficas de la región Chaco-Santiagueña con el fin de diferenciar especies de camélidos. A partir de los resultados se interpreta el posible uso de camélidos silvestres y domesticados en la región desde los primeros grupos sedentarios. El uso de llamas podría haber sido una herramienta importante para el establecimiento de redes de interacción social a grandes distancias.

  • Advances in Chacoan zooarchaeology. la Ilusion i archaeological site (Chaco, Argentina)
    L. D. Papa and G. Lamenza

    espanolLos estudios zooarqueologicos en la region chaquena son fundamentales para esclarecer diversos aspectos de las sociedades prehispanicas que alli habitaron. Se presentan los resultados del analisis de los restos faunisticos recuperados en el sitio arqueologico La Ilusion I (SChaSmar 3.1), que se encuentra emplazado sobre una elevacion moderada en vinculacion con un espejo de agua en la region de Esteros, Canadas y Selvas de Ribera del Chaco Humedo. El componente de ocupacion se identifica como un estrato de tierras conchiferas en el cual se encuentran los depositos culturales con una antiguedad de 630 ± 40 14C anos AP (LP-2440) y representa, por el momento, el limite septentrional de la influencia de la Entidad Arqueologica Goya-Malabrigo. Se realizo la determinacion anatomica y taxonomica de la muestra, la cuantificacion y el analisis de las modificaciones oseas con el fin de distinguir los procesos y agentes que actuaron sobre los restos. Como resultado principal se puede mencionar el uso de fauna de bajo retorno energetico como los moluscos, los peces y en menor medida los pequenos roedores, diferenciandose de la mayoria de los sitios de la region analizados previamente por la escasa representacion del coipo. EnglishZooarchaeological studies in the Chaco region are essential to clarify various aspects of the prehispanic societies that lived there. We present the results of the analysis of the faunal remains recovered in the archaeological site La Ilusion I (SChaSmar 3.1), located on a moderate elevation linked with a lagoon in the region of Esteros, Canadas, and Selvas de Ribera of the Humid Chaco. The occupational component is identified as a layer of shells with cultural deposits dated to 630+40 14C years BP (LP-2440), and it currently represents the northern limit of the influence of the Goya-Malabrigo Archaeological Entity. We carried out the anatomical and taxonomic determination of the sample as well as the quantification and analysis of bone modification. Results show the use of low energy return fauna such as mollusks, fish, and, to a lesser extent, small rodents. The difference with most of the sites previously analyzed in the region is the low representation of coypu

  • A bone core: New contributions to the understanding of osteological technology in the Gran Chaco of South America (Argentina)
    Luis del Papa, Guillermo Lamenza, Susana Salceda, and Horacio Calandra

    Cambridge University Press (CUP)
    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del análisis de una pieza ósea que brinda información pionera sobre aspectos tecnológicos prehispánicos en el sector ribereño Paraguay-Paraná del Chaco argentino. Se analizó un elemento óseo de Rhea americana con evidencias de formatización. Con el objetivo de caracterizar la etapa de producción representada, se registraron marcas de manufactura, una de las cuales fue analizada con microscopio electrónico de barrido a fin de identificar el material con que se produjo la formatización (piedra o valva). A partir del análisis, se define el elemento como un núcleo con “extracción bosquejada”, es decir, una pieza en la cual se evidencia una forma base que aún no ha sido extraída. Se propone que la técnica de manufactura consistió en el ranurado a partir de filos de valva (Diplodon sp.). Este trabajo constituye el primer aporte con evidencias sobre el uso de filos de valvas de molusco en el proceso de confección de artefactos óseos en sitios arqueológicos de Argentina.

    María Macarena Zarza, Luis Manuel Del Papa, and Guillermo Nicolás Lamenza

    Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
    Las primeras investigaciones zooarqueológicas en la región chaqueña permitieron esclarecer los principales aspectos de la subsistencia humana durante el Holoceno tardío. En estos aportes pioneros, los restos faunísticos se analizaron teniendo en cuenta a cada sitio arqueológico como representante de una sola ocupación. Sin embargo, un posterior análisis de los conjuntos cerámicos siguiendo técnicas numéricas multivariadas propuso la existencia de múltiples ocupaciones en algunos de los sitios. Con esta información se seleccionaron dos agrupamientos de un sitio en particular (El Cachapé Potrero IVB), y se realizaron fechados radiocarbónicos cuyos resultados fueron 1680+100 y 820+70 14C años AP. En base a la nueva información, se decidió realizar la revisión de la arqueofauna, con el objetivo de corroborar la existencia de variación temporal en la estructura de los recursos. Para ello se efectuó la determinación anatómica y taxonómica de los restos, el análisis tafonómico y la cuantificación de la muestra en forma de NISP, %NISP y MNI, e índices de Riqueza, Diversidad, Equitatividad y abundancia relativa. Estos resultados permitieron generar nueva información de utilidad para complementar y ajustar el modelo de explotación de recursos, en relación con la variación a lo largo del tiempo de las ocupaciones humanas ribereñas chaqueñas.

  • SfM photogrammetry applied to taxonomic determination of archaeofauna remains
    Gabriela Lorenzo, Luciano Lopez, Reinaldo A. Moralejo, and Luis M. Del Papa

    Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
    <p>Photogrammetry has recently been incorporated into archaeological research, replacing much more expensive techniques while still generating high resolution results. This technique converts two dimensional (2D) images into three-dimensional (3D) models, allowing for the complex analysis of geometric and spatial information. It has become one of the most used methods for the 3D recording of cultural heritage objects. Among its possible archaeological uses are: digitally documenting an archaeological dig at low cost, aiding the decision-making process (Dellepiane et al., 2013); spatial surveying of archaeological sites; 3D model generation of archaeological objects and digitisation of archaeological collections (Adami et al., 2018; Aparicio Resco et al., 2014; Cots et al., 2018; Iturbe et al., 2018; Moyano, 2017).</p><p>The objective of this paper is to show the applicability of 3D models based on SfM (Structure from Motion) photogrammetry for archaeofauna analyses. We created 3D models of four camelid (Lama glama) bone elements (skull, radius-ulna, metatarsus and proximal phalange), aiming to demonstrate the advantages of 3D models over 2D osteological guides, which are usually used to perform anatomical and systematic determination of specimens.</p><p>Photographs were taken with a 16 Megapixel Nikon D5100 DSLR camera mounted on a tripod, with the distance to the object ranging between 1 and 3 m and using a 50mm fixed lens. Each bone element was placed on a 1 m tall stool, with a green, high contrast background. Photographs were shot at regular intervals of 10-15º, moving in a circle. Sets of around 30 pictures were taken from three circumferences at vertical angles of 0º, 45º and 60º. In addition, some detailed and overhead shots were taken from the dorsal and ventral sides of each bone element. Each set of dorsal and ventral photos was imported to Agisoft Photoscan Professional. A workflow (Fig. 4) of alignment, tie point matching, high resolution 3D dense point cloud construction, and creation of a triangular mesh covered with a photographic texture was performed. Finally the dorsal and ventral models were aligned and merged and the 3D model was accurately scaled. In order to determine accuracy of the models, linear measurements were performed and compared to a digital gauge measurement of the physical bones, obtaining a difference of less than 0.5 mm.</p><p>Furthermore, five archaeological specimens were selected to compare our 3D models with the most commonly used 2D camelid atlas (Pacheco Torres et al., 1986; Sierpe, 2015). In the particular case of archaeofaunal analyses, where anatomical and systematic determination of the specimens is the key, digital photogrammetry has proven to be more effective than traditional 2D documentation methods. This is due to the fact that 2D osteological guides based on drawings or pictures lack the necessary viewing angles to perform an adequate and complete diagnosis of the specimens. Using new technology can deliver better results, producing more comprehensive information of the bone element, with great detail and geometrical precision and not limited to pictures or drawings at particular angles. In this paper we can see how 3D modelling with SfM-MVS (Structure from Motion-Multi View Stereo) allows the observation of an element from multiple angles. The possibility of zooming and rotating the models (Figs. 6g, 6h, 7d, 8c) improves the determination of the archaeological specimens.</p><p>Information on how the 3D model was produced is essential. A metadata file must include data on each bone element (anatomical and taxonomic) plus information on photographic quantity and quality. This file must also contain the software used to produce the model and the parameters and resolution of each step of the workflow (number of 3D points, mesh vertices, texture resolution and quantification of the error of the model). In short, 3D models are excellent tools for osteological guides.</p>

  • The fossorial faunal record at the Beltrán Onofre Banegas-Lami Hernandez archaeological site (Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina): A taphonomic approach
    Luis Manuel del Papa, Luciano De Santis, and José Togo

    Springer International Publishing
    In the last few years, zooarchaeological studies of small fauna in Argentina have broadened to aid the interpretation of anthropic or natural input to the archaeological record. This paper presents the first results of the excavation of a site located in the Chaco-Santiaguena archaeological region (Santiago del Estero province, Argentina), within a taphonomic framework which allowed us to maximize contextual information in the archaeological record. Animals with burrowing habits recovered at the Beltran Onofre Banegas-Lami Hernandez site were Tupinambis sp., Chelonoidis chilensis, Ophidia, Chaetophractus vellerosus, Tolypeutes matacus, Cabassous chacoensis, Ctenomys sp., Lagostomus maximus, Dolichotis patagonum, Dolichotis salinicola, Microcavia australis and Galea leucoblephara. This site corresponds to the late agro-pottery stage (between 1200 AD and the Spanish conquest). The contextual relationships, the presence of burrows, the differential distribution of manganese oxide patina and bone surface modifications were considered. This analysis allowed us to differentiate between those individuals who died by natural causes inside their burrows, deposition by natural predators and anthropic accumulation. It also enabled us to make a more precise interpretation for the contribution of animals with burrowing habits to diets of ancient populations.

  • South American Zooarchaeology
    Luis M. del Papa and Fernando J. Fernández

    Elsevier BV

  • Human subsistence and environmental stability during the last 2200 years in Epullán Chica cave (northwestern Patagonia, Argentina): A perspective from the zooarchaeological record
    Fernando J. Fernández, Luis M. del Papa, Emiliano Mange, Pablo Teta, Eduardo Crivelli Montero, and Ulyses F.J. Pardiñas

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract The faunal content from Epullan Chica archaeological site (ECh, thereafter), a small cave located in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina, was studied from taphonomic and paleoenvironmental points of view. This cave is placed in the ecotone between Monte desert and the Patagonian steppe, in the middle Limay River basin, was occupied since the end of the Late Holocene. Zooarchaeological evidence retrieved from ECh is diverse, including fresh-water mollusk shells ( Diplodon chilensis ), eggshell and bone fragments of Rheidae, bones and teeth of large ( Lama guanicoe ), medium (e.g., Chaetophractus villosus , Conepatus chinga ), and micro-sized (several species of sigmodontine and caviomorph rodents) mammals. Most of the recorded taxa were the result of human exploitation. However, owl pellets preserved in the sediments, and other taphonomic signatures, clearly indicate that avian predators are responsible for part of the micromammal record. Micromammal abundances during the last 2.2 ka BP are suggestive of a relative environmental stability around ECh, at least until the beginning of the last century. In this sense, Late Holocene landscapes were dominated by open steppe areas and large rocky outcrops, with minor changes in humidity and temperature during this period.

  • Opportunistic use of tortoises (Chelonoidis chilensis) in a site of the Chaco-Santiagueña region (Province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina)
    Luis M. del Papa

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract Zooarchaeological analysis of the role of turtles as a resource for ancient inhabitants has been approached in different regions of the world, within the Broad-Spectrum Revolution and paleodemography frameworks and covering extensive periods of time. In the present work, the role of tortoises ( Chelonoidis chilensis ) is discussed for the Beltran Onofre Banegas-Lami Hernandez site from Chaco-Santiaguena archaeological region (Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina). This site corresponds to the late agro-pottery stage. The proportion of used resources at the site was estimated and the ethnographic work of the study region and surrounding areas were analyzed to discuss the importance of turtles in the diet of ancient inhabitants. In accord with the results, C. chilensis was used opportunistically or circumstantially, and could be more relevant during summer as an additional resource to lizards, Tupinambis sp.

  • Use of reptiles during the agro-pottery period in the Chaco-Santiagueña region, Argentina

  • The turtle didn't get away. Anthropic use of Chelonoidis chilensis at a Chaco-Santiagueña region site (Santiago del Estero province)

  • First approach to study the presence of domesticated camelids (Lama glama) in the Chaco-Santiago region, a marginal zone of the South Central Andes
    Luis M. del Papa

    We analysed bone remains of camelids from the Maquijata site, assigned to the late pottery-making and farming stage (ca. 800–400 BP), in order to differentiate between domestic and wild species in the Chaco-Santiago archaeological region. This region is considered marginal to the Argentine Northwest regarding its cultural development and has received less attention than other regions. South American camelids have been one of the major resources in this continent, with domestication recorded in the South Central Andes at around 4400–3000 BP. We applied osteometric techniques and multivariate statistical analyses to proximal phalanges; the results showed interspecific differentiation of archaeological specimens, though with some methodological application issues. These results are the first contribution regarding the presence of domesticated animals in the study area. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • Analysis of material variability at Enclosure 1 - Kancha II: Contributions for an understanding of inca politics at Shincal de Quimivil

  • Inka occupation of enclosure 1- Kancha II, at El Shincal de Quimivil (Catamarca, Argentina)
    María G. Couso, Reinaldo A. Moralejo, Marco A. Giovannetti, Luis M. del Papa, and María C. Páez

    Elsevier BV
    The territory of the Inka once covered parts of the present-day countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina, as their political control spread across South America’s Andean region. The site of El Shincal de Quimivil, located in the western part of the province of Catamarca in northwestern Argentina, is thought to have served as one of the most important provincial capitals within this territorial range. This article discusses evidence from excavations conducted in Enclosure 1 of the Kancha II structure, a typical Inka architectural space located at the foot of one of the site’s artificially terraced hills. The enclosure’s excavation has yielded abundant assemblages of archaeological evidence, including ceramic, botanical, faunal, and lithic materials, as well as a centrally located mortar elevated on a platform of stones. The ceramic assemblages are notable for their diversity of typological styles and a high proportion of Inka-type pottery. Faunal materials include discarded food remains, especially camelid bones, and bone projectile points. Plant macroremains identified as maize (Zea mays) and algarrobo (Prosopis sp.) were present in the archaeobotanical assemblages. In terms of architectural analysis, the use of space and the materials excavated notably set this enclosure apart from other areas studied at El Shincal de Quimivil. This unique spatial arrangement is probably directly related to festival events, where El Shincal de Quimivil would have played a central role within the dynamics of the southern Inka provinces. Enclosures such as the one discussed here may have served as lodging for visitors during large gatherings.

  • Small mammal remains recovered from two archaeological sites in the middle and lower Negro River valley (Late Holocene, Argentina): Taphonomic issues and paleoenvironmental implications
    Fernando J. Fernández, Luis M. del Papa, Germán J. Moreira, Luciano Prates, and Luciano J.M. De Santis

    Elsevier BV
    This paper presents the results of a taphonomic and paleoenvironmental analysis of small mammal remains recovered from the Negro Muerto and Angostura 1 archaeological sites. These sites (ca. 0.5 and 0.95 ka BP, respectively), are located in the middle and lower Negro River valley in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Based upon the presence of several types of evidence (cut marks, bone tools, and thermal alteration), it is proposed that Holochilus brasiliensis and cavies were acumulated by humans. At the Angostura 1 site, some remains also show evidence of having been generated by carnivores (digestion, breakage patterns, and relative skeletal element abundances). This indicates that carnivores (e.g., Puma concolor) could have contributed to the formation of the small mammal assemblages. Other small mammal species recovered at both sites (e.g., Galea leucoblephara, Microcavia australis, Akodon molinae, and Graomys griseoflavus) suggest semi-desert environmental conditions, similar to those found today. The presence of Reithrodon auritus and Oligoryzomys sp. indicate the development of open herbaceous steppe environments in proximity to bodies of water. However, the discovery of H. brasiliensis at both sites, an orizomyine of amphibious habitats and subtropical origin, and which is now absent in the area, suggests warmer and wetter conditions during this period.

  • Human consumption of rodents at Villa la Punta site during the early agricultural-potter period of the Chaco-Santiagueña region

  • Human consumption of rodents at villa la punta site during the early agricultural-potter period of the chaco-santiagueña region


  • Anlisis del registro de Hoplosternum littorale (Callichthyidae, Siluriformes) para estimar estacionalidad de ocupacin en sitios arqueolgicos.
    MM Zarza, L del Papa, G Lamenza, E Tonni
    Folia Histrica del Nordeste, 283-300 2023

  • La pesca entre los chaqueos: integracin del registro arqueolgico y documental para abordar la estacionalidad en la explotacin de recursos ictiolgicos en el Chaco hmedo
    MM Zarza, GN Lamenza, LM del Papa
    Universidad Nacional de Tucumn. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto 2023

  • Introduccin al Dossier:“A-zoo-ciarse. Confluencias multiplicadoras desde la arqueozoologa y la etnozoologa”
    C Medrano, FA Day Pilara, LM Papa, F Zamudio
    Mundo de Antes 17 2023

  • Los silbatos de hueso del sitio arqueolgico Palo Blanco (Berisso, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
    LM Papa, MM Zarza, GN Lamenza, MC Del Papa
    Mundo de Antes 16 2022

  • Los silbatos de hueso del sitio arqueolgico Palo Blanco (Berisso, Provincia de Buenos Aires)
    LM del Papa, MM Zarza, GN Lamenza, MC Del Papa
    Universidad Nacional de Tucumn. Instituto de Arqueologa y Museo. Instituto 2022

  • Registro de peces en un sitio de la Sierra de Guasayn (Santiago del Estero)
    LM del Papa, ER Vallone, J Togo
    Instituto Nacional de Antropologa y Pensamiento Latinoamericano 2021

  • Retomando el estudio del conjunto arqueofaunstico del sitio Las Toscas 3 (Partido de Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires)
    R Tormo Izaguirre, L del Papa, VN Bagaloni
    https://suquia. ffyh. unc. edu. ar/handle/suquia/18032 2021

  • Contribuciones antropolgicas a la comprensin del pasado en el Gran Chaco sudamericano
    GN Lamenza, LM Del Papa, G Bailliet
    Revista del Museo de La Plata 5 (2), 548-552 2020

  • Differentiation of camelids in the Chaco-Santiaguena region (Argentina) for the agro-pottery period (350-1550 AD)
    LM del Papa
    LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY 31 (2), 375-391 2020

  • Diferenciacin de camlidos en la regin Chaco-Santiaguea (Argentina) para el perodo Agroalfarero (350-1550 dC)
    LM del Papa
    Latin American Antiquity 31 (2), 375-391 2020

  • Retomando las investigaciones en la sierra de Guasayn, Santiago del Estero: la localidad de Guampacha como primera aproximacin
    LM Del Papa, GN Lamenza, FJ Fernndez, M Plischuk, B Desntolo, ...
    Revista del Museo de La Plata 5 2020

  • Variacin temporal en la estructura de los recursos en un sitio del Chaco hmedo argentino
    MM Zarza, LM Del Papa, GN Lamenza
    Comechingonia 23 (2), 1-5 2019

  • Advances in Chacoan zooarchaeology. La Ilusion I archaeological site (Chaco, Argentina)
    LM del Papa, G Lamenza
    ARQUEOLOGIA 25 (3), 143-166 2019

  • Un ncleo seo: nuevos aportes a la comprensin de la tecnologa sea en el Gran Chaco sudamericano (Argentina)
    L del Papa, G Lamenza, S Salceda, H Calandra
    Latin American Antiquity 30 (2), 429-436 2019

  • SfM photogrammetry applied to taxonomic determination of archaeofauna remains
    G Lorenzo, L Lopez, RA Moralejo, LM del Papa
    Virtual Archaeology Review 10 (20), 70-83 2019

  • De pueblos, puestos y almacenes rurales: un anlisis zooarqueolgico comparativo (fines del siglo XIX, partido de Magdalena, Buenos Aires)
    MS Garca Lerena, LM Del Papa
    Asociacin de Arquelogos Profesionales 2019

  • Avances en la zooarqueologa chaquea: el sitio La Ilusin I (Chaco, Argentina)
    LM del Papa, GN Lamenza
    Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofa y Letras. Instituto de 2019

  • Fotogrametra digital aplicada a la determinacin taxonmica de restos arqueofaunsticos
    GS Lorenzo, L Lpez, RA Moralejo, LM Del Papa
    Universitat Politcnica de Valncia 2019

  • El registro arqueofaunstico en Campo de Carrizal de Asampay (Departamento de Beln, Catamarca)
    GS Lorenzo, LM Del Papa
    Sociedad Argentina de Antropologa 2018

  • Anlisis de las aves (excepto Rheidae) de sitios arqueolgicos de la regin Chaco-Santiaguea
    LM del Papa
    Relaciones 42 (2), 1-10 2017


  • Small mammal remains recovered from two archaeological sites in the middle and lower Negro River valley (Late Holocene, Argentina): taphonomic issues and paleoenvironmental
    FJ Fernndez, LM Del Papa, GJ Moreira, L Prates, LJM De Santis
    Quaternary international 245 (1), 136-147 2011
    Citations: 68

  • Una aproximacin al estudio de los sistemas de subsistencias a travs del anlisis arqueofaunstico en un sector de la cuenca del Ro Dulce y cercanas a la Sierra de Guasayn
    LM Del Papa, J Togo, LJ De Santis
    Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo 2012
    Citations: 37

  • Human subsistence and environmental stability during the last 2200 years in Epulln Chica cave (northwestern Patagonia, Argentina): A perspective from the zooarchaeological record
    FJ Fernndez, LM del Papa, E Mange, P Teta, EC Montero, UFJ Pardinas
    Quaternary International 391, 38-50 2016
    Citations: 32

  • First Approach to Study the Presence of Domesticated Camelids (Lama glama) in the Chaco‐Santiago Region, a Marginal Zone of the South Central Andes
    LM Del Papa
    International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25 (1), 45-60 2015
    Citations: 21

  • Consumo de roedores en el sitio Villa la Punta, agro-alfarero temprano de la regin Chaco-Santiaguea
    LM del Papa, LJM De Santis, J Togo
    Intersecciones en antropologa 11 (1), 29-40 2010
    Citations: 17

  • No se les escap la tortuga. Uso antrpico de Chelonoidis chilensis en un sitio de la Regin Chaco-Santiaguea (provincia de Santiago del Estero)
    LM del Papa, LJM De Santis
    Arqueologa 21 (1), 115-135 2015
    Citations: 14

  • Anlisis de la variabilidad material del Recinto 1-Kancha II: aportes para una comprensin de la poltica incaica en El Shincal de Quimivil
    MG Couso, RA Moralejo, MA Giovannetti, LM Del Papa, MC Pez, ...
    Arqueologa 17 2011
    Citations: 14

  • Localizacin espacial y caracterizacin cultural de sitios arqueolgicos del Gran Chaco Meridional
    C De Feo, HA Calandra, M Santini, B Aguirre, GN Lamenza, MI Lanciotti, ...
    XXII Encuentro de Geohistoria Regional (Resistencia, Chaco, 4 y 5 de octubre 2002
    Citations: 13

  • Primeros resultados del anlisis zooarqueolgico del sitio histrico El Santuario I (Magdalena, provincia de Buenos Aires)
    MS Garca, LM Del Papa
    Revista del Museo de Antropologa, 151-162 2012
    Citations: 12

  • Zooarqueologa santiaguea. Despertando de la siesta
    LM Del Papa, L De Santis, J Togo
    Temas de Arqueologa 3: Estudios tafonmicos y zooarqueolgicos (II), 1-24 2012
    Citations: 11

  • Presencia del grupo morfolgico definido como tubo-ave e hiptesis de uso: El humedal del Paran medio y el Chaco seco como caso de estudio
    L Prez Jimeno, LM Del Papa
    Gobierno de Entre Ros. Ministerio de Cultura y Comunicacin. Museo de 2016
    Citations: 9

  • Inka occupation of enclosure 1-Kancha II, at El Shincal de Quimivil (Catamarca, Argentina)
    MG Couso, RA Moralejo, MA Giovannetti, LM Del Papa, MC Pez
    Quaternary International 245 (1), 159-169 2011
    Citations: 9

  • Estudio preliminar de los restos cermicos hallados en el sitio arqueolgico “El Cachap”(Chaco, Argentina)
    HA Calandra, MG Mndez, SA Salceda, G Lamenza, M Lanciotti, ...
    Actas del XX Encuentro de Geohistoria Regional 1, 157-171 2000
    Citations: 9

  • Revisin de la determinacin de los materiales arqueofaunsticos provenientes del sitio Villa La Punta, Santiago del Estero
    LM del Papa
    La zaranda de ideas 6, 25-36 2010
    Citations: 8

  • Diferenciacin de camlidos en la regin Chaco-Santiaguea (Argentina) para el perodo Agroalfarero (350-1550 dC)
    LM del Papa
    Latin American Antiquity 31 (2), 375-391 2020
    Citations: 7

  • Avances en la zooarqueologa chaquea: el sitio La Ilusin I (Chaco, Argentina)
    LM del Papa, GN Lamenza
    Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofa y Letras. Instituto de 2019
    Citations: 7

  • Uso antrpico de lagartos (Tupinambis sp.) en el sitio Beltrn Onofre Banegas-Lami Hernndez (Santiago Del Estero).
    LM del Papa, L Moro
    Comechingonia 18 (2), 249-261 2014
    Citations: 6

  • Primera aproximacin a la tafonoma de la regin Chaco-Santiaguea. Sitio Maquijata, Santiago del Estero
    LM del Papa, J Togo, LJM De Santis
    De la Puna a las Sierras: Avances y Perspectivas en Zooarqueologa Andina, 17-38 2013
    Citations: 6

  • Zooarqueologa del sitio Beltrn Bementerio, Santiago del Estero
    LM del Papa, LJM De Santis, J Togo
    Instituto Nacional de Antropologa y Pensamiento Latinoamericano 2013
    Citations: 6

  • The fossorial faunal record at the Beltrn Onofre Banegas-Lami Hernandez archaeological site (Santiago del Estero province, Argentina): A taphonomic approach
    LM Del Papa, L De Santis, J Togo
    Zooarchaeology in the Neotropics: Environmental diversity and human-animal 2017
    Citations: 5