

Professor ,Mathematics
VELS Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies Pallavaram Chennai



Professor, Dept. of Mathematics,
VELS Institute of Science, Technology and
Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai.
Mobile :99944 89925
Email: ragaji94@, g.

EDUCATION [1983 – 1986] Avinashilingam Home Science College Coimbatore
B.Sc., Maths, Physics, & Chemistry
[ 1992 ] Annamalai University Chidambaram
M.Sc., Mathematics
[ 2004 ] Alagappa University Karaikudi
M.Phil., Mathematics

24th March 2011 Ph.D in Mathematics
Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi
Viswa Mahavidhyalaya,
Deemed University,

DOB 13.12.1965
Total TeachingExperiences- 17 year


M.Sc M.


Fractals, Mathematical Modeling, Graph Theory


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Numerical study on thermal radiation and chemical reaction impacts on Prandtl nanofluid flow over a bilinear stretching sheet with heat generation and absorption: Response surface methodology
    L. Padmavathi, S.Geethan Kumar, Charankumar Ganteda, S.V.K. Varma, E. Gouthami, G. Jayalalitha, B.Murali Mohan Rao, Vediyappan Govindan, Busayamas Pimpunchat, and Haewon Byeon

    Elsevier BV

  • Advanced fractal graph theory and applications
    P. Tharaniya, G. Jayalalitha, Pethuru Raj, and B. Sundaravadivazhagan

    Chapman and Hall/CRC

  • Enhanced Security in Public Key Cryptography: A Novel Approach Combining Gaussian Graceful Labeling and NTRU Public Key Cryptosystem
    S Kavitha, G Jayalalitha, and K Sivaranjani

    European Alliance for Innovation n.o.
    This research explores an encryption system that combines the Nth-degree Truncated Polynomial Ring Unit (NTRU) public key cryptosystem with Gaussian Graceful Labeling. This process assigns distinct labels to a graph's vertices, resulting in successive Gaussian integers. The NTRU method offers enhanced security and efficient key exchange. The communication encryption process depends on integers P, a, and b, with P being the largest prime number in the vertex labeling. The original receivers are the vertex labeling with the largest prime number coefficient, while all other receivers receive messages from the sender. A polynomial algebraic mixing system and a clustering principle based on the abecedarian probability proposition are used in NTRU encryption and decryption. The choice of relatively prime integers p and q in NTRU plays a role in the construction of polynomial rings used for encryption and decryption, with specific choices and properties designed to ensure scheme security.

  • Growth of bacteria is collated with Brownian motion
    S. Pavithra and G. Jayalalitha

    Taru Publications
    Biological complex akin like the cell exist primarily investigate by taking a look at the biophysical effects of its internal perform. Pathogens are sole that is evolving in ecology. In this paper germination of bacteria and its evaluation of supplanting can be research by Brownian motion which is developed by one dimensional wave equation. Brownian motion can influence the movement of bacteria themselves. While bacteria possess flagella or other appendages for directed movement Brownian motion can still affect their overall movement, causing them to move in a somewhat random or diffusive manner. Overall, Brownian motion plays a fundamental role in the micro scale dynamics of bacterial growth by facilitating nutrient dispersion and influencing bacterial movement within their environment.Growth is conferred employing by pixel profile software. Cluster pattern of bacteria forms complexity.

  • Analysis of Bacillus Thuringiensis Bacteria Applying Multifractals
    S. Pavithra and G. Jayalalitha

    This inspects disclose the statistical skills and mathematical aspects in contemplation of explicating the complexity in Bacillus Thuringiensis in two dissimilar growth stages. The dissimilarityforce and appearance complication of bacterial cell resemblanceis deliberated by “Fractal dimension methods”. Box Counting Method (DB) software is casted - off to figureawayaspects of the bacterium. The steady state growth of bacteria is scrutinized by least square method for determining the Fractal capacity dimension (ks). The dimension value regarding cell changes as the cluster mass M increases which is examined by Multifractals Method.

  • Iterated Function System in Fingerprint Images
    M. Raji and G. Jayalalitha

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Computation of Domination Sets in Von Koch Curve Using C Program
    P. Tharaniya and and G. Jayalalitha

    AIP Publishing

  • Brownian motion in EOQ
    K. Suganthi and G. Jayalalitha


  • Percolation theory in the road map using network analysis
    I. Darvina and G. Jayalalitha

    AIP Publishing

  • IFS and metric space in structure of benzene
    M. Raji and G. Jayalalitha

    AIP Publishing

  • Brownian Motion in Shares of Bank
    K. Suganthi and G. Jayalalitha

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Fuzzy fractals in cervical cancer
    T. Sudha and G. Jayalalitha


  • Inventory Cost Estimation Using Brownian Motion
    K. Suganthi and G. Jayalalitha

    Springer Singapore

  • Maximum Matching in Koch Snowflake and Sierpinski Triangle
    P. Tharaniya and G. Jayalalitha

    Springer Singapore

  • Eccentric Distance Sum in Chemical Compounds Graph Using Domination
    M. Raji and G. Jayalalitha

    Springer Singapore

  • Harary Index of Anthracene's Chemical Graph Using Domination
    M. Raji and G. Jayalalitha

    NeuroQuantology Journal
    Consider a Anthracene’s Chemical Graph as a connected finite simple graph. In such a chemical graph, vertices and edges signify atoms and bonds respectively. Harary Index is a distance based on the topological index. This paper obtains Harary Index of Chemical Graph of Anthracene using Reciprocal Minimum Dominating Distance Matrix.

  • Fuzzy triangular numbers in-Sierpinski triangle and right angle triangle
    T Sudha and G Jayalalitha

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Sierpinski Triangle or Sierpinski Gasket or Sierpinski Sieve is a fractal and attractive fixed set with the overall shape of an equilateral triangle, subdivided recursively into smaller equilateral triangles. In this paper the number theoretical aspect of Fuzzy Triangular Numbers (FTN) in Sierpinski Triangle and Right Angle Triangle have been established and some arithmetic operations of α – Cut, Centroid of the Triangle, Approximation of the Triangular Fuzzy Numbers are explained.

  • Maximum matching in hilbert curve
    P. Tharaniya and G. Jayalalitha

    Union of Researchers of Macedonia
    The goal of this paper analyses the fractal Graphs in Fractal Antenna like Hilbert Fractal Graph which is 2dimensional Fractal Graph. Fractal Antenna which is the most famous and worth Structure of Antenna when compared to other model of Antennas. In this paper discuss the History, development, Construction, Raw Materials and Advantages of Fractal Antenna. Here this paper shows the structures, properties and calculating the number of Vertices and Edges for such a fractal Graph. The concept of Matching is also major part of this paper. It finds the constant ratio of increasing number of vertices in the every level Iteration. There are two methods are used to find the Maximum Matching Cardinality in this paper. The methods are Iterative Function method and Mathematical Induction Method. These methods give the relationship between the cardinality of matching and the number of vertices increasing in the corresponding Iteration which is implemented by the theorem. Evaluation is shown as in the tabulated format.

  • Fractal observation of planets position in human horoscope
    C. Anusuya, R. Kamali, and G. Jayalalitha

    Union of Researchers of Macedonia
    Astrology is an ancient skill of understanding the Fractal nature of planets position in the human horoscope with respect of time. The planets position in the horoscope decides each and every activity of a person. These positions are differing from person to person. Hence an irregular approach is appeared which is observed through Fractals. Chaos Theory is applied to investigate these variations. As there is a rapid change among the movements of all planets but their pattern of rotation is repeated which can be plotted through graph. Further, these planets position are analyzed using X̄-chart and R-chart.

  • Fixed points-julia sets
    G. Subathra and G. Jayalalitha

    Union of Researchers of Macedonia

  • Forecasting stock market of bank using brownian motion
    K. Suganthi and G. Jayalalitha

    Union of Researchers of Macedonia
    The principal factors namely smoothened value, changes in the smoothened value and the trend estimate are analyzed for the forecast of stock market. Forecasting error is calculated from the difference of peak value and the forecast value. Share values of a bank for three consecutive years are analyzed. Values are saved for each and every month and the variations are monitored carefully. The factors related to stock market are tabulated and graphs are plotted. It is concluded that the stock market follows Brownian motion and hence it is considered as fractals sets.


  • Tracing the gesture of bacteria using DLA method
    S Pavithra, G Jayalalitha
    Hybrid and Advanced Technologies, 635-640 2025

  • Neutrosophic Soft Sets in One And Two-Dimensions Using Iteration Method
    MN Bharathi, G Jayalalitha
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 79, 330-341 2025

  • Advanced Fractal Graph Theory and Applications
    P Tharaniya, G Jayalalitha, P Raj, B Sundaravadivazhagan
    CRC Press 2024

  • Analysis of Bacillus Thuringiensis Bacteria Applying Multifractals
    S Pavithra, G Jayalalitha
    2024 Ninth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and 2024

  • Analysis Of Neutrosophic Set, Julia Set In Aircraft Crash
    MN Bharathi, G Jayalalitha
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 66, 218-225 2024


  • Enhanced Security in Public Key Cryptography: A Novel Approach Combining Gaussian Graceful Labeling and NTRU Public Key Cryptosystem
    S Kavitha, G Jayalalitha, K Sivaranjani

  • Inter relations between algebraic boundary and other boundary
    M Srividya, G Jayalalitha

    M Srividya, D Vidhya, G Jayalalitha
    International Journal of Scientific Research in Modern Science and 2023

    M Srividya, G Jayalalitha
    International Journal of Scientific Research in Modern Science and 2023

  • Some results on bi-polar fuzzy bi-ideals of Γ-near rings
    VP Korada, S Ragamayi, G Jayalalitha
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2707 (1) 2023

  • Brownian Motion in Shares of Bank
    K Suganthi, G Jayalalitha
    Mathematical and Computational Intelligence to Socio-scientific Analytics 2023


  • Finite and neighborhood Gaussian prime distance graph
    S Kavitha, G Jayalalitha
    J. Data Acquisition Processing 38 (1), 4062-4073 2023

    P Babu, S Pavithra, G Jayalalitha
    Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing 38 (2), 2740 2023

  • Computation of domination sets in Von Koch curve using C program
    P Tharaniya
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2516 (1) 2022

  • Computation of domination sets in Von Koch curve using C program
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2516(1):210021 2516 (1), - 2022

  • Computation of domination sets in Von Koch curve using C program
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2516(1):210021 2516 (1), - 2022

    NEUROQUANTOLOGY 20 (15), PAGE 5109-5121 2022

  • Iterated Function System in Fingerprint Images
    M Raji, G Jayalalitha
    Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security: Proceedings 2022


  • Fractal model for blood flow in cardiovascular system
    G Jayalalitha, VS Deviha, R Uthayakumar
    Computers in Biology and Medicine 38 (6), 684-693 2008
    Citations: 46

  • Geometric brownian motion in stock prices
    K Suganthi, G Jayalalitha
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1377 (1), 012016 2019
    Citations: 29

  • Recognition of Cervical cancer based on Fractal Dimension
    G Jayalalitha, R Uthayakumar
    2009 International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in 2009
    Citations: 14

  • Border detection of skin cancer cells with fractal dimension
    R Uthayakumar, G Jayalalitha
    Fractals 17 (02), 171-180 2009
    Citations: 14

  • Estimating the skin Cancer using fractals
    G Jayalalitha, R Uthayakumar
    International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia 2007
    Citations: 14

  • Fractal approach to identify the grade of cervical cancer
    G Jayalalitha, R Uthayakumar
    Fractals 19 (01), 125-139 2011
    Citations: 11

  • Degree based in Molecular Graph of Organic compounds on Domination
    S Vijayalakshmi, M Raji, G Jayalalitha
    Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 10 (6), 962-66 2018
    Citations: 10

  • Fuzzy triangular numbers in-Sierpinski triangle and right angle triangle
    T Sudha, G Jayalalitha
    Journal of physics: Conference series 1597 (1), 012022 2020
    Citations: 9

  • Schultz polynomial, modified Schultz polynomial and indices of molecular graph of anthracene based on domination
    G Jayalalitha, M Raji
    International Journal of Research in Advent Technology 7 (1), 136-140 2019
    Citations: 8

  • Complex patterns in financial time series through Higuchi’s fractal dimension
    TG Grace Elizabeth Rani, G Jayalalitha
    Fractals 24 (04), 1650048 2016
    Citations: 8

  • Fractal model of the blood vessel in cardiovascular system
    G Jayalalitha, VS Deviha, R Uthayakumar
    15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications 2007
    Citations: 7

  • Hyper Wiener Index of Molecular Graph of Naphthalene Using Domination
    G Jayalalitha, M Raji, S Senthil
    Int. J. Analyt. Exper. Modal Anal.(IJAEMA). XI 10, 126-129 2019
    Citations: 5

  • Single Server FiniteCapacity Markovian Queuing Model withEncouragement Arrival
    M Ahmad, G Jayalalitha
    Nat. Volatiles &Esent. Oils 8 (5), 9417-9424 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Applying Queuing Theory to Enhance the Service Provided by A Restaurant
    LK Bhavani, G Jayalalitha
    Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 25 (6), 4479-4484 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Analyzation of Maximum Matching and Maximal Matching in Various Graphs
    A Anitha, P Tharaniya, S Senthil, G Jayalalitha
    International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 12 (3), 778-782 2020
    Citations: 4

  • Equitable Domination in Chemical Structural Graph
    EA Gnanasoundari, M Raji, G Jayalalitha
    European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 7 (2), 5246-5249 2020
    Citations: 4

  • Fractal approach and evaluation of mathematical model of Covid-19 in Tamil Nadu
    GJ KUMAR, G Jayalalitha
    Elementary Education Online 20 (4), 1413-1413 2021
    Citations: 3

  • Analysis of diabetes based on fuzzy fractals
    G Jayalalitha, T Sudha
    International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 7, 653-658 2019
    Citations: 3

  • Ramsey numbers in Sierpinski triangle
    R Nithya, R Kamali, G Jayalalitha
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 116 (4), 967-975 2017
    Citations: 3

  • A comparison of fractal dimension algorithms by Hurst exponent using gold price time series
    P Uthayakumar, G Jayalalitha
    International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering 2014
    Citations: 3