Eppy Setiyowati


Nursing and midwifery
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya


Nursing, public health


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Smartphone Addiction Screening Application Development Based on Android: A Preeliminary Study
    Nety Mawarda Hatmanti, Yurike Septianingrum, Andikawati Fitriasari, Erika Martining Wardani, and Eppy Setiyowati

    EDP Sciences
    The growing and increasing pattern of smartphone use in life from just a communication tool to an entertainment tool makes someone use a smartphone excessively. Excessive use of smartphones if not addressed immediately can have an impact on various disorders ranging from physical, psychological and social disorders. The purpose of this study was to produce an Android-based smartphone addiction screening application and to describe the quality of an Android-based smartphone addiction screening application. This research belongs to the type of Research & Development (R&D). The model used is the Dick & Carey model where the implementation of the developer includes data collection, planning and product development stages. At the data collection stage, 3 (three) were obtained, namely data on family members, smartphone use and complaints experienced and the smartphone addiction scale short version (SAS-SV) questionnaire. In the second stage, namely planning, researchers began to incorporate into an android-based application and develop it to be able to draw conclusions from filling out the questionnaire. Conclusions from filling in include demographic data, physical, psychological and social complaints and dependency categories. It is hoped that this application can be tested on the community, especially families, to measure the validity and reliability and then use it as an online measuring tool.

  • Identification of Covid 19 chain disconnection based on health belief model
    Umi Hanik and Eppy Setiyowati

    AIP Publishing
    Covid 19 disease is one of the infectious diseases caused by the coronavirus. The disease has caused 1.8 million people (currently in writing) to die. Sharing this way, the Indonesian government seeks to break the chain of the spread of the coronavirus through health programs through a mass tightening of activities and the use of health protocols. The purpose of this study is to identify covid-19 transmission based on the health belief model. Analytical design, cross-sectional approach, community research sample in Surabaya as many as 101 respondents through random sampling. The variables of this study are Vulnerability Perception, Severity Perception, Health protocols Benefit Perception, Health protocols Resistance Perception, Self-Efficacy Health protocols, Cues to Action, and Health protocols. The data was collected with questionnaires circulating through google-form on a what-aps group of colleagues, friends, and friends. Analysis with linear regression. Covid 19 transmission has a positive relationship with the perception of susceptibility (p< 0.01), self-efficacy (p0.05), and cues for transmission of covid 19 action (p<0.01). There is a negative relationship between the transmission of covid 19 and perception of Preventive Behavior (p<0.01). Linear regression models show that independent variables contributed all to 84.5% of covid-19 transmission. Identification results based on the health belief model include severity, vulnerability, cues to take action, and perceived benefits for identifying the spread of Covid 19, but barriers unrelated to Covid 19 prevention efforts in the region. Further research prioritizes willingness and awareness of breaking the chain of transmission of covid. © 2023 Author(s).

  • Diabetic foot spa, bueger’s allen exercise and music therapy on foot sensitivity, the ankle brachial index and sleep quality for diabetes mellitus in Indonesia
    Erika Martining Wardani, Riezky Faisal Nugroho, Eppy Setiyowati, Nur Ainiyah, Difran Nobel Bistara, and Siti Nur Hasina

    Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
    Background : One of metabolic disease disorders is Diabetes Mellitus (DM) with signs of hyperglycemia due to impaired insulin secretion and/or cellular insulin resistance. Diabetic ulcers are a complication of DM on the skin, beginning with a feeling of numbness and tingling. Symptoms or signs and symptoms of DM cause symptoms that occur because these clinical symptoms are often on a daily basis so that this can interfere with sleep. Objective : analyzed the effect of diabetic foot spa, bueger’s allen exercise and music therapy on foot sensitivity, ankle brachial index and sleep quality. Methods : This study with quasy experiment pre-post control group design. The population in were DM type 2 with sample 150 respondents, who were divided to intervention and control group. Collecting data using the observation sheet for diabetic foot SPA; The tools used were hammer reflex and cotton swabs to assess foot sensitivity, sphygmomanometer to measure abi and PQSI questionnaire. Data were analyzed by wilcoxon and t test. Results : The test results showed that foot sensitivity with p value = 0.000 (p&gt;0.05), ankle brachial index with p-value = 0.001 (p&gt;0.05) and sleep quality with p value = 0.000 (p&gt;0.05). Conclusion : Implementation of diabetic foot spa, bueger’s allen exercises and music therapy are effective to increase foot sensitivity, ankle brachial index and sleep quality in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 22 No. 03 July’23 Page : 536-544

  • Identification of new cases of tuberculosis during the COVID-19 pandemic using model strategic management
    Eppy Setiyowati, Umi Hanik, Ni Njoman Juliasih, and Priyo Susilo

    PAGEPress Publications
    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a world health problem that causes the third-largest death after cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. One of the causes of transmission of environmental factors is controlling the mobilization of individuals suffering from tuberculosis. This research aims to develop a strategic model of finding new TB cases based on region.&#x0D; Method: This descriptive research utilizes primary and secondary data. Variables consist of geographical and demographic characteristics, resources, tuberculosis prevalence, and indicators of tuberculosis response processes. The TB management planning model document is based on the experiences of health centers Perak Timur, Wonokromo, and Siwalankerto in maximizing TB case detection.&#x0D; Results: The management model outlines policies and procedures based on the variables. For example, the detection of new TB patients became a priority at the health center in Perak Timur. In contrast, the health center in Wonokromo focused on developing cadres and private practice physicians.&#x0D; Conclusions: This research provides an overview of the aspects that need attention and improvement by discovering different new cases in each region.&#x0D;  

  • Observation of children's age to predict maximum height
    Sapta Kunta Purnama, Muhammad Furqon Hidayatullah, Fadilah Umar, Slamet Riyadi, Siti Nurunniyah, Eppy Setiyowati, Hilwah Nora, and Agus Mukholid

    Universidad de Alicante Servicio de Publicaciones
    The ideal height is one of the things that people in Indonesia and around the world want. This study aims to formulate guidelines for predicting the maximum height of men and women. The method used in this research is descriptive. This study observed the growth and development of height for girls aged 0-18 years and boys aged 0-19 years. This research was conducted in the city of Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The research sample was obtained from Posyandu, PAUD, SD, SMP, and SMA. Data were collected by observing the respondent's height. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data tabulation, data presentation, and concluding. Measurements for predicting a child's height can be done by considering weight and age percentage. The results showed that predicting a child's height could be done by considering the percentage of weight and age. Every year the growth of the child's height will increase according to the age of growth. Therefore, child height growth data can predict the maximum height of children at the age of 18 years for girls and 19 years for boys. Furthermore, the child height prediction method can be applied to determine the child's height in the future.

  • Relationship between stigma and quality of life in people with pulmonary tuberculosis in East Java, Indonesia
    Eppy Setiyowati and

    Saber CDCH-UCV
    Introduction: The social experience makes rejection from a society of people with pulmonary tuberculosis depressed and worsens their quality of life. Thus, it should be reducing the social stigma that exists in society, namely improving the pattern of quality of life and good self-perception in patients. The aim of this study was an overview of social stigma and quality of life in people with pulmonary tuberculosis in East Java, Indonesia.

  • Acceptance of the covid-19 vaccine based on health belief model
    Eppy Setiyowati, Rahayu Anggraeni, Priyo Mukti Winoto, Domingas da Silva Soares Pereira, Paulo Lopes, and Aquino Tinos Martins

    DiscoverSys, Inc.
    Introduction: Cases of coronavirus that causes Covid-19 disease in the world have reached 1.8 million people. Cases of coronavirus that causes Covid-19 disease in the world have reached 1.8 million people. The purpose of the study analyzed predictions of covid-19 vaccine acceptance based on sufferers and health belief models in Indonesia and Timor Leste.  Method: Analytical research method with cross-sectional survey approach, the population is taken from community living at Surabaya Indonesia and Timor Leste as many as 250 respondents. Sampling was conducted in a consequent sampling in two regions at Surabaya Indonesia and Timor Leste.  Data collection using google form, share through were respondents. Statistical analysis with rank spearmen. Result: the relationship of vulnerability perception with acceptance vaccine covid-19 and correlation coefficient showing a figure of 0.29. It refers to the value of 0.20- 0.40 is considered weak. Similarly, the relationship of severity perception with acceptance vaccine covid-19 obtained coefficient correlation 0.41 expressed strong. on the perception of cues doing actions with acceptance vaccine covid-19, there is a strong relationship, because value correlation coefficient 0.41. For the relationship of benefit perception with acceptance vaccine covid-19 get a weak result because the correlation coefficient of 0.23 in the category below 0.40 is considered weak. Conclusion: there are four components of Health Belief Model associated with Acceptance vaccine covid-19

  • The correlation between parenting style and child creativity development
    Eppy Setiyowati, Umi Hanik, and Mujadidien Affandi

    PAGEPress Publications
    Many children experience problems with creativity development. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlations between parenting style and the creative development of their child. The study was performed on students of TK RA Al-Islah (Kindergarten). A school located in Patuk, Gempol Sub-district, Pasuruan. The design used an analytic cross sectional study. The population was 32 mothers who had children between the ages of 4 and 5. The data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using Fischer’s Exact test with the significance level α = 0.05. The study showed that nearly half of mothers (40.0%) applied permissive parenting style and 56.7% children had low creativity development. The result of the analysis showed a correlation between a mother’s parenting style and the creativity development of their child, p (0.016) &lt; α (0.05). The conclusion of the study was that child creativity development is positively influenced by productive parenting styles. Hence, parents are expected to apply better parenting styles to their children, for achieving better child creativity development.