Afrim Krasniqi

Institute of History / Albanian Academy of Sciences
Institute of History and Institute for Political Studies


Afrim Krasniqi is a Professor and researcher on contemporary history (Institute of History), and executive Director of the Albanian Institute for Political Studies (IPS). Professor Krasniqi earned his Doctorate title from the University of Tirana, defending the thesis “South Eastern Europe in the post-communist period: Analysis of political and governmental systems”. He holds a master’s degree from Viadrina University (Frankfurt, Oder, Germany). He worked as a political adviser to the office of two Albanian presidents, and appears as a columnist and political commentator on different media platforms in Albania and in the region. Furthermore, he has published many monographs, books, studies, and articles about political systems, party politics, civil society, elections, and democracy in Albania and South Eastern European (SEE) countries.


History, Law, Social Sciences, Political Science and International Relations


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

    Dorina Bërdufi and Afrim Krasniqi

    Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, Institute for Research and European Studies - Bitola

  • Albania
    Afrim Krasniqi

    Springer International Publishing

  • Immigrant's vote? A postponed challenge for Albania
    Afrim Krasniqi

    Richtmann Publishing
    Even though Albania is one of the smallest European countries, it has one of the highest rates of emigration. It is among the few countries that have not yet implemented the participation of emigrants abroad in political elections. The study analyzes the problems of the case of Albania, the features of emigration and the political behavior with the regard to it, the constitutional and legal rapports, as well as the contrast between the international commitments of Albania, the expectations of emigrants themselves, the electoral promises of the parties, and the fragile practical achievements. My paper argues that due to the significant importance that emigration has with regard to the total number of population, the regional and global trend of granting emigrants the voting right, and the need of the political system for expansion, competition, inflows of ideas and energy, Albania has to make an immediate, stable and effective choice for involving all emigrants in political decision making.

  • The electoral systems in SEE countries: From experiments to consolidation
    Afrim Krasniqi

    Richtmann Publishing
    This study analyzes the performance of the electoral systems in South Eastern European countries during the last two decades. It will argue that no other European region has experimented more with electoral systems than the SEE region. This has happened for many reasons: the lack of democratic experience, the nature of the new authoritarian regimes, the political interests of major parties and ethnical composition. Periodic changes that are made to the electoral systems are reflected by changes in the political systems. Countries where electoral systems have had more stability are those that have also had the most stable democracy levels.The study discusses the progress of the electoral process in each of the South Eastern European Country. It analyzes the features, common indicators, external and internal influences, as well as the formulas for translating votes into seats. The current study shows the tendency of regional countries to shift from the majoritarian electoral systems, introduced at first, to proportional electoral systems, as well as the new trends of specific formulas used to represent the ethnic communities and groups of citizens living abroad. While in the early 90’s the electoral system had the tendency towards new political inflows, current tendencies are opposite. The traditional parties have a tendency to control the political representation system, while the new political inflows demanding political representation face obvious difficulties.


  • Shqipria 1990-1991: Ndikimi i miteve dhe i teorive n shpjegimin e ndryshimit politik
    A Krasniqi
    Historia dhe historiografia: Refleksione mbi shqiprin e viteve 1945-1990 2023

  • Albania's Parliamentary Administration
    A Krasniqi
    The Routledge Handbook of Parliamentary Administrations, 463-475 2023

  • Kosovo and Albania, a Special Relationship: Retrospectives and Challenges Toward the Future
    A Krasniqi
    Kosovo’s Foreign Policy and Bilateral Relations, 55-75 2023

  • Three Decades Later: A Summary of Albania's Transition
    A Krasniqi
    Studime Historike 2022

  • Democracy state and autocratization features in the Republic of Albania
    D Brdufi, A Krasniqi
    Journal of Liberty and International Affairs 8 (3), 34-46 2022

  • Sistemi qeveriss dhe aspekte t prfaqsimit politik 1945-1990
    A Krasniqi
    Shteti dhe shoqria n Shqiprin komuniste 1945-1990/State and society in 2022

  • Kriza e t djathts 1991-2021-Speciale (Newsbomb. al)
    A Krasniqi
    Newsbomb, 30-35 2022

  • Parlamentarizmi n tranzicion dhe mitet e prfaqsimit: rasti i Shqipris pas 1990
    A Krasniqi
    Parlamentarizmi shqiptar ndr vite 2021

  • Impact on Democracy of Emergency Measures Against Covid-19: The Case of Albania
    A Krasniqi
    ISLRev 8, 28 2021

  • Kriza e Ambasadave: Shqipria n vitin 1990
    A Krasniqi
    Instituti i Historis/ASA (Tiran: Kristalina-KH, 2021) 2020

  • Thirty Years of Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe: Albania
    A Krasniqi
    Thirty Years of Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe, 179-197 2020

  • Evoluimi i qndrimeve t partive politike n Shqipri ndaj rezistencs n Kosov dhe ndikimi n to i ngjarjeve t vitit 1998
    A Krasniqi
    Jasharajt dhe lufta lirimtare, Prishtin, 223-248 2020

  • Lvizja studentore e Prishtins: vlersimi dhe ndikimi i saj n Shqipri
    A Krasniqi
    BULETINI, 7-22 2020

  • Parlamenti n tranzicion, bilanci dhe problematika t aktivitetit prfaqsues
    A Krasniqi
    100 vjet parlamentarizm shqiptar 1 (1), 95-114 2020

  • What Kind Of Democracy? Which Kind Of Pluralism? Comparing President Ramiz Alia’s Meetings With The Intellectuals And With The Student Representation
    A Krasniqi
    The End of Communist Rule in Albania, 208-226 2019

  • Parliamentary Boycotts in the Western Balkans: Case study: Albania
    A Krasniqi
    Parliamentary Boycotts in the Western Balkans 1, 7-30 2019

  • Tregimi i (pa) plot mbi pavarsin: rishkrimi i historis dhe sjellja shtetrore
    A Krasniqi
    Studime Historike/Historical Studies 2019

  • Byroja Politike n pluralizm, vendimmarrjet dhe aktiviteti gjat periudhs dhjetor 1990–qershor 1991
    A Krasniqi
    Studime Historike/Historical Studies 2019

  • Everybody pro and against communism: paradoxes in the change of the political system and attitudes towards communism (1990–1992)
    A Krasniqi
    Between Apathy and Nostalgia. Private and Public Recollections of Communism 2019

  • Albania: Thirty Years of Political Campaigning
    A Krasniqi
    Thirty Years of Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe, 179-197 2019


  • Zgjedhjet n Shqipri (1991-2008) / Elections in Albania (1991-2008)
    A Krasniqi
    Konica Color 2009
    Citations: 374

  • Partite politike ne Shqiperi 1920-2006 / Political Parties in Albania (1920-2006)
    A Krasniqi
    Historia dhe tiparet e partive, parlamenteve dhe te zhvillimeve politike 2006
    Citations: 162

  • Shoqria civile n Shqipri: historia e lindjes, zhvillimit dhe sfidat e saj
    A Krasniqi
    GEER 2004
    Citations: 49

  • Sistemet politike n Shqipri 1912-2008 / Political Systems in Albania 1912-2008
    A Krasniqi
    Politische Sisteme in Albanien) AIPS, Tiran, 390 2009
    Citations: 42

  • Rnia e demokracis: Shqipria n muajt janar-qershor 1997: publicistik, politik
    A Krasniqi
    EurRilindja 1997
    Citations: 31

  • Demokracia e brendshme n partit politike shqiptare / Internal democracy in Albanian political parties
    A Krasniqi, A Hackaj
    Friedrich-Erbert–Stiftung, 160 2013
    Citations: 23

  • The Presidentialisation of Political Parties in Albania: Parliamentary Constraints
    A Krasniqi
    The Presidentialisation of Political Parties in the Western Balkans, 169-192 2019
    Citations: 22

  • Midis dy dekadave: Media dhe partit n fushata elektorale
    A Krasniqi
    Studimi-Midis-dy-dekadave-Media-dhepartit% C3% AB, Link: http://politike. al 2016
    Citations: 16

  • Albania: Thirty Years of Political Campaigning
    A Krasniqi
    Thirty Years of Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe, 179-197 2019
    Citations: 14

  • What Kind Of Democracy? Which Kind Of Pluralism? Comparing President Ramiz Alia’s Meetings With The Intellectuals And With The Student Representation
    A Krasniqi
    The End of Communist Rule in Albania, 208-226 2019
    Citations: 13

  • Sjellja zgjedhore dhe identifikimi i vots n Shqipri
    A Krasniqi
    Konica, Tiran 2012
    Citations: 12

  • Albania's Parliamentary Administration
    A Krasniqi
    The Routledge Handbook of Parliamentary Administrations, 463-475 2023
    Citations: 10

  • Partite politike dhe sistemet politike: historia, roli, organizimi, modelet dhe tiparet e partive dhe sistemeve politike
    A Krasniqi
    Ilar 2008
    Citations: 10

  • Fundi i siberis shqiptare: lvizja studentore: dhjetor 1990 dhe shkurt 1991
    A Krasniqi
    Albin 1998
    Citations: 10

  • Kosovo and Albania, a Special Relationship: Retrospectives and Challenges Toward the Future
    A Krasniqi
    Kosovo’s Foreign Policy and Bilateral Relations, 55-75 2023
    Citations: 8

  • Organization of parties and internal democracy of political parties in Albania
    A Krasniqi
    Citations: 5

  • Control through fear–the enemy at the gates: the case of Albania
    A Krasniqi
    Remembrance and solidarity 1 (6), 85-102 2018
    Citations: 4

  • Indoktrinimi komunist prmes kulturs, letrsis dhe artit:(dokumente historike)
    B Meta, A Krasniqi, H Bello
    Emal 2018
    Citations: 4

  • The Political Parties of Albania and Europe (Les Parties Politiques d'Albanie et d'Europe)
    A Krasniqi
    European Integration and new Anti-Europeanism 3, 131-147 2017
    Citations: 4

  • (Mbi) pushteti i partive: marrveshjet politike 1990-2007
    A Krasniqi 2008
    Citations: 4