

laboratory of rice quality
FSBSI «Federal Scientific Rice Centre»


Agricultural and Biological Sciences, General Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Agricultural and Biological Sciences


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Assesment of rice yield quality in Kuban in connection with grain damage in the form of dark spots
    Natalia Tumanyan, Tatiana Kumeyko, Svetlana Chizhikova, and Elina Papulova

    EDP Sciences
    The problem of rice damage by “black spotting” in the field during maturation is acute in all rice-growing countries. In the work, it was necessary to study the spread of shield bugs on rice crops in the Krasnodar region, the intensity of damage to rice crops in various areas according to the method of assessing damage to the rice crop, differentiation of varieties by tolerance to damage. Surveys of rice crops were carried out during various periods of the growing season in order to identify insect pests with piercing-sucking mouthparts in the Krasnoarmeysky, Abinsky, Slavyansky, Kalininsky districts of Krasnodar region and Prikubansky district of Krasnodar in 2020-2023 and a comparative assessment of the intensity of damage to rice grains in the form of dark spots by region is given. The highest intensity of grain damage was noted in Krasnoarmeysky district. Preliminary results on the tolerance of varieties to grain damage by stink bugs during the rice growing season were obtained and preliminary differentiation of varieties was carried out. The most tolerant varieties were Abinsky, Vector, and Strombus, and therefore these varieties are recommended to be grown in areas with the most intense damage to crops by stink bugs. Methodological methods have been developed for studying the “black spotting” of rice, which consist of selecting samples of rice varieties in industrial crops in areas of its cultivation, characterizing the content of damaged grains and assessing the influence of the intensity of damage on the physical properties of the yield.

  • Phenotyping of experimental rice population in accelerated breeding of new varieties with valuable grain quality traits
    Zhanna Mukhina, Natalya Tumanyan, Ellina Papulova, Liubov Yesaulova, and Sergei Garkusha

    EDP Sciences
    The study of the consumer advantages of rice samples was carried out in connection with the development of an effective breeding methodology for developing rice genotypes based on an accelerated breeding process. The aim of the research was to study the protein and amylose content in rice grain samples of the parent white-grain and red-grain forms and generations of BC2. In the program of developing varieties based on the use of modern postgenomic and cellular technologies, BC2 and their parent forms - samples of the USI “Collection of the FSC of rice” belonging to various groups by the grain form, white-grained, served as the research material. The crop was grown on the experimental plot of Federal Scientific Rice Centre. As a result of the work carried out, samples with an unpainted pericarp were isolated for large-scale genotyping. Phenotyping of the studied rice samples was carried out by protein and amylose content in rice grains. The assessment on the basis of “protein content” was carried out using a universal infrared express analyzer “Multicheck Plus”, InfraLUM FT 6, the amylose content in starch of rice grain varieties – according to GOST ISO 6647-2-2015 Fig. BC2 groups with a high protein content, more than 8.8% and amylose content 1 – 16.0-19.0 %, 2 - amylose content 20.0-22.0%, 3 - amylose content 22.1-27.0% were identified in BC2 grain combinations.


    Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania


    Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania
    The present rice market requires a range of rice products with increased eating and nutritional values. The presented work was carried out within the framework of the breeding program for developing new rice cultivars with desirable grain quality traits based on an integrated approach, using modern methods of trait phenotyping and the genomic approach, post genomic, and cellular technologies. The latest study aimed to phenotype rice cultivars from the Unique Scientific Installation (USI) - Collection of Federal Scientific Rice Centre, Krasnodar, Russia, as sources of valuable grain quality traits. Studied traits included vitreosity, fracturing, and protein and grain amylose content. The coefficient of variation determined the variability of traits and helped identify the best cultivars as sources of valuable traits. The grain quality of harvested sample cultivars showed significant differences. The rice cultivar Thaibonnet gave the best results in terms of grain quality traits and variability. By combining low variability of technologically-tested quality traits and protein content, the rice cultivars Elbrus and Thaibonnet led all the samples. Cultivar Svetlana was characterized by high traits of vitreosity and fracturing and having less variability. The cultivars Leader and Patriot both had high protein content and low trait variability. These cultivars are recommended for use in parental crosses in breeding programs to develop rice genotypes with desirable grain quality traits and nutritional values.

  • Physical and chemical properties of rice grain of variety Rapan at different seeding rates and does of nitrogen fertilizers
    Elina Papulova, Svetlana Chizhikova, Knarik Olkhovaya, and Natalia Tumanyan

    EDP Sciences
    The paper presents the results of evaluating the rice variety Rapan grown in 2018, 2019 at different seeding rates and doses of nitrogen fertilizers, according to the main amylographic characteristics of starch dispersion and fracturing. In 2018 and 2019, when growing variety Rapan with seeding rates of 4, 6 and 8 million viable seeds, the highest values were noted for the “fracturing” trait at a nitrogen dose of 92 kg/ha of active ingredient. In 2018, they amounted to 31, 35 and 41%, respectively, in 2019 - 13, 12 and 12%, respectively. The following tendency in the change of rice quality traits was noted: in the samples grown without the use of nitrogen, low fracturing was revealed, while in the N92 variants the value of the trait was maximum, with N184 - the minimum. Indicators for the “maximum viscosity” at a nitrogen dose of 92 kg / ha of active ingredient had the lowest values at all three seeding rates and amounted to 484, 500 and 485 Br.units in 2018, respectively. In 2019 - 471, 440 and 480 Br. units. The opposite pattern was observed when determining the viscosity indices: at the minimum values of fracturing, the viscosity indices were maximum and decreased at high values of this trait.

  • Impact of degree of polishing on technological and biochemical grain quality traits of rice varieties of Russian breeding
    N G Tumanian, E Y Papulova, S S Chizhikova, and T B Kumeiko

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The article presents the results of evaluation of rice varieties grown in the conditions of Krasnodar region by technological and biochemical quality traits in connection with the degree of grain polishing. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory of grain quality of Federal Scientific Rice Centre, Krasnodar. Grain of four rice varieties of Russian breeding (Rapan, Flagman, Polevik and Olimp) was subjected to five different degrees of polishing (0 %, 10 %, 12 % and 14 %). The degree of polishing significantly (P≤0.05) influenced the total yield of polished rice, head rice content, and the content of protein and amylose. An increase in the degree of polishing led to a further decrease in the protein content, total yield of polished rice and head rice content in it. However, an increase in the amylose content was found for simulated samples. With an increase in the degree of polishing to 14%, the amylose content increased in varieties Rapan, Flagman, Polevik and Olimp, respectively, by 1.3 %, 1.4 %, 1.5 % and 1.2 %, the protein content decreased by 1.5 %, 1.7 %, 1.6 %, 1.7 %.

  • Colored rice varieties of Russian breeding in terms of grain quality for development of functional rice varieties
    N G Tumanian, Zh M Mukhina, L V Esaulova, E Yu Papulova, E G Savenko, and S V Garkusha

    EDP Sciences
    In order to develop rice breeding material of a functional direction, technological and biochemical grain quality traits of varieties bred by the Federal Scientific Rice Centre (Rubin, Mars, Mavr, Gagat, Yuzhnaya noch) with a colored grain pericarp, high content of anthocyanins and intended for functional nutrition were studied. The varieties were grown in the valley agrolandscape zone of Krasnodar region (Russia) in 2017–2019. The studied rice varieties are included in the State Register of Protected Breeding Achievements. The grain size by weight of 1000 absolutely dry grains (weight of 1000 a.d.g.) was determined according to GOST 10842-89, fracturing on a DSZ-3 diaphanoscope, protein content was measured using an Infralum FT-10 device. The determination of amylose was carried out colorimetrically using the amylose-iodine reaction according to Juliano. The varieties have a medium-sized caryopsis (21.5-27.0 g of 1000 grains); of them, the variety Yuzhnaya noch is characterized by the smallest grain. The variety Mars belongs to the low amylose group, varieties Mavr, Rubin and Gagat to the medium amylose group, Yuzhnaya noch to the waxy group. In terms of protein content in grain, all varieties are classified as medium protein. The maximum grain fracture was in variety Mavr in the range of 19-25% and the minimum in Mars and Gagat, respectively 2-5 and 2-6%. Variations in grain size indicators, amylose and protein content of varieties are weak in all varieties of special purpose, which testified to their high stability under growing conditions.

  • Impact of nitrogen fertilizers on protein and amylose content in grain of rice varieties grown in different agrolandscapes of Krasnodar region
    Natalia Tumanian, Tatyana Kumejko, Svetlana Chizhikova, Elina Papulova, and Sergey Garkusha

    EDP Sciences
    The article presents the results of evaluation of rice varieties Flagman, Novator, Favorit, Olimp, Yubileyniy 85, Atlant, Kurazh, Rapan 2, Patriot, Azovsky, Polevik, Kazachok 4, Nautilus, Yakhont, bred in 1996-2019 by Russian breeders and grown in the Abinsky district, Krasnodar region by protein and amylose content in the grain due to the level of nitrogen nutrition during the growing season. The protein content in grain in all varieties with an increase in the applied nitrogen fertilizers from N90 to N120 increased by 0.03-0.56%. In 2016, the varieties Novator, Flagman, Olimp, Atlant, Kurazh, Kazachok 4 were 0.40% and higher; in the varieties Favorit, Polevik, Yubileiny 85, Patriot, Nautilus and Yakhont by 0.03-0.39%. The variety Patriot showed a slight growth trend in PC. In polished rice, PC decreased in two variants of the experiment to 78.991.9% PC, and the indicator was not dependent on the variant. Under the conditions of rice cultivation at N 120, a decrease in the amylose content in grain in varieties by 0.2-0.7% was observed. There was a general trend of a more significant decrease in AC in varieties in 2018. All varieties were assigned to the group of low amylose varieties with AC from 15.1 to 19.0%.

  • Variation of rice varieties of Russian breeding by grain quality traits in growing conditions of agrolandscape zones of Krasnodar region
    Natalia Tumanian, Svetlana Chizhikova, Elina Papulova, Tatyana Kumeiko, and Sergey Garkusha

    EDP Sciences
    The technological grain quality traits of varieties of the Federal Scientific Rice Centre (Rapan., Rapan 2, Favorit, Nautilus, Yakhont, Olimp, Patriot) grown in the old-delta and valley agrolandscape zones of Krasnodar region (Russia) in 2017–2019 were studied. The studied rice varieties are included in the State register of breeding achievements approved for use in the North Caucasus region in 2014-2019, Rapan 2 is under state variety testing. Most of the varieties under study showed the highest values of grain quality traits in the valley agrolandscape in 2019, in the old-delta - in 2018, which indicates the reaction of the varieties to agroclimatic conditions of vegetation. The best varieties for grain quality on the basis of low variability in the aggregate of all quality traits were recognized as Favorit for the valley agrolandscape zone of Krasnodar region (predecessor – fallow field), and Rapan 2 for the old delta agrolandscape zone (predecessor - winter wheat). According to the absolute values of the traits characterizing the yield and milled rice quality, the best variety in the valley agrolandscape was Yakhont, and in the old-delta, Nautilus. The placement of rice varieties in agrolandscape zones of Krasnodar region is recommended taking into account their reaction to agroclimatic conditions of cultivation.