Dr. Ganesh Valiachi


Foreign Trade Department
PSG College of Arts & Science



Aspiring researcher in the sphere of International Business


PhD. (International Business), Alagappa University
MBA. (Financial Management), Alagappa University
B.Sc. (Computer Science), Alagappa University


International Trade, International Economics and Finance


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index

Scopus Publications

  • Export Resilience of Indian Leather Footwear: Post-COVID-19 Context
    The Society of Economics and Development
    This study examined the factors influencing Indian leather footwear exports during the COVID-19 pandemic and prioritized the key challenges. By analyzing the literature of the crisis period (2019-2021) and consulting industry experts, the study identified and ranked challenges using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a commonly used method for project prioritization. Microsoft Excel's built-in functions, including average, sum, MMULT, and GEOMEAN, were used to calculate criteria weights and determine their global priorities. The research revealed that the pandemic significantly impacted export revenue, supply chain disruptions, and export operations and incentives in the leather footwear industry. Based on the findings, the study recommended CLE extend existing promotional schemes, such as the Integrated Development of Leather Sector (under IFLDP), to mitigate the pandemic's disruption on Indian leather footwear exports.

  • Foreign direct investment on export of leather and leather products in India
    Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
    Globalization brought the foreign direct investment which often made in developing countries and open economic countries like India. It offers an adept workforce and yield flourishing prospects for the investor. A foreign investment prospers domestic markets and induces to get into global markets as well as to enhance and experience the international trade exposure. FDI also introduces more substantial benefits like inventive products, technology, job opportunity, expansion of trade and helps to build FOREX reserve to satisfy the trade deficit. The leather and leather products industry has got inherent potential for FDI inflow. The leather industry in India considered as a major accord to Indian economy, which accounts for 12.9% of the global leather production. Annually produces around 3 billion sq.ft of hides and skins, contributes 9% of the global footwear production annually produces 2257 million pairs and 11% of the world’s goat and sheep population. The leather and leather products industry is providing employment for more than 4 million people. FDI inflow in leather and leather products industry has reached from $51.58 million to $193.7 million during the years 2005 to 2019. The study examines the export trade performance of leather industry and the impact of FDI inflow in leather industry. This research work will further analyze the relationship between foreign investment and International trade of leather and leather products in India. The findings and interpretation of the study will provide additional inputs in existing policy framework. To testify this argument two way Anova and correlation are used


  • Export Performance of Bicycle and Parts in India: An Econometric View
    G Valiachi
    Shodh sarita-journal of arts, humanities and social sciences 2020

  • Foreign Direct Investment on Export of Leather and Leather Products in India
    A Muthusamy, V Ganesh


  • Foreign Direct Investment on Export of Leather and Leather Products in India
    A Muthusamy, V Ganesh

    Citations: 2

  • Export Performance of Bicycle and Parts in India: An Econometric View
    G Valiachi
    Shodh sarita-journal of arts, humanities and social sciences 2020
    Citations: 1


Junior Processing Officer
HDB Financial Service
Tamil Nadu India.