Cezar Grontowski Ribeiro


Master's Program in Healthy and Sustainable Environments. Undergraduate Course in Physical Education.
Instituto Federal do Paraná

Researcher in the area of ​​physical activity and health, with an emphasis on health promotion and behavior change. Full professor at the Federal Institute of Paraná. He worked as Coordinator of the Distance Education Technologies Center - Campus Palmas. He served as Coordinator of the Physical Education course at the Federal Institute of Paraná (Campus Palmas) and the Centro Universitário de União da Vitória (UNIUV). He served as coordinator of PIBID (Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program) for the Degree in Physical Education course at IFPR (2012-2015 and 2023-2024). Provider of courses and lectures for over 20 years with over 30,000 participants.


Graduated in Physical Education (FACIPAL/2000). Specialist in Health and Quality of Life (FACIPAL/2001) and in Distance Education: Qualification in Educational Technologies (IFPR/2016). Master in Education (UNINORTE/2007). Master in Health Sciences (UNOCHAPECÓ/2014). PhD in Physical Education (UFSC/2021).


Health (social science)


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Food consumption scale validation in VAMOS Program: a proposal to assess eating behavior changes in Brazil
    Tânia Rosane Bertoldo Benedetti, Marina Christofoletti, Ricardo Teixeira Quinaud, Cezar Grontowski Ribeiro, Lisandra Maria Konrad, Humberto Moreira Carvalho, and Manuela Mika Jomori

    Abstract This study aimed to validate the frequency consumption scale (FCS) and establish cut-off points to assess changes in the eating behavior of participants in the VAMOS Program. The study was based on a community intervention conducted in 2019 in 70 Brazilian cities, with 458 adults from Primary Care. The questionnaire consisted of 12 questions about food frequency consumption. The questions were inserted into the analytical workflow, divided into the descriptive analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA), item response theory (IRT) modeling, and construction and validity of an applied questionnaire score. EFA indicated a two-factor structure, with three “healthy” (raw vegetables, fruits, and cooked vegetables) and three “unhealthy” (sugary drinks, sweets, and the replacement of meals with snacks) eating items. Items responses’ probabilities indicate a daily consumption of two healthy and once or nonweekly consumption of unhealthy items. Finally, the four categories proposed for FCS can respond over time. Therefore, the FCS proposal can be used effectively for program nutrition evaluation. Furthermore, it is possible to attribute behavior change in Brazilian primary care users with six items.

  • Evaluating the implementation of the active life improving health behavior change program “BCP-VAMOS” in primary health care: Protocol of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial using the RE-AIM and CFIR frameworks
    Lisandra Maria Konrad, Cezar Grontowski Ribeiro, Elaine Cristina Maciel, Camila Tomicki, Fabiana Almeida Brito, Fabio Araujo Almeida, and Tânia Rosane Bertoldo Benedetti

    Frontiers Media SA
    IntroductionThe effective translation of evidence-based interventions has contributed to implementing actions that impact public policies and the population's health. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding the factors associated with the successful implementation of these interventions. The Active Life Improving Health Behavior Change Program (BCP-VAMOS) uses behavioral strategies to promote an active and healthy lifestyle in the community. Characterized as a health innovation, it also provides health professionals with online training to implement the program in Primary Health Care (PHC). Our study describes a pragmatic trial that aims to evaluate the implementation of BCP-VAMOS, version 3.0, in PHC in southern Brazil.Methods and analysisA pragmatic randomized controlled trial (PRCT) of two arms comparing a group of PHC professionals who will participate in a traditional didactic approach (control group) vs. a group that will receive ongoing support (intervention group) for the implementation of BCP-VAMOS. The intervention will be available to adults (≥18 years old) registered at PHC. Program recipient's will be assessed at baseline and post-intervention (9 months after) to measure markers of physical activity and eating behavior (primary outcomes). Program's implementation process will be monitored for 12 months and will be evaluated using the RE-AIM and Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) frameworks.DiscussionsThe survey findings can be used widely throughout Brazil, guiding the work of health professionals, service planners and policy-makers. Also, the results may help to inform the national health promotion policy to plan interventions and improve the implementation of programs in PHC. This research results will provide practical guidance for researchers to develop similar protocols to implement and adapt public health interventions.Ethics and disseminationEthics approval has been granted by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil, under no. 1394492. Results will be published in full as open access in the UFSC library and main trial results and associated papers in high-impact peer-reviewed journals.Trial registration numberRBR-2vw77q—Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials – ReBEC (http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br).

  • Monitoring the health academy program from 2015 to 2017
    Sofia Wolker Manta, Paula Fabrício Sandreschi, Camila Tomicki, Lisandra Maria Konrad, Emanuele Naiara Quadros, Cezar Grontowski Ribeiro, Juciléia Barbosa Bezerra, Paulo Vitor De Souza, Elaine Cristina Maciel, Danielle Keylla Alencar Cruz,et al.

    Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte
    O objetivo foi analisar a implementação do Programa Academia da Saúde ao longo de três anos (2015 a 2017). Os dados são do monitoramento anual da implantação do programa no Brasil, por questionários respondidos pela gestão estadual, municipal e dos polos. Foram analisados os polos por região, profissionais atuantes, ações desenvolvidas e público-alvo. Análise descritiva e análise inferencial foram realizadas para diferenças das proporções. Observou-se um aumento na taxa de resposta ao monitoramento, especialmente na região nordeste; mais de 88% dos polos mantiveram em maior proporção profissionais de educação física; houve aumento significativo da oferta de práticas corporais e atividade física (2015 vs 2016) e, redução nas ações em alimentação (2015 vs 2016), práticas integrativas complementares (2015 vs 2016) e no atendimento à idosos (2015 vs 2017). Há uma disparidade na implementação do programa nas regiões ao longo dos anos e o monitoramento poderá contribuir para estratégias em promoção de saúde.

  • Vamos program: Instruments for measuring physical activity, feeding and anthropometry
    Mônica Costa Silva, Cezar Grontowski Ribeiro, and Tânia Rosane Bertoldo Benedetti

    Abstract The aim of this study was to indicate instruments to measure the effectiveness of the Active Life Improving Health Program - VAMOS, in physical activity (PA), feeding and anthropometry. Fifty-six participants were selected to act as analysts in the different stages of the work: 1) systematic review, 2) consensus groups, 3) analysis of selected instruments, 4) focus group. Physical activity, feeding and anthropometry measures, considering their applicability, viability and low cost, were selected to be applied in the VAMOS program in Basic Health Units (UBS). Step 1: Systematic literature review selected the instruments most used to evaluate PA, feeding and anthropometry, organizing a matrix based on established criteria. Step 2: consensus groups performed the choice of the main instruments in the matrix, excluding the two less viable. Step 3: Experts from the five regions of Brazil selected the main instruments included in the matrix, excluding the two least viable ones. Step 4: The focus group established the instruments that were most feasible for use in UBS. The instruments selected to verify effectiveness in physical activity were IPAQ short-version and pedometer for feeding the VIGITEL questionnaire, for anthropometric variables body mass, height, waist circumference and body mass index. The technical and scientific process carried out allows inferring that the VAMOS program should use the above mentioned instruments to measure effectiveness within criteria of applicability, viability and low-cost.

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of program vamos in the context of program academy of health: A qualitative study
    Emanuele Naiara Quadros, Elaine Cristina Maciel, Lisandra Maria Konrad, Cezar Grontowski Ribeiro, Aline Cristine Souza Lopes, Simone Teresinha Meurer, and Tânia Rosane Bertoldo Benedetti

    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade do Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde (VAMOS) a partir da percepção dos usuários do Programa Academia da Saúde (PAS) de Belo Horizonte. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo com participantes do GI (Grupo Intervenção) de um ensaio controlado e randomizado em dois polos do PAS. O GI participou das atividades do PAS e, adicionalmente, de um programa de mudança de comportamento (VAMOS) durante 12 semanas. A efetividade foi avaliada por meio de relatos em três grupos focais realizados com 32 participantes do GI (61 anos, ± 7,07) utilizando o roteiro baseado nas dimensões do modelo RE-AIM. A partir da análise de conteúdo foram identificados benefícios em quatro categorias: atividade física, alimentação, peso corporal e qualidade de vida. Pela percepção dos participantes, concluiu-se que o VAMOS trouxe benefícios nos marcadores do programa e que a metodologia utilizada foi efetiva para atingir os resultados.  

  • Obesity, hypertension, and socioeconomic status in western Santa Catarina, Brazil
    Clodoaldo Antônio De Sá, Vanessa Da silva Corralo, Sandra Fachineto, Clenise Liliane Schmidt, Marcos Antônio Cezar, and Cezar Grontowski Ribeiro

    Universidad Nacional de Colombia