Ning Setiati

Math and Natural Science Faculty


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Genetic Distance and Conservation Status of Stingray Species at TPI Tasik Agung Rembang, Central Java based on the Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I Gene

  • Efficacy of Local Ageratum conyzoides Leaf Extracts on Controlling the Poultry Pest Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

  • Beauveria bassiana Growth and Development in Various Liquid Media
    Dyah Rini Indriyanti

    Universitas Negeri Semarang
    Beauveria bassiana is entomopathogenic fungi that can be cultivated on solid or liquid media. The cultivation of B. bassiana on cracked corn medium leave unwanted waste. Therefore, cultivating B. bassiana on liquid media is expected to shorten the cultivation time and leave no waste. The purpose of the research was to analyze the physical characteristics of B. bassiana colony, the physical changes occur in various formulations of liquid media composition, the changes in the nutritional content and pH level of the growth media, and blastospore density contained in each liquid medium. This research used experimental complete randomized design with six treatments and 4 times repetition. The main phases of this research were the subculture of B. bassiana isolate; the preparation of liquid media consisting of distilled water, Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB), Sugar potato extract (Ekstraks Kentang Gula/EKG), EKG+NPK 1%, EKG+coconut water, EKG+NPK 1%+coconut water each for 150 ml; B. bassisana inoculation into the liquid media; incubation process for 30 days; and measurement of fungal blastospore density, medium pH, and carbohydrate, protein, and lipid content. The results obtained from the morphological observation of B.bassiana on liquid media showed that the colonies are white, growing on the surface of the media with powdery texture. There are some differences in the nutrient content of the media before after 30 days of B. Bassiana incubation. After the incubation, there is an increase in carbohydrate and decrease in protein and lipid content, as well as an increase in pH level of the media. EKG+coconut water medium showed the highest blastospore density by 1.26 x 108 cell/mL on the 15th day after inoculation.

  • Insecticidal Effect of Weeds Extract in the Poultry Pest Alphitobius diaperinus
    Priyantini Widiyaning, Ning Setiati, Sri Ngabekti, Fadilah Ngaini, Tri Dewi Yuliy, Yoga Hardiyanto, and Suwarti .

    Science Alert
    Background and Objective: Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) is the major pest in chicken farms. The control of pests using synthetic insecticides is not recommended. Besides its expensive, synthetic insecticides are proved harmful to poultry health, farmworkers and polluting the environment. To explore the sources of bioinsecticides that are cheap and eco-friendly, this study was conducted to evaluate the insecticidal effect of weeds extracts (Chromolaena odorata, Ageratum conyzoides and Tithonia diversifolia) against post-embryonic survival of A. diaperinus. Materials and Methods: The experimental study using a completely randomized design of 2 factors, i.e., 3 types of weeds extract and 6 levels of concentration. The insecticidal effect was observed based on the post-embryonic survival. The post-embryonic survival of larvae was evaluated for 4 weeks by measuring the number of Larvae Released (LR) from the eggs, as well as the number of Adults Emergence (AE). Data were analyzed using Variance Analysis (ANOVA) and continued with the least significant different tests (α<</u>0.5). Results: The statistical analysis showed that the differences in extract concentration contributed significant influence (α<</u>0.05) on the total number of larvae released and adult emergence. The lowest LR and AE occurred at the 40% concentration level, i.e., on the extract of T. diversifolia, while the highest LR and AE were found in the treatment of C. odorata extract. Conclusion: In this study, all types of extracts have an insecticidal effect on the post-embryonic survival of A. diaperinus but the strongest effect was found in the extract of T. diversifolia in 40% concentration. At last, these findings inform people that the weeds extract, especially T. diversifolia is possible to be developed as bioinsecticides for A. diaperinus.

  • Types of Rats and Their Parasites That Potential to Transmit Disease in Tugu District, Semarang City
    Ning Setiati, Rusyda Auliya, Partaya Partaya, F. Putut Martin Herry Bodijantoro, Dyah Rini Indriyanti, and Priyantini Widiyaningrum

    Universitas Negeri Semarang
    Rats are known as vectors and reservoirs for various types of ecto and endoparasites. The existence of rats as cosmopolitan animals allows for complex parasitic transmission due to the relationship between humans, animals, and the environment. This study aimed to provide informative data on the types of rat along with their ecto- and endoparasites. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection was carried out by random sampling survey with a point time approach. Data collection was carried out in 4 villages, namely Tugurejo, Mangkang Wetan, Mangunharjo, and Mangkang Kulon Villages, Tugu District, Semarang City. A total of 89 rats were obtained, the species obtained were R. norvegicus, R. argentiventer, R. exulans, R. tiomanicus, R. surifer, R. tanezumi, B indica, and S. murinus. Ectoparasite infestation was found in all types of rats except S. murinus. The ectoparasites found were Xenopsylla cheopis and Laelaps echidninus which were reported as the main vectors of murine typhus, epidemic typhus, bartonellosis as well as scrub typhus and Q-fever disease. Endoparasite infestation was found in the intestinal organs, namely Diphyllobothrium sp. and two species of worm eggs Hymnoepis sp. and Trichuris trichiura which were reported as the cause of Diphyllobothriasis as well as digestion, absorption, which can result in the loss of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and blood in large quantities. Diphyllobothriasis is not transmitted from person to person, more than one family member can be infected by sharing common meals and having similar eating habits. This study can be used as an early warning for community against the potential of infectious diseases from rats as vectors in Tugu District, Semarang related to rats density, endoparasites and their ectoparasites.

  • The Density and Viability of Metarhizium anisopliae Conidia on Several Growth Media
    Dyah Rini Indriyanti, Siti Harnina Bintari, Ning Setiati, and Jamil Maulana Zahriyan Alfiyan

    Universitas Negeri Semarang
    Metarhizium anisopliae is a parasitic fungus on insects, and thus called entomopathogenic fungus. This fungus is used as a biological control agent for insect pests. Fungal propagation can be done using a variety of media. The purpose of this study was to analyze the growth of M. anisopliae on four types of media, with conidial density and viability as the growth parameters. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Microbiology, Universitas Negeri Semarang. This study was an experimental research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor and four treatments: Control (PDA/Potato Dextrose Agar medium), Treatment I (ELSA/Extract Larvae Sucrose Agar medium), Treatment II (CWSA/Coconut Water Sucrose Agar medium), Treatment III (CWELSA/Coconut Water and Extract Larvae Sucrose Agar medium). The and results showed that there was an effect of growth media on the density and viability of M. anisopliae conidia. CWELSA media had the highest conidial density (2.91 x 108 cfu/mL) and viability (97.17%). CWSA media had  2.82 x 108 cfu/mL and 95.33%. PDA media had 2.25 x 108 cfu/mL and 92.83%. ELSA media had 1.64 x 108 cfu/mL and 90.83%. The high conidial density and viability of M. anisopliae is CWELSA  medium. This study is as an alternative growth medium to improve the quality of M. anisopliae propagation.

  • Analysis of UNNES embung floor capacity
    N. Dewi, A. P. Heriyanti, Masturi, N. Setiati and N. L. Tirtasari

    The purpose of this study was to analyze the capacity of the reservoir to the change in land use around the Unnes campus. The research method used is the flood hydrograph routing method in the reservoir using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) program to obtain the maximum capacity of the reservoir flood discharge, after which a comparison of the planned flood discharge of the resevoir to the flood discharge in the existing conditions of the reservoir is carried out to assess the capacity of the Unnes reservoir against land use change. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a change in the bottom depth of the reservoir at the beginning of the planning was 4.00 meters and in the current condition it became 3.00 meters, which means that the capacity is reduced by 1.00 meters with the ability to pass the flood discharge inflow which is still adequate and there is no overflow of flood.

  • Characteristics of productive broodstock based on body length and gonad histology of eel (Monopterus albus) in Semarang
    N Setiati, Partaya, S Ngabekti, B Priyono, and S. Rabiha

    IOP Publishing
    The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics of productive broodstock based on body length and histological gonad description of eels in Semarang. Samples of catched eels in various sizes, each measured its length and weight, determined its sex, recorded morphologically and made microtechnic histological description of gonads. Based on description of gonad hyostology, the eels body length is 28-32 cm for female and consists of egg cells set, which are in 32-36 cm is intersex, the egg cell is decreased sperm cells begin to develop and those are in 37-45 cm. Based on IKG eels obtained in four subdistricts, the egg size cannot be measured because they are in 1.7 to 2.3 mm. Based on gonads microscopic view and visual body length at TKG II, TKG III and IV consisted of eggs and sperm. While eels IKG obtained the most are 25 eels in IKG class 2.829943-3.829943. Conclusion of this research showed that productive female eels have an average body length of 26 - 34 cm with a morphology characteristic sharp head, greenish skin color on the back and yellowish white on the abdomen. Productive male eels have a body length in 54 - 60 cm with a morphological characteristic is greenish brown back, brownish yellow belly, large head and nape size, slightly short tail and blunt ends.

  • Oryctes rhinoceros attraction to pheromone traps placed near the light source at night
    D R Indriyanti, D Wijayanti, and N Setiati

    IOP Publishing
    The objective of this study was to analyze O. rhinoceros attraction to the pheromone that was placed near and far from the light source. Samples were obtained using pheromone traps placed at a distance of ± 5 m (near) and ± 500 m (far) from the light source. Each village was installed with 10 pheromone traps, 5 traps were placed near the light source, and another 5 traps were far from the light source. Observation on O. rhinoceros imago captured was conducted for 12 weeks. The results showed that O. rhinoceros is more attracted to the pheromone traps placed near the light source. The sex ratio of male and female imago from traps placed both near and far from the light were 1:1.2 and 1:1.3, respectively. This study can provide information regarding O. rhinoceros monitoring using pheromone traps combined with the light to attract more O. rhinoceros imago.

  • Nutrient amount mangrove ecosystem in Bedono, Sayung district, Demak regency
    Partaya and N Setiati

    IOP Publishing
    The mangrove ecosystem in Bedono in some places is damage, which is caused by the erotion of the ocean current and wave. In the beginning it was the residential areas which were abandoned by residents some decade ago. These area store the organic and mineral material. The research aimed to found sediment/soil texture shore and to find out the contents of organic material (Carbon), Nitrogen, Phosphate and Pothasium/Kalium in the sediment and water in the mangrove areas. These research was conducted from February – June 2017. This research used descriptive method. The samples were taken by purposive sampling, include 3 station are Morosari (A), Tambaksari (B) and Senik/Rejosari (C). Each station was determined by three places sampling systematically. The sediment sampling were taken at a depth 10 cm and the sampling water were taken in the some places. The analysis of sediment/soil texture were carried out in the Soil Laboratory Civil Engineering Faculty, University of Diponegoro in Semarang and analysis soil and water were carried out in the Soil Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta. The result of the research showed that soil texture in Morosari including the kind of dusty loam texture. In Tambaksari including the kind of sandy loam to dusty loam texture., in Senik/Rejosari including sandy loam texture. The result of the research showed that the nutrient contents at the sediment in the Bedono village indicated the organic material 6,21 % (low), organic carbon 3,75 %, the dissolved organic carbon 0,09 % (low), the total nitrogen 0,20 %, and the dissolved nitrogen 8,66 ppm (low), the available phosphate at the sediment 24,73 ppm (medium) and the dissolved phosphate 0,095 ppm only the June, in February and April undetect. potassium/kalium content at the sediment was 3,75 me/100 gram (low) and the dissolved pottasium/kalium in the water was 66,93 ppm (medium). Mangrove genera in Bedono are Avicennia and Rhizophora it was associated with same mollusc species, and the dominant macrobenthos in Bedono are Cassidula sulculosa and Natica fasciata.

  • Needs analysis of biodiversity encyclopedia on Mount Ungaran
    D Setyorini, M Rahayuningsih, I Andin, and N Setiati

    IOP Publishing
    The objective of the study was to determine the needs analysis of biodiversity encyclopedia on Mount Ungaran Central Java. This research method was descriptive qualitative. This research method using questionnaires and interviews to obtain data with a Likert Scale. The sampling technique is purposive sampling by considering the biological abilities of students. The total population of all students of class X MIPA SMAN 2 Ungaran is 210. The sample is 58 people from each of the 6 classes and class X biology teachers. The results of the analysis showed that the students are currently using the learning resources in the form of textbooks, Student worksheets (LKS), and PowerPoint (PPT). The use of books is still less clearly describing biodiversity based on the potential of the school’s environment. as much as 63,79% reveal that the material biodiversity yet has the uniqueness as well as utilizing local potential. As much as 70,68% of students said they need to learn the material biodiversity based on the local potential, especially in Mount Ungaran in Encyclopedia. Therefore, it is necessary to develop learning resources on biodiversity to utilize local schools’ potential.

  • The effect of Beauveria bassiana on the larvae of Oryctes rhinoceros
    D R Indriyanti, D Wijayanti, and N Setiati

    IOP Publishing
    This study aims to analyze the effect of B. bassiana on O. rhinoceros larvae. The samples used were 30 healthy 3rd instar O. rhinoceros larvae weighing 10-16 gr with a body length of 7-10 cm that were obtained from the field. The study consisted of two treatments with 10 replications, namely P1 (2 gr B. bassiana kaolin formulation/200 gr media) and P0 (Control). Observations were made every 2 days until all treated larvae was dead. The results showed that the larvae of O. rhinoceros infected with B. bassiana in the kaolin formulation died in a stiffness state and were covered with white powdery fungal hyphae on the surface of the larval body. Larvae died from B. bassiana on the 8th day after treatment and all larvae died (100%) on the 20th day after treatment. None of the O. rhinoceros larvae in the control treatment experienced death until day 20 after treatment.

  • Effects of Chitosan on Sperm Quality of Lead Acetate-Induced Rats
    A Marianti, W Isnaeni, N Setiati, and S Sumadi

    IOP Publishing

  • Constraints of Biology students' thesis completion
    S Ridlo, R Wulandari, L N Hadiyanti, and N Setiati

    IOP Publishing

  • Effect of metarhizium anisopliae in kaolin formulation and its secondary metabolite on oryctes rhinoceros larval mortality

  • Breeding value and GH gene frequency to four weeks old quails' body weight
    N Setiati, D Mustikaningtyas, N K Dewi, and Partaya

    IOP Publishing

  • Identification of insect pests that attack the coconut plants in Jepara regency
    D R Indriyanti, Z T Utami, N Setiati, E Soesilowati, and M Slamet

    IOP Publishing
    Jepara regency is a famous coconut producer. However, its coconut production continues to decline over times. The purpose of the study was to identify the species of insect pests that attack the coconut plant. Research method was done by observation in the field to record insect pests that attack the coconut plants. Location of observation was in three villages of Jepara regency. Insects were identified by morphological features. Insects' identification was performed in the biology laboratory of Universitas Negeri Semarang. Observation results showed that there were two species of insects attacking the coconut plants i.e. Oryctes rhinoceros and Brontispa longissima. The results of this research are expected to provide information that is useful to determine the right pest control strategy in coconut plantation.

  • Diversity and Conservation Knowledge of Chondrichthyans in Northern Coastal Areas of Central Java
    Ning Setiati, Endah Peniati, and Partaya Partaya

    Universitas Negeri Semarang
    Northern coastal areas of Central Java potentially produces sharks and rays (Chondrichthyes) for dishes. However, lack of community understanding of protected species catchment affects the Chondrichthyans conservation management. This study aimed to identify of total Chondrichthyans that were captured by fisherman correlated to the conservation knowledge and action in northern coastal areas of Central Java. This research was conducted by using interview, and direct observation. Samples were collected in fish capture household places in Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Semarang, Pati, and identified in Animal Taxonomy Laboratory of Biology Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative based on the morphology characteristic. This research found that every season, at least 1,106 individuals from 23 species of Rajiformis and Lamniformis (Chondrichthyes) orders was captured. This condition was aggravated with lack of access to information and low fisherman’ awareness of protected species. It was also found that shark and ray trading generates value chain in culinary business. It increases fish consumption demand that only can be provided by fish catchment from the ocean. The implication of species catchment is declining population of Chondrichthyes in Central Java north areas. Based on the research, a high demand and lack of access to information correlated with declining community awareness on conservation actions. this research adds more information as an effort to conserve shark and ray species based on problems faced by fishermen. The information is also able to be applied as a foundation to develop community based conservation action.

  • Mortality and tissue damage of Oryctes rhinoceros larvae infected by Metarhizium anisopliae

  • The gene effect of growth hormone on body weight and egg production in divergent selection for five generation of Japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)
    S. Johari, N. Setiati, J.H.P. Sidadolog, T. Hartatik, and T. Yuwanta

    Science Alert
    The aim of this study was to determine the gene effect of Growth Hormone (GH) on divergent selection of Japanese quail. Quails were grouped into high weight (Q-H), low weight (Q-L) and random weight (Q- R) females as a treatment for divergent selection. Parameter phenotype observed in each generation is the weight at four weeks of age and egg production at ten weeks of age for five generations. The results showed that the dominance level on body weight of Q-L was incomplete dominance, Q-R was over dominance and Q-H was lack of dominance. While the dominance level on egg production of Q-L and Q-H were over dominance and Q-R was lack of dominance. The gene effect of GH on body weight of Q-H is 1.53 times greater than the Q-L and 12.37 times greater when compared with Q-R. Whereas the gene effect of GH on egg production of Q-H is 1.53 times greater than the Q-L but only 4 times greater when compared with Q-R. Should be developed that to increase the low-weight (Q-L) is in the BB genotype and the high weight (Q-H) is in the AA genotype groups. Otherwise, to increase the low-weight (Q-L) and high-egg production are in the AA and BB genotypes and the high weight (Q-H) and low-egg production are in the AA and AB genotypes groups