Gretta Veronica Badillo Pazmay

IRCCS INRCA - Istituto Nazionale Ricovero e Cura Anziani



Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Medicine, Aging


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Secondary hyperparathyroidism is associated with postpartum blood pressure in preeclamptic women and normal pregnancies
    GianLuca Colussi, Cristiana Catena, Lorenza Driul, Francesca Pezzutto, Valentina Fagotto, Daniele Darsiè, Gretta V. Badillo-Pazmay, Giulio Romano, Paola E. Cogo, and Leonardo A. Sechi

    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
    Background: Preeclampsia has been associated with features of secondary hyperparathyroidism. In this study, we examine the relationships of calcium metabolism with blood pressure (BP) in preeclamptic women and in a control group of normal (NORM) pregnancies in the postpartum. Methods: Sixty-three consecutive preeclamptic women (age 35 ± 6 years) were studied 4 weeks after delivery. We collected clinical and lab information on pregnancy and neonates and measured plasma and urinary calcium and phosphate, plasma parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D], and performed 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring. BP and calcium metabolism of 51 preeclamptic were compared with 17 NORM pregnant women that matched for age, race, and postpartum BMI. Results: 25(OH)D deficiency (<10 ng/ml) was found in 3% of preeclamptic women, insufficiency (10–30 ng/ml) in 67%, and NORM values (31–100 ng/ml) in the remaining 30%. Elevated plasma PTH (≥79 pg/ml) was found in 24% of preeclamptic women who had 25(OH)D plasma levels of 21.4 ± 8.3 ng/ml. In these women, PTH levels was independently associated with 24-h SBP and DBP and daytime and night-time DBP. Prevalence of nondippers and reverse dippers was elevated (75% and 33%, respectively). No associations between calcium metabolism and neonates’ characteristics of preeclamptic women were observed. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency and of elevated plasma PTH levels were comparable in matched groups. Considering preeclamptic women and matched controls as a whole group, office SBP and DBP levels were associated with PTH independently of preeclampsia and other confounders. Conclusion: Features of secondary hyperparathyroidism are common in the postpartum. Preeclampsia and increased PTH levels were both independent factors associated with increased BP after delivery, and both might affect the future cardiovascular risk of these women.

  • Role of nitric oxide in the response to photooxidative stress in prostate cancer cells
    Francesca D'Este, Emilia Della Pietra, Gretta Veronica Badillo Pazmay, Luigi E. Xodo, and Valentina Rapozzi

    Elsevier BV

  • Ru(II)-(PTA) and -mPTA complexes with N<inf>2</inf>-donor ligands bipyridyl and phenanthroline and their antiproliferative activities on human multiple myeloma cell lines
    Aleksandra Wołoszyn, Claudio Pettinari, Riccardo Pettinari, Gretta Veronica Badillo Patzmay, Anna Kwiecień, Giulio Lupidi, Massimo Nabissi, Giorgio Santoni, and Piotr Smoleński

    Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
    Antiproliferative activities on human multiple myeloma cell lines of a series of novel ruthenium(ii) bpy and phen derivatives containing PTA and mPTA ligands.

  • The water soluble ruthenium(II) organometallic compound [Ru(p-cymene)(bis(3,5 dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)methane)Cl]Cl suppresses triple negative breast cancer growth by inhibiting tumor infiltration of regulatory T cells
    Maura Montani, Gretta V. Badillo Pazmay, Albana Hysi, Giulio Lupidi, Riccardo Pettinari, Valentina Gambini, Martina Tilio, Fabio Marchetti, Claudio Pettinari, Stefano Ferraro,et al.

    Elsevier BV

  • Getting the most from gene delivery by repeated DNA transfections
    M. Montani, C. Marchini, G. V. B. Pazmay, C. Andreani, C. Bartolacci, A. Amici, D. Pozzi and G. Caracciolo

    AIP Publishing
    Intracellular delivery of reporter genes causes cells to be luminescent or fluorescent, this condition being of tremendous relevance in applied physics research. Potential applications range from the study of spatial distribution and dynamics of plasma membrane and cytosolic proteins up to the rational design of nanocarriers for gene therapy. Since efficiency of gene delivery is the main limit in most biophysical studies, versatile methods that can maximize gene expression are urgently needed. Here, we describe a robust methodology based on repeated gene delivery in mammalian cells. We find this procedure to be much more efficient than the more traditional route of gene delivery making it possible to get high-quality data without affecting cell viability. Implications for biophysical investigations are discussed.

  • Dietary effects of a mix derived from oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) essential oil and sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) wood extract on pig performance, oxidative status and pork quality traits
    D. Ranucci, D. Beghelli, M. Trabalza-Marinucci, R. Branciari, C. Forte, O. Olivieri, G.V. Badillo Pazmay, C. Cavallucci, and G. Acuti

    Elsevier BV

  • Syntheses, structures, and antimicrobial activity of new remarkably light-stable and water-soluble tris(pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate silver(I) derivatives of N-methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane salt - [mPTA]BF<inf>4</inf>
    Piotr Smoleński, C. Pettinari, F. Marchetti, M. F. C. Guedes da Silva, G. Lupidi, Gretta Veronica Badillo Patzmay, D. Petrelli, L. A. Vitali and A. Pombeiro

    Two new silver(I) complexes of formula [Ag(mPTA)4](Tpms)4(BF4) (1) and [Ag(Tpms)(mPTA)](BF4) (2) (mPTA = N-methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane cation, Tpms = tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methanesulfonate anion) have been synthesized and fully characterized by elemental analyses, (1)H and (31)P{(1)H} NMR, ESI-MS, and IR spectroscopic techniques. The single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of 1 discloses a noncoordinated nature of the Tpms species, existing as counterions around the highly charged metal center [Ag(mPTA)](5+), 1 being the first reported coordination compound bearing a κ(0)-Tpms. 1 features high solubility and stability in water (S25 °C ≈ 30 mg·mL(-1)). The two complexes interact with calf thymus DNA via intercalation mode, binding to the BSA with decrease of its tryptophan fluorescence with a static quenching mechanism. The two new silver complexes exhibit significant antibacterial and antifungal activities screened in vitro against the standard strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans.


  • Red rice (Monakoline K) effects on oxidative stress parameters and biomarkers of steatosis in mild hypercholesterolemic NAFLD patients
    A Romanin, F Vanin, GVB Pazmay, A Da Porto, E Varisco, P Torritto, ...
    Digestive and Liver Disease 55, S64 2023

  • Secondary hyperparathyroidism is associated with postpartum blood pressure in preeclamptic women and normal pregnancies
    GL Colussi, C Catena, L Driul, F Pezzutto, V Fagotto, D Darsie, ...
    Journal of hypertension 39 (3), 563-572 2021

  • Role of nitric oxide in the response to photooxidative stress in prostate cancer cells
    F D'Este, E Della Pietra, GVB Pazmay, LE Xodo, V Rapozzi
    Biochemical Pharmacology 182, 114205 2020

  • Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of different varieties of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) after cooking processes.
    M Bramucci, GV Badillo Pazmay, L Quassinti, N Acciarri, E Sabatini, ...
    3 Convegno a cura delle Piattaforme Tematiche di Ateneo su “Alimenti e 2018

  • Ru (ii)-(PTA) and-mPTA complexes with N 2-donor ligands bipyridyl and phenanthroline and their antiproliferative activities on human multiple myeloma cell lines
    A Wołoszyn, C Pettinari, R Pettinari, GVB Patzmay, A Kwiecień, G Lupidi, ...
    Dalton Transactions 46 (30), 10073-10081 2017

  • The water soluble ruthenium (II) organometallic compound [Ru (p-cymene)(bis (3, 5 dimethylpyrazol-1-yl) methane) Cl] Cl suppresses triple negative breast cancer growth by
    M Montani, GVB Pazmay, A Hysi, G Lupidi, R Pettinari, V Gambini, M Tilio, ...
    Pharmacological research 107, 282-290 2016

  • Getting the most from gene delivery by repeated DNA transfections
    M Montani, C Marchini, GV Badillo Pazmay, C Andreani, C Bartolacci, ...
    Applied Physics Letters 106 (23) 2015

  • Anti-tumor activity of an arene ruthenium complex on a model of basal-like breast cancer
    Universit degli Studi di Camerino 2015

  • Dietary effects of a mix derived from oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) essential oil and sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) wood extract on pig performance, oxidative status
    D Ranucci, D Beghelli, M Trabalza-Marinucci, R Branciari, C Forte, ...
    Meat science 100, 319-326 2015

  • Syntheses, Structures, and Antimicrobial Activity of New Remarkably Light-Stable and Water-Soluble Tris(pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate Silver(I) Derivatives of N-Methyl-1,3,5
    P Smolenski, C Pettinari, F Marchetti, MFC Guedes da Silva, G Lupidi, ...
    Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2), 434-440 2015

  • Ruthenium Complexes with Antitumoral Chemiotherapy Activites
    C Pettinari, R Pettinari, F Marchetti, C Di Nicola, GV Badillo Pazmay, ...

  • Ruthenium complex with antitumoral chemotherapy activity
    A Amici, GV Badillo Pazmay, C Di Nicola, G Lupidi, F Marchetti, ...

  • Complessi di rutenio con attivit chemioterapica antitumorale
    C Pettinari, R Pettinari, F Marchetti, C DI NICOLA, GV BADILLO PAZMAY, ...


  • Dietary effects of a mix derived from oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) essential oil and sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) wood extract on pig performance, oxidative status
    D Ranucci, D Beghelli, M Trabalza-Marinucci, R Branciari, C Forte, ...
    Meat science 100, 319-326 2015
    Citations: 97

  • The water soluble ruthenium (II) organometallic compound [Ru (p-cymene)(bis (3, 5 dimethylpyrazol-1-yl) methane) Cl] Cl suppresses triple negative breast cancer growth by
    M Montani, GVB Pazmay, A Hysi, G Lupidi, R Pettinari, V Gambini, M Tilio, ...
    Pharmacological research 107, 282-290 2016
    Citations: 74

  • Syntheses, Structures, and Antimicrobial Activity of New Remarkably Light-Stable and Water-Soluble Tris(pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate Silver(I) Derivatives of N-Methyl-1,3,5
    P Smolenski, C Pettinari, F Marchetti, MFC Guedes da Silva, G Lupidi, ...
    Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2), 434-440 2015
    Citations: 32

  • Ru (ii)-(PTA) and-mPTA complexes with N 2-donor ligands bipyridyl and phenanthroline and their antiproliferative activities on human multiple myeloma cell lines
    A Wołoszyn, C Pettinari, R Pettinari, GVB Patzmay, A Kwiecień, G Lupidi, ...
    Dalton Transactions 46 (30), 10073-10081 2017
    Citations: 21

  • Role of nitric oxide in the response to photooxidative stress in prostate cancer cells
    F D'Este, E Della Pietra, GVB Pazmay, LE Xodo, V Rapozzi
    Biochemical Pharmacology 182, 114205 2020
    Citations: 14

  • Secondary hyperparathyroidism is associated with postpartum blood pressure in preeclamptic women and normal pregnancies
    GL Colussi, C Catena, L Driul, F Pezzutto, V Fagotto, D Darsie, ...
    Journal of hypertension 39 (3), 563-572 2021
    Citations: 6

  • Getting the most from gene delivery by repeated DNA transfections
    M Montani, C Marchini, GV Badillo Pazmay, C Andreani, C Bartolacci, ...
    Applied Physics Letters 106 (23) 2015
    Citations: 5