Ali Maksum, PhD

Assistant Professor, International Relations
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



PhD in International Studies


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Food and International Relations on digital discourse during #WorldFoodSafetyDay 2023
    Sitti Zarina Alimuddin, Ali Maksum, and Reevany Bustami

    EDP Sciences
    Food is intertwined with several facets of international relations, such as commerce, economics, security, diplomacy, culture, and the environment. Recognizing the importance of food in international relations facilitates greater mutual understanding and cooperation among nations. Researching food in international relations on social media, including Twitter, is critical, especially as the world commemorates World Food Safety Day. Therefore, this research examines the hashtag #WorldFoodSafetyDay 2023 amid diverse food crises worldwide. This study used computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS), especially NVivo, to undertake a content analysis of the hashtags #WorldFoodSafetyDay, which was celebrated on June 7, 2023, to better understand the food safety social media conversation. This study discovers that the majority of #WorldFoodSafetyDay-related conversations have a positive tone. Intriguingly, even though the conversation involved accounts from all over the globe, including Indonesia, Indian Twitter accounts appeared to dominate the discussion. Researching #WorldFoodSafetyDay on Twitter will provide a new perspective on the discourse on food issues in international relations.

  • Agriculture and International Organization in Indonesia: The Twitter Analysis of FAO Indonesia
    Ali Maksum, Sitti Zarina Alimuddin, Ahmad Sahide, Ali Muhammad, and Hilman Mahmud Akmal Ma’arif

    EDP Sciences
    World agriculture confronts diverse challenges, including climate change, food security, soil degradation, water scarcity, biodiversity loss, and rural poverty. Addressing these interlinked issues necessitates a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach involving governments, farmers, scientists, civil society, and international organizations. Understanding the role of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Indonesia is pivotal. Analyzing the Twitter activities of FAO Indonesia (@FAOIndonesia) provides insights into their efforts related to Indonesian agriculture. This study employs qualitative content analysis, utilizing NVivo software to assess sentiment, dominant themes, and specific topics within @FAOIndonesia’s Twitter account. The findings reveal a prevalence of negative sentiment over positive sentiment in FAO Indonesia’s Twitter discourse. Furthermore, the dominance of “https” in word frequency indicates that FAO Indonesia primarily shares links to access detailed information on agriculture issues, rather than providing comprehensive information directly on Twitter. This research yields significant insights into agriculture issues in Indonesia, valuable for policymakers and international organizations operating in the country, highlighting the need for more direct communication and information dissemination to address the multifaceted challenges facing agriculture.

  • Social Media and Information Dissemination of Indonesia as G20 Presidency
    Ali Maksum, Ahmad Sahide, Tan Bee Wah, Hilman Mahmud Akmal Ma’arif, and Sitti Zarina Alimuddin

    Springer Nature Switzerland

  • The optimization of social media usage by BP2MI for Indonesian migrant worker families in rural areas
    Ali Maksum, Ahmad Sahide, Nur Azizah, Sidik Jatmika, and Muhammad Afif

    EDP Sciences
    This study aims to examine the use of information technology through the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI), Twitter account @bp2mi_ri. It is concerned with the management of BP2MI in public communication using social media in the information disclosure era. Furthermore, it maps the information in Twitter account @bp2mi_ri related to the issue of Indonesian migrant workers. This also explored the Twitter account @bp2mi_ri by utilizing computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS), such as NVivo 12 plus to determine the level of sentiment, dominance of information, and influential actors in relations to the Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI). The results showed that BP@MI has maximized social media, specifically Twitter, in communicating with the public, and the sentiment tends to be negative. This study is important in terms of efforts to distribute information to employees, including those in the agricultural sector, employers, and especially the families of migrant workers living in rural areas, in order to promote sustainable development.



  • Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan: The state dilemma and people’s realities
    Ali Maksum, Ching-lung Tsay, and Ali Muhammad

    Universitas Gadjah Mada
    The role of migrant workers is frequently marginalized amid industrial development, labor shortages, and the domination of state to state arrangements. In fact, the position of migrant workers should be considered as a primary factor in bilateral relations and trade agreements, notably between Indonesia and Taiwan. The reason is that the influx of migrant workers has undoubtedly given many benefits to both Indonesia and Taiwan governments. The Indonesian government considered that in the midst of insufficient job opportunities, migrant workers working in Taiwan indirectly lowered the unemployment rate. In addition, Indonesia acknowledged the high contribution of migrant workers by remittances to national income. At the same time, Taiwan recognized the importance of Indonesian migrant workers in the national economy, as well as strengthening Taiwan’s second-track diplomacy with Indonesia vis-à-vis China. This article argues the dynamics of Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan, influenced by two factors: (1) the state dilemma and (2) people’s realities, affecting the international relations between Indonesia and Taiwan. Therefore, this paper aims to explore possible answers by discussing the state dilemma and peoples’ realities from the perspective of Indonesian workers in Taiwan. This study represents qualitative research supplemented by data obtained from interviews with Indonesian workers in Taiwan. The authors are also intensively contacted and involved through activities with Indonesian workers and communities.

  • Indonesian terrorism: Wahabism and the ‘imagined caliphate’

  • Enhancing women contribution in peace, conflict resolution and security agenda: Indonesian female peacekeepers in the United Nations peacekeeping operations (garuda contingent-konga)
    Nur Azizah, , Ali Maksum, Muhammad Ammar Hidayahtulloh, , and

    espanolMuchos investigadores alegan que las cuestiones de seguridad, paz y resolucion de conflictos son neutrales en cuestiones de genero. No obstante, se ha reconocido que los conflictos impactan a las mujeres y a los hombres de manera diferente. Este articulo estudia la necesidad de reforzar el papel de las mujeres en los programas de paz y resolucion de conflictos, explicando la contribucion de la Mujeres Indonesias en las Operaciones de Mantenimiento de la Paz de las Naciones Unidas. El marco teorico feminista y el analisis de genero se utilizan para examinar el impacto experimentado por hombres y mujeres durante la guerra, y el papel de las mujeres en la agenda de paz y resolucion de conflictos. Se explica que que los cambios en las caracteristicas de las guerras, pasando de guerras entre Estados a conflictos internos, asi como la evolucion del concepto de seguridad desde una perspectiva de seguridad nacional a una perspectiva de seguridad humana requieren por parte del personal del mantenimiento de la paz una capacidad de acercamiento a las comunidades. A este respecto, de conformidad con la Resolucion 1325 del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Mujer, la Paz y la Seguridad, Indonesia se ha comprometido a aumentar el contingente de mujeres en operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz. Su participacion incrementa la aceptacion de la comunidad y optimiza la capacidad de los militares para cumplir su papel en la proteccion de las sociedades democraticas. EnglishMany scholars have argued that security, peace and conflict are gender neutral. However, studies have shown that women and men experience conflict differently. This article analyses the need to increase women’s role in peace and conflict resolution agenda, particularly based on the experience of the Indonesian Female Peacekeepers in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operation. Feminist theoretical framework and gender analysis were used to look at the impact experienced by men and women during wartime, and women’s role in peace and conflict resolution agenda. It is argued that the change of warfare characteristics from interstate to intrastate conflict, and the new human security framework require the ability of peacekeepers to move closer to communities. In this regard, in line with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, Indonesia has committed to increase its female peacekeepers. The participation of women peacekeepers increases community acceptance, and optimize the capability of the military to fulfil its role in protecting democratic societies.

  • Indonesia´s foreign policy towards Malaysia in the post soeharto era: A case study of ambalat dispute
    Tulus Warsito, , Ali Maksum, Surwandono, Ratih Herningtyas, , , and

    espanolEn este articulo se aborda la politica exterior de Indonesia con Malasia en el periodo post-Suharto, particularmente en los conflictos de Ambalat. Esta investigacion busca resolver las siguientes cuestiones: ?Por que no se ha resuelto el conflicto desde hace mas de medio siglo? ?Que han hecho ambas partes? ?Por que no se ha resuelto el conflicto? ?A que tipo de obstaculos se han enfrentado ambos partidos para que los procesos de negociacion duraran tanto tiempo? Esta investigacion muestra que las preocupaciones de Indonesia sobre el problema de Ambalat proceden de la perdida de SipadanLigitan, que finalmente pertenece a Malasia desde la decision de la Corte Internacional de Justicia en 2002. El articulo muestra tambien que ambos paises contribuyeron a crear serias tensiones a traves de la movilizacion de soldados, buques de guerra y aviones de combate, a pesar de que tanto Indonesia como Malasia son miembros de la ASEAN. EnglishThis article seeks to examine Indonesia’s foreign policy with Malaysia in the post-Suharto era especially in the Ambalat disputes. The primary objective of this article is to answer questions why the dispute has not been solved for more than half a century? What has been done by both parties? Why the Ambalat Block is still far from been resolved? What kinds of obstacles have been faced by both parties for taking so long on the negotiation process? This article shows that Indonesia’s concern on Ambalat issue is due to losing Sipadan-Ligitan that finally belongs to Malaysia after the International Court of Justice’s decision in 2002. Interestingly, this study revealed that during Ambalat dispute, both countries were involved in a serious tension with the mobilization of soldiers, warships, and fighter jets, despite that Indonesia and Malaysia are both member countries of ASEAN.

  • Mainstreaming realism paradigm in handling illegal immigrants in Malaysia
    Surwandono, , Fitriani Nengsi, Ali Maksum, , and

    espanolEn las ultimas decadas, el gobierno de Malasia ha implementado politicas de securitizacion en relacion con la “amenaza” que representan los inmigrantes ilegales. Esta percepcion aparecio cuando la afluencia de personas inmigrantes ilegales empezo a tener un impacto negativo, por ejemplo, al verse estas implicadas en actos delictivos, provocando asi una gran percepcion de amenaza para la seguridad nacional de Malasia. Se considera que estas politicas son eficaces y se ha demostrado que las personas migrantes extranjeras se han convertido en un asunto clave en el discurso de la poblacion y del gobierno de Malasia. En este contexto, este articulo investiga como el gobierno de Malasia se comporta en relacion con la securitizacion en el ambito legislativo. Este tipo de estudios es todavia escaso a pesar de ser crucial, pues permite esclarecer la actitud real de un pais que lucha por sus intereses nacionales., Esta investigacion explora el tipo de politicas de seguridad implementadas por el gobierno de Malasia, particularmente durante la administracion de Najib Razak, frente a la cuestion de los inmigrantes ilegales. Este estudio busca responder a las cuestiones fundamentales de la teoria de la securitizacion en cuanto a quienes son los actores de la securitizacion, por que y para quien actuan, y cuales son los resultados. EnglishIn the past few decades, the Malaysian government has seen a serious securitization of migration related to the “threat” posed by illegal immigrants. This perception arose due to a flood of illegal immigrants in Malaysia have begun to show a negative impact, given the fact that many of the illegal immigrants are involved in crime and there is a strong perception of threat to Malaysia's national security. This policy is considered effective and it has been proven that the issue of foreign migrants has become a serious discourse in the Malaysian community and government. In this wake, this article explores how the Malaysian government behaves related to securitization in the context of the narrative of the law. This kind of study is still rarely done, although it is critical, since it is basically the real attitude of a country in fighting for its national interests. The article tries to explore of policies implemented by the Malaysian government, especially during Najib Razak administration, in securitizing the issue of illegal immigrants. And it tries to answer the fundamental questions posed by the theory of securitization regarding who the securitization actors are, why, for whom, and what the results are.

    Ali Maksum and Ahmad Sahide

    SCAD Independent
    Based on empirical findings, this article concludes that the influx of Chinese migrant workers is a serious threat against Indonesian local and migrant workers in the overseas, amidst the high number of unemployment. The local and migrant workers have struggled to seek for a better job under uncertain situation in Indonesia. The Indonesian government attempts to create more job vacancies, yet the government has welcomed more migrant workers especially from China. Furthermore, Indonesian migrant workers are also recognized as the highest contributor for Indonesian remittance for many years. The influx of Chinese migrant workers blatantly hit both Indonesian local and migrant workers. In addition, this was a humiliation against Indonesian workers, which have struggled to migrate overseas through illegal and very risky ways. Conversely, a large number of Chinese migrant workers have been deployed in various projects, which basically can be handled by local workers. The arrival of Chinese migrant workers, of course, became a controversial issue especially among Indonesian local and migrant workers, who have faced difficult situation such as exploitation, humiliation, and contract abuses. This is a qualitative research enriched with semi-structured interviews with some key respondents specifically those who have experiences and expertise on migrant workers issues.

  • Indonesia-Malaysia tourism relations from the perspective of foreign policy

  • Media liberalization and its impact on Indonesian democratic society: Human security perspectives
    Ali Maksum, Surwandono, and Nur Azizah

    Common Ground Research Networks

  • An early warning information system for social and religious conflict in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    Surwandono Surwandono, Sidik Jatmika, and Ali Maksum

    Common Ground Research Networks

  • Suffer to survive: The Indonesian illegal workers experiences in Malaysia and Japan

  • The tension between Indonesia-Malaysia in the pendet dance issue


  • Literation of the Acculturation of Islamic Culture in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    A Maksum, N Azizah, M Afif, A Sahide
    Proceeding International Conference of Community Service 1 (1), 135-138 2023

  • Social Media and Information Dissemination of Indonesia as G20 Presidency
    A Maksum, A Sahide, T Bee Wah, HM Akmal Ma’arif, SZ Alimuddin
    International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 75-83 2023

  • Ukraine War as a Cause of Food Crisis: A Framing Analysis of Three Giant International Media
    IT Kartika, A Maksum
    Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia 8 (1), 169-178 2023

  • Critical Discourse Analysis of President Joe Biden’s Russophobia Rhetorical Remarks Before The 77th United Nations General Assembly
    HMA Ma'arif, A Maksum
    Journal of Islamic World and Politics 7 (1), 46-63 2023

  • The Current Developments and Achievements of Taiwan's Humanistic Soft Power on Indonesian Migrant Workers
    A Maksum
    Taiwan and Southeast Asia, 70-84 2023

  • Understanding Russia’s Responses to the New Taliban Government Through Russian Mainstream Media Viewpoint
    MI Darmawan, A Maksum
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 10 2023

  • Evaluating on Adopting “Duty of Care” Model as an Instrument to Protect Indonesian Migrant Workers
    A Nugroho, S Surwandono, A Maksum
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 10 2023

  • Agriculture and International Organization in Indonesia: The Twitter Analysis of FAO Indonesia
    A Maksum, SZ Alimuddin, A Sahide, A Muhammad, HMA Ma’arif
    E3S Web of Conferences 444, 01001 2023

  • The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Law on the Elimination of Reactionary Thought and Culture Under Kim Jong Un’s Leadership
    RH Dwijayani, A Maksum
    JURNAL ILMU SOSIAL 22 (2), 1-16 2023

  • Food and International Relations on digital discourse during# WorldFoodSafetyDay 2023
    SZ Alimuddin, A Maksum, R Bustami
    E3S Web of Conferences 444, 01012 2023

  • How Does the Indonesian Newspaper Portray Indonesia’s Diaspora in Malaysia?
    A Maksum, A Nugroho
    International Conference on Sustainable Innovation on Humanities, Education 2022

  • Securitization of Migration and Kafala System Towards Indonesian Female Migrant Domestic Workers in the Gulf Countries
    MZ Anam, A Maksum, AM Harahap, MAD Rahmadhanitya, MF Abdillah
    International Conference on Sustainable Innovation on Humanities, Education 2022

  • The Dilemma of National Security Threats in Efforts to Realize the Banning of Kratom Plants by the National Anti-Narcotics Agency in Kapuas Hulu Regency
    MG Dirgantara, A Maksum
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 9 2022

  • Influence of Indonesia in the Early Nationalist Movement in Sabah, Malaysia: A Case Study of Barisan Pemuda Organisation (BARIP)(1946-1948)
    EP Joko, A Maksum, R Dollah, MSA Rahim, Z Othman, A Jafar
    JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of 2022

  • A Critical Discourse Analysis Russophobia Rhetoric in UN Security Council's Speech by Antony J. Blinken
    HMA Ma'arif, A Maksum
    Intermestic: Journal of International Studies 7 (1), 253-276 2022

  • Evaluating “Duty of Care” as Instrument to Protect Indonesian Migrant Workers
    A Nugroho, S Surwandono, A Maksum
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 9 2022

  • Capital Relocation from the Perspective of Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) Security at the Indonesia-Malaysia Border
    L Hakim, A Maksum
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 9 2022

  • The Impact of the Death Penalty on Indonesia-Pakistan Relations: A Case Study of the Zulfiqar Ali's Death Penalty
    MI Permana, A Maksum
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 9 (9 2022

  • Telaah Keterlibatan Masyarakat Sipil dalam Tata Kelola ASEAN
    WR Ginanjar, A Maksum
    Sospol: Jurnal Sosial Politik 8 (1), 28-44 2022

  • The Role of UNHCR in the Stagnation of International Intervention towards Victims of the Coup Conflict in Myanmar as an Effort to Maintain Peace.
    HM Akmal Ma'arif, A Maksum
    Global Strategis 16 (2) 2022


  • Poros Maritim dan Politik Luar Negeri Jokowi
    A Maksum
    Andalas Journal of International Studies 4 (1), 1-26 2015
    Citations: 37

  • Indonesian post-migrant workers: A challenging problem for human security
    A Maksum
    Social Sciences & Humanities Open 4 (1), 100223 2021
    Citations: 35

  • Regionalisme dan kompleksitas laut china selatan
    A Maksum
    Sospol: Jurnal Sosial Politik 3 (1), 1-25 2017
    Citations: 33

  • The Tension in Indonesia-Malaysia Relations in the Pendet Dance Issue
    A Maksum, R Bustami
    Kajian Malaysia 32 (2), 41-72 2014
    Citations: 29

    Journal of Social Research & Policy 8 (1), 1-23 2017
    Citations: 27

    A Maksum, R Bustami
    Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies 32 (2) 2014

  • The 1965 coup and reformasi 1998: two critical moments in Indonesia-Malaysia relations during and after the Cold War
    A Maksum, R Bustami
    SpringerPlus 3, 1-9 2014
    Citations: 22

  • The Architecture of Paradiplomacy Regime in Indonesia: A Content Analysis
    S Surwandono, A Maksum
    Global: Jurnal Politik Internasional 22 (1), 77-99 2020
    Citations: 18

  • The Dynamics of Paradiplomacy Practices in the “Frontier” Areas in Indonesia
    A Maksum, Surwandono
    Journal of ASEAN Studies 6 (2), 137-154 2018
    Citations: 14

  • Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan: The State Dilemma and People’s Realities
    A Maksum, C Tsay, A Muhammad
    Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik 24 (1), 80-96 2020
    Citations: 12

  • Menyingkap Tabir Hubungan Indonesia–Malaysia: Menguak Fakta dibalik Berbagai Sengketa Dua Negara
    A Maksum
    Yogyakarta: The Phinisi Press 2017
    Citations: 12

  • An Early Warning Information System for Social and Religious Conflict in Yogyakarta, lndonesia
    Surwandono, S Jatmika, A Maksum
    The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies 2019
    Citations: 8

  • Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) Dan Hubungan Indonesia-Malaysia Era Jokowi
    A Maksum
    Jurnal PIR: Power in International Relations 2 (1), 01-22 2018
    Citations: 8

  • Nasionalisme Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) Di Malaysia dalam Narasi Media Sosial
    A Maksum, Surwandono
    Nation State: Journal of International Studies 1 (2), 153-171 2018
    Citations: 7

  • Indonesia–Malaysia relations from below: Indonesian migrants and the role of identity
    A Maksum
    South East Asia Research 30 (2), 219-236 2022
    Citations: 6

  • ASEAN Regionalism: Challenges and Prospects
    A Maksum
    Defense Analysis 8 (2), 29-52 2012
    Citations: 6

  • Capital Relocation from the Perspective of Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) Security at the Indonesia-Malaysia Border
    L Hakim, A Maksum
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 9 2022
    Citations: 5

  • Enhancing women contribution in peace, conflict resolution, and security agenda: Indonesian female peacekeepers in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operation (Garuda Contingent
    N Azizah, A Maksum, MA Hidayahtulloh
    Revista UNISCI 2020
    Citations: 5

  • 1MDB (1 Malaysia Development Berhad), scandal, and its impact on Malaysian domestic politics
    A Maksum
    POLITIKA 11 (2), 199 2020
    Citations: 5

  • Kebijakan pemerintahan Jokowi terkait tenaga kerja indonesia di malaysia dan implikasinya terhadap hubungan dua negara serumpun
    A Maksum
    Jisiera: The Journal of Islamic Studies and International Relations 2 (1), 33-62 2017
    Citations: 5