Hanumesh B M


Assistant Professor
GM Institute of Technology






Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Mechanical properties of recycled coarse aggregate concrete incorporating steel and glass fibre
    B.A. Harish, B.M. Hanumesh, N. Venkata Ramana, and K. Gnaneswar

    Elsevier BV

  • Influence of Polypropylene Fibres on Recycled Aggregate Concrete
    BM. Hanumesh, BA. Harish, and N. Venkata Ramana

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract This article presents the behavior of Recycle Aggregate Concrete (RAC) with and without addition of Polypropylene (PP) fibers. The natural coarse aggregate was replaced by recycle aggregate in the proportion of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The Polypropylene fibres (PP) were used in the recycle aggregate concrete by 1 and 2% by volume. In the present experimental study compressive, split and shear strengths were evaluated. The results showed that, the incorporation of PP fibers increases the strengths in RAC. Few Regression Models were deduced to estimate the strengths for RAC with respect to compressive strength.


  • Assessment of mechanical properties of recycled coarse aggregate concrete incorporating basalt and polypropylene fiber
    BA Harish, BM Hanumesh, NV Ramana, K Gnaneswar
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2023

  • Mechanical properties of recycled coarse aggregate concrete incorporating steel and glass fibre
    BA Harish, BM Hanumesh, NV Ramana, K Gnaneswar
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2023

  • Behaviour of Simply Supported Two Way Slabs with Gfrp and Steel Reinforcements in Punching Shear
    HRP Hanumesh B M, N. Venkata Ramana
    Design Engineering 2022 (1), 2810 - 2825 2022

  • Punching shear behaviour of restrained two way slabs with Gfrp as replacement to steel bars.
    BM Hanumesh, NV Ramana, HR Prabhakara

  • Influence of Polypropylene Fibres on Recycled Aggregate Concrete
    H B M

  • Experimental study on the M20 grade cement concrete containing crimped steel fibres
    H BA, TM Siddesh, H BM, BK Siddhalingesh
    International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering 3 2016

  • The Mechanical properties of concrete incorporating quarry dust and foundry sand as partial and complete replacement of fine aggregate
    BK Varun, BA Harish, BM Hanumesh
    Issue 9, 60-67 2016

  • An experimental investigation on partial replacement of cement by glass powder in concrete
    BA Harish, BM Hanumesh, TM Siddesh, B Siddhalingesh
    Int. Res. J. Eng. Technol 3 (10) 2016

  • The mechanical properties of concrete incorporating silica fume as partial replacement of cement
    BM Hanumesh, BK Varun, BA Harish
    International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 5 (9), 270 2015

  • Punching Shear Behavior of Steel Fiber Recycled Coarse Aggregate Concrete Pavement Slabs
    V BG, H BA, H BM, AA Mansour
    Available at SSRN 4600683

  • Effect of red mud and silica fume on cement concrete in the fresh and hardened state
    BK Varun, BA Harish, YBB Etigi, HSK Kumar, BM Hanumesh
    Int. J. Res. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol.(IJRASET) ISSN, 2321-9653

  • An Experimental Study on The Behavior of M20 Grade Cement Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement by Rice Husk Ash (RHA)
    H BA, BM Hanumesh, S TM, SJ Sanjay, BK Siddhalingesh


  • The mechanical properties of concrete incorporating silica fume as partial replacement of cement
    BM Hanumesh, BK Varun, BA Harish
    International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 5 (9), 270 2015
    Citations: 68

  • Influence of Polypropylene Fibres on Recycled Aggregate Concrete
    H B M
    Citations: 54

  • An experimental investigation on partial replacement of cement by glass powder in concrete
    BA Harish, BM Hanumesh, TM Siddesh, B Siddhalingesh
    Int. Res. J. Eng. Technol 3 (10) 2016
    Citations: 16

  • Assessment of mechanical properties of recycled coarse aggregate concrete incorporating basalt and polypropylene fiber
    BA Harish, BM Hanumesh, NV Ramana, K Gnaneswar
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2023
    Citations: 5

  • Mechanical properties of recycled coarse aggregate concrete incorporating steel and glass fibre
    BA Harish, BM Hanumesh, NV Ramana, K Gnaneswar
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2023
    Citations: 4

  • The Mechanical properties of concrete incorporating quarry dust and foundry sand as partial and complete replacement of fine aggregate
    BK Varun, BA Harish, BM Hanumesh
    Issue 9, 60-67 2016
    Citations: 3

  • Experimental study on the M20 grade cement concrete containing crimped steel fibres
    H BA, TM Siddesh, H BM, BK Siddhalingesh
    International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering 3 2016
    Citations: 1

  • Effect of red mud and silica fume on cement concrete in the fresh and hardened state
    BK Varun, BA Harish, YBB Etigi, HSK Kumar, BM Hanumesh
    Int. J. Res. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol.(IJRASET) ISSN, 2321-9653
    Citations: 1