Claudio Bonizzoni

Physics, Mathematics and Informatics
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia



Condensed Matter Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Quantum sensing of magnetic fields with molecular spins
    Claudio Bonizzoni, Alberto Ghirri, Fabio Santanni, and Marco Affronte

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractSpins are prototypical systems with the potential to probe magnetic fields down to the atomic scale limit. Exploiting their quantum nature through appropriate sensing protocols allows to enlarge their applicability to fields not always accessible by classical sensors. Here we first show that quantum sensing protocols for AC magnetic fields can be implemented with molecular spin ensembles embedded into hybrid quantum circuits. We then show that, using only echo detection at microwave frequency and no optical readout, Dynamical Decoupling protocols synchronized with the AC magnetic fields can enhance sensitivity up to S ≈ 10−10 − 10−9 T Hz−1/2 with a low (4-5) number of applied pulses. These results paves the way for the development of strategies to exploit molecular spins as quantum sensors.

  • Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in a hybrid magnon-photon bilayer system
    Alberto Ghirri, Claudio Bonizzoni, Maksut Maksutoglu, and Marco Affronte

    American Physical Society (APS)
    Spin waves in magnetic films are affected by the vicinity to a superconductor. Here we focus on a bilayer stack made of an insulating Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) film and a high-$T_c$ YBCO superconducting planar resonator and report microwave transmission spectra to monitor the temperature evolution of magnon-photon polaritons. We show that the observed temperature dependence of normal mode splitting and frequency shift with respect to the unperturbed magnon mode can be ultimately related to the penetration depth of YBCO, as an effect of the interplay between spin waves and Meissner currents.

  • Ultrastrong Magnon-Photon Coupling Achieved by Magnetic Films in Contact with Superconducting Resonators
    Alberto Ghirri, Claudio Bonizzoni, Maksut Maksutoglu, Alberto Mercurio, Omar Di Stefano, Salvatore Savasta, and Marco Affronte

    American Physical Society (APS)
    Coherent coupling between spin wave excitations (magnons) and microwave photons in a cavity may disclose new paths to unconventional phenomena as well as for novel applications. Here, we present a systematic investigation on YIG (Yttrium Iron Garnet) films on top of coplanar waveguide resonators made of superconducting YBCO. We first show that spin wave excitations with frequency higher than the Kittel mode can be excited by putting in direct contact a 5~$\\mu$m thick YIG film with the YBCO coplanar resonator (cavity frequency $\\omega_c/2 \\pi = 8.65$~GHz). With this configuration, we obtain very large values of the collective coupling strength $\\lambda/2 \\pi \\approx 2$~GHz and cooperativity $C=5 \\times 10^4$. Transmission spectra are analyzed by a modified Hopfield model for which we provide an exact solution that allows us to well reproduce spectra by introducing a limited number of free parameters. It turns out that the coupling of the dominant magnon mode with photons exceeds 0.2 times the cavity frequency, thus demonstrating the achievement of the ultrastrong coupling regime with this architecture. Our analysis also shows a vanishing contribution of the diamagnetic term which is a peculiarity of pure spin systems.

  • Coherent Quantum Network of Superconducting Qubits as a Highly Sensitive Detector of Microwave Photons for Searching of Galactic Axions
    C. Gatti, M. Affronte, A. Balanov, C. Bonizzoni, Giorgio Brida, F. Chiariello, N. Chikhi, G. Coda, A. D'Elia, D. Di Gioacchino,et al.

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    We propose a novel approach to detect a low power microwave signal with a frequency of the order of several GHz based on a coherent collective response of quantum states occurring in a superconducting qubits network (SQN). An SQN composes of a large number of superconducting qubits embedded in a low-dissipative superconducting resonator. Our theory predicts that an SQN interacting with the off-resonance microwave radiation, demonstrates the collective alternating current Stark effect that can be measured even in the limit of single photon counting. A design of the layout of three terminals SQN detectors containing 10 flux qubits weakly coupled to a low-dissipative R-resonator and T-transmission line was developed. The samples were fabricated by Al-based technology with Nb resonator. The SQN detector was tested in terms of microwave measurements of scattering parameters and two-tone spectroscopy. A substantial shift of the frequency position of the transmission coefficient drop induced by a second tone pump signal was observed, and this effect clearly manifests a nonlinear multiphoton interaction between the second-tone microwave pump signal and an array of qubits.

  • Coupling Sub-nanoliter BDPA Organic Radical Spin Ensembles with YBCO Inverse Anapole Resonators
    Claudio Bonizzoni, Maksut Maksutoglu, Alberto Ghirri, Johan van Tol, Bulat Rameev, and Marco Affronte

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Machine-Learning-Assisted Manipulation and Readout of Molecular Spin Qubits
    Claudio Bonizzoni, Mirco Tincani, Fabio Santanni, and Marco Affronte

    American Physical Society (APS)
    Machine Learning finds application in the quantum control and readout of qubits. In this work we apply Artificial Neural Networks to assist the manipulation and the readout of a prototypical molecular spin qubit - an Oxovanadium(IV) moiety - in two experiments designed to test the amplitude and the phase recognition, respectively. We first successfully use an artificial network to analyze the output of a Storage/Retrieval protocol with four input pulses to recognize the echo positions and, with further post selection on the results, to infer the initial input pulse sequence. We then apply an Artificial Neural Network to ascertain the phase of the experimentally measured Hahn echo, showing that it is possible to correctly detect its phase and to recognize additional single-pulse phase shifts added during manipulation.

  • Ultra-strong coupling in the hybrid quantum system consisting of planar MW resonator and YIG material

  • Transmission Spectroscopy of Molecular Spin Ensembles in the Dispersive Regime
    Claudio Bonizzoni, Alberto Ghirri, Shigeaki Nakazawa, Shinsuke Nishida, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui, and Marco Affronte

    AbstractThe readout in the dispersive regime is originally developed—and it is now largely exploited—for non‐demolitive measurement of super‐ and semiconducting qubits. More recently it has been successfully applied to probe collective spin excitations in ferro(i)magnetic bulk samples or collections of paramagnetic spin centers embedded into microwave cavities. The use of this readout technique within a semiclassical limit of excitation is only marginally investigated although it holds for a wide class of problems, including advanced magnetic resonance techniques. In this work, the coupling between a coplanar microwave resonator and diphenyl‐nitroxide organic radical diluted in a fully deuterated benzophenone single crystal is investigated. Two‐tone transmission spectroscopy experiments demonstrate the possibility to reconstruct the spectrum of the spin system with little loss of sensitivity with respect to the resonant regime. Likewise, pulse sequences of detuned microwave frequency allow the measurement of the spin‐lattice relaxation time (T1). The independent tunability of the probe and the drive power enables one to adjust the signal‐to‐noise ratio of the spectroscopy. These results suggest that electron spin dispersive spectroscopy can be used as a complementary tool of electron spin resonance to investigate the spin response.

  • Storage and retrieval of microwave pulses with molecular spin ensembles
    Claudio Bonizzoni, Alberto Ghirri, Fabio Santanni, Matteo Atzori, Lorenzo Sorace, Roberta Sessoli, and Marco Affronte

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractHybrid architectures combining complementary quantum systems will be largely used in quantum technologies and the integration of different components is one of the key issues. Thanks to their long coherence times and the easy manipulation with microwave pulses, electron spins hold a potential for the realization of quantum memories. Here, we test diluted oxovanadium tetraphenyl porphyrin (VO(TPP)) as a prototypical molecular spin system for the Storage/Retrieval of microwave pulses when embedded into planar superconducting microwave resonators. We first investigate the efficiency of several pulse sequences in addressing the spins. The Carr-Purcell and the Uhrig Dynamical Decoupling enhance the memory time up to three times with three π pulses. We then successfully store and retrieve trains of up to 5 small pulses by using a single recovery pulse. These results demonstrate the memory capabilities of molecular spin ensembles when embedded into quantum circuits.

  • Towards quantum sensing with molecular spins
    F. Troiani, A. Ghirri, M.G.A. Paris, C. Bonizzoni, and M. Affronte

    Elsevier BV

  • Microwave dual-mode resonators for coherent spin-photon coupling
    C. Bonizzoni, F. Troiani, A. Ghirri, and M. Affronte

    AIP Publishing
    We implement superconducting Yttrium barium copper oxide planar resonators with two fundamental modes for circuit quantum electrodynamics experiments. We first demonstrate good tunability in the resonant microwave frequencies and in their interplay, as emerges from the dependence of the transmission spectra on the device geometry. We then investigate the magnetic coupling of the resonant modes with bulk samples of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl organic radical spins. The transmission spectroscopy performed at low temperature shows that the coherent spin-photon coupling regime with the spin ensembles can be achieved by each of the resonator modes. The analysis of the results within the framework of the input-output formalism and by means of entropic measures demonstrates coherent mixing of the degrees of freedom corresponding to two remote spin ensembles and, with a suitable choice of the geometry, the approaching of a regime with spin-induced mixing of the two photon modes.

  • Radical-lanthanide ferromagnetic interaction in a T bIII bis-phthalocyaninato complex
    Dorsa Komijani, Alberto Ghirri, Claudio Bonizzoni, Svetlana Klyatskaya, Eufemio Moreno-Pineda, Mario Ruben, Alessandro Soncini, Marco Affronte, and Stephen Hill

    American Physical Society (APS)
    Dorsa Komijani,1,2 Alberto Ghirri,3 Claudio Bonizzoni,3,4 Svetlana Klyatskaya,5 Eufemio Moreno-Pineda,5 Mario Ruben,5 Alessandro Soncini,6 Marco Affronte,3,4,* and Stephen Hill1,2,† 1Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306, USA 2National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida 32310, USA 3CNR-Instituto Nanoscienze, via G. Campi 213A, 41125 Modena, Italy 4Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche e Matematiche, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, via G. Campi 213A, 41125 Modena, Italy 5Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Nanotechnology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany 6School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, 3010 Victoria, Australia

  • Coherent coupling of molecular spins with microwave photons in planar superconducting resonators
    Claudio Bonizzoni, Alberto Ghirri, and Marco Affronte

    Informa UK Limited
    Abstract Within the quest for solid state quantum systems to be used for fundamental as well as applied research, molecular spins have recently emerged as a versatile platform with interesting performances in terms of quantum coherence and correlation. Molecular units provide well defined environment to electronic spins and they represent elementary bricks for complex nano-architectures and nano-devices. Here we review our recent efforts and results on their efficient integration in circuit Quantum ElectroDynamics and, more specifically, in reaching their coherent coupling with microwave photons in planar resonators. To monitor molecular spin performances over a wide temperature and magnetic field range we have first developed microwave planar resonators made of high T c superconductors, obtaining excellent performances up to liquid Nitrogen temperature and in magnetic fields up to 7 Tesla. Ensembles of different molecular spins systems are then systematically tested. The regime of high spin-photon cooperativity is achieved with molecular spins diluted in non-magnetic matrix at 0.5 K, while the strong coupling regime is observed with concentrated samples of organic radicals up to 50 K. The possibility to create coherent states among distinct spin ensembles is further explored in similar spectroscopic experiments. These results show that molecular spins can be efficiently integrated in quantum devices.

  • Coherent coupling between Vanadyl Phthalocyanine spin ensemble and microwave photons: Towards integration of molecular spin qubits into quantum circuits
    C. Bonizzoni, A. Ghirri, M. Atzori, L. Sorace, R. Sessoli, and M. Affronte

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractElectron spins are ideal two-level systems that may couple with microwave photons so that, under specific conditions, coherent spin-photon states can be realized. This represents a fundamental step for the transfer and the manipulation of quantum information. Along with spin impurities in solids, molecular spins in concentrated phases have recently shown coherent dynamics under microwave stimuli. Here we show that it is possible to obtain high cooperativity regime between a molecular Vanadyl Phthalocyanine (VOPc) spin ensemble and a high quality factor superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) coplanar resonator at 0.5 K. This demonstrates that molecular spin centers can be successfully integrated in hybrid quantum devices.

  • Coherently coupling distinct spin ensembles through a high- Tc superconducting resonator
    A. Ghirri, C. Bonizzoni, F. Troiani, N. Buccheri, L. Beverina, A. Cassinese, and M. Affronte

    American Physical Society (APS)
    The problem of coupling multiple spin ensembles through cavity photons is revisited by using PyBTM organic radicals and a high-$T_c$ superconducting coplanar resonator. An exceptionally strong coupling is obtained and up to three spin ensembles are simultaneously coupled. The ensembles are made physically distinguishable by chemically varying the $g$ factor and by exploiting the inhomogeneities of the applied magnetic field. The coherent mixing of the spin and field modes is demonstrated by the observed multiple anticrossing, along with the simulations performed within the input-output formalism, and quantified by suitable entropic measures.

  • Coupling molecular spin centers to microwave planar resonators: Towards integration of molecular qubits in quantum circuits
    C. Bonizzoni, A. Ghirri, K. Bader, J. van Slageren, M. Perfetti, L. Sorace, Y. Lan, O. Fuhr, M. Ruben, and M. Affronte

    Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
    Strong coupling meets coordination chemistry: hints in the design of molecular qubits in hybrid quantum circuits.

  • Microstrip Resonators and Broadband Lines for X-band EPR Spectroscopy of Molecular Nanomagnets
    Alberto Ghirri, Claudio Bonizzoni, Mattia Righi, Federico Fedele, Grigore Timco, Richard Winpenny, and Marco Affronte

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • YBa<inf>2</inf>Cu<inf>3</inf>O<inf>7</inf> microwave resonators for strong collective coupling with spin ensembles
    A. Ghirri, C. Bonizzoni, D. Gerace, S. Sanna, A. Cassinese, and M. Affronte

    AIP Publishing
    Coplanar microwave resonators made of 330 nm-thick superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 have been realized and characterized in a wide temperature (T, 2–100 K) and magnetic field (B, 0–7 T) range. The quality factor (QL) exceeds 104 below 55 K and it slightly decreases for increasing fields, remaining 90% of QL(B=0) for B = 7 T and T = 2 K. These features allow the coherent coupling of resonant photons with a spin ensemble at finite temperature and magnetic field. To demonstrate this, collective strong coupling was achieved by using di(phenyl)-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)iminoazanium organic radical placed at the magnetic antinode of the fundamental mode: the in-plane magnetic field is used to tune the spin frequency gap splitting across the single-mode cavity resonance at 7.75 GHz, where clear anticrossings are observed with a splitting as large as ∼82 MHz at T = 2 K. The spin-cavity collective coupling rate is shown to scale as the square root of the number of active spins in the ensemble.