152 Experts from UZBEKISTAN (UZ)

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Dmitriy     - asifl.uz

faculty of "Romano-Germanic and Slavic languages", department of "Social and humanitarian sciences, pedagogy and psychology" of the Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages
Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages

NAKKA VENKATARATHNAM     - sambhram.uz

Associate Professor and Dean, Department of Management Studies
Sambhram University

Muminkhon Saidov     - arxeologiya.uz

Samarkand institute archaeology

Khairova Dinara Rimovna     - gubkin.uz

Department of Economics of Oil and Gas
Branch of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gaz (National research University) in Tashkent

Pavel Khmirov     - ing.uz

Institute of Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas Deposits
Institute of Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas Deposits