Geography Departement / Social Science Faculty
Universitas Negeri Padang
1.Urban and Regional Geography
2.Geography Education
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
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Eggy Arya Giofandi, Iswandi Umar, Triyatno Triyatno, Ahyuni Ahyuni, Dhanu Sekarjati, Yuska Nelva Sari, and Cipta Estri Sekarrini
University of Craiova
Dengue fever is frequently considered a common fever, and this misconception carries the highest risk of fatality. Dengue haemorrhagic fever is still one of Riau Province's unsolved diseases. This is one of the reasons why this study is necessary to identify prospective mosquito environmental zones with major significance for understanding epidemic transmission in the Pekanbaru City area. The bivariate statistical approach was employed in this research. The aim is to link environmental physical factors to data on the occurrence of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Pekanbaru City. The area under the curve for the correlation between the environment and the distribution of dengue haemorrhagic fever was 0.76 for the rainfall parameter, with 0.68 for the area under the curve derived from the air humidity parameter. The establishment of six environmental indicators resulted in a weight of evidence value of 10,467 to -35,693 for the mosquito's environmental potential. Meanwhile, the most favourable potential zone, which encompasses 5,935 ha, accounts for 9.18% of the overall area. Areas with the highest risk of spreading Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were found around the city center, both residential and office areas. The risk of dengue haemorrhagic fever transmission in this zone is higher than in the other three zones. By taking earlier events into account, this knowledge can be one of the early preventions in understanding the environmental structure of the Aedes aegypti mosquito habitat.
Ahyuni, Indah Purwati, Hamdi Nur, Bigharta Bekti Susetyo, and Endah Purwaningsih
IOP Publishing
Abstract Many ways are done to determine the area of the possibility of landslides based on the factors causing it, which groupings start from a simple (heuristic), statistical to deterministic way. Especially for statistical methods, it is still divided into various statistical methods, one of which is using the logistic regression method. This study aims to use logistic regression to determine the landslide hazardous area in Lima Puluh Kota Regency with landslide events as the dependent variable and landslide occurrence factors as independent variables. The study resulted in areas with high, medium, and low hazard. Thus, the resulting map can be used as a guide for an accuracy scale of 50,000.
Ahyuni, Bigharta Bekti Susetyo, Endah Purwaningsih, Hamdi Nur, Fadhilla Oktari, and Indah Purwati
IOP Publishing
Abstract Spatial plan is a reference in spatial development in Indonesia. One of the information displayed is landslides susceptibility area. Lima puluh kota regency in province of West Sumatra, which is located in the Bukit Barisan mountains, is a landslide-prone area, so that the regional spatial plan (RTRW) document contains a map of landslide susceptibility areas. This study evaluates the accuracy of the landslide susceptibility map contained in the regional spatial plan with landslide events in the regency until 2021, using the overlay method and then examining with the characteristics that affect it. The results of the study show that not all landslide events are in the locations indicated on the map in the spatial plan. It is necessary to improve the information on the landslide susceptibility map on a regional scale which has been based on the InaRisk map published by the BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency) on a small scale. In order to be more accurate with the causal factors, it is needed to improve the method of landslide susceptibility maps at the regional level. The methods that have been heuristic in nature need to be improved with statistical methods.
Ahyuni - Ahyuni, Bigharta Bekti Susetyo, Isra Haryati Diva, Zakiyah Mar’ah, Hamdi Nur, Adenan Yandra Nofrizal, and Azwirda Aziz
Penerbit UTM Press
Landslide susceptibility zonation is necessary to be considered in land use planning at various scales., different approaches and analytical methods can be used to evaluate and zone the area and processed with GIS software. However, there are constraints in its use, such as the cost of the licenses of software and source code that cannot be accessed and evaluated by users. The recent development of open-source software that can integrate data, analysis, and graphs in a representation such as the R program, has opened up opportunities for researchers to reevaluate and modify interpretation further from available ones to address issues. In this regard, this study aims to create functions in R using the Weight of Evidence (WoE) method, a form of bivariate statistic approach to acquire the significant factors controlling landslides and generate a susceptibility map. The case study is located in Limapuluh Kota Regency, West Sumatra Province of Indonesia, a hilly and mountainous region where its districts are prone to landslides. Eight of eleven factors such as geology, landform, land cover, elevation, density of vegetation greenness, slope, rainfall intensity, and proximity to stream were regarded to control landslides which set up four classes of landslide susceptibility zone (very low, low, moderate, and high).
Ahyuni, B B Susetyo, F Oktari, A Karim, A M Putriana, and H Nur
IOP Publishing
Abstract Regarding disasters, West Sumatra Province have multi-hazard risks. Lima Puluh Kota Regency as a part of the region was frequently hit by floods, landslides, and tornadoes. Especially, almost all of its districts are prone to landslides. The purpose of this study is to analyse the significant factors influencing or controlling landslides in susceptible areas. Eleven natural and human-related factors were supposed to influence were analyzed. This study used bivariate statistical analysis with weight of evidence (WOE) method. The 142 land slides points occurrence from 2015 to 2020 had collected from historical records and field survey. Data divided into 83 train and 59 test data set. The results show there are eight factors that influences landslide occurrence: geology condition, landform, land cover, elevation, density of vegetation greenness, slope, rainfall intensity, and proximity to stream. The other three factors such as soil type, curvature of the slope, and aspect of slope were not taken into account because they are not considered to have a significant influence on landslides.
Muhammad Hanif, Rizki Atthoriq Hidayat, Giant Amor, Luhur Moekti Prayogo, Ahyuni, and Arie Yulfa
Springer Nature Singapore
Ahyuni Ahyuni
International Journal of Geomate
West Sumatra Province has many small cities considered by population size as well as their built-up area. In these cities, a vast paddy field landscape still exists as a prominent characteristic. However, there are varied patterns of built-up area change among the cities. This paper examines the patterns of changes over the past 13 years from 2005 to 2018 using spatial metrics method. The measurements consist of the number of patches, patch density, mean patch size, and Urban Sprawl Index. Patterns of built-up area change generated by combining such measurements. It is found that the relationship between spatial geometry measures and growth rate measure is weak. Therefore, the study suggests identifying trends and comparisons among cities with the same characteristics to interpret spatial metrics method appropriately. The study also shows three types of built-up area change: (a) infilling with low-density development, (b) edge expansion with low-density development, and (c) edge expansion with scattered/leapfrogging development. The development of cities in the first and second types had a compact pattern, while the third tended to develop fragmented.
Yurni Suasti
International Journal of Geomate
The objectives to be achieved through this study are to 1) Analyze the limitations of land for the cultivation of regencies and cities in West Sumatra Province; 2) Model regional typologies based on indicators growth of population with limited district and city land in West Sumatra Province; and 3) Attract the implications of the typology of the region on population policies in West Sumatra. This study uses descriptive analytical methods and the nature of this research is explained which aims to test various indicators in the study. From the results of the study, it was explained that the high rate of growth population was caused by the high fertility rate in West Sumatra as a result of the pressure on the land or the reduced land index. The existence of pressure on the land and a low land index (insufficient) will have an impact on the ratio of the number of poor people in the regency/city in West Sumatra as happened in Solok city, Bukittinggi city, Padang Panjang city and Payakumbuh city. The implication of population policy for the city of Sawahlunto and Pariaman is how to maintain low population growth, while other cities how to reduce the rate of population growth.