Felipe Freller


Departamento de Ciência Política - Universidade de São Paulo (DCP-USP)

Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of São Paulo (USP) (2024 - ). He has a degree in Social Sciences from USP, a master’s degree in Political Science from the same university, and a double PhD in Political Science from USP and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). He works in the intersection of the history of political thought and contemporary political theory, having studied French political liberalism in the first half of the 19th century, and reflections on totalitarianism, liberalism, democracy and human rights in contemporary French political thought. He is currently developing a research project on the revival of political realism in contemporary political theory, its historical antecedents, and its contributions to thinking about the issues of “Global Justice”.


Political Science and International Relations


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


  • Raymond Aron e os direitos humanos: uma contribuio possvel ao debate entre Claude Lefort, Marcel Gauchet e Pierre Manent.
    F Freller
    DoisPontos 21 (1) 2024

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-Conclusion
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-Empire de la loi et insuffisance de la loi dans les Principes de politique de 1806
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-Introduction
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-[Ddicace]
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-Prface
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-Index des noms
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-La dissmination de l’arbitraire dans la monarchie constitutionnelle
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-Bibliographie
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-[pigraphe]
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-Remerciements
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-Table des matires
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Quand il faut dcider. Benjamin Constant et le problme de l'arbitraire-Rvaluer l’arbitraire aprs le coup d’tat du 18 Fructidor
    F Freller
    Classiques Garnier 2023

  • Pierre Rosanvallon, from the Critique of Utopian Liberalism to the Critique of the Critique of Neoliberalism
    F Freller
    Brazilian Political Science Review 17 (2), e0003 2023

  • O liberalismo luz do antitotalitarismo: revisitando a crtica schmittiana da despolitizao liberal nas leituras de Rosanvallon e Gauchet sobre o liberalismo clssico
    F Freller
    Revista Brasileira de Cincia Poltica, e269617 2023

  • Liberalism in Light of Antitotalitarianism: Revisiting the Schmittian critique of liberal depoliticization in Rosanvallon and Gauchet’s readings of classical liberalism
    F Freller
    Revista Brasileira de Cincia Poltica, e269617 2023

  • Sieys and Roederer, liberal authoritarians?
    F Freller
    thique, politique, religions 2022 (21), 133-159 2023

  • Les Tensions d’un Jugement Politique:La Doctrine de la Responsabilit des Ministres de Benjamin Constant entre l’Arbitraire et le Discrtionnaire
    F Freller
    Dados 66, e20200366 2022

  • The Tensions of a Political Judgement: Benjamin Constant’s “Doctrine of the Accountability of Ministers” Between Arbitration and Discretion
    F Freller
    Dados 66, e20200366 2022


    F Freller
    Revista Brasileira de Cincias Sociais 34, e3410004 2019
    Citations: 8

  • Pierre Rosanvallon, from the Critique of Utopian Liberalism to the Critique of the Critique of Neoliberalism
    F Freller
    Brazilian Political Science Review 17 (2), e0003 2023
    Citations: 3

  • O liberalismo luz do antitotalitarismo: revisitando a crtica schmittiana da despolitizao liberal nas leituras de Rosanvallon e Gauchet sobre o liberalismo clssico
    F Freller
    Revista Brasileira de Cincia Poltica, e269617 2023
    Citations: 2

  • Guizot, Tocqueville e os princpios de 1789
    F Freller
    A nova cincia da poltica 1, 459-491 2020
    Citations: 2

  • Da pessoa abstrata do Estado ao governo dos homens: Estado e soberania na obra de Thomas Hobbes
    F Freller
    Primeiros Estudos, 44-61 2011
    Citations: 2

  • Robespierre, uma biografia da Revoluo Francesa
    F Freller, RS Nicolete
    Topoi (Rio de Janeiro) 21 (44), 525-531 2020
    Citations: 1