Dr. Andi Ishak, A.Pi., M.Si.

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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)




S3 Sosiologi Pedesaan


Sosiologi Pedesaan; Sosiologi Ekonomi; Struktur Sosial


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Knowledge improvement of agricultural extender through technical guidance of paddy soil test kit
    Y. Yahumri, E. Fauzi, W.E. Putra, A. Ishak, Alfayanti Alfayanti, Miswarti Miswarti, J. Firison, T. Hidayat, Z. Efendi, S. Rosmanah,et al.

    EDP Sciences
    Paddy Soil Test Kit is one of the appropriate instruments to determine the nutrient status of lowland paddy and preparation of site-specific fertilization recommendations to increase rice productivity. Agriculture extension agents as technology transfer agents have a strategic role. Technical Guidance is needed to improve knowledge of agriculture extension. This study aims to analyze the level of knowledge of agricultural instructors on Technical Guidance use of Paddy Soil Test Kit and Preparation of Site-Specific Fertilization Recommendations. Data collection was carried out before and after implementation of Technical Guidance through direct interviews with a questionnaire guide. The evaluation was carried out on all participants of technical guidance, totaling 32 extension workers from representatives of 11 sub-districts throughout Bengkulu Selatan Regency by providing pretest and posttest to determine the increase in knowledge of Technical Guidance participants. The level of knowledge of participants is calculated using index % formula. The significance of increasing knowledge of technical and technical training participants was analyzed using non-parametric Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test statistical analysis. Correlation test to determine level of knowledge on age, experience, and education. Results of the analysis showed that there was a very significant increase (<0.05) in the knowledge of officers after the implementation of technical guidance from an index of 52.58% (low category) to 84.83% (high category). There is no correlation between increasing knowledge about Paddy Soil Test Kit with age (sig > 0.05) which is 0.571, experience 0.661, and education 0.130.

  • Utilization of oil palm waste as animal feed for Bali cattle in Margomulyo Village, Central Bengkulu
    E Ramon, Z Efendi, H Kusnadi, S Yuliasari, A Ishak, and WA Wulandari

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Oil palm is the leading plantation commodities in Bengkulu province which is able to increase original local government revenue. Besides producing palm oil, this plant also produces solid waste, fronds, and leaves. The purpose of this study was to determine the response of Bali cattle fed by oil palm waste. The research was conducted from August to November 2018 in Margo Mulyo village, Pondok Kubang subdistrict, Central Bengkulu regency, using 2 treatments (introduced and existing) with 13 replications. The composition of introduced feed is forage (70% field grass + 30% fermented fronds and palm leaves) + fermented solid as concentrate. Existing feed composition is field grass (forage) + rice bran (concentrate). Forage is given 10% and concentrate 1% of body weight. The parameters observed were body weight gain and Body Condition Score (BCS) and analyzed by T-test. The results showed a significant effect of treatment on body wight gain. The introduction treatment was able to produce body weight gain by 0.33 kg/head/day, while the existing treatment produce body weight gain of 0.17 kg/head/day only. BCS score of Bali cattle in both treatments not significantly different at the beginning was 2-3 and in the end 3-4, categorized in medium conditions.

  • Effect of weeds management toward understorey species diversity and soil fertility under oil palm plantation
    Miswarti, Andi Ishak, Wahyuni Amelia Wulandari, Jhon Firison, Siti Rosmanah, Erpan Ramon, Nurmegawati, Irma Calista, Yahumri, and Yudi Sastro

    EDP Sciences
    The objectives of this study was to determine soil fertility and types of plants in understorey ecosystems in oil palm plantation stand which are managed in different ways. The data collection method was a direct observation on smallholder oil palm plantation at 15 years of age with different management, namely: 1) weed control using herbicides, 2) without management, and 3) used for beef cattle grazing. The data consisted of soil fertility and identification of understorey species in each management. The soil samples were taken in a composite manner and analyzed in the laboratory, while the plant species samples were gathered using the 1x1 m2 method and identified using an identification manual. From the results, weed control in oil palm plantation with cattle grazing has a positive impact on soil fertility compared to the use of herbicides and without control. The diversity of understorey species in cattle grazing locations is less, namely, as much as 11 species compared to the use of herbicides (15 species) and without control (22 species). Weed management by grazing cows in the oil palm plantation increased land fertility and the dominance of understorey plants as a source of animal feed.

  • Patterns and causes of conversion of smallholder rubber plantation to oil palm (case in Batik Nau sub district, Bengkulu Utara Regency)
    Afrizon, Andi Ishak, Emlan Fauzi, Miswarti, Siti Rosmanah, and Yudi Sastro

    EDP Sciences
    Batik Nau Subdistrict has the largest rubber plantation in North Bengkulu Regency, namely 3,779 hectares, but much of it has been converted to oil palm plantation. The conversion occurred quite massively, namely 393 hectares or 10.4 percent in 2019. This study aims to determine the patterns and causes of the conversion of smallholder rubber to oil palm in the Batik Nau Subdistrict. The research was conducted in three rubber production center villages in Batik Nau Subdistrict from January to March 2021 through in-depth interviews with 10 key informants. The data extracted relates to the patterns and factors causing the conversion of rubber to oil palm. In addition, secondary data collection and field observations were also carried out to confirm the results of the interviews. The data were processed descriptively. The results showed that there were two conversion patterns, namely direct conversion and gradual conversion. The main causes of conversions are low rubber prices and inefficient use of labor. In developing rubber farming the people must pay attention to the availability of labor in the family.

  • The production performance and meat quality of kampung unggul balitbangtan (KUB) chicken fed with food containing indigofera meal
    A Nurhayu, A B L Ishak, M Sariubang, and A Ella

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract This study aimed to determine the production performance and meat quality of KUB chicken meat fed with food containing Indigofera meal. In total, 36 female KUB chickens were raised within the period of 4 to 19 weeks in The Agricultural Technology Research and Assessment Installation, Gowa, South Sulawesi. The experimental design was a complete randomized design divided into three treatments with 12 replications. In addition, the given treatments were categorised as R1 (100% commercial feed), R2 (75% commercial feed, 10% Indigofera meal, 5% bran, 9% corn, and 1% red ginger meal), and R3 (50% commercial feed, 15% Indigofera meal, 9% bran, 25% corn, and 1% red ginger meal). The parameters measured were slaughter weight, carcass weight, and nutritional content of meat. The results showed that the treatment of feed significantly affected (P < 0.05) the slaughter weight and carcass weight of KUB chicken. R2 treatment showed the highest slaughter weight and carcass weight compared to other treatments, which are 1069.5 g/head and 701.2 g/head. Furthermore, the meat crude protein and crude fat analysis indicated that R2 treatment had the highest crude protein (30.18%), lowest fat (0.11%), and cholesterol content (47.8 mg/100 g). Conclusively, the addition of 10% Indigofera meal to the feed was able to improve the production performance and meat quality of KUB chicken.

  • Estrous responses synchronized by a combination of PGF2a and GnRH hormones in Sapera goat
    A Hafid A, A Anggraeni, F A Pamungkas, R G Sianturi, D A Kusumaningrum, A B L Ishak, and A N Mukhlisah

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Estrous synchronization can uniformity of mating and kidding to a population of dairy goat females. The objective of this study was to evaluate response, duration and onset of estrous of Sapera does synchronized by PGF2α and PGF2α combined with GnRH hormones. Study used 16 Sapera does at the ages of one year old after reaching sexual maturity at average body weights of 26.52±2.51 kg (22.4—32.5 kg). Synchronization treatments were conducted for two different injections. Group one was injected two times of PGF2α within 11 day interval. While group two was injected by GnRH on the 9th day after the 1st injection PGF2 α and before the 2nd injection of this hormone within 11 day interval. Estrous observation was evaluated every three hours for four days after the 2nd PGF2α injection. Estrous characteristics were based on behaviour and vulva condition of animals. The result revealed that the two groups of PGF2α vs PGF2 α + GnRH hormones gave significantly differences (P<0.05) to the responses of estrous (62.50 vs 100%), duration of estrous (18.75 hrs vs 33.75 hrs ) and onset of estrous (25.13 hrs vs 3.00 hrs). The conclusion was that PGF2α + GnRH combination presented more effective synchronization results as indicated by better response, duration and onset of estrous in Sapera goat.

  • Association of the OLR1 Gene of the 3'UTR g.8232(A/C) genotypes on milk fatty acid components in Holstein Friesian
    A Anggraeni, Y P Nadapdap, S A Asmarasari, L Praharani, A Hafid, and A B L Ishak

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Dairy cattle produce milk with a high proportion of saturated fatty acids (SFAs), instead of a low proportion of poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor 1 (OLR1) gene plays a key role in reducing oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) involved in injury, dysfunction, and inactivation of endothelial cells. Association of the OLR1 gene in the 3’UTR of the g.8232(A/C) genotypes on 21 types of the milk fatty acids of Holstein Friesian (HF) cows were analysed kept at a breeding station in Central Java. Genotyping was analyzed by PCR-RFLP method using Pst1 restriction enzyme. Genotypic data were calculated for allele frequency, genotype frequency, and heterozygosity values. Effects of genotypes on individual fatty acid components were analyzed by General Linier Model. Genotyping resulted in three genotypes of AA, AC and CC with the frequenciest successively 0.275, 0.525, and 0.200; and two alleles for A (0.463) and C (0.538). Genotypes affected medium-chain SFAs for Myristic (C14:0) and long-chain for Palmitic (C16:0) and Stearic (C18:0). The AA genotype generated the lowest levels of myristic and stearic, instead of the highest content of palmitic. Further the AA genotype resulted in the highest level of Oleic (C18:1) of MUFA. Therefore the OLR1 gene of the 3’UTR g.8232 (A>C) SNP is possible considered as a molecular-based selection in reducing SFAs (myristic and stearic) and increasing MUFA (Oleic) in domestic HF cattle.

  • Association of SNP g.232 G>T Calpain Gene with Growth and Live Meat Quality Prediction using Ultrasound Images in Bali Cattle
    Dairoh Dairoh, Jakaria Jakaria, Mokhamad Fakhrul Ulum, Andi Baso Lompengeng Ishak, and Cece Sumantri

    Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development (ICARD)
    Bali cattle (<em>Bos javanicus</em>) are native Indonesian cattle, domesticated from banteng (<em>Bibos banteng</em>). Genes that have an important role in meat quality are calcium-activated neutral protease genes, known as calpains (CAPN). The objective of this study was to evaluate the polymophisms of calpain gene SNP g.232 G>T by PCR-RFLP technique and its influence on growth trait and meat quality of Bali cattle detected by ultrasound imaging of <em>longissimus dorsi</em> thickness (LDT), back fat thickness (BFT), marbling score (MS), and intramuscular fat percentage (PIMF). The polymorphisms of CAPN1 gene were analyzed by PCR-RFLP using BglII restriction enzyme (n=52 cattle). The ultrasound images of longissimus dorsi muscle were carried out transversally and longitudinal between 12<sup>th</sup> -13<sup>th </sup>thoracic vertebrae then analyzed by Image-J NIH software. Result showed that  SNP g.232 G>T of CAPN1 gene was polymorphic in Bali cattle. SNP g.232 G>T of CAPN1 gene in Bali cattle has higher diversity which was showed of 0.48 heterozygosity value and was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The polymorphisms of SNP g.232 G>T was associated significantly (P<0.05) with bodyweight at 730 days, marbling score (MS), and intramuscular fat percentage (PIMF). It suggests that the CAPN1 gene in Bali cattle is a candidate for Marker Assisted Selection (MAS), which influences body weight at 730 days, marbling score, and percentage of intramuscular fat.

  • Land conversion from coffee to citrus and changes of farmers livelihood strategies (case in Pal 7 village, Bermani Ulu Raya subdistrict, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu)
    A Ishak, H B Astuti, S Yuliasari, W A Wulandari, I Calista, Miswarti, and Y Sastro

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The development of agricultural commodity in rural areas has changes farmers’ livelihood strategies. This study aims to analyse the process of coffee to citrus conversion in Pal 7 village and changes in the farmers’ livelihood strategies that accompany it. The study was conducted in April to June 2019 through a survey of 116 citrus farmers. The data collected is emphasised on the process of developing citrus areas, conversion from coffee to citrus, and farmers’ livelihood strategies. Interviews were also conducted with key informants to confirm and deepen the results of the survey. Data were analysed descriptively. The results showed that the development of the citrus area in Pal 7 occurred since 2014 which was driven by the existence of pioneering farmers as movers, the motivation of farmers to plant citrus, credit facilities from the bank, and seed assistance from the government. Farmers’ high motivation caused them to convert coffee into citrus plantations through three patterns, namely insert, gradually, and direct cutting caused by economic considerations. The development of citrus areas causes changes in farmers’ livelihood strategies. As many as 35.34% of farmers changed their main source of income, mainly from coffee farming and artisan/worker to citrus farming.

  • Fading local wisdoms of upland rice varieties in situ conservation in South Bengkulu Regency (case in Pino Raya subdistrict)
    A Ishak, E Fauzi, J Firison, Miswarti, and Y Sastro

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Upland rice is a useful source of germplasm and it is conserved by farmers through local wisdom. This paper aims to explain fading the local wisdom of upland rice in situ conservation in Pino Raya subdistrict, South Bengkulu regency. Data were collected from March to May 2020 through interviews and field observations. The interviews involved 11 key informants using snowball techniques consisting of a customary leader, village heads, agricultural extension, and farmers. Data were analyzed descriptively using the interactive model from Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the local wisdom of in-situ conservation of upland rice faded because shifting cultivation was no longer practiced by farmers due to oil palm expansion. Cultivation of upland rice is only on young oil palm plantations that are increasingly entering forest area. Intensification of wet rice cultivation allows farmers to cultivate modern varieties which early maturing rice and high productivity. Improvement in the community’s economy due to oil palm expansion and the diminishing of the upland area for rice cultivation caused the young generation to no longer be interested in planting upland rice local varieties. As a result, the “Dundang Padi” ceremony as a form of local wisdom that is practiced by the Pino Raya community is fading.

  • Financial analysis of RGL citrus (Citrus reticulata) farming in Rejang Lebong Regency Bengkulu
    E Fauzi, I Calista, Hamdan, W E Putra, W Mikasari, A Ishak, S Yuliasari, and Y Sastro

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract RGL Citrus is a new commodity that was developed in Rejang Lebong Regency Bengkulu. This commodity increased fastly since 2014, primarily in Pal 7 village, Bermani Ulu Raya subdistrict. Therefore need to analyze RGL citrus financial feasibility for agribusiness development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the financial feasibility of RGL citrus farming in Pal 7 village. The study was conducted from January to March 2020 by interviews with 10 RGL citrus farmers. Data collected were production cost, quantities of production, and price. Data Analyzed with Net B/C value, NPV, IRR, and Payback period in 6 years citrus cultivation. The results showed that RGL Citrus farming feasible with net B/C is 1.44, NPV 71,599,830, IRR 20.23% and PP in 5 years 6 months citrus old. An increase in production costs, a decrease in production, and a decrease in prices individually by 20% and changes together of the three criteria of 10% are still feasible in RGL citrus farming.

  • Haplotype Diversity Of Swamp Buffalo And River Buffalo Based On Cytochrome B Gene: A Study Of Meta,Analysis
    F. Saputra, A. Anggraeni, A. B. L. Ishak, A. Hafid, M. Rusdin, and C. Sumantri

    Media Peternakan
    Buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis ) is well known as a domesticated buffalo in Asia. The genetic diversity of buffaloes in Asia needs to be studied to ensure a proper breeding program. A meta-analysis study on the cytochrome b gene of the mitochondrial genome from various published data was conducted to evaluate genetic variation and haplo-geography of Asian buffaloes. A meta-analysis is used to provide a comprehensive view of the data. A total of 1369 swamp buffaloes Cytochrome B sequences (from Indonesia (79), Bangladesh (98), China (909), India (4), Laos (96), Taiwan (29), Thailand (54), and Vietnam (100)) and 91 river buffaloes (from China (42), Nepal (42), and Pakistan (7)) were used in this study. Cytochrome B sequences (678 bp) of Syncerus caffer, Bubalus arnee , Bubalus depressicornis, Bubalus quarlesi, Bubalus mindorensis, swamp buffalo, and river buffalo were determined for their haplotypes using DnaSP v6 program. Haplotypes were analyzed by Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) using Adegenet Package and Hierarchical Clustering on Principal Components (HCPC) methods using Factoextra and FactoMineR Package in R-4.0.0 program. Bayesian analysis of genetic differentiation was implemented in BAPS 6.0. Furthermore, we found 56 haplotypes for swamp buffaloes in eight Asian countries and 5 haplotypes for river buffaloes in Pakistan. We also found 5 haplotypes for outgroup ( B. arnee , S. caffer , B. depressicornis , B. quarlesi , B. mindorensis ). Therefore, we found 66 haplotypes in total with outgroup sequences. Based on the PCoA results, three clusters were found. However, the HCPC found eight clusters. Based on HCPC, countries in East and South Asia have four maternal lineages. This is evidence that buffalo domestication has first occurred in East-South Asia. In conclusion, we found four maternal lineages of swamp buffalo and two maternal lineages of river buffalo from ten countries. We also found one maternal lineage for Syncerus caffer and one maternal lineage for B. depressicornis , B. quarlesi , and B. mindorensis .

  • The effects of elephant grass silage combined with indigofera sp. On the performance of bali cattle
    Andi Nurhayu, Andi Saenab, Andi Ella, Andi Baso Lompengeng Ishak, and Novia Qomariyah

    ResearchersLinks Ltd
    | The study aimed to determine the effect of elephant grass silage combined with different levels of Indigofera sp. on body weight gain, intake and feed conversion ratio. Twenty-five individually caged Bali cattle were used in this study, allocated to five treatment groups consisting of five animals in each group following a randomized complete de-sign. The treatments were T1: elephant grass silage 100% + Indigofera sp. 0%; T2: elephant grass silage 70% + Indigofera sp. 30%; T3: elephant grass silage 60% + Indigofera sp. 40%; T4: elephant grass silage 50% + Indigofera sp . 50%; and T5: elephant grass silage 40% + Indigofera sp. 60%. Variables measured were the quality of silage and the performance of Bali cattle fed various dietary treatments. The results showed that the physical characteristics of silage were similar for all treatments. The silage was brown to greenish in colour, had minimum odour from the formation of lactic acid, had solid texture, and was compact. There was no mould growth in the silage, and pH ranged from 3.7 to 4.1. Increasing levels of Indigofera sp. added to elephant grass increased the crude protein content of silage, but decreased the content of ash, acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin by up to 40%. Dry matter intake per kg unit of BW was higher (P < 0.000) in the T2, T3, and T4 diet than in the T1 or T5 diets. The crude protein intake per kg unit of BW was higher (P<0.000) in the T3, T4, T5 diet than T1 and T2. Animals on the T3 diet showed a higher (P < 0.05) daily BW gain followed by the animals on the T4 and T5 diets. It can be concluded that the combination of 60% elephant grass and 40% Indigofera sp. has the best physical and chemical qualities and is able to increase the daily body weight of Bali cattle. highest increase in daily body weight gain of Bali cows. These results indicate that elephant grass silage with a combination of Indigofera sp. at levels of 40% plus concentrate as supplement feed can fulfil

  • Sustainability status of paddy cultivation on marginal peat soils in indonesia

  • Barrier to entry and feasibility of community based corn seed agribusiness: Study case in Sigi Regency Central Sulawesi
    Heni SP Rahayu, A. Irmadamayanti, T. Febrianti, Syafruddin, and A.B.L Ishak

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The availability of corn seed at the farm level with reachable price plays an important role in the productivity of corn farming. However the sustainability of this agribusiness mostly depends on how its marketing exists. This paper investigates barriers to entry and feasibility in based community seed corn agribusiness to get sustainable business. The study used a survey to 20 member of based community corn seed breeder and the evaluation of other breeder groups under the supervision of the Field School Seed Independent Program hat have been carried out in the period of 2015 to 2018. The study also has survey in market structure of seed corn in Central Sulawesi especially Sigi District. The data were descriptively analysed. The result shows that corn seed agribusiness was feasible with Benefit Cost Ratio 1, 06 in partnership system. While an assessment identifies some activities with negligible entry barriers, a notable cost of entry is associated with most activities including promotion cost. Other concern barriers are economies of scale, distribution network, high competitive market with incumbent producer based on quality product, differentiation product, and promotion systems. Based on direct superior seed distribution or BLBU procurement policy, market opportunities especially for Research and Development hybrid corn varieties are still promising considering there is 26% gap between corn seed production and demand in Sigi Regency and wider in Central Sulawesi.

  • Identification of problem and needs in technical innovation to increase the productivity of rice, corn, and cattle in the Upsus region (national strategic program) in Central Sulawesi
    Femmi Norfahmi, Mardiana, N.M. Rameda, S. Panikkai, and A.B.L. Ishak

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The study was conducted in Central Sulawesi. This study aims to identify the problem and needs in technical innovation services to increase the productivity of rice, corn, and cattle in the upsus region. UPSUS is Special Effort Program from Ministry of Agriculture to increase the production of strategic comodity. Base on data in 2015 the harvested area of rice in Central Sulawesi was 203,918 ha with a total production of 1,001,949,19 tonnes. Compared to 2014, rice production in 2015 was decreased (1,006,437 tonnes). For corn, the harvested land of corn was 32,502 ha with a production of 131,123 tonnes, and the productivity of 4.34 tonnes per hectares. In 2014, the harvested area of corn was higher which was around 41,647 hectares with production 170,201.3 tonnes and productivity of 4.87 ton per hectare. The lower harvested land and production in 2015 compared to 2014, there was a decreased productivity in rice and corn. Donggala regency had the biggest population of cattle farming system in 2017 with the number of cattle around 42,217 cows, and most cattle were located in Dampelas sub-district (8816 cows). The decreasing production of rice and corn are caused by the reduced harvested land area and nonoptimal use of technological innovation. Technological innovation is also a necessity in increasing the production of cattle and the income of farmers. Adoption of innovation of technology has showed the best result to increase the production of rice 86% and corn 44%. The result of this study indicates that technological innovation is one of the solutions for the problems facing by the farm households, specifically for technical problems, such as the integrated crop management of rice and corn and cattle preservation technique. Additionally, farm households need technological information to increase the production and their farms’ productivity which lead to the increasing income and welfare of farm households.

  • Response and assessment of farmers on maize seed technology of Nasa 29 new high yielding varieties in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi
    Mardiana Dewi, Risna, A. Irmadamayanti, A.N. Wahyuni, Syafruddin, and A.B.L Ishak

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The use of New High Yielding Varieties of maize plays an important role in efforts to increase maize production. New High Yielding Varieties that introduced at the field school of the seed village self-sufficient is NASA-29. This New High Yielding Varieties of hybrid maize has many advantages, including produce double cobs with a frequency up to 70%, full seed filling on the cobs, the corncob is relatively small and hard so it is resistant to breaking when it is shelled, high yield, and the stalks is stronger. This study aims to determine the response and assessment of farmers in Sigi Regency to the seed technology of Nasa-29 New High Yielding Varieties. The study was carried out from January to December 2018 at the Langgeng Farmer Group, Kaleke Village. Respondents are farmers who carry out the field school of the seed village self-sufficient. Response data were analyzed using scoring method, to measure the importance of the NASA-29 New High Yielding Varieties’ assessment level. The method that used is The IPA method (Important and Performance Analysis). Farmers’ responses to the technology components delivered at the field school were in the doubtful to very interested category (scoring 3,00-5,00), the highest response is harvest on time (5,00), and the lowest response is the spacing of 70 cm x 20 cm with 1 seed per hole. The results of the IPA analysis that have been obtained, it is known that not all farmers’ expectations of NASA-29 attributes are in accordance with the level of importance to the production of seeds for breeders.

  • Non-Genetic and Genetic Effects on Growth Traits from Birth to 120 days of Age of G<inf>2</inf> Sapera Goat
    Anneke Anggraeni, F Saputra, A Hafid, and ABL Ishak

    Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development (ICARD)
    Information on non-genetic and genetic factors is required in the selection program. Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP) has been conducting a selection of the growth traits of Sapera goat (50% Saanen, 50% PE).  This research was aimed to study non-genetic and genetic effects on growth traits from birth to the age of 120 days old of the 2&lt;sup&gt;nd &lt;/sup&gt;generation (G&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;) of Sapera goat.  Data on body weight and measurement were collected from kids at birth (105 head.) to the age of 120 days old (51 head).  The 30 days interval growth data were calculated by linear interpolation. Non-genetic effects were analyzed by General Linear Model for unbalanced data by considering sex, type of birth, the month of kidding, and year of kidding as fixed variables.  The genetic component was analyzed by a mixed linear model by considering sire as a random variable.  Heritability was estimated by the paternal half-sib method. Non-genetic factors mostly had no significant effect (P&amp;gt; 0.05) on body weight and measurement.  The 90 days old and 120 days old males had higher weights than females (P&amp;lt;0.05). Birth type and year of kidding had significant effects (P&amp;lt;0.05) on body weight and some measurements at certain ages. No significant months of kidding effect on the growth traits (P&amp;gt;0.05).  Heritability values of body weight (h&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; = 0.11-0.19) and body sizes (h&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; = 0.03-0.24) were relatively low. Except high heritability values for birth weight and for body weight at 30 days old (h&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; = 0.59 and 0.29), and for hip girth at 30 days old and at 60 days old (h&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; = 0.13-0.54).  The growth traits of G&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; Sapera kids were affected by sex and year of kidding and slightly influenced by genetic (sires) factors.

  • Effect of FSH β-sub unit and FSHR genes polymorphisms on superovulatory response traits
    E. Andreas, I. Arifiantini, F. Saputra, A. B. L. Ishak, M. Imron, and C. Sumantri

    Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)
    Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a pituitary expressed glycoprotein hormone that regulatesreproduction in mammals which composed of α and β-sub unit. The β-sub unit dictates its bindingspecificity with their receptor (FSHR). This study aimed to identify polymorphism of FSH β-sub unitand FSHR genes, and its effect to superovulatory response traits on superovulated cows. Study was doneon 32 cows including Angus, Friesian Holstein (FH), Limousin, Simmental and Brahman in CipelangLivestock Embryo Center. Cows used have been treated superovulation and mated by artificialinsemination. Superovulation response (SR), ovulation rate (OR), fertilization percentage (FP) andviable transfer embryo percentage (VP) were analyzed to investigate the effect of FSH β-sub unit andFSHR polymorphism. Allele frequency of FSH β-sub unit|PstI and FSH|AluI were opposite withinspecies. Mostly B allele and C allele for FSH β-sub unit and FSHR respectively have a high number inBos taurus species while those were in contrast in Bos indicus species. The highest heterozygosity wasfound in FH cattle (0.250) for FSH β-sub unit and Brahman (0.333) for FSHR. Significant effect was found between FSHR gene polymorphism with ovulation rate where CC genotype was higher (P<0.05)than CG and GG genotypes.

  • Identification of polymorphism of FSH beta-subunit gene as sperm quality marker in Bali cattle using PCR-RFLP
    A.B.L. Ishak, C. Sumantri, R.R. Noor, and I. Arifiantini

    Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)
    The aim of study was to identify the association of FSH beta-subunit gene polymorphisms with sperm quality traits. A total of 470 samples of normal mature bull from several breeds were used for population study and 127 bulls from National and Regional AI centre of Indonesia for association study. To amplify, a PCR-RFLP method was used and digested with Pst1 restriction enzyme. The allele frequency of the A and B in Bali cattle were (0.000) and (1.000), respectively. The absence of other allele A suggested that the Bali cattle was monomorphic, while Brahman, FH, Simmental and Limousine were polymorphic. The highest observed heterozygosity were found in Limousine (0.318) and the highest expected heterozygosity were in Simmental (0.420). The higher incident of percentage of sperm abnormalities were found in Simmental, Limousin, Brahman compared to Bali and FH. Among all types of sperm abnormalities, the abaxial and microcephalus were found in highest number.