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Victor Chumpitaz-Cerrate, Luis Moreno-Exebio, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramirez, César Franco-Quino, María Flores-Rodríguez, and Lesly Chávez-Rimache
Dissolution Technologies
José William Cubas-Mogollón, Sergio Manuel Jiménez-Sánchez, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramírez, Carlos Humberto Erazo-Paredes, and Elías Ernesto Aguirre-Siancas
Universidad de Costa Rica
The aim of this experimental study was to determine the effect of photobiomodulation therapy on bone repair in a rat tibia osteotomy model at 15 and 30 days. The sample consisted of 36 male Holtzman rats that were randomized into 6 equal groups. Groups A1 and A2: osteotomy + 1 J laser energy. Groups B1 and B2: osteotomy + 3 J laser energy. Groups C1 and C2 (controls): osteotomy only. The bone repair was analyzed by histological evaluation of osteoblasts and osteocytes both at 15 days (groups A1, B1, and C1) and at 30 days (groups A2, B2, and C2). Within the results, in all groups a greater number of osteoblasts was found at 15 days vs 30 days (p<0.05), and a greater number of osteocytes in B1 and C2 vs B2 and C1, respectively (p<0.05). When evaluating the 3 groups worked up to 15 days, more osteoblasts were found in A1 and C1 vs B1 (p<0.001); and osteocytes predominated in A1 and B1 vs C1 (p<0.001). At 30 days there was a greater quantity of osteoblasts in C2 vs A2 and B2 (p<0.05) and of osteocytes in C2 vs B2 (p<0.05). It is concluded that 1 J photobiomodulation therapy improved bone repair at 15 days; however, this improvement was not observed at 30 days because there were no differences between the irradiated groups and the control.
Victor Chumpitaz-Cerrate, Lesly Chávez-Rimache, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramirez, César Franco-Quino, and Carlos Erazo-Paredes
Aims and Objectives: The detection of SARS-COV-2 in the oral cavity has generated endless claims about the efficacy of using oral mouthwashes to reduce viral load. This review aims to assess the current evidence on the use of oral antiseptics against SARS-CoV-2 and to assess the certainty of the evidence according to the GRADE system. The question this study focussed on was what is the efficacy of oral antiseptics against SARS-CoV-2? Materials and Methods: A bibliographic search was performed in Medline databases through PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar (until February 2022), using search terms related to COVID-19 and oral antiseptics. Two independent researchers extracted the information from the articles included in an excel form. The identification and selection of the studies was carried out from August 2021 to February 2022. Results: It was found that oral antiseptics can have a potential beneficial effect on COVID-19, mainly in reducing viral load. However, these potential benefits are mainly based on in-vitro studies or clinical studies with various methodological limitations. At present, the certainty of the evidence is very low due to inconsistency (heterogeneity), moderate-to-high risk of bias, and imprecision of the results. Conclusion: The certainty of the current evidence on the efficacy of oral antiseptics against SARS-CoV-2 is very low, mainly due to the methodological limitations of the studies. Therefore, for evidence-based decision-making about this intervention, clinical studies with greater methodological rigor are required. Oral antiseptics could present potential benefits in patients with COVID-19 mainly by reducing viral load. However, a careful and conscious evaluation of the evidence is required for decision-making in clinical practice.
Victor Chumpitaz-Cerrate, Lesly Chávez-Rimache, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramirez, and Arturo Rodriguez-Flores
Elsevier BV
Victor Chumpitaz-Cerrate, Luis Moreno-Exebio, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramirez, César Franco-Quino, María Flores-Rodríguez, and Lesly Chávez-Rimache
Dissolution Technologies
This study aimed to determine the therapeutic equivalence of four multi-source drugs containing moxifloxacin (400 mg tablets) in vitro studies to establish their interchangeability with the reference product. Four multi-source products were acquired in pharmaceutical establishments in metropolitan Lima, each from different manufacturing sites (two products from India, one from Brazil, and one from Peru). The reference product was Avelox (400 mg) coated tablets (Bayer AG, Germany). Quality control and dissolution profile tests were performed. For dissolution tests, a validated ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry method was used to determine the percentage of drug released. The similarity factor (f2) analysis was used to establish therapeutic equivalence of the drug release curves. The dissolution rates were considered equivalent if the values of f2 were between 50 and 100. Concerning the quality control tests, the moxifloxacin content was 98.5% in the reference product and 97.1–100.0% in the multisource products. Three out of four multi-source products passed the f2 test at pH 1.2. Therefore, there is at least one moxifloxacin multi-source product circulating in Peru, manufactured in India, that does not is not interchangeable with the reference product.
Elias Ernesto Aguirre-Siancas, Libertad Alzamora-Gonzales, Erasmo Colona-Vallejos, Ricardo Arone-Farfán, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramirez, Oscar Sigifredo Portilla-Flores, Melissa Aracely Becerra-Bravo, Daniel Jhonatan Tinoco-Valerio, Rosa Maria Condori-Macuri, Lucero Alarcón-Velásquez,et al.
SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo (ANID)
Miriam Leny Osorio-Martínez, Michan Malca-Casavilca, Yudy Condor-Rojas, Melissa Aracely Becerra-Bravo, and Eliberto Ruiz Ramirez
Associacio catalana de Salut Laboral
Objetivo: Describir las características sociodemográficas y determinar los factores asociados a manifestaciones psicológicas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en trabajadores sanitarios en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19 en los establecimientos de salud del Perú durante mayo de 2020.
 Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en trabajadores sanitarios de establecimientos hospitalarios del Perú. Se elaboró un cuestionario estructurado que incluía las características sociodemográficas, la profesión, área y lugar de trabajo, y cuestionarios validados para trastorno de ansiedad generalizada (GAD-7), Salud del paciente (PHQ-9) y la Escala de impacto del estresor revisada (IES-R). Para el análisis se utilizó modelos lineales generalizados de Poisson, función de enlace logarítmico y varianzas robustas. Se calculó el rango intercuartílico (RIC) y la razón de prevalencia ajustada (RPa) y su intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC95%).
 Resultados: De un total de 258 encuestados, 254 (98%) completaron al cuestionario, siendo el 61,8% mujeres y el área de trabajo más común emergencia u hospitalización (62,2%). La puntuación mediana del PHQ-9 fue 4 (RIC:2-7), del GAD-7 fue 6 (RIC:4-8) y para el IES-R fue 16 (RIC:8-24). El análisis multivariado mostró que ser médico se asocia con una menor prevalencia de ansiedad (RPa: 0,77; IC 95%: 0,62-0,94), mientras que vivir solo se asoció con una mayor prevalencia de depresión (RPa: 1,46; IC 95%: 1,11-1,92).
 Conclusión: El personal sanitario manifestó alteraciones psicológicas, asociado principalmente al personal no médico y vivir solo.
Victor Chumpitaz-Cerrate, , Lesly Chavez-Rimache, Elías Aguirre-Siancas, César Franco-Quino, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramirez, Victoria Caldas-Cueva, , , ,et al.
Facultad de Odontologia, Universidad de Concepcion
Objective: To evaluate the effects of variation in ambient oxygen pressure on orthodontic tooth movement in guinea pigs. Material and Methods: Seventy-two guinea pigs randomly distributed into two groups (A and B) were evaluated in the study. All specimens were fitted with orthodontic appliances to distalize maxillary incisors. Group A was controlled under conditions of oxygen pressures at sea level (150 masl, 157 mm Hg) and Group B under conditions of oxygen pressures at altitude (3405 masl, 107 mm Hg). The clinical (distance between the distal-incisal angles of the maxillary incisors), biochemical (serum alkaline phosphatase), and histopathological characteristics (osteoblast and osteocyte count) were evaluated before placing the orthodontic devices and after 24 and 72 hours. Results: In the clinical evaluation, the distance between the distal-incisal angles of the maxillary incisors, on day one and three, was significantly higher in group B compared to group A (p=0.002 and p=0.001, respectively). In the biochemical evaluation, the level of serum alkaline phosphatase on the first and third days was significantly higher in group B compared to group A (p=0.001 and p=0.001, respectively). In the histopathological evaluation, the osteoblasts and osteocytes count on day one and three was significantly higher in group B compared to group A (p<0.05). Conclusion: Oxygen pressure at high altitude positively influenced orthodontic tooth movement in guinea pigs, improving its clinical, biochemical, and histopathological characteristics.
E.E. Aguirre Siancas, N.M. Lam Figueroa, J.C. Delgado Rios, E. Ruiz Ramirez, O.S. Portilla Flores, L.J. Crispín Huamaní, and L. Alarcón Velásquez
Elsevier BV
Resumen Introduccion Los disenos para determinar la respuesta nociceptiva en roedores son de gran utilidad en neurologia y en neurociencias experimentales. El paradigma de inmersion de la cola de raton en agua temperada es uno de los mas empleados para evaluar dicha respuesta; sin embargo, existe amplia variacion en la temperatura utilizada en las diversas investigaciones. Resulta sumamente util determinar la temperatura que produce una mejor respuesta nociceptiva sobre la cola de ratones de la cepa Balb/c. Metodos Se emplearon 8 ratones machos Balb/c de 2 meses de edad. Un beaker de 14 cm de alto se lleno de agua hasta 13 cm. Partiendo desde los 36 ° C se empezo a sumergir la cola del animal dentro del recipiente. Se comenzo a elevar en 1 °C el agua hasta encontrar las temperaturas que produzcan las respuestas nociceptivas. Dicha respuesta se determino contabilizando el tiempo que el raton tardo en sacudir su cola retirandola del agua. Resultados Los ratones empezaron a sacudir su cola a los 51 °C (6 de los 8 roedores). El total de la muestra retiro su cola del agua a los 54, 55 y 56 °C en el tiempo promedio de 8,54, 7,99 y 5,33 s, respectivamente. Al aplicar ANOVA a los tiempos de las 3 temperaturas senaladas se obtuvo el valor F = 2,8 y p = 0,123. Conclusiones El tiempo de respuesta fue similar estadisticamente ante las temperaturas de 54, 55 y 56 °C; sin embargo se encontro menor dispersion de los datos ante esta ultima.
Victor Chumpitaz-Cerrate, Lesly Chávez Rimache, Elías Ernesto Aguirre Siancas, César Ivanovish Franco Quino, Eliberto Ruiz Ramirez, and Carlos Erazo Paredes
Editora Cubo
Objective: To evaluate the biochemical and histopathological effects of diclofenac and ketoprofen administration on bone regeneration in a calvarial defect model in rats. Material and Methods: The sample consisted of 108 Wistar rats that were randomly distributed in three groups, to which an osteotomy of 6 mm in diameter was performed in the calvaria. Group A (control) was given saline solution; Group B received ketoprofen 2 mg/kg and Group C received diclofenac 2 mg/kg. All treatments were administered intraperitoneally every 12 hours for 3 days. Bone regeneration was evaluated by biochemical (alkaline phosphatase and serum calcium) and histopathological (osteocyte and osteoblast cell count) characteristics at 15 and 30 days. Results: In the biochemical evaluation, alkaline phosphatase levels in the ketoprofen group were significantly lower compared to the diclofenac group at 15 and 30 days (p= 0.015 and p= 0.001; respectively). However, serum calcium levels did not show the difference between the study groups at 15 and 30 days (p= 0.42 and p= 0.81; respectively). In the histopathological analysis, the count of osteoblasts and osteocytes was significantly lower in the ketoprofen group compared to the diclofenac group at 15 and 30 days (p< 0.05). Conclusion: The administration of ketoprofen has negative biochemical and histopathological effects of greater intensity on bone regeneration compared to the administration of diclofenac. Keywords Bone regeneration; Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents; Diclofenac; Ketoprofen; Rats.
Victor Chumpitaz-Cerrate, Lesly Chávez-Rimache, César Franco-Quino, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramirez, Elías Aguirre-Siancas, and Carlos Erazo-Paredes
Lepidus Tecnologia
Objective: To evaluate the effect of salbutamol, montelukast, and prednisone on orthodontic tooth movement in rats. Material and Methods: In vivo experimental preclinical study. The sample consisted of 48 rats randomly distributed in four study groups. Group A was given saline solution; to group B, salbutamol 4 mg/Kg; to group C, montelukast 2.5 mg/Kg and to group D, prednisone 2.5 mg/Kg. All were fitted with orthodontic devices and the medications were administered intraperitoneally every 12 hours for 5 days. The clinical evaluation (variation in the interincisal distance) was performed at one, three, five, and seven days and the histopathological analysis (cell count) at five and seven days. Results: In the clinical evaluation of the variation in the interincisal distance, a significant difference was found in all the evaluations (p <0.05). It was found that the salbutamol group presented higher variation values in the interincisal distance on all the days evaluated. In the histopathological analysis at five and seven days, it was found that the osteoblast and osteocyte count was significantly higher in the salbutamol group compared to the other groups (p ><0.05). However, in the subgroup analysis, it was found that there was no significant difference in the osteoblast and osteocyte count between the prednisone, montelukast, and control group (p>0.05). Conclusion: The administration of salbutamol increased the magnitude of orthodontic tooth movement; nonetheless, the administration of montelukast and prednisone did not modify the magnitude of orthodontic tooth movement in rats. Keywords Albuterol; Montelukast; Prednisone; Rats; Tooth movement.
E.E. Aguirre-Siancas, E. Colona-Vallejos, E. Ruiz-Ramirez, M. Becerra-Bravo, and L. Alzamora-Gonzales
Elsevier BV
Nelly Maritza Lam-Figueroa, Libertad Alzamora-Gonzales, Erasmo Colona-Vallejos, Ricardo Arone-Farfán, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramírez, Luis Javier Crispín-Huamaní, Oscar Sigifredo Portilla-Flores, Lucero Alarcón-Velásquez, and Elías Ernesto Aguirre-Siancas
SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo (ANID)
Victor Chumpitaz-Cerrate, , Lesly Chávez-Rimache, César Franco-Quino, Elías Aguirre-Siancas, Victoria Caldas-Cueva, Eliberto Ruíz-Ramírez, , , ,et al.
Facultad de Odontologia, Universidad de Concepcion
Jorge Arroyo-Acevedo, Cesar Franco-Quino, Eliberto Ruiz-Ramírez, Roberto Chávez-Asmat, Andrea Anampa-Guzmán, Ernesto Raéz-Gonzalez, and José Cabanillas-Coral
Informa UK Limited
Introduction Allergies are a problem that greatly affects the population, and hence the use of antiallergic medications is fairly widespread. However, these drugs have many adverse effects. The use of medicinal plants could be an option, but they need to be evaluated. Objective This study was designed to evaluate the antiallergic effect of the atomized extract of rhizome of Curcuma longa, flowers of Cordia lutea, and leaves of Annona muricata. Materials and methods Twenty-four New Zealand white albino rabbits were randomized into 2 groups. Group A received the atomized extract diluted in physiological saline (APS) and group B received it diluted in Freund’s adjuvant (FA). Then, the back of each rabbit was divided into 4 quadrants. The A-I quadrant received only physiological saline. The A-I quadrants of each rabbit conformed the PS group. The following 3 quadrants received the APS in 10 μg/mL, 100 μg/mL, and 1,000 μg/mL, respectively. The B-I quadrant received only FA. The B-I quadrants of each rabbit conformed the FA group. The following 3 quadrants received the AFA in 10 μg/mL, 100 μg/mL, and 1,000 μg/mL, respectively. The occurrence of erythema and edema was recorded according to the Draize scoring system and the primary irritation index. After 72 hours, biopsies were performed. Results The AFA group presented significantly less erythema and edema compared to the FA group (P<0.05). The histopathologic evaluation at 72 hours showed normal characteristics in the APS group. Conclusion Considering the clinical and histopathological signs, we conclude that the administration of the atomized extract of rhizome of C. longa, flowers of C. lutea, and leaves of A. muricata lacks antigenic effect but could have an antiallergenic effect in a model of dermal irritation in rabbits.