Assistant Professor, English
Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore
My interest is to continue research on the importance of language skills and improve the methodology of teaching and learning of English language and literature. I have presented papers in conference and published around eight articles in reputed journals. Have got more than 13 years of academic and 5 years of industry experience in the field of education.
Ph.D in the title Listening Skills for Communication - Madurai kamaraj University - 2017
English Language and Literature
To identify the background of women in the rural area. Find the ways to improve their living. It can be done through following steps: 1. Make the women healthy by providing healthy food 2. Training them in self-defenses to protect themselves from the society 3. Provide them skill based training to become employed
To create a society free of gender-based violence and an eco-friendly, sustainable environment for living. This will be achieved through: 1. Creating awareness among the youth – both male and female - towards prevention of gender-based violence. 2. Training the youth to build a conducive environment with social security and peace. 3. Creating a programme for training of youth towards inclusiveness and equality.
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