14 Experts from ALBANIA (AL)

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MOUNGAR Houcine     - urerms.cder.dz

Research Unit for Renewable Energies in the Saharan region (URERMS) Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER), 01000, Adrar, Algeria, Thermal and Thermodynamic ConversionDivision
Research Unit for Renewable Energies in the Saharan region (URERMS) Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER), 01000, Adrar, Algeria, Thermal and Thermodynamic ConversionDivision

Krenaida Lulja     - unitir.edu.al

Department of Chemistry/Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Tirana

MOHAMMED RAHEEM     - albayan.edu.iq

College of Law / Al-Bayan University

Juelda     - uet.edu.al

Dean of Faculty of Law, Political Sciences and International Relations
European University of Tirana

Lorena Licenji     - uamd.edu.al

Department of Political Sciences
University Aleksander Moisiu Durres