Aluizio Brito Maia

Masters Student - Remote Sensing
National Institute for Space Research


Master's student in Remote Sensing at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), where he conducts research related to the detection of flooded areas in cloud-covered images using optical sensors, integrating attributes extracted from digital elevation models and cloud/shadow detection techniques. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG (2022). During his undergraduate studies, he gained experience in research focused on Remote Sensing, geotechnologies, Cartography, and Disaster Risk Management.


Geography Degree - Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) 2019-2022
Remote Sensing Masters Student - National Instiute for Space Research (INPE) 2023-2025


Geophysics, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Computers in Earth Sciences, Space and Planetary Science


Detection of Flooded Areas Under Cloud Cover Conditions: Integration with Digital Elevation Models

Floods are hydrological processes directly associated with precipitation characteristics (intensity, frequency, and spatial distribution) and the geomorphometric features of the river basins where they occur. The detection of flooded areas using orbital images through remote sensing techniques requires robust models aimed at accurately identifying surface water. However, certain challenges hinder their detection. In optical sensors, the issue of cloud cover stands out, which leads to omission and inclusion errors of shadows during the image classification process. Several studies have analyzed the potential of image processing techniques for rapid disaster response, particularly for detecting flooded areas. However, few of these methods explore ways to extract information from cloud-covered images by integrating data of different natures. In this context, this dissertation proposes to develop a method for detecting flooded areas in images partially covered by clouds.

Applications Invited

Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Detecting Irrigated Croplands: A Comparative Study with Segment Anything Model and Region-Growing Algorithms