Dr Adya Sharma


Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Symbiosis International University




Marketing, Higher education, Internationalisation of higher education


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Integrated healthcare system in India: a conceptual framework
    Sonica Rautela, Nehajoan Panackal, and Adya Sharma

    PurposeIndia has been on the pathway of improvement concerning healthcare and health outcomes of its population. However, India must overcome its unique challenges and cover a long journey ahead. This mandates a need for a high-quality, contemporary and community-based health system that promises consistent and quality healthcare, is trusted and valued by all its citizens, considers the changing population needs and should be affordable and accessible.Design/methodology/approachThe study examines various dimensions and elements associated with the integrated healthcare system in India and uses input, process and output structural measures.FindingsThe present paper proposes an integrated, comprehensive healthcare system in India that endorses participation from diverse stakeholders such as the government, organizations, the community and individuals who can contribute uniquely. It also focuses on defined and measurable output that can make health a topic of social movement or “Jan Andolan” and create a sustainable and integrated care system.Originality/valueThe study is unique as it focuses on the role of stakeholders in health care. The research emphasized the involvement of the government, community, people and organizations in developing an integrated healthcare ecosystem that includes modern technology, skilled employees, enough finance, governance, efficient delivery platforms and top-tier infrastructure. The model’s output is focused on healthcare that is inexpensive, accessible, available, accountable and user-centered. This would gradually improve everyone’s health and well-being.

  • Hypothesizing the enablers of the gig economy: A tism and micmac approach
    Nehajoan Panackal, Sonica Rautela, and Adya Sharma

    Associated Management Consultants, PVT., Ltd.

  • Tracing the Research Journey of Renewable Energy in India
    Adya Sharma, Sonica Rautela, and Nehajoan Panackal

    Renewable energy is a reliable energy source and a significant step towards attaining sustainable green energy goals. Green energy development includes methods that encourage the efficient use of natural resources to prevent the degradation of the environment. Optimal usage of renewable energy sources will help to reduce environmental risks. These alternative energy sources provide specific options for minimizing the greenhouse impact. India is the globe’s third-largest energy consumer. With increased industrialization and urbanization and as one of the fastest-growing economies, India’s energy demand will increase considerably shortly. In this paper, the researchers systematically studied the research on renewable energy sources in India published in the Scopus database from 1981 to 2024 through bibliometric analysis. Seven hundred ninety-two articles were studied to understand the thematic evolution and arrive at the emerging research areas. The study’s findings discuss the four clusters as emerging areas of research, BRICS and sustainable energy initiatives, renewable energy sources: An Indian Scenario, Renewable energy and sustainability, and the alternatives and barriers to renewal energy sources. From the policy-making and governance point of view, the study provides areas of concern or barriers to enhancing the use of renewable energy sources.

  • ICT for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): A Case of an Educational Institute
    Vijay Prakash Misra, Punit Kumar Mishra, and Adya Sharma

    Information and communication Technology (ICT) has removed the physical barriers in different sectors, including education. As a result, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) has been gaining significant importance over the years as a means to provide international exposure/ experience to a larger number of students. In planning and executing COIL, it is important to be aware of the challenges it brings along, which are directly related to the degree of diversity between the two institutes. This paper outlines the bottlenecks in COIL and their possible solutions. Thereby making an important contribution by discussing how the COIL bottlenecks (Academic, Cultural, Demographic, Time, and Language – ACDTL) could be overcome by using various ICT tools. The methodology used is the case and experience of a BBA Institute where COIL has become a regular practice. Finally, the paper adds to the literature by developing a general model showing how ICT tools can be leveraged to overcome the ACDTL bottlenecks effectively and lead to a more enhanced COIL experience.

  • Exploring the mental well-being of higher educational institutions students: a bibliometric analysis
    Sonica Rautela, Adya Sharma, and Nehajoan Panackal

    Informa UK Limited

  • Pedagogical Innovation: Integrating MOOCs in Regular Classrooms
    Punit Kumar Mishra, Vijay Prakash Misra, and Adya Sharma

    This paper highlights the pedagogical challenges required to incorporate Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in teaching-learning at the undergraduate level. This paper is based on the focus group study of the students who undertook the MOOCs. Focus group is used with the objective to uncover why students feel and perceive things in a particular manner along with institutional arrangement to make the process smoother. The case lets discussed in the paper provides unique insights into students’ perception of these new pedagogical tools. The summer MOOCs journey highlights the challenges of handling dropouts (MOOC completion rate), the success of decreased specialization switches, and productive engagement. MOOCs embedded in the course (SWAYAM) exposed students to various pedagogical experiences which helped them in concept clarity and understanding. The challenging part was to select relevant courses or units in the course which suits the subject requirement along with making institutional arrangement to facilitate the same. It resulted in students doing multiple online and certification courses.

  • Artificial Intelligence in Education - Emerging Trends, Thematic Analysis & Application in Lifelong Learning
    Vijay Prakash Misra, Punit Kumar Mishra, and Adya Sharma

    There has been a significant rise in the literature published on Artificial Intelligence in Education in recent times. The scope of the literature is vast, with the emergence of some niche themes that have relevance in lifelong learning. This study aims to analyse the emerging trends and themes in Artificial Intelligence in Education and how they may be useful in lifelong learning. The authors use 280 published pieces of literature from the SCOPUS database from 1976 to 2023 and the quantitative analysis tool Biblioshiny to analyse the data collected. The study shows a sudden surge in the literature on Artificial Intelligence in Education in 2016 and a continued rise since 2020. The study shows six clear clusters that emerge: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence in Education, Explartificial Intelligencenable Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Literacy, Teachers and Education Technology. Of these, Explartificial Intelligencenable Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology are niche. Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Teachers are emerging or declining themes. ChatGPT and learning clusters have the potential to become motor themes. Artificial Intelligence in Education has very well-developed basic themes. Artificial Intelligence is the emerging motor theme. The trend topics are also evolving at a very fast pace, given the rate of development in AI. The current trend topics include – Chat GPT, Generative Artificial Intelligence, and Ethics. Finally, the study develops a model to show how AI could be useful and an enabler in lifelong learning.

  • A Bibliometric Analysis of the Intellectual Landscape of Mobile Technology and Higher Education Research
    Nehajoan Panackal, Adya Sharma, and Sonica Rautela

    International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
    Technology has become a crucial part of higher education. Higher education institutions have adapted to embrace technology-enabled classroom practices to meet the rising expectations of a varied student population while continually enhancing their learning experience. Mobile technology in higher education, in particular, has the opportunity to provide access to or improve education at a low cost with a less demanding infrastructure configuration. In the current study, the researchers aimed to better understand the intellectual landscape of mobile technology and higher education through bibliometric analysis of research articles published in the Scopus database. This research included a study of 277 papers published in Scopus-indexed peer-reviewed journals between 2006 and 2023. The citation network, co-citation analysis, and publication patterns were examined to discover influential work in this domain. Bibliometric analysis was used to identify the most notable journals, authors, nations, articles, and topics, followed by thoroughly examining the content of 277 papers in the identified clusters. The four major themes enumerated are—Rise of mobile learning, E-learning—the blended and collaborative way, Mobile Technologies in higher education, and Student Engagement in the times of mobile learning. The paper provides interesting insights into these emerging themes, the study will assist regulators, policymakers, and academic scholars in understanding the fundamentals of mobile technology and higher education and identifying pertinent topics for further research.

  • Modeling and analysis of barriers to ethics in online assessment by TISM and fuzzy MICMAC analysis
    Sonica Rautela, Nehajoan Panackal, and Adya Sharma

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Modeling the Enablers and Barriers to Effective E-learning: A TISM Approach
    Nehajoan Panackal, Sonica Rautela, and Adya Sharma

    International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
 Abstract: The drastic change in the technological environment has transformed the entire world including the education sector which was and is largely dominated by classroom teaching. In the last decade, a new entrant in the education sector has been e-learning. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutes to look at e-learning as a path to continue the learning process. The present paper aims to propose a model highlighting the enablers that encourage the smooth and effective delivery of e-learning process and highlight the barriers that cause hurdles in the effective delivery of e-learning. The researchers have followed the Total Interpretive Structural Modelling and Fuzzy Matriced’ Impacts Croise's Multiplication Appliquée a UN Classement (MICMAC) analysis approach of extant literature review, expert opinion and multiple iterations to arrive at the proposed model. The findings of the present research study show the linkages between the identified enablers: institutional culture, institutional capability and support, flexibility in the teaching-learning process, e-readiness, motivation, knowledge management practices, and technology. Knowledge management practices that include practices of capturing knowledge and sharing knowledge have emerged as the most significant enabler of e-learning. The model on barriers to e-learning shows the relationship between lack of required skills, lack of access to technology, quality concerns, time as a barrier, learner engagement as barriers to effective e-learning. Modelling of enablers and barriers and effective e-learning is a less explored area, particularly in the Indian context with special emphasis on the pandemic. The study was carried out to address this research gap.

  • A healthier India: Making the POSHAN Abhiyaan a Jan Andolan
    Vijay Prakash Misra, Adya Sharma, and Sonica Rautela

    Tata Institute of Social Sciences TISS
    India’s growing identification as a super economic power is in stark contrast to her severe levels of malnutrition. Although the government has introduced several schemes through the years to fight and control malnutrition, the schemes have failed to realise their objectives. The Government of India has now launched the National Nutrition Mission or POSHAN Abhiyaan---one of the most ambitious schemes till date. While the article critically analyses the gaps in the implementation of the earlier schemes, it provides an overview of the POSHAN Abhiyaan and argues that among the four pillars identified for its success, the Jan Andolan or mass movement is crucial for its success. The article further proposes a conceptual model for strengthening the Jan Andolan.

  • Social infrastructure needs: Financing through digital platform
    Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
    Infrastructure funding needs are demanding like spouse where it’s difficult to match demand with supply. This gap which is way too wide as India needs investment of ₹50 trillion (~US$ 777.73 billion) in infrastructure by 2022to have sustainable development in the country; union budget 2018-19 allocated ₹4.56 lakh crore (~US$ 63.20 billion) for the sector [1]; also, investment into the National Investment & Infrastructure Fund (NIIF), Private equity and venture capital investments and various M&A deal in the infrastructure sector are also witnessed. Nevertheless, this is less than required and by the time funds are raised for new infrastructure, somewhere other existing infrastructure may be in need of upgrade; in essence, need of continuous and sustainable fund flow is need of the hour. However, when infrastructure funding is done,economic infrastructuregets default priority over social infrastructure. We find that plenty of funds which are available with individuals and companies are not utilized just because we don’t have a convenient and efficient channel to route funds to specific projects. We analyse social infrastructure financing and limitations of financing capabilities, how alternative funding methods like crowdfunding can help in narrowing the funding gap. This paper talks about current financing practices and how a digital platform canact as aggregator and can capture community crowdfunding market which is still in nascent stage in India, transaction value in the Crowdfunding segment of India is meagre US$1.7m in 2019 in comparison to China (US$5,572m in 2019)[2]. Also, it can channelize India Inc’s unspent Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) amount which stood at almost 60k crore in duration of FY15-18; mostly due to inability to identify project to spend [3]. This platform can be promising and support in continuous and hassle-free flow of funds to the major/minor projects. Moreover, India is gearing up for smart cities and rapid urbanization and it’s a sane thing to seek solutions before the issues arrive. This paper contributes by conceptualizing first of its kind ‘aggregator model of crowdfunding’ for social infrastructure

  • Spirituality and social media: Connecting the dots
    Sonica Rautela and Adya Sharma

    International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
    Spirituality has gained the interest of all generations in the past few years. The concept of spirituality is very old but its popularity in the last few decades is worth noticing. Today spirituality is making inroads in different sectors like health sector, education, working culture etc. Social media on the other hand is a relatively new phenomenon which has changed the world forever. The impact and reach of social media is the maximum among all media tools. With the increased use of smart phone and other interactive technologies social media usage has grown with huge leaps and bounds.  The paper tries to find a link to connect the old with new in search of a principled life as advocated by spirituality. The paper explores the journey of Spirituality and its usefulness in current context. The paper then traces the rise and impact of social media. The paper concludes by proposing a conceptual model that depicts use of social media to educate about spirituality. The integrative approach identifies the positive aspects of social media to reach out to people.

  • Spirituality and modern day life: A conceptual model
    Adya Sharma

    School of Management Sciences, Varanas
    Business environment is hyper-competitive, and constantly changing. To succeed in this environment there is very pronounced need for a lifelong learning. To stay relevant and proactive, executives up and down the corporate hierarchy as well as business owners and all types of professionals are increasingly recognising the need to refine, update and expand their knowledge, perspectives, and skills. Today all top class owners and professionals have a desire to stay at the top of the game to effectively compete in the global business space

  • Developing a conceptual framework on ecopreneurs and sustainability using ISM and MICMAC methodology

  • Understanding the youngsters' buying behavior in e-retail: A conceptual framework
    Archana Singh, Nehajoan Panackal, Ravi Teja Bommireddipalli, and Adya Sharma

    Associated Management Consultants, PVT., Ltd.
    Purpose : India being the youngest country in the world, youngsters comprise of a significant share of sales for marketers. Youngsters are tech savvy and are the radar of every marketer in India. The purpose of this paper was to understand the influence of digital media on youngsters' buying behavior in retail. To address this gap, this paper developed a theoretical framework and the factors identified are grounded in literature review. Design/Methodology/Approach : To the researchers, this study highlights the important variables which have been arrived at on the basis of systematic literature review. The factors were listed through literature review and then, a qualitative and interpretive tool, ISM was applied. Originality : Our study is unique and innovative as we have focused on exploring the different effects of the relationship youngsters have with buying behavior and e - retail. The framework proposed in this paper can be utilized to develop marketing strategies to target young consumers. In the Indian context, this is a good study done for targeting Indian youth by Indian marketers in the retail sector. Findings : The youth quotient and digital media emerged as the most important factor, followed by consumerism. Interrelations otherwise not easily observable established their prominence. An important fact that evolved is that almost all the factors had interdependence and were in coherence. Limitations : The research limits itself to a conceptual understanding of buying behavior amongst youngsters for online shopping; however, it does not show the results at a microscopic level. It is inclusive of factors at the macro level. The outcome is based on intense literature review. Directions for Further Research : The present study needs to be further investigated under the light of market dimensions and issues. The model developed can be empirically validated by utilizing the conceptual framework.

  • A study of environmental factors affecting industrial sustainability using ISM and MICMAC methodology

  • Family communication patterns and children's influence on purchase decisions
    Adya Sharma and Vandana Sonwaney

    Associated Management Consultants, PVT., Ltd.
    Traditionally, children were not viewed as consumers. They were perceived as learners who learnt from various socialization agents how to become consumers. The social, cultural, and economic changes in the past few decades have redefined the role of children in family purchase decisions. Children's influence on purchase decisions has been acknowledged by the research fraternity. The paper specifically explored the effect of family communication patterns on children's influence on purchase decisions. Through hierarchical regression, empirical findings were presented.

  • Exploring the role of family communication and brand awareness in understanding the influence of child on purchase decisions: Scale development and validation
    Adya Sharma and Vandana Sonwaney

    Inderscience Publishers
    Understanding children's influence in purchase decisions is an area in need of further research especially in Indian context. To address this need, this research proposes a theoretical model with focus on family communication, brand awareness and demographic variables as important factors which affect the influence of children. The research further develops scales to measure family communication, brand awareness and to measure child's influence. These scales are developed through literature review, focus groups, in-depth interviews and surveys of 329 pair of mother and child. The scales are shown to demonstrate adequate internal consistency, construct validity and discriminant validity. Segregation of the child's influence with respect to different product category is the unique contribution of this study. In total six scales have been developed and validated. Future research suggestions and limitations are also discussed.

  • Marketing to senior consumers (West and india): A review


  • Insights into customer engagement in a mobile app context: review and research agenda
    S Sharma, A Sharma
    Cogent Business & Management 11 (1), 2382922 2024

  • Exploring the mental well-being of higher educational institutions students: a bibliometric analysis
    S Rautela, A Sharma, N Panackal
    Cogent Education 11 (1), 2343522 2024

  • A bibliometric investigation into the intellectual milieu of research on consumer socialization of children
    N Panackal, A Sharma, S Rautela
    Cogent Business & Management 11 (1), 2333292 2024

  • Research in Leadership and Sustainability Development Goals Through the Lens of Bibliometric Analysis
    S Rautela, N Panackal, A Sharma
    Responsible Corporate Leadership Towards Attainment of Sustainable 2024

  • Tracing the Research Journey of Renewable Energy in India
    A Sharma, S Rautela, N Panackal
    2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Green and 2024

  • Hypothesizing the enablers of the gig economy: A tism and micmac approach
    N Panackal, S Rautela, A Sharma
    Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management 17 (7), 23-41 2024

  • Unlocking imagination, healing hearts: a comprehensive study of more than 70 years of bibliotherapy for children
    A Sharma, N Panackal, S Rautela
    Journal of Poetry Therapy, 1-13 2024

  • Integrated healthcare system in India: a conceptual framework
    S Rautela, N Panackal, A Sharma
    Journal of Integrated Care 2024

  • ICT for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): A Case of an Educational Institute
    VP Misra, PK Mishra, A Sharma
    2024 11th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global 2024

  • Artificial Intelligence in Education–Emerging Trends, Thematic Analysis & Application in Lifelong Learning
    VP Misra, PK Mishra, A Sharma
    2023 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering 2023

  • Tracing the Four-Decade Journey of Research in Ethics and Higher Education- A Bibliometric Analysis
    A Sharma, N Panackal, S Rautela

  • Pedagogical Innovation: Integrating MOOCs in Regular Classrooms
    PK Mishra, VP Misra, A Sharma
    2023 XIII International Conference on Virtual Campus (JICV), 1-4 2023

  • Changes and Current Trends in Higher Education in Management and Allied Disciplines: A Bibliometric Study
    Sharmiladevi, NH Khandelwal, PKM Mishra, IJ Dutt, SHA Raees, ...

  • Changes and Current Trends in Higher Education in Management and Allied Disciplines: A Bibliometric Study
    JC Sharmiladevi, NK Khandelwal, PK Mishra, I Dutt, S Raees, AR Mathur, ...
    International Journal of Educational Sciences 42 (1-3), 6-20 2023

  • Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): A Study of Enablers Using Total Interpretive Structural Modelling and MICMAC Analysis
    S Rautela, A Sharma, N Panackal

  • Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): A Study of Enablers Using Total Interpretive Structural Modelling and MICMAC Analysis
    N Panackal, A Sharma, S Rautela

  • A Bibliometric Analysis of the Intellectual Landscape of Mobile Technology and Higher Education Research
    N Panackal, A Sharma, S Rautela
    International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 17 (22), 4-25 2023

  • Modeling and analysis of barriers to ethics in online assessment by TISM and fuzzy MICMAC analysis
    S Rautela, N Panackal, A Sharma
    Asian Journal of business ethics, 10.1007/s13520-022-00158-x 2022

  • Creating Education 4.0: A Summative Perspective
    A Sharma, N Panackal, S Rautela
    International Journal of Educational Sciences 38 (1-3), 39-54 2022

  • Modeling the Enablers and Barriers to Effective E-learning: A TISM Approach.
    N Panackal, S Rautela, A Sharma
    Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 16 (8), 138-164 2022


  • Theoretical modeling of influence of children on family purchase decision making
    A Sharma, V Sonwaney
    Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 133, 38-46 2014
    Citations: 96

  • Role of family in consumer socialization of children: Literature review
    A Sharma
    Researchers World 2 (3), 161 2011
    Citations: 44

  • Influence of Children on Family Purchase Decisions in Urban India: An Exploratory Study.
    A Sharma, V Sonwaney
    International Journal of Marketing & Business Communication 2 (2) 2013
    Citations: 19

  • Spirituality and Social Media: connecting the dots
    R Sonica, A Sharma
    International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 13 (09), 81-98 2019
    Citations: 18

  • Exploring the role of family communication and brand awareness in understanding the influence of child on purchase decisions: scale development and validation
    A Sharma, V Sonwaney
    International Journal of Business Excellence 8 (6), 748-766 2015
    Citations: 16

  • Modeling the Enablers and Barriers to Effective E-learning: A TISM Approach.
    N Panackal, S Rautela, A Sharma
    Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 16 (8), 138-164 2022
    Citations: 12

  • Developing a Conceptual Framework on Ecopreneurs and Sustainability Using ISM and MICMAC Methodology
    N Panackal, A Singh, A Sharma
    Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 15 (4), 1321-1327 2016
    Citations: 11

  • A Bibliometric Analysis of the Intellectual Landscape of Mobile Technology and Higher Education Research
    N Panackal, A Sharma, S Rautela
    International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 17 (22), 4-25 2023
    Citations: 10

  • Modeling and analysis of barriers to ethics in online assessment by TISM and fuzzy MICMAC analysis
    S Rautela, N Panackal, A Sharma
    Asian Journal of business ethics, 10.1007/s13520-022-00158-x 2022
    Citations: 9

  • Role and influence of children in buying children's apparel
    A Sharma
    Indian Journal of marketing 39 (7), 42-46 2009
    Citations: 9

  • Understanding Youngsters’ Buying Behavior in E-Retail : A Conceptual Framework
    A Sharma, A Singh, N Panackal, RT Bommireddipalli
    Indian journal of Marketing 46 (10), 53-62 2016
    Citations: 8

  • Learning and consumer socialisation in children
    A Sharma
    Young Consumer Behaviour A Research Companion, 37-58 2018
    Citations: 7

  • Collaborative online international learning (Coil) in teaching-learning: Bridging the student mobility gap in internationalization of higher education
    VP Misra, S Rautela, A Sharma, P Mishra
    International Journal of Modern Agriculture 9 (3), 1250-1266 2020
    Citations: 6

  • Family Communication Patterns and Children's Influence on Purchase Decisions
    A Sharma, V Sonwaney
    Indian Journal of Marketing 45 (10), 7-22 2015
    Citations: 6

  • Exploring the Changing Role of Children as Consumers in India
    A Sharma
    Handbook of Research on Consumerism and Buying Behavior in Developing 2016
    Citations: 5

  • Artificial Intelligence in Education–Emerging Trends, Thematic Analysis & Application in Lifelong Learning
    VP Misra, PK Mishra, A Sharma
    2023 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering 2023
    Citations: 4

  • A Healthier India: Making the POSHAN Abhiyaan a Jan Andolan
    VP Misra, A Sharma, S Rautela
    The Indian Journal of Social Work 81 (2), 187-204 2020
    Citations: 4

  • Marketing Techniques for Financial Inclusion and Development
    D Jain, A Sharma
    IGI Global 2018
    Citations: 4

  • The Relationship Between Perceived Ad Morality and Behavioral Intentions Exploring the Mediation Effect : Indian Women's Perspective Using Structural Equation Modeling
    R Kazi, A Singh, A Sharma
    Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management 11 (3), 7-23 2018
    Citations: 4

  • Role of children in purchase of technical products
    A Sharma, A Singh, N Panackal
    Researcher's World- Journal of Arts,Science and Commerce 7 (4(1)) 2016
    Citations: rchase of technical products