Denis Zhuravlev

Department of Archaeology
State Historical museum


Moscow Lomonosov State University


Classical Archaeology, Roman archaeology, Museology


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Antique Red Glazed Ceramics (Sigillata): Complex Approach for Research
    E. Yu. Tereschenko, A. M. Antipin, V. B. Kvartalov, A. V. Mandrykina, P. B. Gureva, A. V. Smokotina, D. V. Zhuravlev, O. A. Alekseeva, and E. B. Yatsishina

    Pleiades Publishing Ltd

    Д. В. Журавлев, А. М. Камышанов, А. И. Кудряшова, and У. Шлотцауер

    Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Статья представляет первую специальную публикацию, посвященную археологическому комплексу Красный Октябрь 1 в Прикубанье. Разновременный памятник (рубеж VI-V вв. до н. э. - Новое время) имеет площадь около 70 га, частично перекрыт современной застройкой. Сохранилось центральное укрепление городища с высокими валами и рвами, а также вторая укрепленная площадка к западу от нее, возможно, относящиеся уже к XVIII - началу XIX в. Точное время возникновения фортификации на памятнике пока неизвестно. Раскопками обнаружены следы гончарного производственного комплекса первой половины I в. н. э., где изготавливали грузила и другие мелкие предметы. Среди находок - бронзовая статуэтка Зевса/Юпитера провинциально-римской работы, сероглиняный светильник в виде маски Силена, разнообразные курильницы. This paper is the first special publication on the Krasnyy Oktyabr site in the Kuban region. This archaeological ensemble has been created and used in different time periods (turn of the 5th century BC - Modern Time), its area which is partially overlain by modern housing is around 70 ha. The survived structures of the ensemble include the central reinforced part of the settlement with high ramparts and ditches and the second reinforced area west of the central fortification, possibly, dating to the 18th - early 19th centuries. The exact dating of the fortification at the site is not yet known. The excavations discovered traces of a pottery production center dating to the first half of the 1st= century AD where sinkers and other smaller items were produced. The finds include a bronze figurine of Zeus/Jupiter from a Roman province, a gray clay oil lamp in the form of a Silenus mask and various incense-burners.

    Т. Н. Смекалова, Д. В. Журавлев, Г. К. Данилов, С. В. Бельский, and А. В. Антипенко

    Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    В результате изучения состава сплава металлических предметов из раскопок Н. М. Печёнкина могильника Бельбек I в 1903-1905 гг. была выделена небольшая группа находок (ременная гарнитура и пластинчатые перстни), сделанных из низкопробного серебра. Эти вещи можно отнести к категории предметов престижа, и поэтому, вероятно, для их изготовления применялся драгоценный металл, хотя и сильно «разбавленный» медью, иногда свинцом и оловом. В результате сравнения состава сплава этих находок и римских антонинианов III в. н. э. можно высказать осторожное предположение, что для изготовления украшений и аксессуаров могли использоваться римские серебряные монеты, которые не имели хождения в виде денежных знаков среди местного населения в Таврике. Антонинианы поступали на территорию Таврики вместе с римскими военными подразделениями. В варварской среде римские имперские монеты шли в переплавку и служили материалом для украшений, наряду с другими низкопробно-серебряными и бронзовыми изделиями в виде металлического лома. The study of the composition of metal items from the excavations led by N. M. Pechenkin at the Belbek I cemetery in 1903-1905 identified a small group of finds (a belt set and plate finger-rings) made of low-grade silver. These artifacts can be attributed to the category of items of prestige, therefore, probably, precious metal was used for their manufacture, though strongly «diluted» with copper, in some cases, lead and tin. As a result of a comparison of the alloy composition of these finds and the Roman silver coins (antoninians) of the 3rd century AD a cautious assumption can be made that since Roman silver coins did not circulate as monetary units among the local population in Tau-rica, they could be used to make jewelry and accessories. Antoninians reached Taurica together with the Roman military contingent. In a barbarian environment, Roman imperial coins were not used as money but were melted down and served as a material for jewelry, along with other low-grade silver and bronze items in the form of scrap

  • Study of the hidden ancient anthropogenic landscapes using digital models of microtopography
    Tatyana Skrypitsyna, Vladimir V. Kurkov, Denis V. Zhuravlev, Vladimir A. Knyaz, and Anzhela V. Batasova

    Advances in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and optical sensors of various types provide new opportunities for collecting and processing a remote sensing data of a new quality. Applying UAVs to acquire high-resolution imagery makes it possible to produce a digital elevation model (DEM) of high quality and resolution. New quality of an available DEMs allows to analyze small details of the land surface and to retrieve valuable information about hidden archaeological content. Our study addresses to creating and analysing of DEM of large-scale and high-resolution for detecting the traces of hidden ancient artefacts at archaeological sites. The survey for acquiring an imagery for this study has been carried out at Taman Peninsula (Russia) as a part of Russian State Historical Museum expedition aimed at studying of the Bosporan Kingdom (VI-I century BC). We presents the developed techniques for UAV imagery processing which provides improved accuracy of photogrammetric 3D measurements comparing with standard photogrammetric image processing by commercial software. These approaches have been developed for interpretation of terrain models for predicting possible spatial distribution of archaeological artefacts. The proposed techniques allows creating large-scaled digital terrain models of the archaeological sites which can serve for more reliable archaeological prediction and accurate geo-positioning of possible findings. It has showed that the developed techniques provide accurate high quality DEM and serve as useful tool for archaeological sites analyses and predictions.

  • Lamps with “temple façade” decoration: witness to urban vitality in the northern and western Black Sea and the ties with Constantinople
    Laurent Chrzanovski, Denis Zhuravlev, and Florin Topoleanu

    University of Warsaw
    The architectural motif in the form of an arch-on-columns, the titular “temple facade”, decorating the discus of late antique lamps, has been the subject of debate and various interpretations of the meaning without reference to the rendering or the lamp type. An examination of known examples of lamps with this particular motif has identified four different lamp type variants and two main renderings of the decoration. Ovoid lamps bearing a representation of an arch-on-columns, the most numerous among the finds, come mostly from Constantinople and nearby cities, the Black Sea coast and the Danubian sites, the sole exceptions being Egypt (where they appear also in a late variant), Cyprus and Byblos. Reconstructing the distribution of these types and renderings has introduced some “order” into the existing hypotheses and highlighted issues connected with understanding the booming economy of the Pontic area as well as the recently rebuilt Danubian limes fortresses, during their apex, in the 5th and 6th centuries AD. It has also contributed to the discussion aimed at ending the widespread use of the term “Balkan lamps” for products that represent the output of Pontic and Danubian workshops influenced by the Imperial capital in Constantinople.

  • Combined Rotary-wellhead counterbalancing of pumpjack
    Камил Рахматуллович Уразаков, Денис Вячеславович Журавлев, and Шамиль Агаметович Алиметов

    National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
    Актуальность. Одним из важнейших факторов, определяющих эффективность работы установки скважинного штангового насоса, является степень уравновешенности привода. При существующих технологиях уравновешивания узлы станков-качалок подвержены значительному усталостному износу, обусловленному высокими нагрузками на привод. Это приводит к преждевременным отказам и росту потребляемой электроэнергии. Вышесказанное обуславливает актуальность разработки и совершенствования методов уравновешивания станков-качалок. Объект: штанговая насосная установка с комбинированной роторно-устьевой уравновешивающей системой, включающей устьевой контргруз, приложенный через гибкую тягу непосредственно к устьевому штоку, который позволяет компенсировать часть постоянной нагрузки в точке подвеса штанг, обусловленной весом колонны штанг в жидкости. Цель: разработка методики расчета комбинированной роторно-устьевой системы уравновешивания, включающей определение веса устьевого контргруза и расчет роторных противовесов, расположенных на кривошипе; оптимизация энергоемкости устьевой уравновешивающей системы, базирующаяся на выполнении при расчетах критериев минимизации нагрузок на привод и затрачиваемой на подъем скважинной продукции энергии. Методы: применение принципов аналитической механики для составления уравнений динамики рассматриваемой системы, методов численного моделирования при исследовании формирования динамических нагрузок в подземной и наземной части штанговой насосной установки. Результаты. Разработана методика расчета комбинированной роторно-устьевой системы уравновешивания станка-качалки, позволяющая минимизировать нагрузку на привод станка-качалки, а также способствующая снижению энергозатрат на добычу нефти за счет обеспечения равномерной загрузки приводного двигателя за цикл качания. Путем расчета динамических нагрузок в узлах станка-качалки показана эффективность комбинированной роторно-устьевой системы уравновешивания.

  • Photogrammetry for archaeology: Collecting pieces together
    A. G. Chibunichev, V. A. Knyaz, D. V. Zhuravlev, and V. M. Kurkov

    Copernicus GmbH
    Abstract. The complexity of retrieving and understanding the archaeological data requires to apply different techniques, tools and sensors for information gathering, processing and documenting. Archaeological research now has the interdisciplinary nature involving technologies based on different physical principles for retrieving information about archaeological findings. The important part of archaeological data is visual and spatial information which allows reconstructing the appearance of the findings and relation between them. Photogrammetry has a great potential for accurate acquiring of spatial and visual data of different scale and resolution allowing to create archaeological documents of new type and quality. The aim of the presented study is to develop an approach for creating new forms of archaeological documents, a pipeline for their producing and collecting in one holistic model, describing an archaeological site. A set of techniques is developed for acquiring and integration of spatial and visual data of different level of details. The application of the developed techniques is demonstrated for documenting of Bosporus archaeological expedition of Russian State Historical Museum.

  • Two graves of Roman soldiers from the necropolis of Chersonesos Taurica
    Валентин Валерьевич Дорошко and Денис Валерьевич Журавлев

    Akademizdatcenter Nauka

  • Gender discourse transformation within contemporary catholicism
    Denis Zhuravlev and

    The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
    This article analyzes the transformation of gender discourse within contemporary Catholicism after Vatican II Council. The author shows how numerous discussions among Catholic intellectuals and ordinary Catholics on gender equality, women’s role in the church tradition, respect to sexual minorities and other out‑groups historically discriminated within the traditionalist conservative approach are being actualized at the current stage of development of Catholic thought. Particular attention is paid to the comparative analysis of the gender concept interpretation on the part of secular and religious theorists. The transformation of gender discourse in Catholic thought is profound in nature and is related both to the development of scientific knowledge and the change in value orientations. That reflects the qualitative changes of religious and political identity. Carrying out the detailed analysis of current debate in the Catholic community linked with the Catholic complementarity theory, which shows the traditional understanding of gender, the author focuses on its critical reflection from the perspective of the later gender theories, in particular those proposed by Judith Butler. The author attempts to point out the interrelation between changes in the perception of gender issues among Catholics and the democratization process. Results of the Global Survey of Catholics’ values are cited to confirm this thesis. Finally, the author carries out a comparative analysis of debates on the gender concept between so‑called “conservative” and so‑called “liberal” Catholic thinkers. The article notes the specific role of the French and American Catholic thought in the implementation of the gender mainstreaming.

  • Orthodox Identity as Traditionalism: Construction of Political Meaning in the Current Public Discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church
    Denis Zhuravlev

    Informa UK Limited
    This article reviews the articulation of traditional political values in the contemporary discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). As an empirical basis, the article takes the ROC’s official documents reflecting its position on social and political issues, the statements of various Synodal departments and Church hierarchs, as well as the statements of those representatives of the Orthodox intelligentsia, who promote an alternative agenda for Church-state dialogue. The author analyses the discursive forms deployed for the use of two key concepts, related to two markers of traditionalist worldview (opinions about liberalism, and positions taken with regard to the rights of sexual minorities), and studies the context in which these confessional ethical norms are politicized. This allows the author to move from interpreting Orthodox identity as merely a confessional/religious affiliation, expressing itself in a range of practices (attending services, etc), to an interpretation of Orthodox identity as traditionalist in the political sense of that word, involving the formation of a distinctive political theology and the politicization of confessional ideas of morality.

  • Multisource data fusion for documenting archaeological sites
    Alexander G. Chibunichev, Denis V. Zhuravlev, and Vladimir A. Knyaz

    The quality of archaeological sites documenting is of great importance for cultural heritage preserving and investigating. The progress in developing new techniques and systems for data acquisition and processing creates an excellent basis for achieving a new quality of archaeological sites documenting and visualization. archaeological data has some specific features which have to be taken into account when acquiring, processing and managing. First of all, it is a needed to gather as full as possible information about findings providing no loss of information and no damage to artifacts. Remote sensing technologies are the most adequate and powerful means which satisfy this requirement. An approach to archaeological data acquiring and fusion based on remote sensing is proposed. It combines a set of photogrammetric techniques for obtaining geometrical and visual information at different scales and detailing and a pipeline for archaeological data documenting, structuring, fusion, and analysis. The proposed approach is applied for documenting of Bosporus archaeological expedition of Russian State Historical Museum.

  • A Terracotta Relief with a Dionysiac Motif from Kepoi<sup>1</sup>
    Denis V. Zhuravlev and Georgii A. Lomtadze

    Abstract A unique terracotta relief with a depiction of a Dionysiac scene is published in this article: it was found during excavations of the city of Kepoi in the Asiatic Bosporus. The authors of the article reach the conclusion that the relief shows a depiction of two actors in satyrs’ masks carrying a third in the role of Dionysos. The relief dates from the second half of the 4th century BC.

  • Research in the ancient settlement "Golubickaja-2" on the southern Russian Taman Peninsula. Archaeology - Geoarchaeology - Historical interpretation

  • Geoarchaeology of taman peninsula (Kerch Strait, South-West Russia) - The example of the ancient Greek settlement of Golubitskaya 2

  • A bronze jug from the Shverin burial-mound
    Denis V. Zhuravlev and Mikhail Yu. Treister


  • Grave-goods from a rich tomb in gorgippia(?) dating from the 2<sup>nd</sup> century ad and now in the collection of the State Historical Museum (Moscow)
    Mikhail Treister and Denis Zhuravlev

    AbstractIn 1982 The State Historical Museum acquired a set of a gold funeral wreath and three pair of earrings from the KGB. According to the given information the objects originated from the clandestine excavations in Anapa or its vicinities. The complex of jewellery discussed is chronologically close to the burial in the tomb II, excavated in 1975 in Gorgippia, which may be dated not later than the middle-third quarter of the 2nd century AD. The fact that the plaque of the funerary wreath finds parallels only among the medallions from Gorgippia, and was most probably hammered in the same matrix as these objects, gives grounds to discuss the complex of finds as most probably originating from the necropolis of Gorgippia. Having in mind the wealth of the complex, the time and the circumstances of its acquisition, it may be tentatively supposed, that the finds originate from a monumental tomb, excavated in Gorgippia in 1978, which was robbed several years before. Regrettably, we will never find out about any other objects and the complete inventory of this tomb will remain unknown.

  • New data on details of Roman military equipment and horse's harness from Chersonesos and its environs
    Denis Zhuravlev

    Finds of Roman military equipment and horse’s harness are extremely rare in the North Pontic region. They constitute an important addition to already available evidence relating to the Roman presence in the region. The study of these objects from the North Pontic region only began relatively recently.1 Apart from Olbia, Tyras and Chersonesos, where Roman military units were stationed at various times, parts of weapons or harness have also been found in Panticapaeum and in a shrine near the mountain pass known as the “Gurzuf Saddle” (Gurzufskoe sedlo). It is interesting to note that no similar objects have so far been found either in Balaclava or in Charax, where Roman troops were also stationed.2 I do not yet have any explanations to offer for this. Meanwhile, parts of Roman military accoutrements and horse’s harness from various parts of the North Pontic region are stored in the collections of many museums in Russia and the Ukraine, objects about which specialists know nothing or, at best, very little. This article, which does not claim to offer farreaching historical conclusions on the subject, is devoted to some objects of this kind from one of the largest Russian archaeological collections – that of the State Historical Museum in Moscow (SHM).3 Among the collections of articles from Chersonesos in the above museum there are parts of a Roman belt-set (Fig. 1), which was found in “earthen tomb” No. 492 excavated by K.K. Kostyushko-Valyuzhinich in 18944 (SHM

  • Terra Sigillata and red slip pottery in the North Pontic region (a short bibliographical survey)

    Terra sigillata1 which became widespread throughout the whole territory of Mediterranean and Black Sea region in the Roman period constitutes the most important historical source. Unfortunately, however, the terra sigillata of the North Pontic region has not been the subject of any serious or detailed study during the Soviet period. Far less attention has been devoted to the historiography of this question in Russia and the Ukraine than in the West. This is mainly linked with the fact that in the territory of the North Pontic region the few examples manufactured in the West which were found complete with stamps or richly decorated, which had attracted the attention of scholars from all over the world, while the unexceptional fragments of undecorated pottery making up the bulk of the Ž nds at the sites of the North Pontic region constituted a limited source of information. In addition not very much attention used to be paid to the painstaking and labour-intensive work with mass-scale archaeological material in the former Soviet Union (with the exception of amphorae and hand-made pottery, in the study of which a good deal of success was achieved). What was, without doubt, a major contributing factor here was the fact that for any serious study of table-ware, in particular terra sigillata, knowledge of at least the material from excavations in the Eastern Mediterranean (for purposes of comparison) was essential that presented major problems in most countries of Eastern Europe for a number of reasons as recently as ten years ago. Moreover, there was a major shortage of academic literature, which meant that most of the general surveys from 1950-1990 regarding this subject were not to be found in the libraries of the former Soviet Union. The aim of this article, which makes no claim to be an exhaustive study of the subject, is to provide a short analysis of the main groups of terra sigillata found within the North Pontic region and also a literature-survey of Russian and Ukrainian publications on this group of Roman pottery articles.

  • A late hellenistic skyphos from pergamon with appliqué reliefs from the chrysaliskos estate
    D.V. Zhuravlev

    AbstractThe terra sigillata skyphos found in 1971 and bearing reliefs with erotic scenes is the only one of its kind from the Northern Black Sea coast. The vessel and its process of manufacture are analysed, the reliefs described and its origins traced to Pergamon at the end 2nd-first half 1st c. BC.