Emlan Fauzi, S.P., M.P.

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Pusat Riset Ekonomi Perilaku dan Sirkuler




Master Pertanian bidang Manajemen Agribisnis


Sistem Usaha Pertanian dan perkebunan


Scopus Publications


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Scopus Publications

  • Community perceptions of village innovation development using the pentahelix approach in Central Bengkulu regency
    W.E. Putra, H. Subagio, D. Wamaer, V. Siagian, A. Ishak, E. Fauzi, Yahumri, Afrizon, and S. Rosmanah

    CRC Press

  • Added value analysis of aren sugar and granulated aren sugar processing in Rejang Lebong regency, Bengkulu province
    F. Rosbarnawan, Y. Evendi, N. Gultom, Harwindah, R. Wati, T. Hidayat, E. Fauzi, T. Rahman, Afrizon, and A. Ishak

    CRC Press

  • Recommendations for rice fertilizing based on soil nutrient status
    Harwindah, F. Rosbarnawan, R. Wati, Yahumri, T. Hidayat, A. Ishak, E. Fauzi, T. Rahman, S. Rosmanah, Alfayanti,et al.

    CRC Press

  • Evaluation of nutrition status and fertilization recommendations for lowland paddy (Case study in Merigi Kelindang District, Bengkulu Central Regency)
    Yahumri, Miswarti, Afrizon, Siti Rosmanah, Andi Ishak, Wawan Eka Putra, Emlan Fauzi, Jhon Firison, Taupik Rahman, and Harwi Kusnadi

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Farmer fertilization doses are generally insufficient compared to the recommended doses therefore causing low productivity of rice plants. This study aims to evaluate soil nutrient status to determine site-specific fertilization recommendations in Merigi Kelindang District, Central Bengkulu Regency. This study was carried out in February-April 2022 in Merigi Kelindang District, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. Data was collected by taking composite soil samples at random after harvesting or before the first tillage. Determination of nutrient levels of N, P, K, and soil pH using the at Paddy Soil Test Kit. Data were analyzed descriptively comparatively. The results showed that the nutrient status of paddy fields in Merigi Kelindang District was low N 72%, medium N 14%, high N 7%, and very high 7%. P nutrient status was medium at 93% and low at 7%. High K nutrient status 100%. Meanwhile, pH status is acidic at 7% and slightly acidic at 93%. Recommendations for fertilizer usage in the Merigi Kelindang sub-district as follow; Urea 300 kg/ha for sandy soil (clay content < 20%) or 250 kg in clayey soil (clay content >20%); SP-36 fertilizer (100 kg/ha); KCl (50 kg/ha) without the use of paddy straw as compost and no KCL needed if 5 t/ha paddy straw compost used. Recommendations for soil management with a soil pH value of 5-6 (slightly acidic) are conventional drainage systems and the application of urea as N fertilizer.

  • Farmers' responses to the use of rice agro-advisory service application in South Bengkulu Regency
    A Ishak, T Margono, Y Hutapea. Alfayanti, E Fauzi, W E Putra, Miswarti, Yahumri, S Rosmanah, and T Rahman

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The Rice Agro-advisory Service which in Indonesian is called “Layanan Konsultasi Padi (LKP)” is an internet-based digital application developed by IRRI to compile recommendations for rice cultivation technology. This study aims to determine the response of farmers in the production centers of irrigated lowland rice in South Bengkulu Regency to the application. The research was carried out from September to November 2022 through a survey involving 87 farmers in 42 villages. The data collected includes farmers’ responses to recommendations for lowland rice cultivation technology generated by LKP and farmers’ responses to its attributes, namely mobility (ease of accessing applications), interactive (recommendations by needs of farmers), communicative (recommendations easily understood by farmers), and autonomous (applications can be operated by farmers independently). Data were analyzed descriptively and correlated using contingency coefficients. The results showed that 83.91% of farmers responded well to the application recommendations. Responses to LKP were classified as good for all attributes as mobility (95.40%), interactive (96.55%), communicative (98.95%), and autonomous (74.71%). Farmers’ responses to the LKP recommendations were positively correlated with the interactive attribute which means that a good response to LKP recommendations is closely related to the needs of farmers for site-specific recommendations for lowland rice cultivation.

  • Knowledge improvement of agricultural extender through technical guidance of paddy soil test kit
    Y. Yahumri, E. Fauzi, W.E. Putra, A. Ishak, Alfayanti Alfayanti, Miswarti Miswarti, J. Firison, T. Hidayat, Z. Efendi, S. Rosmanah,et al.

    EDP Sciences
    Paddy Soil Test Kit is one of the appropriate instruments to determine the nutrient status of lowland paddy and preparation of site-specific fertilization recommendations to increase rice productivity. Agriculture extension agents as technology transfer agents have a strategic role. Technical Guidance is needed to improve knowledge of agriculture extension. This study aims to analyze the level of knowledge of agricultural instructors on Technical Guidance use of Paddy Soil Test Kit and Preparation of Site-Specific Fertilization Recommendations. Data collection was carried out before and after implementation of Technical Guidance through direct interviews with a questionnaire guide. The evaluation was carried out on all participants of technical guidance, totaling 32 extension workers from representatives of 11 sub-districts throughout Bengkulu Selatan Regency by providing pretest and posttest to determine the increase in knowledge of Technical Guidance participants. The level of knowledge of participants is calculated using index % formula. The significance of increasing knowledge of technical and technical training participants was analyzed using non-parametric Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test statistical analysis. Correlation test to determine level of knowledge on age, experience, and education. Results of the analysis showed that there was a very significant increase (<0.05) in the knowledge of officers after the implementation of technical guidance from an index of 52.58% (low category) to 84.83% (high category). There is no correlation between increasing knowledge about Paddy Soil Test Kit with age (sig > 0.05) which is 0.571, experience 0.661, and education 0.130.

  • Adaptation of cassava agribusiness systems during the Covid-19 pandemic (case in Pasar Pedati Village, Bengkulu Province)
    Wilda Mikasari, Emlan Fauzi, and Taufik Hidayat

    EDP Sciences
    The cassava agribusiness system involves farmers from upstream to downstream. This study aims to determine the effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the cassava agribusiness system and the adaptation of farmers. The research was conducted from March to April 2021 in Pasar Pedati Village, Pondok Kelapa Subdistrict, which is the center of cassava production in Bengkulu Tengah Regency. Data has collected the conditions of cassava agribusiness system and farmers’ adaptation in pandemic through in-depth interviews involved seven key informants, besides observation and secondary data collections. Data analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the pandemic does not affect the entire cassava agribusiness, disrupted only the marketing and processing subsystem, because: (1) cassava cultivation is a part-time business that low costs input; (2) farmers adjusting the production capacity of cassava chips by the demands of traders; (3) farmers still selling cassava harvests in fresh form even at low prices and making dried cassava (gaplek) to extend the shelf life of cassava. Farmers continued to cultivate cassava in the hope that the pandemic will end at any time in addition to anticipating the fulfilled of family food needs to replace rice as a staple food.

  • Patterns and causes of conversion of smallholder rubber plantation to oil palm (case in Batik Nau sub district, Bengkulu Utara Regency)
    Afrizon, Andi Ishak, Emlan Fauzi, Miswarti, Siti Rosmanah, and Yudi Sastro

    EDP Sciences
    Batik Nau Subdistrict has the largest rubber plantation in North Bengkulu Regency, namely 3,779 hectares, but much of it has been converted to oil palm plantation. The conversion occurred quite massively, namely 393 hectares or 10.4 percent in 2019. This study aims to determine the patterns and causes of the conversion of smallholder rubber to oil palm in the Batik Nau Subdistrict. The research was conducted in three rubber production center villages in Batik Nau Subdistrict from January to March 2021 through in-depth interviews with 10 key informants. The data extracted relates to the patterns and factors causing the conversion of rubber to oil palm. In addition, secondary data collection and field observations were also carried out to confirm the results of the interviews. The data were processed descriptively. The results showed that there were two conversion patterns, namely direct conversion and gradual conversion. The main causes of conversions are low rubber prices and inefficient use of labor. In developing rubber farming the people must pay attention to the availability of labor in the family.

  • Fading local wisdoms of upland rice varieties in situ conservation in South Bengkulu Regency (case in Pino Raya subdistrict)
    A Ishak, E Fauzi, J Firison, Miswarti, and Y Sastro

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Upland rice is a useful source of germplasm and it is conserved by farmers through local wisdom. This paper aims to explain fading the local wisdom of upland rice in situ conservation in Pino Raya subdistrict, South Bengkulu regency. Data were collected from March to May 2020 through interviews and field observations. The interviews involved 11 key informants using snowball techniques consisting of a customary leader, village heads, agricultural extension, and farmers. Data were analyzed descriptively using the interactive model from Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the local wisdom of in-situ conservation of upland rice faded because shifting cultivation was no longer practiced by farmers due to oil palm expansion. Cultivation of upland rice is only on young oil palm plantations that are increasingly entering forest area. Intensification of wet rice cultivation allows farmers to cultivate modern varieties which early maturing rice and high productivity. Improvement in the community’s economy due to oil palm expansion and the diminishing of the upland area for rice cultivation caused the young generation to no longer be interested in planting upland rice local varieties. As a result, the “Dundang Padi” ceremony as a form of local wisdom that is practiced by the Pino Raya community is fading.

  • Financial analysis of RGL citrus (Citrus reticulata) farming in Rejang Lebong Regency Bengkulu
    E Fauzi, I Calista, Hamdan, W E Putra, W Mikasari, A Ishak, S Yuliasari, and Y Sastro

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract RGL Citrus is a new commodity that was developed in Rejang Lebong Regency Bengkulu. This commodity increased fastly since 2014, primarily in Pal 7 village, Bermani Ulu Raya subdistrict. Therefore need to analyze RGL citrus financial feasibility for agribusiness development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the financial feasibility of RGL citrus farming in Pal 7 village. The study was conducted from January to March 2020 by interviews with 10 RGL citrus farmers. Data collected were production cost, quantities of production, and price. Data Analyzed with Net B/C value, NPV, IRR, and Payback period in 6 years citrus cultivation. The results showed that RGL Citrus farming feasible with net B/C is 1.44, NPV 71,599,830, IRR 20.23% and PP in 5 years 6 months citrus old. An increase in production costs, a decrease in production, and a decrease in prices individually by 20% and changes together of the three criteria of 10% are still feasible in RGL citrus farming.

  • Physical quality change in orange fruit (RGL variety): Effects of different temperatures in storage
    W Mikasari, I Calista, D Mussadad, E Fauzi, N Megawati, M Puspitasari, L Ivanti, T Hidayat, S Yuliasari, and Y Sastro

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract This research aimed to study the right temperature to extend the shelf life of RGL oranges. The experimental treatments were arranged using a two-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The factors were washing treatments, namely washing with water and washing with fruit washing solutions, and storage temperatures, namely room temperature (25±30C) and cold temperature (10±10C). The treatment was repeated four times. The variables observed included weight loss, diameter, fruit height and fruit sensory. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and followed by the DMRT test with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that washing treatment and storage temperature had a significant effect on fruit weight loss inhibition, namely 4.72%, 8.58%, and 13.06% at day 5, 10, and 15. Hedonic test showed that the sensory attribute score in washing treatment was significant but was not significant on storage temperature. The panelists’ preference for citrus fruit treated with fruit washing solution and stored at cold temperatures until the 15th day showed the highest score compared to other treatments (skin color 3.93, smoothness 3.83, texture 3.86 and overall 3.76). Thus, the physical quality of citrus fruits freshness last longer if treated with fruit washing solution and stored at cold temperatures.


  • Strategi Diversifikasi Produk Aren di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu
    TH Ayat, AI Andi, E Fauzi, T Rahman, S Rosmanah, E Ramon, J Firison
    Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 2025

  • Coconut manna: Conservation effort and its obtacles in South Bengkulu District, Indonesia
    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 10 (1), 61-64 2024

  • Social Changes in the Development of Beef Cattle in Oil Palm Plantation Areas: Case of Jayakarta Village, Central Bengkulu Regency
    A Ishak, J Firison, E Ramon, Z Efendi, T Hidayat, E Fauzi, WE Putra, ...
    Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan 12 (2), 1-14 2024

  • Community perceptions of village innovation development using the pentahelix approach in Central Bengkulu regency
    WE Putra, H Subagio, D Wamaer, V Siagian, A Ishak, E Fauzi, ...
    Technological Innovations in Tropical Livestock Development for 2024

  • Farmers’ responses to the use of rice agro-advisory service application in South Bengkulu Regency
    A Ishak, T Margono, YH Alfayanti, E Fauzi, WE Putra, S Rosmanah, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1297 (1), 012004 2024

  • Evaluation of nutrition status and fertilization recommendations for lowland paddy (Case study in Merigi Kelindang District, Bengkulu Central Regency)
    S Rosmanah, A Ishak, WE Putra, E Fauzi, J Firison, T Rahman, H Kusnadi
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1297 (1), 012005 2024

  • Recommendations for rice fertilizing based on soil nutrient status
    F Rosbarnawan, R Wati, T Hidayat, A Ishak, E Fauzi, T Rahman, ...
    Technological Innovations in Tropical Livestock Development for 2024

  • Keragaman dan Respon Petani terhadap Penggunaan Benih Unggul Kelapa Sawit di Kecamatan Merigi Kelindang, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah
    A Afrizon, T Hidayat, WE Putra, Y Yahumri, E Fauzi, S Rosmanah, ...
    Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian 4 (7), 1181-1188 2023

  • Tingkat Adopsi Varietas Unggul Baru di Sentra Produksi Padi Sawah Irigasi Bengkulu Selatan
    WE Putra, A Ishak, E Fauzi, M Miswarti, Y Yahumri, S Rosmanah, ...
    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pembangunan dan Pendidikan Vokasi Pertanian 4 (1 2023

  • Mobile E-Commerce UMKM Sumbawa
    M Fauzi, S Esabella
    Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi 2 (1), 19-25 2023

    T Hidayat, E Fauzi, A Ishak, T Rahman, F Rosbarnawan, R Wati

  • Knowledge improvement of agricultural extender through technical guidance of paddy soil test kit
    Y Yahumri, E Fauzi, WE Putra, A Ishak, A Alfayanti, M Miswarti, J Firison, ...
    E3S Web Of Conferences 373, 04028 2023

  • Analysis Of Causes Of Jembrana Disease In Bali Cow And Prevention Measures
    J Firison, A Salim, S Sudarmansyah, A Alfayanti, E Fauzi, A Afrizon, ...
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian 9 (2), 403-410 2022

  • Analysis of Trade Distribution Network Structure on Livestock Commodities among Regions in Indonesia
    A Ishak, E Fauzi, E Ramon, J Firison, Z Efendi, H Kusnadi
    JURNAL PANGAN 31 (3), 249–258-249–258 2022

  • Increasing Productivity And Profit Of Irriged Rice Farming With Legowo Row Planting System
    A Alfayanti, D Firison, R Ratini, A Ishak, H Kusnadi, E Fauzi
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian 9 (2), 311–320-311–320 2022

    E Fauzi, T Susanto, A Damiri, J Firison, H Kusnadi, A Ishak
    Agrica Ekstensia 16 (1), 1-7 2022

  • Pengaruh Pembumbunan terhadap Hasil Produksi dan Pendapatan Petani Jagung (Studi Kasus di Desa Ganjuh Kecamatan Pino Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan): The Effect of Hoarding on Corn
    T Hidayat, E Emanuel, J Firison, A Ishak, E Fauzi, H Kusnadi
    Jurnal Agrisistem 18 (1), 13-19 2022

    H Kusnadi, E Fauzi, A Ishak, J Firizon, WE Putra
    Jurnal Pertanian 13 (2), 47-53 2022

  • Pengetahuan Dan Respon Petani Terhadap Teknologi Budidaya Kopi Robusta (Studi Kasus Desa Sidorejo Kecamatan Kabawetan Kabupaten Kepahiang)
    A Alfayanti, S Rosmanah, E Fauzi, T Hidayat, T Wahyuni

  • Weaking Manna Coconut Conservation Efforts In South Bengkulu District
    E Fauzi, M Miswarti, Y Yahumri, A Ishak, WE Putra, H Kusnadi, A Alfayanti, ...
    Iseprolocal 2022


  • Peran penyuluh pertanian dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan pada saat wabah pandemi Covid-19
    S Sudarmansyah, R Ruswendi, A Ishak, E Fauzi, S Yuliasari, J Firison
    Jurnal Agribis 14 (1) 2021
    Citations: 22

  • Saluran dan margin pemasaran jeruk RGL di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong–Bengkulu
    E Fauzi
    Jurnal Agribisnis 21 (2), 126-134 2019
    Citations: 8

  • Kajian Karakteristik Petani Karet Dalam Menentukan Pilihan Kelembagaan Tataniaga Di Provinsi Aceh
    BA Bakar, E Fauzi
    Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 165-176 2013
    Citations: 8

  • Peranan Wanita Tani Dalam Usaha Ternak Sapi Potong (Kasus Kelompok Tani Sri Rejeki, Desa Jayakarta, Kec. Talang Empat, Kab. Bengkulu Tengah)
    E Ramon, Z Efendi, E Fauzi, N Definiati, A Ishak, WA Wulandari
    Jurnal Inspirasi Peternakan 1 (2), 112-120 2021
    Citations: 7

  • Peran modal sosial dalam pengembangan ternak sapi potong rakyat di Bengkulu
    A Ishak, E Ramon, Z Efendi, WA Wulandari, J Firison, H Kusnadi, E Fauzi, ...
    Sosiologi Pedesaan 8 (03), 194-204 2020
    Citations: 7

  • Pendugaan Model Peramalan Harga Ekspor Kopi Indonesia
    F EMLAN, WE Putra, A Ishak, HB Astuti
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian 7 (1), 22-30 2020
    Citations: 6

  • Analisis Penerapan Teknologi Penanggulangan Hama Penyakit Pada Usahatani Cabai Merah Dataran Tinggi Di Provinsi Bengkulu
    HB Astuti, E Fauzi, Y Yahumri, R Hartono
    Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 127-134 2016
    Citations: 5

  • Analisa Produktivitas dan Pendapatan Usaha Tani Padi Sawah Didesa Lawang Agung Kecamatan Kedurang Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan
    E Fauzi
    Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 24-40 2006
    Citations: 5

  • Knowledge improvement of agricultural extender through technical guidance of paddy soil test kit
    Y Yahumri, E Fauzi, WE Putra, A Ishak, A Alfayanti, M Miswarti, J Firison, ...
    E3S Web Of Conferences 373, 04028 2023
    Citations: 4

  • Pengaruh Pembumbunan terhadap Hasil Produksi dan Pendapatan Petani Jagung (Studi Kasus di Desa Ganjuh Kecamatan Pino Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan): The Effect of Hoarding on Corn
    T Hidayat, E Emanuel, J Firison, A Ishak, E Fauzi, H Kusnadi
    Jurnal Agrisistem 18 (1), 13-19 2022
    Citations: 4

  • Efektivitas Sosialisasi terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Penyuluh Pertanian tentang PermenpanRB 35/2020 di Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan
    A Ishak, S Budiyono, F Emlan, F Jhon, K Harwi
    AgriHumanis: Journal of Agriculture and Human Resource Development Studies 3 2022
    Citations: 4

  • Adopsi Petani terhadap Varietas Unggul Padi Sawah Irigasi di Kecamatan Kedurang, Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan Farmers Adoption of Superior Varieties of Irrigated Rice in Kedurang
    A Ishak, EK Samril, E Fauzi, H Kusnadi, J Firison
    Jurnal Kirana 3 (1), 33-42 2022
    Citations: 4

  • Estimating Model Forecasting the Price of Chicken Eggs In the City of Bengkulu
    HB Astuti, E Fauzi, WE Putra, A Alfayanti, A Ishak
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian 8 (2), 137-147 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Mobile E-Commerce UMKM Sumbawa
    M Fauzi, S Esabella
    Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi 2 (1), 19-25 2023
    Citations: 3

    WE Putra, J Santoso, E Fauzi, J Firison, A Ishak
    JURNAL CITRA AGRI TAMA 11 (2), 1-7 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Persepsi Petani terhadap Kualitas Layanan Lembaga Agribisnis Jeruk di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong
    E Fauzi, K Sukiyono, MZ Yuliarso
    Informatika Pertanian 30 (1), 55-64 2021
    Citations: 3

  • Kontribusi Tenaga Kerja Dalam Keluarga Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Penerimaan Usahatani Sayuran Di Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan
    WE Putra, E Fauzi, A Ishak
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Pertanian 6 (2), 13-28 2019
    Citations: 3

  • Analysis Of Causes Of Jembrana Disease In Bali Cow And Prevention Measures
    J Firison, A Salim, S Sudarmansyah, A Alfayanti, E Fauzi, A Afrizon, ...
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian 9 (2), 403-410 2022
    Citations: 2

    H Kusnadi, E Fauzi, A Ishak, J Firizon, WE Putra
    Jurnal Pertanian 13 (2), 47-53 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Pengetahuan Dan Respon Petani Terhadap Teknologi Budidaya Kopi Robusta (Studi Kasus Desa Sidorejo Kecamatan Kabawetan Kabupaten Kepahiang)
    A Alfayanti, S Rosmanah, E Fauzi, T Hidayat, T Wahyuni
    Citations: 2


Fading Local Wisdoms of Upland Rice Varieties Insitu Conservation in South Bengkulu Regency (Case in Pino Raya Subdistrict)
Financial Analysis of RGL Citrus (Citrus reticulata) Farming in Rejang Lebong Regency Bengkulu