Oscar Perdomo


Universidad de la Amazonia



Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Epidendrum chloronanum (Orchidaceae): first record for the flora of Colombia
    Javier Cuellar, Nilmar Gómez, Edwin Trujillo-Trujillo, and Oscar Perdomo

    ACCEFYN - Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales
    Orchidaceae es un grupo de plantas de gran diversidad. Una quinta parte de sus especies se encuentran registradas en Colombia, principalmente en la cordillera de los Andes. En el departamento de Caquetá se han reportado más de 400 especies, 70 de ellas del género Epidendrum. Reportamos por primera vez la especie Epidendrum chloronanum en los bosques de niebla de la vertiente oriental de la cordillera Oriental de los Andes, en el departamento de Caquetá. Categorizamos la especie como de “preocupación menor” en el país según los criterios de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza – UICN. Por último, proponemos algunas estrategias de conservación in situ, ex situ y circa situm que pueden aplicarse para proteger esta especie.

  • First documented records and status conservation categorization of Dressleria dodsoniana and Galeandra minax (Orchidaceae; Catasetinae) from Colombia
    Albeiro Rojas-P, Edwin Tujillo Trujillo, and Oscar Perdomo

    Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion
    Registramos la presencia de Dressleria dodsoniana y Galeandra minax en Caquetá, Colombia, basados en dos poblaciones encontradas en la vertiente oriental de la Cordillera Oriental de los Andes y en el piedemonte Andino-Amazónico, respectivamente. Estas especies han sido previamente reportadas para el país en documentos impresos y en bases de datos, pero, sin la mención de ejemplares de herbario, siendo los registros fotográficos la única evidencia para su registro. Nuestros reportes resaltan la necesidad de confirmar la identidad y ocurrencia de las especies con la inclusión de colecciones botánicas en herbarios. Categorizamos ambas especies para Colombia como Críticamente Amenazadas (CR), debido principalmente, al deterioro de su hábitat y por el conocimiento de una única población registrada.

  • On the distribution and conservation of Sievekingia hirtzii Waldvogel (Orchidaceae, Stanhopeinae): first records from Colombia
    Natalia Rodríguez-S, Albeiro Rojas-P, Alejandro Lizcano, Edwin Trujillo Trujillo, and Oscar Perdomo

    Pensoft Publishers
    We newly report two populations of the orchid Sievekingia hirtzii in the Andean–Amazonian foothills of Caquetá, Colombia. Following the B criterion of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, we propose the categorization of this species as Endangered, due to its small Area of Occupancy and Extent of Occur-rence, the limited number of populations, and habitat fragmentation and degradation caused by the expansion of agriculture. Additionally, we propose actions for in situ and ex situ conservation of this orchid, including habitat protection and cultivation in botanical gardens.

  • Checklist of Orchidaceae from Caquetá, Colombia
    Tatiana Arias, Jeisson Chaux-Varela, Maria del Pilar Camero, R. Alexis Calderon-Álvarez, Anyi Carolina Trujillo, Marco A. Correa-Munera, Alejandro Zuluaga, Oscar Perdomo, Oscar A. Pérez-Escobar, Edwin Trujillo-Trujillo,et al.

    Pensoft Publishers
    A checklist of Orchidaceae from Caquetá, Colombia is presented here. We recorded 98 genera and 418 species, exceeding a previous inventory by 276 species. The checklist is conservative in the number of genera and species by including only taxa that were fully and reliably identified and that are either linked to a corresponding herbarium voucher, a living collection specimen or a photo taken in the field and published in iNaturalist by one of the authors or a collaborator. The documented species diversity in the region could dramatically increase in the next few years with additional collecting efforts in the eastern slopes of the Andes nested in Caquetá. About 9% (418/4600) of all Orchidaceae species recorded for Colombia are reported for this area, showing the important contribution to orchid diversity of Andean-Amazonian foothills of Caquetá.

  • Determination of amino acid content, fatty acid profiles, and phenolic compounds in non-conventional edible fruits of seven species of palm trees (Arecaceae) native to the southern half of South America
    Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues, Laura Schäfer, Jean Guilherme Novello Gregolon, Julia Ferreira de Oliveira, Oscar Perdomo Baez, Carolina Turnes Pasini Deolindo, Ana Paula Zapelini de Melo, Rodrigo B. Singer, Tarso B. Ledur Kist, and Rodrigo Hoff

    Elsevier BV

  • Pollination and breeding system in two sympatric Fuchsia (Onagraceae) species at the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (Brazil): Hummingbirds, insects and facultative self-pollination
    Patricia Archer, Oscar Perdomo, Tiago Böer Breier, André Felippe Nunes-Freitas, and Rodrigo B. Singer

    Editora Letra1
    Fuchsia regia and F. campos-portoi (Onagraceae) belong to section Quelusia; a group native to the Patagonian, Southern and Southeastern Brazilian regions. To date, no studies coupling detailed pollinator observations and breeding system experiments have been published for these species. Studies were performed at the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (Rio de Janeiro), in altitudes ranging from 1300 to 2790 meters a.s.l. Theflowers are nectariferous and protogynous. Yet, both species are self-compatible and facultatively autogamous, since more than 43% of the intact flowers undergo delayed self-pollination. Hummingbirds (four species), Acroceridae flies and bees (Apis mellifera and Bombus brasiliensis), in that order of importance, were recorded as pollinators of F. regia. In F. campos-portoi, bees of B. brasiliensis were the most frequent pollinators, followed by hummingbirds (three species). Experimental crosses between the two species yielded no fruits, in spite of their sharing of pollinators and of the existence of hybrids mentioned in literature.

  • Species synonyms: How important are they for the retrieval of ethnobotanical information?
    Oscar Perdomo and Rodrigo B Singer

    Ilia State University
    Abstract Background: The synonyms of the currently accepted scientific names are binomial names used to designate the same taxon, now in disuse due to the nomenclatural rules. We explore the evolution of the synonymy in the useful palm genus Euterpe to investigate if the inclusion of the synonyms affects the recovery of information on the uses and vernacular names. Materials and Methods: We used three search engines (Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science) to recover papers associated with the currently accepted scientific names of the Euterpe palms and the forty associated synonyms. Then we examined the information recovered on the uses and vernacular names to compare the outcomes. Results: Our results evidence the increase in the recovery of ethnobotanical information  (11.1%) and vernacular names (17.8%) when the synonyms are used. Recently-described species had less synonyms  than their early-described counterparts. In addition, our results revealed that the more useful Euterpe species had more vernacular names. Conclusions: The accurate identification of the synonyms for accepted species facilitates and improves the recovery of information by increasing the amount of material retrieved from the web. As expected,  most useful palms  have more vernacular names. Google Scholar has shown the better performance using synonyms, but the outcomes for the currently accepted scientific names were similar for the three search engines. Keywords: Acai, Asai, Euterpe, Google Scholar, scientific names, Scopus, synonyms, uses, vernacular names, Web of Science Resumen Antecedentes : Los sinonimos de los nombres cientificos actualmente aceptados son nombres binomiales utilizados para designar la misma especie, hoy en desuso debido a las reglas de nomenclatura. Exploramos la evolucion de la sinonimia en el util genero de palmas Euterpe para investigar si la inclusion de los sinonimos afecta la recuperacion de informacion sobre los usos y nombres vernaculos. Materiales y metodos : Utilizamos tres motores de busqueda (Google Scholar, Scopus y Web of Science) para recuperar articulos cientificos asociados con los nombres cientificos actualmente aceptados de las palmas Euterpe y los cuarenta sinonimos asociados a ellas. Luego examinamos la informacion recuperada sobre los usos y los nombres vernaculos para comparar los resultados. Resultados : Nuestros resultados muestran el incremento en la informacion etnobotanica recuperada sobre los usos (11.1%) y nombres vernaculos (17.8%) cuando se usan los sinonimos. Especies descritas recientemente tienen menos sinonimos que sus contrapartes descritas con anterioridad. Adicionalmente, nuestros resultados revelaron que las especies de Euterpe mas utiles tienen mas nombres vernaculos. Conclusiones : La correcta identificacion de los sinonimos de las especies aceptadas facilita y mejora la recuperacion de informacion al aumentar la cantidad de material recuperado de la web. Como esperado, las palmas  com mas usos tienen mas nombres vernaculos. Google Scholar ha mostrado un mejor rendimiento usando los sinonimos, pero los resultados con los nombres cientificos actualmente aceptados fueron similares para los tres motores de busqueda. Palabras clave: Acai, Asai, Euterpe , Google Scholar, nombres cientificos, nombres vernaculos, Scopus, sinonimos, usos, Web of Science.

  • First record of myoxanthus xiphion (Orchidaceae, pleurothallidinae) from Colombia
    Oscar Perdomo, Alejandro Lizcano, and Edwin Trujillo Trujillo

    Instituto de Botanica Darwinion (IBODA)
    Registramos Myoxanthus xiphion por primera vez en Colombia mediante una poblacion encontrada en el Piedemonte Andino-Amazonico del departamento del Caqueta, a 1075 m s.m., 260 km al norte de las poblaciones conocidas en Ecuador. Con esta adicion el genero Myoxanthus llega a 18 especies en Colombia, la mayoria de ellas creciendo en la cordillera de los Andes. Para el Piedemonte Andino-Amazonico colombiano hay registradas cinco especies de Myoxanthus, incluyendo M. xiphion, distribuidas en los departamentos de Caqueta, Cauca, Narino y Putumayo. Myoxanthus xiphion era conocida solo en Bolivia y Ecuador, pero su distribucion puede extenderse por todo el Piedemonte Andino-Amazonico desde Bolivia hasta Colombia. Presentamos una descripcion de M. xiphion, fotografias, un mapa con las poblaciones registradas hasta hoy y una clave para identificar las especies de Myoxanthus del Piedemonte Andino-Amazonico de Colombia.

  • Range extension of Prestoea pubens var. pubens H.E.Moore (Arecales: Arecaceae) in Colombia
    Oscar Perdomo, André R. Terra Nascimento, Edwin Trujillo Trujillo, and Bruno Ubiali

    Pensoft Publishers
    This study reports an extension of 275 km to the known distribution of the understory palm Prestoea pubens var. pubens. Originally recorded from the Gorgona and Gorgonilla islands and along the Pacific coast of Colombia, the new record is from a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest in Caquetá, which is located on the eastern slopes of the East Colombian Andes. This new record makes the species trans-Andean, showing a disjunctive distribution that also occurs with other understory palms such as Aiphanes simplex, Chamaedorea pygmaea and P. ensiformis.

  • New distribution record for Chelyocarpus ulei Dammer (Arecales: Arecaceae) in Colombia
    William Trujillo Calderón, Edwin Trujillo Trujillo, and Oscar Perdomo

    Pensoft Publishers
    The known range of Chelyocarpus ulei is extended 430 km to the north, in Caquetá, Colombia. The new locality represents the northwestern most limit of the species’ range, collected at the municipalities of Florencia, Caquetá, Colombia.


  • Campylocentrum luzmariae (Vandeae, Orchidaceae), a new species from the Andean cloud forest of Colombia
    Phytotaxa 642 (4), 279-284 2024

  • Epidendrum chloronanum (Orchidaceae): primer registro en la flora de Colombia
    J Cuellar, N Gmez, E Trujillo-Trujillo, O Perdomo
    Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fsicas y Naturales 2024

  • On the distribution and conservation of Sievekingia hirtzii Waldvogel (Orchidaceae, Stanhopeinae): first records from Colombia
    N Rodrguez-S, A Rojas-P, A Lizcano, ET Trujillo, O Perdomo
    Check List 19 (6), 839-845 2023

  • Masdevallia leonor-baeziana (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae): new species from the Andean-Amazonian foothills of Caquet, Colombia
    O Perdomo, ET Trujillo, A Karremans
    Lankesteriana: International Journal on Orchidology, 139–144-139–144 2023

  • Contrasting pollination strategies and breeding systems in two native useful cacti from Southern Brazil
    R Becker, OP Bez, RF Singer, RB Singer
    Plants 12 (6), 1298 2023

  • Checklist of Orchidaceae from Caquet, Colombia
    T Arias, J Chaux-Varela, M del Pilar Camero, RA Calderon-lvarez, ...
    PhytoKeys 229, 21 2023

  • Determination of amino acid content, fatty acid profiles, and phenolic compounds in non-conventional edible fruits of seven species of palm trees (Arecaceae) native to the
    CE Rodrigues, L Schfer, JGN Gregolon, JF de Oliveira, OP Baez, ...
    Food Research International 162, 111995 2022

  • Pollination biology and reproductive success in four Brazilian species of Gomesa (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae): Specific pollinators, but high pollen loss and low fruit set
    JB Castro, O Perdomo, RB Singer
    Plant Species Biology 37 (1), 132-147 2022

  • Pollination and breeding system in two sympatric Fuchsia (Onagraceae) species at the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (Brazil)
    P Archer, O Perdomo, TB Breier, AF Nunes-Freitas, RB Singer
    Iheringia, Srie Botnica. 76 2021

  • Species synonyms: How important are they for the retrieval of ethnobotanical information?
    O Perdomo, RB Singer
    Ethnobotany Research and Applications 20, 1-18 2020

  • Nuevos registros de Epidendrum (Orchidaceae) para Colombia: Epidendrum porphyreonocturnum Hgsater & R. Jimnez y Epidendrum whitteniiHgsater & Dodson
    O Perdomo, LF Coca, E Trujillo Trujillo
    Revista peruana de biologa 27 (3), 411-416 2020

  • Primer registro de Myoxanthus xiphion (Orchidaceae, Pleurothallidinae) para Colombia
    O Perdomo, A Lizcano, ET Trujillo, F Biganzoli
    Darwiniana, nueva serie 8 (1), 395-401 2020

  • Avifauna local: una herramienta para la conservacin, el ecoturismo y la educacin ambiental
    O Perdomo, P Salazar-Bez
    Ciencia en desarrollo 9 (2), 17-34 2018

  • Range extension of Prestoea pubens var. pubens H.E.Moore (Arecales: Arecaceae) in Colombia
    O Perdomo, ART Nascimento, ET Trujillo, B Ubiali
    Check List 13 (1), 2054-2054 2017

  • New distribution record for Chelyocarpus ulei Dammer (Arecales: Arecaceae) in Colombia
    WT Caldern, ET Trujillo, O Perdomo
    Check List 11 (1), 1540-1540 2015

  • Palm (Arecaceae) species of a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest in Caquet, Colombia
    O Perdomo, ART Nascimento, E Trujillo, B Ubiali, W Malagn
    World Palm Symposium 2015


  • Avifauna local: una herramienta para la conservacin, el ecoturismo y la educacin ambiental
    O Perdomo, P Salazar-Bez
    Ciencia en desarrollo 9 (2), 17-34 2018
    Citations: 25

  • Pollination biology and reproductive success in four Brazilian species of Gomesa (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae): Specific pollinators, but high pollen loss and low fruit set
    JB Castro, O Perdomo, RB Singer
    Plant Species Biology 37 (1), 132-147 2022
    Citations: 8

  • Nuevos registros de Epidendrum (Orchidaceae) para Colombia: Epidendrum porphyreonocturnum Hgsater & R. Jimnez y Epidendrum whitteniiHgsater & Dodson
    O Perdomo, LF Coca, E Trujillo Trujillo
    Revista peruana de biologa 27 (3), 411-416 2020
    Citations: 6

  • Checklist of Orchidaceae from Caquet, Colombia
    T Arias, J Chaux-Varela, M del Pilar Camero, RA Calderon-lvarez, ...
    PhytoKeys 229, 21 2023
    Citations: 5

  • Determination of amino acid content, fatty acid profiles, and phenolic compounds in non-conventional edible fruits of seven species of palm trees (Arecaceae) native to the
    CE Rodrigues, L Schfer, JGN Gregolon, JF de Oliveira, OP Baez, ...
    Food Research International 162, 111995 2022
    Citations: 4

  • Pollination and breeding system in two sympatric Fuchsia (Onagraceae) species at the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (Brazil)
    P Archer, O Perdomo, TB Breier, AF Nunes-Freitas, RB Singer
    Iheringia, Srie Botnica. 76 2021
    Citations: 3

  • Primer registro de Myoxanthus xiphion (Orchidaceae, Pleurothallidinae) para Colombia
    O Perdomo, A Lizcano, ET Trujillo, F Biganzoli
    Darwiniana, nueva serie 8 (1), 395-401 2020
    Citations: 3

  • On the distribution and conservation of Sievekingia hirtzii Waldvogel (Orchidaceae, Stanhopeinae): first records from Colombia
    N Rodrguez-S, A Rojas-P, A Lizcano, ET Trujillo, O Perdomo
    Check List 19 (6), 839-845 2023
    Citations: 2

  • Masdevallia leonor-baeziana (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae): new species from the Andean-Amazonian foothills of Caquet, Colombia
    O Perdomo, ET Trujillo, A Karremans
    Lankesteriana: International Journal on Orchidology, 139–144-139–144 2023
    Citations: 2

  • New distribution record for Chelyocarpus ulei Dammer (Arecales: Arecaceae) in Colombia
    WT Caldern, ET Trujillo, O Perdomo
    Check List 11 (1), 1540-1540 2015
    Citations: 2

  • Contrasting pollination strategies and breeding systems in two native useful cacti from Southern Brazil
    R Becker, OP Bez, RF Singer, RB Singer
    Plants 12 (6), 1298 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Range extension of Prestoea pubens var. pubens H.E.Moore (Arecales: Arecaceae) in Colombia
    O Perdomo, ART Nascimento, ET Trujillo, B Ubiali
    Check List 13 (1), 2054-2054 2017
    Citations: 1

  • Palm (Arecaceae) species of a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest in Caquet, Colombia
    O Perdomo, ART Nascimento, E Trujillo, B Ubiali, W Malagn
    World Palm Symposium 2015
    Citations: 1