Akhilesh Pandey


Asst Professor
Uttaranchal University




Computer Engineering, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Ethics in the era of Intelligent Machines: Legal Perspective and Regulatory Implications
    Divya Rawat, Divya Rawat, Amaarjeet Rawat, Akhilesh Pandey, Gautam Chauhan, and Srinivas Aluvala

    This research article explores the legal and ethical challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI). The authors examine the current state of AI regulations and highlight the need for clear ethical guidelines for its deployment. The article evaluates the potential for AI to infringe upon privacy rights and raises questions about the accountability of AI systems for their actions. It also discusses the role of international organizations in establishing ethical standards for AI. The authors argue that the development and deployment of AI must be guided by ethical principles, such as transparency, fairness, and accountability. They emphasize the need for a balanced approach that balances the benefits of AI with the need to protect human rights and dignity. The paper suggests that the establishment of ethical guidelines for AI will require the cooperation of governments, industry, and civil society. In conclusion, this research article provides an overview of the legal and ethical challenges posed by AI and highlights the need for clear guidelines for its responsible use. The authors suggest that international organizations should play a role in establishing ethical standards for AI deployment and emphasize the importance of continued research and debate on this important issue.

  • Designing a better food system in India: A Design Thinking Approach
    Akhilesh Pandey, Sameer Dev Sharma, Ankita Rawat, Divya Dalakoti, and Gotte Ranjith Kumar

    Climate change, biodiversity loss, soil degradation, water scarcity, and food insecurity are just a few of the issues threatening India's food system's sustainability. We require a more sustainable approach to food production and consumption in order to address these issues. We can influence lasting change in the food system by using the method to problem-solving known as "design thinking." This research paper aims to explore how design thinking can be used to design a better food system in India. We conducted a literature review of relevant studies, reports, and case studies and analyzed the findings to identify common themes and best practices. Our analysis revealed that design thinking can be used to design a better food system in India in several ways, including user-entered design, cross-sector collaboration, innovation and experimentation, and systems thinking. We present a case study of a design thinking approach to addressing food waste in India and discuss the implications and potential of design thinking for designing a better food system in India.

  • Deep Learning based Automated Image Deblurring
    Ch.M. Shruthi, Vemullapalli Ramachandra Anirudh, Palla Bhargava Rao, Birru Shiva Shankar, and Akhilesh Pandey

    EDP Sciences
    Image deblurring is a challenging task that aims to restore a sharp and clear image from a blurred one. This problem is usually caused by camera motion or defocus blur. The objective of this paper is to develop a model that can effectively remove Gaussian blur from an image and improve its quality using deep learning techniques. Automated image deblurring is achieved using deep learning, this approach involves implementing a combination of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and simple auto encoders to train the model on a dataset of blurred and corresponding sharp images. The model is then used to deblur the test images and improve their quality. The paper uses a dataset of blurred and corresponding sharp images to train the model, and the performance of the model is evaluated based on metrics such as PSNR and SSIM. The results and discussions focus on the effectiveness of the model in removing Gaussian blur and improving the quality of the images. In conclusion, the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of using deep learning techniques for image deblurring and provides scope for future enhancements such as incorporating more complex models and exploring other types of blur removal techniques.

  • Performance analysis of Ternary Adder and Ternary Multiplier without using Encoders and Decoders
    Venkataiah C., Mallikarjuna Rao Y., Manjula Jayamma, Linga Murthy M.K., Mahesh Kumar M., Laith H. Alzubaidi, and Akhilesh Pandey

    EDP Sciences
    This work presents comparison of ternary combinational digital circuits that reduce energy consumption in low-power VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) design. CNTFET and GNRFET-based ternary half adder (THA) and multiplier (TMUL) circuits has been designed using ternary unary operator circuits at 32nm technology node and implement two power supplies Vdd and Vdd/2 without using any ternary decoders, basic logic gates, or encoders to minimize the number of used transistors and improve the energy efficiency. The effect of CNTFET and GNRFET parametric variation with threshold voltage on performance metrics namely delay and power has been analyzed. Dependence of threshold voltage on the geometry of carbon nanotube and graphene nanoribbon makes it feasible to be used for ternary logic design. It is analyzed that CNTFET based circuits are energy efficient than the GNRFET- based circuits. It is also concluded that the CNTFET-based circuitshas less power-delay product (PDP) when compared to GNRFET- based circuits. CNTFET-based THA is 23.5% more efficient than GNRFET-based THA and CNTFET-based Tmul is97.8% more efficient than GNRFET-based Tmul.All the digital circuits have been simulated using HSPICE tool.

  • Prediction and Analysis of Various Cyber Attack Models in Cyber Physical System in Virtual Environment
    Chiranjit Dutta, M Maheswari, K G Saravanan, Navdeep Dhaliwal, Akhilesh Pandey, and S Sophia

    The Cyber Physical System (CPS) is referred as the amalgamation of physical system with control system mechanisms. CPS is largely used in versatile process from automation, controlling and monitoring process. This is the process of converting the physical system into a digital platform through sensing, data storage and monitoring process. Due to the advancement in the Internet of Things (IoT), the cyber security has become a complex parameter. Thus they need to be considered. To overcome the constraints, the machine learning is implemented to provide security concerns for the cyber physical systems. The machine learning provides a platform for the intrusion detection system. The machine learning helps in the classification and detection of the cyber-attacks. This is done through the optimization techniques, which helps to provide the solution for reducing the complexity. The internet of system paved way for the sensing, control, monitoring and communication of information. The attacks in the networking system are identified through the machine learning that enable smart applications in diverse fields.

  • Enhancing QoS of Network Traffic Based on 5G Wireless Networking Using Machine Learning Approaches
    Shivani Saini, Sharvan Kumar Garg, Pankaj Pratap Singh, Arif Ali, and Akhilesh Pandey

    Springer Nature Switzerland

  • Paddy leaf diseases recognition and classification using PCA and BFO-DNN algorithm by image processing
    Aakrati Nigam, Avdhesh Kumar Tiwari, and Akhilesh Pandey

    Elsevier BV


    DNR Akhilesh Pandey, Dr Hoor Fatima

  • Plant Disease Detection by Image Processing Algorithm- A Review
    AN Akhilesh Pandey, Avdhesh Tiwari
    International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management 2020

  • Steganography with Visual Secret Sharing Scheme Based QR Code Application
    AA Akhilesh Pandey
    Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, UGC Care Group I Journal 10 (7) 2020

  • Secure Transactions in E-Banking using Visual Cryptography
    SK Akhilesh Pandey
    Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, UGC Care Group I Journal 10 (7) 2020

  • Brain Tumor Detection of MRI Images Using Deep Learning
    KP Akhilesh Pandey
    Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, UGC Care Group I Journal 10 (7) 2020

  • An Intelligence System for Image Enhancement with Local and Global Enhancement for Dark Images
    PS Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research 10 (3) 2020

  • An Intelligence System for Image Enhancement with Local and Global Enhancement for Dark Images
    PS Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research 10 (3) 2020

  • Distributed Robust And Reversible Watermarking Technique
    SS Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Information and Computing Science 7 (2) 2020

  • X-Ray Image Enhancement Using Ann Based Tv Homomorphic Filter Technique: A Survey
    GT Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Advanced Research and Technology 7 (2) 2019

  • Background Scene Enlargenment In Selfie Video Through Deep Neural Network
    YP Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Advanced Research and Technology 7 (2) 2019

  • Message Security Using Pgp With Two Stage Steganography
    RS Akhilesh Pandey, Pronab Adhikari
    International Journal of Advanced Research and Technology 7 (2) 2019

  • The Various Edge Detection Algorithm: A Survey
    AC Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Advanced Research and Technology 7 (2) 2019

  • Digital watermarking for image using 3-level DWT and PSO algorithms
    A Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Advanced Research and Technology 7 (2) 2019

  • A Survey on MRI Brain Image Segmentation Technique
    DDG Akhilesh Pandey, Nisha Pal
    International Journal of Advance Engineering, Management and Science 2 (12) 2016

  • AI-Controlled Life In Role-Playing Games
    GS Akhilesh Pandey, Krishan Murari
    International Journal of Engineering Computer Informatics & Technological 2015

  • An Intellectual System For Human Personality Identification Using Soft Computing
    GS Akhilesh Pandey, Rinki Kumari
    International Journal of Advance technology in engineering and Science 3 (10) 2015

  • An Integrated Approach of Noise Reduction in Color Image Using Soft Computing
    TG 3. Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research 3 (5) 2015

  • An Integrated Approach for Offline Signature Classification Using ANN
    RS Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Advance technology in engineering and Science 3 (2) 2015

  • Robust Invisible Watermarking using OSTU method and DWT
    AG Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Science and Research 4 (2) 2015

  • A survey on MRI Brain Image Segmentation Technique
    N Pal, A Pandey, D Goyal
    International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science 2 (12 2015


  • Digital Image Watermarking using Fractional Fourier transform with Different attacks
    AT Akhilesh Pandey
    International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology 3 (8) 2014
    Citations: 19

  • A Survey on MRI Brain Image Segmentation Technique
    DDG Akhilesh Pandey, Nisha Pal
    International Journal of Advance Engineering, Management and Science 2 (12) 2016
    Citations: 9

  • “Handwritten Devanagari numbers recognition using majority voting scheme”
    AT Akhilesh Pandey, Amresh Kumar, Rajiv Kumar
    International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology 2012
    Citations: 8

  • “Handwritten Script Recognition using Soft Computing”
    AT Akhilesh Pandey, Sunita Singh, Rajiv kumar
    International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and 2012
    Citations: 4

  • A survey on MRI Brain Image Segmentation Technique
    N Pal, A Pandey, D Goyal
    International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science 2 (12 2015
    Citations: 1