Evangeline Vanmathi M


Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Rehabilitation Science, Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu India
Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu India



Ms. Evangeline Vanmathi M is the Assistant Professor of PG & Research Department of Rehabilitation Science and Special Education, She constantly strives in contributing to the efficiency of organizations as a Zealous Teacher and as a Passionate Researcher, She delves her heart into the field of Rehabilitation and aspires to make its learning for the empowerment of the Person with Disabilities. Ms Evangeline follows in integrating the youngsters for studying on all levels and boosting their social interaction by motivating the pupils using a variety of teaching techniques, including practical demonstrations and visual presentations. She grows every day for finer self in the world of Rehabilitation and delivers excellence in educating the higher educational students


Masters in Rehabilitation Science


Rehabilitation, General Psychology, Public Administration, Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health