Carlo Alberto Brunori

INGV - Perugia



Earth-Surface Processes, Geophysics, Geology


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • The NE-SW Sibari fault zone: A seismic hazard source in Ionian Northern Calabria (Italy)
    F.R. Cinti, L. Alfonsi, L. Cucci, D. Pantosti, C. Pauselli, M. Ercoli, C.A. Brunori, G. Cianflone, and R. Dominici

    Elsevier BV

  • High-resolution geophysical investigations in the central Apennines seismic belt (Italy): Results from the Campo Felice tectonic basin
    F. Villani, S. Maraio, L. Improta, V. Sapia, G. Di Giulio, P. Baccheschi, M. Pischiutta, M. Vassallo, V. Materni, P.P. Bruno,et al.

    Elsevier BV

  • Spatiotemporal Evolution of Ground Subsidence and Extensional Basin Bedrock Organization: An Application of Multitemporal Multi-Satellite SAR Interferometry
    Carlo Alberto Brunori and Federica Murgia

    Since the early 1990s, the European (ESA) and Italian (ASI) space agencies have managed and distributed a huge amount of satellite-recorded SAR data to the research community and private industries. Moreover, the availability of advanced cloud computing services implementing different multi-temporal SAR interferometry techniques allows the generation of deformation time series from massive SAR images. We exploit the information provided by a large PS dataset to determine the temporal trend of ground deformation and the relative deformation rate with millimetric accuracy to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of land subsidence induced by water pumping from a deep confined aquifer in the Northern Valle Umbra Basin (Central Italy), exploiting 24 years of Permanent Scatterers—interferometric SAR data archives. The SAR images were acquired between 1992 and 2016 by satellites ERS1/2 and ENVISAT, the Sentinel 1 ESA missions and the COSMO-SkyMed ASI mission. We observed ground velocities and deformation geometries between 1992 and 2016, with displacements of more than 70 cm and velocities of up to 55 mm/yr. The results suggest that the shape and position of the surface ground displacement are controlled by the fault activity hidden under the valley deposits.

  • Mapping and chronological classification of marine terraces along the southern side of the Sibari Plain (northern Calabria, Italy) by means of digital and analogue tools
    Laura Alfonsi, Carlo Alberto Brunori, and Luigi Cucci

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT We study the marine terraces of the southern side of the Sibari Plain in Northern Calabria (Italy) through the use of traditional and quantitative analyses of the Digital Terrain Model (DTM). The main aim of the present work consists in the extensive use of GIS tools that were never used before in the area, and in checking the applicability of this procedure. The terraced surfaces identified using photo interpretation and those recognized semi-automatically through the GIS tools were compared to finally produce a consensus map. In the final map, we identified 272 terraced surfaces and 62 morphological features associated with inner margins (i.e. paleoshorelines). The main map shows a well-developed flight of seven orders of marine terraces with elevation ranging from 45 to 360 m asl and age ranging from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5a to 11.

  • High-Resolution Seismic Profiling in the Hanging Wall of the Southern Fault Section Ruptured During the 2016 M<inf>w</inf> 6.5 Central Italy Earthquake
    Fabio Villani, Stefano Maraio, Pier Paolo Bruno, Luigi Improta, Kieran Wood, Stefano Pucci, Riccardo Civico, Vincenzo Sapia, Paolo Marco De Martini, Carlo Alberto Brunori,et al.

    American Geophysical Union (AGU)
    AbstractThe Vettore–Bove normal fault system in central Italy ruptured during the 2016 MW 6.5 Norcia earthquake causing extensive surface faulting. At the Pian Grande di Castelluccio hanging wall basin, along the southern section of the fault ruptured during the MW 6.5 mainshock, we performed a high‐resolution seismic reflection/refraction experiment aimed at (a) imaging the shallow pattern of the fault system, and (b) reconstructing the architecture of the continental infill. We collected three profiles for a total length of ∼8 km. We used a reflection processing flow and non‐linear refraction tomography to obtain migrated stack sections and P‐wave velocity images resolved down to the depth of the pre‐Quaternary substratum. The main profile in the northern part of the basin crosses the westernmost splays of the ruptured fault zone striking N150°–170°. Seismic imaging unravels a ∼1 km‐wide fault zone comprising three W‐throwing splays and subsidiary faults, which affect the continental infill and produce a minimum aggregate Quaternary throw of ∼400 ± 100 m. Recent deformation is localized in this part of the surveyed fault section, attesting active displacement accumulation of the Vettore–Bove fault system. The other profiles in the central‐southern part of the basin show additional faults, likely striking N20°–40° and which concurred to generate a ∼500 m‐deep depocenter. These faults were mostly active during an early extensional phase; however, one of them likely displaces shallow layers with a throw close to the resolution limit of seismic data (&lt;10 m), suggesting activity in the Late Pleistocene.

  • 3-D Deep Electrical Resistivity Tomography of the Major Basin Related to the 2016 M<inf>w</inf> 6.5 Central Italy Earthquake Fault
    V. Sapia, F. Villani, F. Fischanger, M. Lupi, P. Baccheschi, D. Pantosti, S. Pucci, R. Civico, A. Sciarra, A. Smedile,et al.

    American Geophysical Union (AGU)
    AbstractWe provide the first 3‐D resistivity image of the Pian Grande di Castelluccio basin, the main Quaternary depocenter in the hangingwall of the Mt.Vettore–Mt. Bove normal fault system (VBFS), responsible for the October 30, 2016 Mw6.5 Norcia earthquake (central Italy). The subsurface structure of the basin is poorly known, and its relation with the VBFS remains debated. Using the recent Fullwaver technology, we carried out a high‐resolution 2‐D transect crossing the 2016 coseismic ruptures coupled with an extensive 3‐D survey with the aim of: (a) mapping the subsurface of the basin‐bounding splays of the VBFS and the downdip extent of intrabasin faults; (b) imaging the infill and pre‐Quaternary substratum down to ∼1 km depth. The 2‐D resistivity section highlights under the coseismic ruptures a main dip‐slip fault zone with conjugated splays. The 3‐D resistivity model suggests that the basin consists of two depocenters (∼300 and ∼600 m deep, respectively) filled with silty sands and gravels (resistivity &lt;300 Ωm), bounded and cross‐cut by NNE‐, WNW‐, and NNW‐trending faults with throws of ∼200–400 m. We hypothesize that the NNE‐trending system acted during the early basin development, followed by NNW‐trending and currently active splays of the VBFS that overprint pre‐existing structures and locally control the infill architecture. Moreover, beneath the basin we detect a shallow NW‐dipping blind fault. The latter is likely a hangingwall splay of the adjacent regional Mts. Sibillini Thrust, which may have been partly involved in the rupture process of the Norcia mainshock.

  • Surface ruptures database related to the 26 December 2018, M<inf>W</inf> 4.9 Mt. Etna earthquake, southern Italy
    F. Villani, S. Pucci, R. Azzaro, R. Civico, F. R. Cinti, L. Pizzimenti, G. Tarabusi, S. Branca, C. A. Brunori, M. Caciagli,et al.

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractWe provide a database of the surface ruptures produced by the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano in Sicily (southern Italy). Despite its relatively small magnitude, this shallow earthquake caused about 8 km of surface faulting, along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault. Detailed field surveys have been performed in the epicentral area to map the ruptures and to characterize their kinematics. The surface ruptures show a dominant right-oblique sense of displacement with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a maximum value of 0.35 m. We have parsed and organized all observations in a concise database, with 932 homogeneous georeferenced records. The Fiandaca Fault is part of the complex active Timpe faults system affecting the eastern flank of Etna, and its seismic history indicates a prominent surface-faulting potential. Therefore, this database is essential for unravelling the seismotectonics of shallow earthquakes in volcanic areas, and contributes updating empirical scaling regressions that relate magnitude and extent of surface faulting.

  • Geophysical reconstruction of buried geological features and site effects estimation of the Middle Valle Umbra basin (central Italy)
    Daniela Famiani, Carlo Alberto Brunori, Luca Pizzimenti, Fabrizio Cara, Marco Caciagli, Laura Melelli, Francesco Mirabella, and Massimiliano R. Barchi

    Elsevier BV

  • Correction: A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in central Italy (Scientific Data, (2018) 5, 10.1038/sdata.2018.49)
    Fabio Villani, Riccardo Civico, Stefano Pucci, Luca Pizzimenti, Rosa Nappi, Paolo Marco De Martini, Fabio Villani, Riccardo Civico, Stefano Pucci, Luca Pizzimenti,et al.

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    In the original version of the Data Descriptor the surname of author Anne Socquet was misspelled. This has now been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the Data Descriptor. Some authors were also not appropriately associated with their affiliations in the HTML version, due to formatting errors made by the publisher. This has now been corrected in the HTML version of the Data Descriptor, the affiliations in the PDF were correct from the time of publication.

  • Ground deformations controlled by hidden faults: Multi-frequency and multitemporal insar techniques for urban hazard monitoring
    Murgia, Bignami, Brunori, Tolomei, and Pizzimenti

    This work focuses on the study of land subsidence processes by means of multi-temporal and multi-frequency InSAR techniques. Specifically, we retrieve the long-term evolution (2003–2018) of the creeping phenomenon producing ground fissuring in the Ciudad Guzmán (Jalisco state, Mexico) urban area. The city is located on the northern side of the Volcan de Colima area, one of the most active Mexican volcanoes. On September 21 2012, Ciudad Guzmán was struck by ground fissures of about 1.5 km of length, causing the deformation of the roads and the propagation of fissures in adjacent buildings. The field surveys showed that fissures follow the escarpments produced during the central Mexico September 19 1985 Mw 8.1 earthquake. We extended the SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) interferometric monitoring starting with the multi-temporal analysis of ENVISAT and COSMO-SkyMed datasets, allowing the monitoring of the observed subsidence phenomena affecting the Mexican city. We processed a new stack of Sentinel-1 TOPSAR acquisition mode images along both descending and ascending paths and spanning the 2016–2018 temporal period. The resulting long-term trend observed by satellites, together with data from volcanic bulletin and in situ surveys, seems to suggest that the subsidence is due to the exploitation of the aquifers and that the spatial arrangement of ground deformation is controlled by the position of buried faults.

  • 22-kyr-Long Record of Surface Faulting Along the Source of the 30 October 2016 Earthquake (Central Apennines, Italy), From Integrated Paleoseismic Data Sets
    F. R. Cinti, P. M. De Martini, D. Pantosti, S. Baize, A. Smedile, F. Villani, R. Civico, S. Pucci, A. M. Lombardi, V. Sapia,et al.

    American Geophysical Union (AGU)
    AbstractWe integrate paleoseismic data sets along the Mt. Vettore‐Mt. Bove normal fault system rupturing at the surface in the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake. Through the analysis of new trenches from this work and a review of the preexisting data, we correlate events among trench sites along antithetic and synthetic fault splays. We recognize seven M 6.5, 2016 Norcia‐type (or larger) surface‐faulting events in the last ~22 kyr, including 2016. Before 2016, one event occurred in the past two millennia (260–575 CE) and possibly corresponds to the event damaging Rome in 443 or 484/508 CE. Three previous events occurred between 10590 and 415 BCE, whereas the two oldest ones date between 19820 and 16540 BCE. The average recurrence time is 3,360–3,640 years for the last ~22 kyr and 1,220–1,970 years for the last ~4 kyr. We infer a minimum dip‐slip rate of 0.26–0.38 mm/year on the master fault in the central portion of the Mt. Vettore–Mt. Bove normal fault system and a dip‐slip rate of at least 0.10 mm/year on the southernmost portion. We infer a Middle–Late Pleistocene inception of the long‐term scarp of the investigated splays. The along‐strike variation of slip rates well reproduces the trend of the 2016 surface slip; thus, the time window exposed in the trenches is representative for the present fault activity. Based on trenching data, different earthquake rupture scenarios should be also considered for local hazard assessment.

  • Surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018, Mw 4.9, Mt. Etna earthquake, Sicily (Italy): EMERGEO Working Group (Etna 2018)
    Riccardo Civico, Stefano Pucci, Rosa Nappi, Raffaele Azzaro, Fabio Villani, Daniela Pantosti, Francesca R. Cinti, Luca Pizzimenti, Stefano Branca, Carlo Alberto Brunori,et al.

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT We present a 1:10,000 scale map of the coseismic surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano (southern Italy). Detailed rupture mapping is based on extensive field surveys in the epicentral region. Despite the small size of the event, we were able to document surface faulting for about 8 km along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault, belonging to the Timpe tectonic system in the eastern flank of the volcano. The mapped ruptures are characterized in most cases by perceivable opening and by a dominant right-oblique sense of slip, with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a peak value of 0.35 m. It is also noteworthy that the ruptures vary significantly in their kinematic expression, denoting locally high degree of complexity of the surface faulting.

  • Evidence for Surface Faulting Earthquakes on the Montereale Fault System (Abruzzi Apennines, Central Italy)
    F. R. Cinti, R. Civico, A. M. Blumetti, E. Chiarini, E. La Posta, D. Pantosti, F. Papasodaro, A. Smedile, P. M. De Martini, F. Villani,et al.

    American Geophysical Union (AGU)
    AbstractWe conducted paleoseismic studies along the Montereale fault system (MFS; central Italy). The MFS shows geomorphological evidence of Late Quaternary activity and falls within the highest seismic hazard zone of central Apennines, between the epicentral areas of two recent earthquake sequences: 2009 L'Aquila and 2016–2017 central Italy. We excavated two trenches along the San Giovanni fault splay of the system, one intercepting the N140° striking bedrock main fault plane and the other cutting two subparallel fault scarps on the colluvial/alluvial deposits on the fault hanging wall. Excavations revealed repeated fault reactivation with surface faulting in prehistorical and historical times. We recognized and dated seven events in the last 26 kyr. The most recent ground‐rupturing event (evb1) possibly occurred 650–1,820 AD, consistent with one of the three main shocks that struck the area in 1,703 AD. A previous event (evb2) occurred between 5,330 bc and 730 bc, while older events occurred at 6,590–5,440 bc (evb3), 9,770–6,630 bc (evb4), and 16,860–13,480 bc (evb5). We documented two older displacement events (evb7 and evb6) between 23,780 bc and 16,850 bc. The minimum vertical slip rate at the trench site in the last 28–24 kyr is 0.3–0.4 mm/year. The inferred average recurrence interval for surface‐faulting events along the MFS is no longer than ~4 kyr. Based on the surface fault length ranging between 12 and 20 km, earthquakes with ≥M 6.0 are possible for the MFS. The MFS is an independent earthquake source, and its paleoseismic data are fully comparable with those known for faults in central Apennines.

  • A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy
    Fabio Villani, Riccardo Civico, Stefano Pucci, Luca Pizzimenti, Rosa Nappi, Paolo Marco De Martini, Fabio Villani, Riccardo Civico, Stefano Pucci, Luca Pizzimenti,et al.

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractWe provide a database of the coseismic geological surface effects following the Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake that hit central Italy on 30 October 2016. This was one of the strongest seismic events to occur in Europe in the past thirty years, causing complex surface ruptures over an area of &gt;400 km2. The database originated from the collaboration of several European teams (Open EMERGEO Working Group; about 130 researchers) coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. The observations were collected by performing detailed field surveys in the epicentral region in order to describe the geometry and kinematics of surface faulting, and subsequently of landslides and other secondary coseismic effects. The resulting database consists of homogeneous georeferenced records identifying 7323 observation points, each of which contains 18 numeric and string fields of relevant information. This database will impact future earthquake studies focused on modelling of the seismic processes in active extensional settings, updating probabilistic estimates of slip distribution, and assessing the hazard of surface faulting.

  • Landslides and subsidence assessment in the Crati Valley (Southern Italy) using insar data
    Giuseppe Cianflone, Cristiano Tolomei, Carlo Brunori, Stephen Monna, and Rocco Dominici

    In this work, we map surficial ground deformations that occurred during the years 2004–2010 in the Crati Valley (Southern Italy). The valley is in one of the most seismically active regions of the Italian peninsula, and presents slope instability and widespread landslide phenomena. We measured ground deformations by applying the small baseline subset (SBAS) technique, a multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) methodology that is used to process datasets of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Ground displacements are only partially visible with the InSAR technique. Visibility depends on the geometry of the acquisition layout, such as the radar acquisition angle view, and the land use. These two factors determine the backscattering of the reflected signal. Most of the ground deformation detected by InSAR can be attributed to the gravitational mass movements of the hillslopes (i.e., landslides), and the subsidence of the quaternary deposits filling the valley. The movements observed along the valley slopes were compared with the available landslide catalog. We also identified another cause of movement in this area, i.e., ground subsidence due to the compaction of the quaternary deposits filling the valley. This compaction can be ascribed to various sources, such as urban population growth and sprawl, industrial water withdrawal, and tectonic activity.

  • “High precision leveling survey following the M<inf>D</inf> 4.0 casamicciola earthquake of august 21, 2017 (Ischia, southern Italy): field data and preliminar interpretation„
    Ciro Ricco, Giuliana Alessio, Ida Aquino, Giuseppe Brandi, Carlo Alberto Brunori, Vincenzo D’Errico, Mario Dolce, Giuliana Mele, Rosa Nappi, Luca Pizzimenti,et al.

    Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV
    The aim of this paper is the presentation of the results obtained from the high precision leveling survey carried out from November 6 to 11, 2017, in the area hit by the M d 4.0 Casamicciola earthquake of August 21, 2017, and critical discussion of these results in the light of the possible seismic source models. The measurements have been carried out on benchmarks of the northwestern sector of the altimetric network of the Ischia island, in the epicentral area. The heights of each benchmark have been obtained considering the historical reference benchmark n.1 located at Ischia Porto, and have been compensated over the whole stretch of the measured network; such heights have also been compared with those derived from the previous leveling campaign that was performed along the entire network in June 2010. The results obtained from the specific investigated leveling lines, which are considered representative of the kinematics of the northwestern area of the island, show conspicuous anomalies of ground deformation in the epicentral area of the August 21, 2017 earthquake. In particular, a significant ground subsidence of about 3.5 centimeters has been found between the benchmarks n. 92 and n. 98A along the “Borbonica Line”, quite anomalous compared to the previous measurements. Such subsidence located between the Piazza Maio (Casamicciola) and Fango (Lacco Ameno) localities, results spatially correlated with the deformation detected by the InSAR data analysis and coincides with the greatest macroseismic damages and with the coseismic surface fracture systems E-W oriented. Future leveling campaign in the area would be very crucial in order to follow and define the rate of postseismic motion of the seismogenetic source, also contributing with independent and valuable data to the seismic hazard knowledge of the Ischia island.

  • Multi-sensor monitoring of Ciudad Guzman (Mexico) ground subsidence
    Christian Bignami, Carlo Alberto Brunori, Federica Murgia, and Cristiano Tolomei

    Elsevier BV

  • Coseismic ruptures of the 24 August 2016, M<inf>w</inf> 6.0 Amatrice earthquake (central Italy)
    S. Pucci, P. M. De Martini, R. Civico, F. Villani, R. Nappi, T. Ricci, R. Azzaro, C. A. Brunori, M. Caciagli, F. R. Cinti,et al.

    American Geophysical Union (AGU)
    AbstractOn 24 August 2016, a Mw 6.0 normal‐faulting earthquake struck central Italy, causing about 300 fatalities and heavy damage. A geological survey collected the coseismic effects observed at the surface in order to evaluate two competing hypotheses about their nature: surface faulting versus gravitational deformation. We find that the most significant geological effect is a 5.2 km long alignment of ground ruptures along the Mount Vettore Fault System. These ruptures are independent from lithology, topography, morphology, and change in slope and exhibit an average dip‐slip displacement of ~13 cm. Geometry, kinematics, and dimensional properties of this zone of deformation strongly lead us to favor the primary surface faulting hypothesis that fits well the predicted estimates from experimental scaling law relationships. Our study provides relevant hints for surface faulting in extensional domains, contributing to implement the worldwide database of the moderate earthquakes.

  • Coseismic effects of the 2016 Amatrice seismic sequence: First geological results
    EMERGEO W.G. :, S. Pucci, P.M. De Martini, R. Civico, R. Nappi, T. Ricci, F. Villani, C.A. Brunori, M. Caciagli, V. Sapia,et al.

    Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV
    &lt;p&gt;Since the beginning of the ongoing Amatrice seismic sequence on August 24, 2016, initiated by a Mw 6.0 normal faulting earthquake, the EMERGEO Working Group (an INGV team devoted to earthquake aftermath geological survey) set off to investigate any coseismic effects on the natural environment. Up to now, we surveyed about 750 km2 and collected more than 3200 geological observations as differently oriented tectonic fractures together with intermediate- to small- sized landslides, that were mapped in the whole area. The most impressive coseismic evidence was found along the known active Mt. Vettore fault system, where surface ruptures with clear vertical/horizontal offset were observed for more than 5 km, while unclear and discontinuous coseismic features were recorded along the Laga Mts. Fault systems.&lt;/p&gt;

  • Integrating multidisciplinary, multiscale geological and geophysical data to image the Castrovillari fault (Northern Calabria, Italy)
    F.R. Cinti, C. Pauselli, F. Livio, M. Ercoli, C.A. Brunori, M.F. Ferrario, R. Volpe, R. Civico, D. Pantosti, S. Pinzi,et al.

    Oxford University Press (OUP)
    , the faults likely merge to form a single normal fault at about 200 m depth, which we refer to as the Castrovillari fault. We present the results of a multidisciplinary and multiscale study at a selected site of the Cfs with the aim to (i) characterize the geometry at the surface and at depth and (ii) obtain constraints on the fault slip history. We investigate the site by merging data from quantitative geomorphological analyses, electrical resistivity and ground penetrating radar surveys, and palaeoseismological trenching along a ∼ 40 m high scarp. The closely spaced investigations allow us to reconstruct the shallow stratigraphy, define the fault locations, and measure the faulted stratigraphic offsets down to 20 m depth. Despite the varying resolutions, each of the adopted approaches suggests the presence of sub-parallel fault planes below the scarps at approximately the same location. The merged datasets permit the evaluation of the fault array (along strike for 220 m within a 370-m-wide zone). The main fault zone consists of two closely spaced NW–SE striking fault planes in the upper portion of the scarp slope and another fault at the scarp foot. The 3-D image of the fault surfaces shows west to southwest dipping planes with values between 70 ◦ and 80 ◦ ; the two closely spaced planes join at about 200 m below the surface. The 8-to-12-m-high upper fault, which shows the higher vertical displacements, accommodated most of the deformation during the Holocene. Results from the trenching analysis indicate a minimum slip per event of 0.6 m and a maximum short-term slip rate of 0.6 mm yr –1 for the Cf. The shallow subsurface imaging techniques are particularly helpful in evaluating the possible field uncertainties related to postfaulting modification by erosional/depositional/human processes, such as within stream valleys and urbanized zones.

  • Liquefaction susceptibility assessment in fluvial plains using airborne lidar: The case of the 2012 Emilia earthquake sequence area (Italy)
    R. Civico, C. A. Brunori, P. M. De Martini, S. Pucci, F. R. Cinti, and D. Pantosti

    Copernicus GmbH
    Abstract. We report a case study from the Po River plain region (northern Italy), where significant liquefaction-related land and property damage occurred during the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence. We took advantage of a 1 m pixel lidar digital terrain model (DTM) and of the 2012 Emilia coseismic liquefaction data set to (a) perform a detailed geomorphological study of the Po River plain area and (b) quantitatively define the liquefaction susceptibility of the geomorphologic features that experienced different abundance of liquefaction. One main finding is that linear topographic highs of fluvial origin – together with crevasse splays, abandoned riverbeds and very young land reclamation areas – acted as a preferential location for the occurrence of liquefaction phenomena. Moreover, we quantitatively defined a hierarchy in terms of liquefaction susceptibility for an ideal fluvial environment. We observed that a very high liquefaction susceptibility is found in coincidence with fluvial landforms, a high-to-moderate liquefaction susceptibility within a buffer distance of 100 and 200 m from mapped fluvial landforms and a low liquefaction susceptibility outside fluvial landforms and relative buffer areas. Lidar data allowed a significant improvement in mapping with respect to conventionally available topographic data and/or aerial imagery. These results have significant implications for accurate hazard and risk assessment as well as for land-use planning. We propose a simple geomorphological approach for liquefaction susceptibility estimation. Our findings can be applied to areas beyond Emilia that are characterized by similar fluvial-dominated environments and prone to significant seismic hazard.

  • InSAR time series analysis of natural and anthropogenic coastal plain subsidence: The case of sibari (Southern Italy)
    Giuseppe Cianflone, Cristiano Tolomei, Carlo Brunori, and Rocco Dominici

    We applied the Small Baseline Subset multi-temporal InSAR technique (SBAS) to two SAR datasets acquired from 2003 up to 2013 by Envisat (ESA, European Space Agency) and COSMO-SkyMed (ASI, Italian Space Agency) satellites to investigate spatial and temporal patterns of land subsidence in the Sibari Plain (Southern Italy). Subsidence processes (up to ~20 mm/yr) were investigated comparing geological, hydrogeological, and land use information with interferometric results. We suppose a correlation between subsidence and thickness of the Plio-Quaternary succession suggesting an active role of the isostatic compensation. Furthermore, the active back thrusting in the Corigliano Gulf could trigger a flexural subsidence mechanism even if fault activity and earthquakes do not seem play a role in the present subsidence. In this context, the compaction of Holocene deposits contributes to ground deformation. Despite the rapid urbanization of the area in the last 50 years, we do not consider the intensive groundwater pumping and related water table drop as the main triggering cause of subsidence phenomena, in disagreement with some previous publications. Our interpretation for the deformation fields related to natural and anthropogenic factors would be a comprehensive and exhaustive justification to the complexity of subsidence processes in the Sibari Plain.

  • Geological and geophysical approaches for the definition of the areas prone to liquefaction and for the identification and characterization of paloeliquefaction phenomena, the case of the 2012 emilia epicentral area, italy
    P. M. De Martini, L. Alfonsi, C. A. Brunori, P. Campagnoli, F. R. Cinti, R. Civico, L. Cucci, R. Gambillara, F. Livio, A. M. Michetti,et al.

    Springer International Publishing