Wageeda Mohamed Mahmoud


Mathematics/Faculty of Science
Aswan University


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Weingarten isotropic embankment surfaces according to adapted frame
    W. M. Mahmoud and S. A. Elhafez

    Natural Sciences Publishing
    The Tubembankmentlike surfaces with adapted frames had discussed in this study. We get the parametric description of the Isotropic Tubembankmentlike Surfaces and give a computational application to evident these surfaces by introducing them in isotropic 3−space. Weingarten of Isotropic Tubembankmentlike Surfaces is also calculated in terms of Gaussian and mean curvatures. Mathematica 3D visualizations are using to create these curvatures. We also present new applications for Tubembankmentlike surfaces in Isotropic space, as well as surface characterization.

  • The theory of pure algebraic (CO)homology
    Alaa Hassan Noreldeen, Wageeda M. M., and O. H. Fathy

    Horizon Research Publishing Co., Ltd.
    Polynomial: Algebra is essential in commutative algebra since it can serve as a fundamental model for differentiation. For module differentials and Loday's differential commutative graded algebra, simplified homology for polynomial algebra was defined. In this article, the definitions of the simplicial, the cyclic, and the dihedral homology of pure algebra are presented. The definition of the simplicial and the cyclic homology is presented in the Algebra of Polynomials and Laurent's Polynomials. The long exact sequence of both cyclic homology and simplicial homology is presented. The Morita invariance property of cyclic homology was submitted. The relationship mathematical equation was introduced, representing the relationship between dihedral and cyclic (co)homology in polynomial algebra. Besides, a relationship mathematical equation was examined, defining the relationship between dihedral and cyclic (co)homology of Laurent polynomials algebra. Furthermore, the Morita invariance property of dihedral homology in polynomial algebra was investigated. Also, the Morita property of dihedral homology in Laurent polynomials was studied. For the dihedral homology, the long exact sequence mathematical equation was obtained of the short sequence mathematical equation. The long exact sequence of the short sequence mathematical equation was obtained from the reflexive (co)homology of polynomial algebra. Studying polynomial algebra helps calculate COVID-19 vaccines. © 2021 by authors, all rights reserved.

  • Inextensible flows of spacelike curves according to equiform frame in 4-dimensional Minkowski space ℝ<inf>1</inf><sup>4</sup>
    W. M. Mahmoud and Alaa Hassan Noreldeen

    World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
    In this paper, we study inextensible flows of spacelike curves lying fully on a spacelike surface Ω according to equiform frame in 4-dimensional Minkowski space ℝ1 4 . We give necessary and sufficient conditions for this inextensible flows which are expressed as a partial differential equation involving the equiform curvature functions in 4-dimensional Minkowski space ℝ1 4 . Finally we give an application of inextensible flows of spacelike curves in ℝ1 4 .

  • Two dimensional kinematic surfaces with constant scalar curvature in Lorentz-Minkowski 7-space
    E. M. Solouma and M. M. Wageeda

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    AbstractIn this paper we analyzed the problem of studying locally the scalar curvature