
Institute of Northern Peoples



Education, Linguistics and Language


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • About the Language of Dolgan Folklore (to the problem of study)

  • The origins of northern ethnochoreography: the role and significance of the contribution of T. F. Petrova-Bytova
    Александр Петров

    Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development

  • The even language: Studying, teaching and linguistic ecology challenges
    Alexander A. Petrov and Veronica A. Razumovskaya

    Siberian Federal University
    The article is devoted to the history of the study and teaching of the Even (Lamut) language in Russia in the period from the 17th – to the beginning of the 21st century. Special attention is paid to the problem of linguistic ecology. The fundamental and applied researches in the synchronic and diachronic aspects, as well as issues of teaching the Even language in families, pre-school educational institutions, colleges and higher educational institutions of Russia are studied. Ethnolinguistics is considered as a possible tool of language preservation and development, i. e., the Even language teaching in the close connection with traditional and modern material and spiritual culture. In this way, the role of vocabulary reflecting the song and dance creative activity, decorative and applied art, ceremonies (of life cycle: birth, wedding, funeral) and economy (hunting, fishing, reindeer breeding), taboo and euphemisms, folk knowledge (metrology, meteorology, space orientation, medicine, calendar, food and cuisine, etc.), as well as the words of religious beliefs (animism, shamanism, Christianity) in the formation of a language picture of the world and the Evens’ mentality is being determined. The role of state institutions, civil society organizations, as well as the members of small-numbered ethnic groups per se in the preservation and development of their language and culture is described. The attention is paid to the translation as the tool of a unique language preservation

  • The Arctic Altaic Languages
    Innokentiy N. Novgorodov, Tatyana S. Nazmutdinova, Aleksandr A. Petrov, Lyubov’ Zh. Zaksor, and Elena V. Nesterova

    Springer International Publishing

  • Cultural heritage of the indigenous Arctic peoples of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
    A A Petrov and S L Chernyshova

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The article is devoted to the analysis of a little-studied phenomenon of the Arctic peoples of North-East Asia, which is the historical and cultural heritage of the atokhton northern ethnicgroups of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Evens, Evenks, Yukaghirs, Chukchis and Dolgans live in Russia compactly in the extreme climatic, geographical conditions, and also in the special socio-economic realities of the unique Arctic region of the planet. An important factor of their sustainable development in the context of interaction between different cultures, especially global, post-industrial and traditional, is the creation of a favorable terms for traditional lifestyles and traditional economic activities, which are based on the full harmony and interaction of the human community and nature. Under these conditions, the most important, obvious and relevant is the study of the life and work of the peoples of the circumpolar Arctic in the mainstream of the scientific direction created by the academician D.S. Likhachev named as “ecology of culture”. In the present article, the subject of the close attention and research are both the objects and issues of the environmental protection (ecology of nature), and the material and spiritual culture of society (human ecology). The preservation, development and revival of the native language and culture of the Arctic ethnic groups of the Sakha Republic is an important requirement for ensuring the stability of the ethnic traditions. Russian scientists and explorers of the North actively worked in this direction and contributed into Philology, Folklore and Ethnography of the indigenous Arctic peoples of Yakutia and adjacent regions of the Russian Federation. The joint project of the Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Branch and the Institute of the Peoples of the North of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia “Monuments of ethnic culture of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East” successfully continues researchers of the Arctic in the XXI century. It is noteworthy that the main part of the project participants are the representatives from among the indigenous peoples of the North; they conduct such kind of research, which combines their life experience and scientific knowledge.

  • Modern problems of preservation and development of folklore of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic
    S. L. Chernyshova, , A. A. Petrov, and

    Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development