David Diaz Vico


Profesor Doctor, Escuela de Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Diseño
Universidad Europea de Madrid




Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Computational Theory and Mathematics, Mathematics


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Companion Losses for Ordinal Regression
    David Díaz-Vico, Angela Fernández, and José R. Dorronsoro

    Springer International Publishing

  • Companion Losses for Deep Neural Networks
    David Díaz-Vico, Angela Fernández, and José R. Dorronsoro

    Springer International Publishing

  • Deep least squares fisher discriminant analysis
    David Diaz-Vico and Jose R. Dorronsoro

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    While being one of the first and most elegant tools for dimensionality reduction, Fisher linear discriminant analysis (FLDA) is not currently considered among the top methods for feature extraction or classification. In this paper, we will review two recent approaches to FLDA, namely, least squares Fisher discriminant analysis (LSFDA) and regularized kernel FDA (RKFDA) and propose deep FDA (DFDA), a straightforward nonlinear extension of LSFDA that takes advantage of the recent advances on deep neural networks. We will compare the performance of RKFDA and DFDA on a large number of two-class and multiclass problems, many of them involving class-imbalanced data sets and some having quite large sample sizes; we will use, for this, the areas under the receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) curve of the classifiers considered. As we shall see, the classification performance of both methods is often very similar and particularly good on imbalanced problems, but building DFDA models is considerably much faster than doing so for RKFDA, particularly in problems with quite large sample sizes.

  • A Comparative Evaluation of Heart Rate Estimation Methods using Face Videos
    Javier Hernandez-Ortega, Julian Fierrez, Aythami Morales, and David Diaz

    This paper presents a comparative evaluation of methods for remote heart rate estimation using face videos, i.e., given a video sequence of the face as input, methods to process it to obtain a robust estimation of the subject's heart rate at each moment. Four alternatives from the literature are tested, three based in hand-crafted approaches and one based on deep learning. The methods are compared using RGB videos from the COHFACE database. Experiments show that the learning-based method achieves much better accuracy than the hand-crafted ones. The low error rate achieved by the learning-based model makes possible its application in real scenarios, e.g. in medical or sports environments.

  • Deep support vector neural networks
    David Díaz-Vico, Jesús Prada, Adil Omari, and José Dorronsoro

    IOS Press
    Kernel based Support Vector Machines, SVM, one of the most popular machine learning models, usually achieve top performances in two-class classification and regression problems. However, their training cost is at least quadratic on sample size, making them thus unsuitable for large sample problems. However, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), with a cost linear on sample size, are able to solve big data problems relatively easily. In this work we propose to combine the advanced representations that DNNs can achieve in their last hidden layers with the hinge and ϵ insensitive losses that are used in two-class SVM classification and regression. We can thus have much better scalability while achieving performances comparable to those of SVMs. Moreover, we will also show that the resulting Deep SVM models are competitive with standard DNNs in two-class classification problems but have an edge in regression ones.

  • Deep Support Vector Classification and Regression
    David Díaz-Vico, Jesús Prada, Adil Omari, and José R. Dorronsoro

    Springer International Publishing

  • Deep MLPs for Imbalanced Classification
    David Diaz-Vico, Anibal R. Figueiras-Vidal, and Jose R. Dorronsoro

    Abstract–Classification over imbalanced datasets is a highly interesting topic given that many real-world classification problems present a concrete class with a much smaller number of patterns than the others. In this work we shall explore the use of large, fully connected and potentially deep MLPs in such problems. We will consider simple MLPs, with ReLU activations, softmax outputs and categorical cross-entropy loss, showing that, when properly regularized, these relatively straightforward MLP models yield state of the art results in terms of the areas under the ROC curve for both two-class problems (the usual focus in imbalanced classification) as well as for multi-class problems.

  • Deep fisher discriminant analysis
    David Díaz-Vico, Adil Omari, Alberto Torres-Barrán, and José Ramón Dorronsoro

    Springer International Publishing

  • Deep neural networks for wind energy prediction
    David Díaz, Alberto Torres, and José R. Dorronsoro

    Springer International Publishing

  • Sparse one hidden layer MLPs


  • Companion losses for ordinal regression
    D Daz-Vico, A Fernndez, JR Dorronsoro
    International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 211-222 2022

  • Deep learning applied to regression, classification and feature transformation problems
    D Daz Vico
    Deep learning applied to regression, classification and feature 2022

  • Companion losses for deep neural networks
    D Daz-Vico, A Fernndez, JR Dorronsoro
    International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 538-549 2021

  • Deep support vector neural networks
    D Diaz-Vico, J Prada, A Omari, J Dorronsoro
    Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 27 (4), 389-402 2020

  • Deep least squares fisher discriminant analysis
    D Daz-Vico, JR Dorronsoro
    IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (8), 2752-2763 2019

  • Deep support vector classification and regression
    D Daz-Vico, J Prada, A Omari, JR Dorronsoro
    From Bioinspired Systems and Biomedical Applications to Machine Learning 2019

  • Deep mlps for imbalanced classification
    D Daz-Vico, AR Figueiras-Vidal, JR Dorronsoro
    2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7 2018

  • Deep neural networks for wind and solar energy prediction
    D Daz–Vico, A Torres–Barrn, A Omari, JR Dorronsoro
    Neural Processing Letters 46, 829-844 2017

  • Deep Fisher discriminant analysis
    D Daz-Vico, A Omari, A Torres-Barrn, JR Dorronsoro
    Advances in Computational Intelligence: 14th International Work-Conference 2017

  • Method and device for locating network activity in cellular communication networks
    DDV Roco Martnez-Lpez Miguel A. Rodrguez-Crespo
    EP Patent EP2869622 B1 2016

  • Method and device for locating network activity in cellular communication networks
    RML Miguel A. Rodrguez-Crespo, David Daz-Vico
    US Patent US9277410 B2 2016

  • Deep neural networks for wind energy prediction
    D Daz-Vico, A Torres, JR Dorronsoro Ibero
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in 2015

  • Sparse one hidden layer MLPs
    JRD Alberto Torres, David Daz
    ESANN 2014

  • Deep neural networks
    D Daz Vico


  • Deep neural networks for wind and solar energy prediction
    D Daz–Vico, A Torres–Barrn, A Omari, JR Dorronsoro
    Neural Processing Letters 46, 829-844 2017
    Citations: 79

  • Deep least squares fisher discriminant analysis
    D Daz-Vico, JR Dorronsoro
    IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (8), 2752-2763 2019
    Citations: 36

  • Deep support vector neural networks
    D Diaz-Vico, J Prada, A Omari, J Dorronsoro
    Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 27 (4), 389-402 2020
    Citations: 25

  • Deep mlps for imbalanced classification
    D Daz-Vico, AR Figueiras-Vidal, JR Dorronsoro
    2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7 2018
    Citations: 13

  • Deep Fisher discriminant analysis
    D Daz-Vico, A Omari, A Torres-Barrn, JR Dorronsoro
    Advances in Computational Intelligence: 14th International Work-Conference 2017
    Citations: 7

  • Deep support vector classification and regression
    D Daz-Vico, J Prada, A Omari, JR Dorronsoro
    From Bioinspired Systems and Biomedical Applications to Machine Learning 2019
    Citations: 6

  • Companion losses for deep neural networks
    D Daz-Vico, A Fernndez, JR Dorronsoro
    International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 538-549 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Companion losses for ordinal regression
    D Daz-Vico, A Fernndez, JR Dorronsoro
    International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 211-222 2022
    Citations: 2