Elsa Guedes Teixeira


Universidade do Porto


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Exploring the renewal of pedagogy: problem-based learning as a space for young peoples’ educational citizenship
    Eunice Macedo, Elsa Teixeira, Alexandra Carvalho, and Helena C. Araújo

    Resumo Este artigo explora como a Aprendizagem Baseada na Resolução de Problemas (PBL) pode contribuir para renovar a pedagogia, colocando as e os jovens no centro da relação pedagógica de construção do saber, com realização de direitos. Parte-se da preocupação com a falta de espaço para a escuta das pessoas jovens em diferentes contextos educativos e reconhece-se os membros deste grupo social enquanto sujeitos autores e autoras da construção da sua cidadania. Assim, cruzam-se as suas vozes com as de docentes e investigadoras. Advoga-se que o recurso ao PBL pode criar espaço para o exercício da sua “cidadania educacional”. Tendo por base a renovação da pedagogia, o PBL constitui um método participativo sustentado na iniciativa, na tomada de decisão e numa relação solidária. Ao dialogar com a cidadania educacional, no âmbito do projeto EduTransfer é também central uma visão do PBL como processo de desenvolvimento do currículo, e teoria e método de ensino-aprendizagem que pode criar espaço para a realização dessa cidadania, ganhando lugar como estratégia de garantia de direitos por parte das instituições educativas. São estes aspectos que focamos ao longo do artigo, dando lugar a uma reflexão sobre os diferentes momentos desta estratégia educativa. Depois do foco nas opções metodológicas e processuais, fazemos o cruzamento de vozes docentes, juvenis e de investigação, que exploram o PBL em ação. Assumindo o valor desta abordagem, reconhecem-se também limites à sua implementação.

    Angélica Monteiro, Elsa Guedes Teixeira, Carlinda Leite, Rita Barros, Preciosa Fernandes, and Filipa Soares

    Associacao Pro-Ensino Superior em Novo Hamburgo
    The effects of the pandemic crises in education have revealed social inequalities in the youth field but have also provided an opportunity to rethink the demands of education in an increasingly digital world. Framed on youth policies and on the 3 areas of Digital Citizenship defined by the Council of Europe – being online, well-being online and rights online ­– the present study explores policies and practices in youth digital literacy and citizenship education, with the aim of answering the following questions: What are the strands of digital citizenship education? How do teachers and school leaders perceive practices regarding young people and media and information literacy? What are the main challenges of digitalisation regarding social justice for young people facing vulnerable situations? Data were collected by a questionnaire submitted in 2020 to 120 teachers and school leaders from Portugal, Bulgaria, and Turkey, complemented by documental analysis. The results allow identifying the main strands of digital citizenship in education and the challenges of digital citizenship education. Despite the tendency of policies and European projects towards greater emancipation and empowerment of young people, the teachers and school leaders described practices that have aspects of a more regulatory nature. The conclusions supported the proposal of a model based on a critical approach with the aim of sustaining more inclusive and emancipatory digital practices, which favour greater conditions of social justice.

  • Professionals’ key knowledge, competences and practices to promote social inclusion of refugees
    Ana Luísa Costa, Susana Coimbra, Marta Pinto, Elsa Guedes Teixeira, and João Caramelo

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT Europe witnessed a mass influx of refugees in the last few years, challenging its capability to deal with this humanitarian crisis and calling upon the efforts of all professionals who work with/for refugees, to intervene under a demanding situation. This paper presents the results of four focus groups implemented in Portugal with professionals who work with/for refugees and refugees themselves, developed within two European projects: Advenus and ReGap. The focus groups aimed at understanding the participants’ perceptions about key knowledge, competences and practices to work towards refugees’ social inclusion. Thematic analysis was applied and the results of the Advenus and ReGap focus groups combined, allowed to identify three main themes: i. Fit the context and meet the needs with a multidisciplinary, pragmatic, and flexible approach; ii. Will to make the change through activism and advocacy; and iii. Embrace diversity by developing empathy, cultural and gender sensitivity and sense of belonging. These main themes promote a reflection about the key knowledge, competences and practices of professionals who work with/for refugees.

  • Loneliness, a search for the other in the age of the ego: A study of sociabilities in late modernity