Hayman Kakakhan Awla


Plant Pathology
Erbil Polytechnic University



Dr. Hayman has got BSc (Bachelor of Science) from Faculty of Agriculture, Plant protection department, at Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq in July 2003. After obtaining MSc (Master of Science) at the same college in Feb 2008 in Plant Pathology, Dr. Hayman started lecturing in Horticulture and Plant Protection Dept. at Khabat Technical Institute for a period of 6 years. He has got a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Agriculture, plant protection department from the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on May 2016.
Dr. Hayman has published many articles and participated in multiple national and international conferences winning two International Patents alongside other contributions. He has also supervised higher committees at the Ministry of Higher Education. He was acting as the the General Director of Scientific Research Center at Erbil Polytechnic University from 2017 to Jan, 2024, Now he is lecture at Medical and health college at Erbil Polytechnic University .


Dr. Hayman Kakakhan Awla, PhD
Assistant professor


Agricultural and Biological Sciences, General Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Formulation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of Rhus coriaria aqueous crude extract
    Tavga Sulaiman Rashid, Hayman Kakakhan Awla, and Kamaruzaman Sijam

    Elsevier BV

  • Induction of defence related enzymes and biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma harzianum in tomato plants infected with Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani
    Tavga Sulaiman RASHID, Sirwa Anwar QADIR, and Hayman Kakakhan AWLA

    University of Ljubljana
    <p>Fusarium wilt of tomato plants caused by<em> Fusarium oxysporum </em>Schlecht. emend. Snyder & Hansen and<em> Fusarium solani</em> (Mart.) Sacc. are serious problem limiting tomato production worldwide. Biological control has emerged as one of the most promising alternatives to chemical fungicides. The biological control capability of a <em>T. harzianum </em>isolate against <em>F. solani</em> and <em>F. oxysporum</em> has been investigated. It inhibited colony growth of two <em>Fusarium</em> species by more than 80 % in dual culture tests. Results of greenhouse experiments revealed that disease severity in the tomato plants co-inoculated with <em>T. harzianum</em> was significantly lower than plants only infected with the <em>Fusarium</em> pathogens. Tomato plants inoculated with the antagonistic <em>T. harzianum</em> isolate, showed enhanced peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activities in greenhouse experiments and increased resistance to <em>F. solani</em> and <em>F. oxysporum</em>. The <em>T. harzianum</em> isolate indirectly affected the <em>Fusarium </em>pathogens by enhancing plant defence.</p>

  • Abscisic acid accumulation and physiological indices in responses to drought stress in wheat genotypes

  • Antifungal effects of Rhus coriaria L. fruit extracts against tomato anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum
    Tavga Sulaiman Rashid, Hayman Kakakhan Awla, and Kamaruzaman Sijam

    Elsevier BV

  • Plant growth-promoting abilities and biocontrol efficacy of Streptomyces sp. UPMRS4 against Pyricularia oryzae
    Hayman Kakakhan Awla, Jugah Kadir, Radziah Othman, Tavga Sulaiman Rashid, Sathyapriya Hamid, and Mui-Yun Wong

    Elsevier BV

  • Occurrence of anthracnose fruit rot caused by Colletotrichum nymphaeae on pepper (Capsicum annuum) in Malaysia
    A. Nasehi, J. Kadir, T. S. Rashid, H. K. Awla, E. Golkhandan, and F. Mahmodi

    Scientific Societies

  • First report of Xanthomonas gardneri causing bacterial spot of tomato in Malaysia
    T. S. Rashid, S. Kamaruzaman, E. Golkhandan, A. Nasehi, and H. K. Awla

    Scientific Societies

  • Screening for active compounds in Rhus coriaria L. crude extract that inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas syringae and Ralstonia solanacearum
    Tavga Sulaiman Rashid, Kamaruzaman Sijam, Jugah Kadir, Halimi Mohd Saud, Hayman Kakakhan Awla, Dzarifah Zulperi, and Erneeza Mohd Hata

    Agricultural Research Communication Center
    An experiment was performed to study the antibacterial activity of methanol, acetone, alcohol and aqueous extracts from the fruit of <italic>R. coriaria</italic> by disk diffusion assay in terms of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC), minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) and killing-time curve. The detection of the components was also fulfilled using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and also tested for their antibacterial activity. The tested bacteria were <italic>Pseudomonas syringae</italic> (Accession No. KJ858057), a tomato bacterial speck causal agent, and <italic>Ralstonia solanacearum</italic> (Accession No. KJ881159) causing tomato bacterial wilt. Furthermore, the inhibition criteria were made by different extracts of the sampled bacteria which were measured and compared with standard antibiotic (chloramphenicol). Aqueous extract displayed better outcomes against <italic>P. syringae</italic> and <italic>R. solanacearum</italic> as compared to chloramphenicol. According to the GC-MS test results, the aqueous extract was composed of 39 different phytocompounds, together with eight elements in the high peak region, namely Furfural, 1-Cyclopetene, 2,5 Furandione, Phloroglucinol, Succinic acid, Malic acid, P-Tolylacetic acid and Coumalic acid. Among these, it was discovered that 2,5 Furandione was the most important antibacterial element that is present in sumac. The results from the current study indicate that different extracts of <italic>R. coriaria</italic> contain a variety of antibacterial compounds which can potentially be used to produce an extensive range of herbal mixtures with anti-bacterial properties for controlling diseases in crops belonging to the <italic>Solanaceae family</italic>.

  • First report of tomato anthracnose caused by colletotrichum boninense in Malaysia
    T. S. Rashid, K. Sijam, J. Kadir, H. Saud, Hayman K. Awla and E. M. Hata

    In May, 2013, severe anthracnose symptoms were observed on the leaves of tomato plants grown in the Cameron Highlands (Pahang, Malaysia). The disease incidence reached 40% on mature leaves. Typical symptoms included circular, immersed lesions with orange spore masses in a dark centre. When grown on potato dextrose agar at 25°C with a 12 h photoperiod, colonies of a fungus isolated from symptomatic leaves were cream-to-orange coloured. These morphological characteristics are consistent with the description of Colletotrichum boninense (Moriwaki et al., 2003). Conidia measured 12.5-15.5×4.6-5.1 μm, were generally cylindrical, had obtuse ends and a hilum-like low protrusion at the base. Conidial length/width ratio was 2.8 to 3.0. The internal transcribed spacer RNA region was sequenced (GenBank accession No. KM039057.1) and proved 99% similar to that of C. boninense accession no. KJ619456.1. Tomato plants were inoculated with 40-μl droplets of a conidial suspension (105 conidia/ml) onto the surface of wounded and non-wounded leaves, using a sterilized hypodermic needle and were then kept in a moist chamber for seven days at 25°C with a 12-h photoperiod. Sterile distilled water was used for inoculating the leaves of control plants. Leaves inoculated with the pathogen showed symptoms similar to those observed in the field within 3-6 days, while no symptoms were present on controls. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of C. boninense infecting tomato in Malaysia.


  • Investigating the in vivo biocontrol and growth-promoting efficacy of Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens against olive knot disease
    AO Ali, HK Awla, TS Rashid
    Microbial Pathogenesis 191, 106645 2024

  • Efficacy of the nanoemulsion formulation of Rhus coriaria extract on selected tomato pathogens under greenhouse condition
    TS Rashid, HK Awla, K Sijam
    Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 51, 102785 2023

  • Formulation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of Rhus coriaria aqueous crude extract
    TS Rashid, HK Awla, K Sijam
    Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 45, 102519 2022

  • Induction of defence related enzymes and biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma harzianum in tomato plants infected with Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani
    TS Rashid, SA Qadir, HK Awla
    Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 117 (1), 1-6 2021

  • Effect of Streptomyces Xantholiticus on Rice blast disease reduction and enzyme activity
    HK Awla
    Polytechnic Journal 11 (1), 20 2021

  • HPLC fractionation: A comparative analysis of anti-fungal compounds from different Streptomyces isolates inhibiting Colletotrichum acutatum
    HK Awla, TS Rashid
    Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 27, 101688 2020

  • Abscisic acid accumulation and physiological indices in responses to drought stress in wheat genotypes
    SA Qadir, MQ Khursheed, TS Rashid, HK Awla
    The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science 50 (2), 705-712 2019

  • Influence of two varieties of broad bean and Beauveria bassiana (Blas) on Aphis fabae Scop. under field conditions
    ZZ Omer, TS Rashid
    Polytechnic Journal 9 (2), 3 2019

  • تقييم فاعلية التأثير الجاذب والطارد لمساحيق أوراق خمسة انواع من أشجار الغابات في بالغات خنفساء الحبوب الشعرية. Coleptera: Dermestidae))(Everts) Trogoderma granarium
    شاهين عباس مصطفى, سعد مولود زبير, هيمن كاكه خان عه ولا
    Journal of Kirkuk University for Agricultural Sciences 9 (2) 2018

  • Antifungal effects of Rhus coriaria L. fruit extracts against tomato anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum
    TS Rashid, HK Awla, K Sijam
    Industrial crops and products 113, 391-397 2018

  • Biological Control of Pyricularia oryzae Using Antifungal Compounds Produced by Aspergillus niger
    AA Idan, K Sijam, J Kadir, TS Rashid, HK Awla, W Alsultan
    American Journal of Plant Sciences 8 (10), 2445 2017

  • Plant growth-promoting abilities and biocontrol efficacy of Streptomyces sp. UPMRS4 against Pyricularia oryzae
    HK Awla, J Kadir, R Othman, TS Rashid, S Hamid, MY Wong
    Biological Control 112, 55-63 2017

  • Investigation of phytochemical components and bioautography of Garcinia mangostana L. methanol leaf extract
    Q Alsultan, K Sijam, T Rashid, K Ahmad, H Awla
    Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 15 (3), 1-7 2017

  • Occurrence of Anthracnose Fruit Rot Caused by Colletotrichum nymphaeae on Pepper (Capsicum annuum) in Malaysia
    A Nasehi, J Kadir, TS Rashid, HK Awla, E Golkhandan, F Mahmodi
    Plant Disease 100 (6), 1244-1244 2016

  • Occurrence of Phoma Blight Caused by Phoma destructiva on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in Malaysia
    TS Rashid, K Sijam, A Nasehi, J Kadir, HM Saud, HK Awla
    Plant Disease 100 (6), 1241 2016

  • Bioactive compounds produced by Streptomyces sp. isolate UPMRS4 and antifungal activity against Pyricularia oryzae
    HK Awla, J Kadir, R Othman, TS Rashid, MY Wong
    American journal of plant sciences 7 (7), 1077-1085 2016

  • Pathogenicity assay and molecular identification of fungi and bacteria associated with diseases of tomato in Malaysia
    TS Rashid, K Sijam, HK Awla, HM Saud, J Kadir
    American Journal of Plant Sciences 7 (6), 949-957 2016

  • First report of Xanthomonas gardneri causing bacterial spot of tomato in Malaysia
    TS Rashid, S Kamaruzaman, E Golkhandan, A Nasehi, HK Awla
    Plant Disease 100 (4), 854-854 2016

  • Screening for active compounds in Rhus coriaria L. crude extract that inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas syringae and Ralstonia solanacearum
    TS Rashid, K Sijam, J Kadir, HM Saud, HK Awla, D Zulperi, EM Hata
    Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 50 (1), 15-21 2016

  • First report of tomato anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum boninense in Malaysia.
    TS Rashid, K Sijam, J Kadir, HM Saud, HK Awla, EM Hata


  • Plant growth-promoting abilities and biocontrol efficacy of Streptomyces sp. UPMRS4 against Pyricularia oryzae
    HK Awla, J Kadir, R Othman, TS Rashid, S Hamid, MY Wong
    Biological Control 112, 55-63 2017
    Citations: 82

  • Bioactive compounds produced by Streptomyces sp. isolate UPMRS4 and antifungal activity against Pyricularia oryzae
    HK Awla, J Kadir, R Othman, TS Rashid, MY Wong
    American journal of plant sciences 7 (7), 1077-1085 2016
    Citations: 71

  • Antifungal effects of Rhus coriaria L. fruit extracts against tomato anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum
    TS Rashid, HK Awla, K Sijam
    Industrial crops and products 113, 391-397 2018
    Citations: 36

  • Pathogenicity assay and molecular identification of fungi and bacteria associated with diseases of tomato in Malaysia
    TS Rashid, K Sijam, HK Awla, HM Saud, J Kadir
    American Journal of Plant Sciences 7 (6), 949-957 2016
    Citations: 34

  • Screening for active compounds in Rhus coriaria L. crude extract that inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas syringae and Ralstonia solanacearum
    TS Rashid, K Sijam, J Kadir, HM Saud, HK Awla, D Zulperi, EM Hata
    Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 50 (1), 15-21 2016
    Citations: 27

  • Occurrence of Anthracnose Fruit Rot Caused by Colletotrichum nymphaeae on Pepper (Capsicum annuum) in Malaysia
    A Nasehi, J Kadir, TS Rashid, HK Awla, E Golkhandan, F Mahmodi
    Plant Disease 100 (6), 1244-1244 2016
    Citations: 21

  • Biological Control of Pyricularia oryzae Using Antifungal Compounds Produced by Aspergillus niger
    AA Idan, K Sijam, J Kadir, TS Rashid, HK Awla, W Alsultan
    American Journal of Plant Sciences 8 (10), 2445 2017
    Citations: 10

  • Induction of defence related enzymes and biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma harzianum in tomato plants infected with Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani
    TS Rashid, SA Qadir, HK Awla
    Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 117 (1), 1-6 2021
    Citations: 9

  • First report of tomato anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum boninense in Malaysia.
    TS Rashid, K Sijam, J Kadir, HM Saud, HK Awla, EM Hata
    Citations: 9

  • Abscisic acid accumulation and physiological indices in responses to drought stress in wheat genotypes
    SA Qadir, MQ Khursheed, TS Rashid, HK Awla
    The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science 50 (2), 705-712 2019
    Citations: 8

  • HPLC fractionation: A comparative analysis of anti-fungal compounds from different Streptomyces isolates inhibiting Colletotrichum acutatum
    HK Awla, TS Rashid
    Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 27, 101688 2020
    Citations: 6

  • First report of Xanthomonas gardneri causing bacterial spot of tomato in Malaysia
    TS Rashid, S Kamaruzaman, E Golkhandan, A Nasehi, HK Awla
    Plant Disease 100 (4), 854-854 2016
    Citations: 6

  • Investigation of phytochemical components and bioautography of Garcinia mangostana L. methanol leaf extract
    Q Alsultan, K Sijam, T Rashid, K Ahmad, H Awla
    Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 15 (3), 1-7 2017
    Citations: 5

  • Occurrence of Phoma Blight Caused by Phoma destructiva on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in Malaysia
    TS Rashid, K Sijam, A Nasehi, J Kadir, HM Saud, HK Awla
    Plant Disease 100 (6), 1241 2016
    Citations: 5

  • Formulation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of Rhus coriaria aqueous crude extract
    TS Rashid, HK Awla, K Sijam
    Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 45, 102519 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Effect of Streptomyces Xantholiticus on Rice blast disease reduction and enzyme activity
    HK Awla
    Polytechnic Journal 11 (1), 20 2021
    Citations: 3

  • Efficacy of the nanoemulsion formulation of Rhus coriaria extract on selected tomato pathogens under greenhouse condition
    TS Rashid, HK Awla, K Sijam
    Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 51, 102785 2023
    Citations: 2

  • Influence of two varieties of broad bean and Beauveria bassiana (Blas) on Aphis fabae Scop. under field conditions
    ZZ Omer, TS Rashid
    Polytechnic Journal 9 (2), 3 2019
    Citations: 2

  • Investigating the in vivo biocontrol and growth-promoting efficacy of Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens against olive knot disease
    AO Ali, HK Awla, TS Rashid
    Microbial Pathogenesis 191, 106645 2024
    Citations: 1



SEED COATING COMPOSITION. (2017). Malaysia. Patent


2016 Bronze Medal Award
Pameran Rekacepta, Penyelidkan Dan Inovasi 2016,UPM
2017 Bronze Medal Award
The international conference and exhibitions on inventions by institution of higher learning (PECIPTA 2017).
2020 Gold Medal Award
Special Award presented by Toronto International Society of Innovation &
Advanced Skills (TISIAS)