The major cities quality urban environment forming features V V Baklazhenko, P Yu Vovzhenyak, and E E Pavlovskaya IOP Publishing Abstract The article discusses the currently relevant problem of the quality urban environment, which, as the study has showed, has its own dimensions and characteristics for each person, and the specialists in different fields of knowledge disagree with it and include various indicators and criteria while making a quality assessment. After analyzing the previously developed methods and criteria for assessing the quality of the urban environment, some basic criteria characterizing the degree of suitability of territories, the factors influencing its formation, and the provisions characterizing it, have been formed. The authors proposed several main directions of the large cities’ territory development as well as the recommendations for the urban space design and improvement.
Light factor in the city's architectural environment P Yu Vovzhenyak, V V Perzev, E E Pavlovskaya, and N F Metlenkov IOP Publishing Abstract Lighting design is the area regulated today only indirectly, proceeding from requirements of visibility of objects, mainly, criteria of quantity of light on road coverings and facades of the lit objects and uneven distribution on them. There is an underestimation of its role and potential in creating an artistic image of the city in the design of its architectural environment, counting on the visual perception of it only in the daytime. Purpose of research. To identify and formulate problems and prospects for the development of lighting design, to develop recommendations for the light solution of the urban environment. To consider the light environment as a system, to determine the main levels of architectural and compositional tasks of its formation. Method of research. With the help of the analysis of the light environment of the city of Belgorod the problems of its formation are revealed. The main disadvantage of the formation of the urban light environment is the lack of unity in the solution of lighting different areas of the city, the prevalence of light advertising over architectural objects, destroying the stylistic unity of the urban environment. The comparison of the solution of such problems by the Metropolitan administration is carried out. The importance of light as a factor in the formation of the originality of the city is noted. Research result. The development of the concept of urban lighting is proposed, its basic principles are highlighted, ways of solving the problem of organizing night lighting of the urban environment are identified. The potential of lighting design and lighting technologies in modern architecture is only half, and in Russian projects – hardly a quarter. We are in the beginning, but a growing number of interesting projects gives reason to believe that we are moving in the right direction and with the right approach, using the expertise already available, by purchasing and accumulating your own will inevitably achieve the development of their professional achievements in the field of lighting design and the organization of the light environment of the city. Currently, the problem of competent and qualified approach to urban lighting requires the full attention of architects-urban planners and architectural and design organizations.