@gsfc university

Assistant Professor, Chemical Science
GSFC University



Chemistry, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Spectroscopy


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Self-Assembly in Aqueous Oppositely Charged Gemini Surfactants: A Correlation between Morphology and Solubilization Efficacy
    Sneha Singh, Arti Bhadoria, Kushan Parikh, Sanjay Kumar Yadav, Sugam Kumar, V. K. Aswal, and Sanjeev Kumar

    American Chemical Society (ACS)
    Micellization behavior of oppositely charged gemini surfactants (anionic surfactant; phosphoric acid, P,P'-1,4-butanedieyl, P,P'-didodecylester, disodium salt (12-4-12A), and cationic surfactant; butanediyl-1,4, bis (N,N-hexadecyl ammonium) dibromide (16-4-16) or (D-isosorbate-1,4-diyl bis(N,N-dimethyl-N-hexadecylammonium acetoxy) dichloride (16-Isb-16)) has been studied (individually or of a gemini mixture) by conductivity and surface tension measurements. Critical micelle concentration (CMC) data show both synergistic (for 12-4-12A + 16-Isb-16) and antagonistic (for 12-4-12A + 16-4-16) interactions between the two components. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurement shows formation of various aggregates, spherical (or ellipsoidal), rod-shaped, and vesicular, by changing the mole fraction (at fixed total surfactant concentration, 10 mM). Viscosity, zeta (ζ)-potential, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data are found in conformity of SANS results. Surprisingly, two morphologies (vesicles and rod-shaped micelles) show stability in a wide temperature range (303-343 K). The behavior has been explained on the basis of temperature induced dehydration and depletion of micellar charge. Aqueous gemini mixtures, of different morphologies, have been used for the determination of solubilization efficacy (using UV-visible spectrophotometer) toward polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs: anthracene; pyrene or fluorene). Molar solubilization ratio (MSR) data suggest that vesicles enhance the solubilization efficacy. SANS analysis shows that vesicle bilayer thickness increases upon PAH solubilization. The order of bilayer thickness increase is found to be anthracene > pyrene > fluorene, which is in the same order as the aqueous solubility of PAHs. This is the first report which correlates morphology to the solubilization efficacy.

  • Mechanistic approach on heat induced growth of anionic surfactants: A clouding phenomenon
    Arti Bhadoria, Sugam Kumar, Vinod K. Aswal, and Sanjeev Kumar

    Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
    Clouding behaviour of aqueous anionic surfactants have been studied. Data reveal that the onset of attractive interaction on heating is responsible for micellar growth and the unusual clouding.

  • Morphologies near cloud point in aqueous ionic surfactant: Scattering and NMR studies
    Sanjeev Kumar, Arti Bhadoria, Harsha Patel, and Vinod K. Aswal

    American Chemical Society (ACS)
    Clouding phenomenon in ionic surfactant solution is fairly a new addition to the conventional phenomenon observed with nonionic counterpart. Various scattering and spectroscopic techniques, dynamic light scattering (DLS), small angle neutron scattering (SANS), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), have been used to draw information regarding the aggregate morphologies (formed by an ionic surfactant, tetra-n-butylammonium dodecylsulphate, TBADS) when the surfactant solution passes through the cloud point (CP). DLS measurements have shown that two morphologies are present when the system approaches the CP. The data revealed that individual micelles (~5 nm) convert to giant aggregates (~500 nm) over the range of temperature including the CP. SANS experiments have been performed to draw the information regarding individual micellar fraction below and above the CP. NMR spectra at different temperatures have been collected for TBADS solution. The broadening and the downfield shift of -N-CH(2) and -O-CH(2) proton peaks support the micellar growth as the sample was heated. The above peaks show splitting (into two each) confirming the presence of two morphologies around the CP. It is noted that conversion of only a small fraction of individual micelles is responsible for the clouding.

  • Thermodynamic energetics of charged micellar solutions with and without salts at the cloud point
    Sanjeev Kumar and Arti Bhadoria

    American Chemical Society (ACS)
    Cloud point (CP) data have been acquired for two anionic surfactants, namely, tetra-n-butyl ammonium dodecylsulfate (TBADS) and tetra-n-butylammonium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (TBADBS) with and without salts (Ca(NO3)2 and Al(NO3)3). The energetics of clouding process, standard Gibbs free energy change (ΔG°c), standard enthalpy change (ΔH°c), and standard entropy (ΔS°c) were evaluated. The release of solvated water from the clouding component causes the phase separation. Hence CP was taken as the limit of its solubility. The ΔG°c for all of the systems with and without inorganic salts is found to be negative. However, both ΔH°c and ΔS°c are positive and negative depending upon concentration and charge on the counterion. The results are discussed in the light of exchange of counterions (TBA+ by Ca2+ or Al3+) and formation of bridges through displaced TBA+ among the anionic micelles present in the solution.

  • Morphology and antibacterial activity of carbohydrate-stabilized silver nanoparticles
    Mayur Valodkar, Arti Bhadoria, Jayshree Pohnerkar, Mukta Mohan, and Sonal Thakore

    Elsevier BV


  • Self-assembly in aqueous oppositely charged gemini surfactants: a correlation between morphology and solubilization efficacy
    S Singh, A Bhadoria, K Parikh, SK Yadav, S Kumar, VK Aswal, S Kumar
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (37), 8756-8766 2017

  • Mechanistic approach on heat induced growth of anionic surfactants: a clouding phenomenon
    A Bhadoria, S Kumar, VK Aswal, S Kumar
    RSC Advances 5 (30), 23778-23786 2015

  • Morphologies near cloud point in aqueous ionic surfactant: scattering and NMR studies
    S Kumar, A Bhadoria, H Patel, VK Aswal
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (12), 3699-3703 2012

  • Thermodynamic energetics of charged micellar solutions with and without salts at the cloud point
    S Kumar, A Bhadoria
    Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 57 (2), 521-525 2012

  • Morphology and antibacterial activity of carbohydrate-stabilized silver nanoparticles
    ST Mayur Valodkar , Arti Bhadoria , Jayshree
    Carbohydrate Research 345, 1767–1773 2010


  • Morphology and antibacterial activity of carbohydrate-stabilized silver nanoparticles
    ST Mayur Valodkar , Arti Bhadoria , Jayshree
    Carbohydrate Research 345, 1767–1773 2010
    Citations: 121

  • Self-assembly in aqueous oppositely charged gemini surfactants: a correlation between morphology and solubilization efficacy
    S Singh, A Bhadoria, K Parikh, SK Yadav, S Kumar, VK Aswal, S Kumar
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (37), 8756-8766 2017
    Citations: 23

  • Morphologies near cloud point in aqueous ionic surfactant: scattering and NMR studies
    S Kumar, A Bhadoria, H Patel, VK Aswal
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (12), 3699-3703 2012
    Citations: 18

  • Thermodynamic energetics of charged micellar solutions with and without salts at the cloud point
    S Kumar, A Bhadoria
    Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 57 (2), 521-525 2012
    Citations: 10

  • Mechanistic approach on heat induced growth of anionic surfactants: a clouding phenomenon
    A Bhadoria, S Kumar, VK Aswal, S Kumar
    RSC Advances 5 (30), 23778-23786 2015
    Citations: 8