Andi Riyanto

Information of Technology
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika



Accounting, Auditing, Financial, Human Resources Management, Information Systems


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Fuzzy Logic for Autism Screening Test
    Agung Wibowo, Dhia Fauziah, Yuri Yuliani, Yuri Rahayu, Andi Riyanto, and Renny Oktapiani

    IOP Publishing
    Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can faze brain development, growth, and social behaviour. Teens with ASD tend to become bullying object. Autism can be recognized and diagnosis using a test with a questionnaire. The answers from the questionnaire usually converted into an integer value using the Linkers scale, whereas this answer still contains biased and this bias cannot be captured using this scale. Through our initial test results shows that if a user uses an answer choice slightly agree or slightly disagree, the results value is low enough it's about 6% to 20%. Autistic according to the CDC, it has eight symptoms, and we apply it to form fuzzy memberships. Previous Researchers had been shared autism screening dataset to the UCI machine learning repository, this dataset we filtered for "Who is completing the test" attribute with "self "value. We used the classification algorithms in WEKA to find a model, then this model we applied in fuzzification. This system is still a simulation study and has not been clinically tested. This system is assigned to diagnose autism based on the recognized symptoms, where the number of asked questions can vary according to needs but still refers to the symptoms. This paper proposed an autism screening test diagnosis using the fuzzy logic with a better interpellation and precision.

  • Artificial neural network utilization for analyzing sentiment polarity in electronics product reviews
    Bambang Pilu Hartato, Tri Astuti, Irnawati Pratika, Rizki Wahyudi, Irfan Santiko, and Andi Dwi Riyanto

    Intelligent systems currently have been proven to provide more benefits on various aspects of human life. One of them is sentiment analysis (SA) approach. SA is a mathematical approach that allows machines to analyze the opinion polarity of the statements or documents. Generally, SA is utilized to observe the tendency of public opinion on an issue. SA can also be used on e-commerce to analyze the trend of customer statements toward a product based on the reviews given by them. Thus, SA will help e-commerce business owners to know the level of acceptance toward offered products. In this paper, we try to evaluate the artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm in conducting a SA of electronic products reviews. In this study, the ANN was designed using 1 input layer, 1 hidden layer consisting of 10 neurons, and 1 output layer consisting of 2 neurons. Our experimental results showed that the ANN had a fairly high accuracy and precision while conducting SA toward electronic products reviews that have been carried out, i.e. 70.80% and 71.07% respectively. Hence, ANN is very possible to be applied to intelligent systems that are tasked to assist e-commerce business owners in conducting SA toward feedback provided by the customers.

  • Classification algorithm for edible mushroom identification
    Agung Wibowo, Yuri Rahayu, Andi Riyanto, and Taufik Hidayatulloh

    Indonesia has 13% species of mushroom in the world but there is a very limited study on determining edible or poisonous mushroom. Classification process of poisonous mushroom or not will be easily conducted by learning machine using mining data as one of the ways to extract computer assisted knowledge. Currently, there are three comparisons of the best classification algorithms in data mining, namely: Decision Tree (C4.5), NaïveBayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The study method used is experiment with assisted tool of WEKA that has been testing in the comparison of the three algorithms. To conduct the testing, it is used the mushroom data of Agaricus and Lepiota family. The mushroom data were taken from The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms, in UCI machine learning repository. Results of the testing indicate that the C4.5 algorithm has the same accuracy level to the SVM by 100% however, from the speed aspect, process of the C4.5 algorithm is faster than the SVM.

  • Fuzzy logic implementation to optimize multiple inventories on micro small medium enterprises using mamdani method (Case Study: Pekanita, Kroya, Cilacap)
    Andi Dwi Riyanto, Hendra Marcos, Zulia Karini, and Kamal Miftahul Amin

    Micro Small Medium Enterprises an important part of a country's economy. Various strategies are created through technology one of them is to determine the amount of production and inventory of goods in order to meet market needs. Fuzzy logic is a logic that is easy to understand and very flexible, it means able to adapt to the changes and certainty that accompanied the problem, so it can be implemented into an application that can optimize the inventory. The purpose of this research is to optimize the supply of goods in Pekanita by using fuzzy mamdani method on sales system, so there is no shortage of inventory and no excess goods. Pekanita is a distributor of sanitary napkin which is engaged in Micro Small Medium Enterprises.


  • SIDIBAKI 1.0 (Sistem Informasi Distribusi Bahan Kimia)
    FM Isa, A Gunawan, JM Hudin, R Yulistria, E Marsusanti, R Nugraha, ...
    ID Patent EC00,202,426,877 2024

  • Pelatihan Aplikasi SIMOKO Dalam Menunjang Pelayanan, Akuntabilitas Dan Transparansi Pada KSP PKK Sejahtera Sukabumi
    Y Rahayu, A Riyanto, LS Ramdhani, RA Saputra, A Aisyah, V Damayanti
    Indonesian Community Service Journal of Computer Science 1 (1), 35-41 2024

    RN Alawiyah, S Fauziah, A Riyanto, D Pribadi
    Proceeding of LP3I National Conference of Vocational Business and Technology 2023

  • Video Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Statistika
    D Pribadi, D Susilawati, Y Farlina, L Saumi Ramdhani, E Mutiara, ...
    ID Patent EC002,023,124,442 2023

  • SIMOKO (Sistem Informasi Mobile Koperasi)
    Y Rahayu, A Riyanto, LS Ramdhani, RA Saputra, S Bahri, V Damayanti, ...
    ID Patent EC002,023,113,677 2023

  • Penentu Kepuasan Konsumen dengan Kualitas Pelayanan dan Harga Pada Retail Khusus Obat
    D Rahmaniah, G Raspati, Y Rahayu, R Nugraha, A Riyanto
    Swabumi (Suara Wawasan Sukabumi): Ilmu Komputer, Manajemen, dan Sosial 11 (2 2023

  • Implementasi Human Resource Strategy dan Implikasinya Terhadap Budaya Organisasi Entitas Jasa
    G Raspati, A Riyanto, Y Sopian, Y Rahayu, IT Kusnadi
    Swabumi 11 (1), 35-47 2023

  • Pendidikan Komputer dalam Perspektif Islam
    F Santosa, JM Hudin, D Prayudi, R Nugraha, A Riyanto, E Mustiin, ...
    PT. Scifintech Andrew Wijaya, ISBN: 978-623-09-2475-0 1, 90 2023

  • Implikasi Motivasi Kerja dan Iklim Organisasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja di Era Pandemi Covid-19
    Y Rahayu, G Raspati, A Riyanto
    SOSMANIORA: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora 1 (4), 382-398 2022

  • Pengaruh literasi keuangan dan financial technology terhadap keberlangsungan usaha pelaku UMKM
    YY Yuningsih, G Raspati, A Riyanto
    Jurnal Mirai Management 7 (2), 531-540 2022

  • Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah Ditinjau Dari Aspek Literasi Keuangan Dan Teknologi Finansial
    YY Yuningsih, G Raspati, AA Rifai, UA Jaya, A Riyanto, Y Rahayu
    ID Patent EC002,022,110,893 2022

  • Sistem Design E-Sertifikat RSI ASSYIFA
    R Saepul Rohman, R Amegia Saputra, D Arief Firmansah, Susilawati, ...
    ID Patent EC00,202,286,787 2022

  • Pelatihan dan Motivasi Kerja Berkelanjutan: Impak Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Industri Manufaktur
    R Nugraha, E Marsusanti, A Riyanto
    Swabumi 10 (2), 146-158 2022

  • Sistem Repository RSI ASSYIFA Sukabumi
    RS Rohman, DA Firmansah, A Riyanto, JM Hudin, A Wibowo, ...
    ID Patent EC00,202,249,884 2022

  • Digitalisasi Pengelolaan Biaya Produksi Menggunakan Metode Harga Pokok Pesanan Pada Industri Manufaktur
    A Riyanto, GI Rakasiwi, E Marsusanti
    Artikel Ilmiah Sistem Informasi Akuntansi 2 (1), 114-123 2022


  • Refleksi Persepsi dan Preferensi Merek Terhadap Institusional Konsumen dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian
    YY Yuningsih, G Raspati, A Riyanto, Y Rahayu
    Jurnal Perspektif 20 (1), 60-67 2022

  • E-CashZak 1.0
    A Widandi, Y Rahayu, R Oktapiani, A Setio Lestiningsih, A Riyanto, ...
    ID Patent EC00,202,214,685 2022

  • Implementasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pembayaran Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Tingkat Menengah
    R Apriliana, RN Syabaniah, A Riyanto
    AKUA: Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan 1 (1), 95-101 2022

  • Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah ditinjau dari Aspek Literasi Keuangan dan Teknologi Finansial
    Y Yuyun Yuniati, G Raspati, AA Rifai, UA Jaya, A Riyanto, Y Rahayu
    Deepublish, ISBN: 978-623-02-5759-9 1, 272 2022


  • Implikasi kualitas pelayanan dalam meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan pada PDAM Cibadak Sukabumi
    A Riyanto
    Jurnal Ecodemica: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis 2 (1), 117-124 2018
    Citations: 124

  • Classification Algorithm for Edible Mushroom Identification
    A Wibowo, Y Rahayu, A Riyanto, T Hidayatulloh
    International Conference on Information and Communications Technology 2018
    Citations: 48

  • Akuntansi Dalam Perspektif Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa
    A Riyanto, A Suherman, D Prayudi
    Seminar Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komputer, 71-EKM. 78 2016
    Citations: 25

  • Impak Penempatan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Kantor Pusat PDAM Kabupaten Sukabumi
    A Riyanto, G Raspati, R Nugraha
    Jurnal Swabumi 5 (2), 132-136 2017
    Citations: 20

    A Riyanto
    Seminar Nasional Inovasi dan Tren (SNIT) 4, 33 - 41 2014
    Citations: 18

  • Pengaruh literasi keuangan dan financial technology terhadap keberlangsungan usaha pelaku UMKM
    YY Yuningsih, G Raspati, A Riyanto
    Jurnal Mirai Management 7 (2), 531-540 2022
    Citations: 16

  • Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Tabungan Siswa Berbasis Web Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD)
    RN Syabaniah, A Riyanto, EM Selviana
    Syntax 8 (2), 101-109 2019
    Citations: 16

  • Perlakuan akuntansi yang tepat terhadap produk cacat pada perusahaan berdasarkan pesanan
    Y Rahayu, A Riyanto, LS Ramdhani
    Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ekonomi: Jurnal Akuntansi, Pajak dan Manajemen 9 (1), 1-9 2020
    Citations: 9

  • Aspek Kepemimpinan Dan Kompetensi Aparatur Birokrasi Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja
    A Riyanto
    Jurnal Ecodemica 3 (2) 2019
    Citations: 8

  • Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan Dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PDAM Cabang Cibadak Kabupaten Sukabumi
    A Riyanto
    INA-Rxiv 2017
    Citations: 7

  • Pemilihan krim wajah terbaik yang mengandung Ceramide menggunakan metode TOPSIS
    RN Syabaniah, A Riyanto, E Marsusanti, S Susilawati
    SINTECH (Science and Information Technology) Journal 3 (2), 100-109 2020
    Citations: 5

  • Efek Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja
    G Raspati, E Marsusanti, Y Yuniati, A Riyanto
    Widya Cipta 4 (2), 92-98 2020
    Citations: 5

  • Refleksi Persepsi dan Preferensi Merek Terhadap Institusional Konsumen dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian
    YY Yuningsih, G Raspati, A Riyanto, Y Rahayu
    Jurnal Perspektif 20 (1), 60-67 2022
    Citations: 4

  • Implikasi arus kas aktivitas operasi terhadap kinerja keuangan
    A Riyanto, G Raspati, Y Rahayu, Y Sopian
    Jurnal Khatulistiwa Informatika 8 (1), 79-84 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Implikasi Efisiensi Modal Kerja Terhadap Profitabilitas
    A Riyanto, G Raspati, Y Rahayu, D Prayudi
    Jurnal Muara Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis 3 (1), 82-91 2019
    Citations: 4

  • Kajian Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai PT. Telkom Sukabumi
    A Riyanto, R Nugraha, S Susilawati
    Konferensi Nasional Ilmu Sosial dan Teknologi 1 (1) 2017
    Citations: 4

  • The Effectiveness of The Implementation of SPIP and SIMDA Its Impact Against The Quality of Financial Statements
    G Raspati, A Riyanto
    Jurnal Ecodemica 5 (1), 28-39 2021
    Citations: 3

    Y Rahayu, A Riyanto
    Jurnal Ecodemica 2 (2), 186-193 2014
    Citations: 3

  • Optimalisasi Disiplin Kerja dan Kompetensi Karyawan Dalam Meningkatkan Kompensasi
    B Somantri, A Riyanto, G Raspati, E Marsusanti
    Swabumi 9 (2), 127-135 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Dampak pendemi covid 19 terhadap perubahan shift kerja dan kinerja cleaning service
    E Marsusanti, A Riyanto, R Yulistria, RN Syabaniah, R Nugraha
    Swabumi 9 (1), 19-31 2021
    Citations: 2