Frithjof Vollmer

Research Assistant, Institute of Musicology, Music Pedagogy, and Aesthetics
University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart

Frithjof Vollmer studied double bass, musicology and philosophy in Weimar (Germany), Stuttgart (Germany), and Eugene (University of Oregon, USA), receiving M. A. degrees in both musical performance and musicology. Since 2019 he has been working as a Research Assistant at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Stuttgart, pursuing a PhD thesis on changing tastes in string instrumental performance during the first half of the 20th century (“Interpretation und Exaltation. Zum Wandel expressiver Streicherklangästhetik am Beispiel früher Tondokumente, 1912–1956”). Upcoming publications include the co-edition of a volume concerned with the current state of digital methods in performance research, such as working with the Sonic Visualiser (Softwaregestützte Interpretationsforschung. Grundsätze, Desiderate und Grenzen, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, forthcoming in late 2022).


since 2019: PhD candidate Historical Musicology / University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, Germany
2019: M.A. Musicology / University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, Germany
2018: M.Mus. Double Bass Performance / University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, Germany


Historical and Systematic Musicology
(History of) Musical Performances
Digital Musicology / Humanities