Ivo Herle


Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Technische Universität Dresden




soil mechanics, geotechnical engineering, constitutive modelling of soils, experimental geomechanics, soil liquefaction


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Characterisation of the heterogeneity of a sand specimen in triaxial compression using x-ray CT and representative elementary volumes
    Selma Schmidt, Max Wiebicke, and Ivo Herle

    EDP Sciences
    Standard laboratory tests, such as the triaxial test, are often considered to be element tests. But, when observing such a test, it becomes obvious that this assumption of homogeneity is far from accurate. The localisation of strain is often visible to the naked eye and becomes even more obvious when observed on the grain scale. Other variables, such as those describing the soil fabric, are expected to localise as well. In this work, two sand samples are analysed at different loading states regarding the heterogeneity of three soil variables: void ratio, coordination number and contact orientation anisotropy. For this purpose, the size of a Representative Elementary Volume (REV) is determined using three criteria: the convergence of the mean and variance of the variables with increasing element size as well as a χ2-test. The size of the REV is varying depending on the chosen variable but almost the same for the two specimens when related to the mean grain diameter d50. The REV is placed in a regular grid throughout the specimen and the three variables are determined for each REV. The stochastic as well as spatial heterogeneity is identified for each specimen. As one of the samples is analysed for different loading states throughout a triaxial test, the evolution of the soil heterogeneity is identified. A localisation of all three variables can be observed at the end of the triaxial test as well as a strong initial heterogeneity for both sand samples.

  • A simplified cyclic shear test for pore water pressure build-up of different soils
    Božana Baćić and Ivo Herle

    EDP Sciences
    Pore water pressure (PWP) build-up essentially takes place in loose, water saturated, coarse-grained soils causing the reduction of effective stresses and soil stiffness (soil liquefaction). Considering the same internal structure (soil fabric), stress level, loading amplitude etc. the response of different soils to external disturbance is different. Therefore, the increase of PWP or tendency to soil liquefaction is dependent on the granulometric properties of soils. This paper reveals a simple cyclic shear test that enables the comparison of the sensitivity of PWP build-up to density changes for different sands. The presented test allows a fast installation of a soil specimen and a subsequent constant volume cyclic shearing within a short time period (ca. 30 minutes). The results successfully confirm the repeatability of the method as well as the dependence of the PWP build-up on the initial relative density and saturation degree. It is also shown that the soil fabric has an essential influence on the build-up of PWP. The method aims to allocate an index value to every tested sand and thus to quantify a sensitivity of different sands to density changes with respect to liquefaction.

  • Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Geogittern in ungebundenen Tragschichten
    Claudia Bräunig, Ivo Herle, and Ulrike Weisemann

    AbstractIm Bahnbau werden meist Tragschichten aus ungebundenem grobkörnigem Material zwischen dem anstehenden Untergrund und der Schotterbettung eingebaut. Diese können zusätzlich verstärkt werden. Dazu werden Geokunststoffe, insbesondere Geogitter, eingesetzt, um das Trag‐ und Systemverhalten zu verbessern. Die bisherige Reduzierung der Tragschichtdicke infolge der Geogittereinlage folgt empirischen Ansätzen. Mittels experimenteller Untersuchungen soll der Einfluss des Geogitters auf das Tragverhalten einer Tragschicht quantifiziert werden. Die Untersuchung erfolgt anhand eines skalierten Aufbaus des Tragschicht‐ und Geogittermaterials. Es wurden sowohl monotone als auch zyklische Triaxialversuche durchgeführt, um zum einen das Verhalten bis zum Bruchzustand und zum anderen das Verhalten unter zyklischen Lasten abzubilden. Bei den monotonen Triaxialversuchen wurden die Probekörper bis zum Bruch abgeschert. Hierbei konnte der positive Einfluss der Geogitter im Vergleich zu den unbewehrten Probekörpern quantifiziert werden. Da die In‐situ‐Beanspruchungen überwiegend im Gebrauchslastbereich liegen und somit der Versagenszustand nicht erreicht wird, jedoch die Beanspruchung einer hohen Lastwechselanzahl folgt, wurden zyklische Triaxialversuche angeschlossen. Dabei wurden die Probekörper zyklisch belastet, um den Einfluss des Geogitters auf die Verformungsakkumulation zu untersuchen. Im Ergebnis konnte eine Reduzierung der Verformungsakkumulation durch das Geogitter nachgewiesen werden.

  • Vereinfachter zyklischer Scherversuch zum PWD-Aufbau in grobkörnigen Böden
    Bozana Bacic and Ivo Herle

    AbstractDer Aufbau des Porenwasserdrucks (PWD) während einer Scherbeanspruchung bei behinderter Drainage findet besonders ausgeprägt in lockeren, gesättigten, grobkörnigen Böden statt und führt zur Verringerung der effektiven Spannungen und der Bodensteifigkeit. Unter Berücksichtigung einer vergleichbaren Bodenstruktur (Korngerüst) und unter gleichen Versuchsbedingungen (Spannungsniveau, Wegamplitude usw.) wird das Verhalten verschiedener Böden bei einer gleichen äußeren Belastung unterschiedlich sein. Hierzu wird ein vereinfachter zyklischer Scherversuch (PWD‐Tester) vorgestellt, der einen Vergleich der Neigung zum Aufbau des PWDs gegenüber der Variation von Anfangsdichten für verschiedene Sande ermöglicht. Der Versuch setzt sich aus einem Probeneinbau, einer Konsolidation und einer anschließenden zyklischen Scherung der Probe bei undrainierten Bedingungen innerhalb kurzer Zeit (ca. 30 Minuten) zusammen. Das Ziel dieses Verfahrens ist es, jedem getesteten Sand einen Indexwert zuzuordnen und somit die Neigung verschiedener Sande zum PWD‐Aufbau bis zur Bodenverflüssigung unter behinderter Drainage in Abhängigkeit der Einbaudichte zu quantifizieren.

  • Density-Dependent Pore Water Pressure Evolution in a Simplified Cyclic Shear Test
    Božana Baćić and Ivo Herle

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractWhen specimens of different sands are produced using the same preparation method and sheared under the same conditions (consolidation stress, loading, etc.), while simultaneously keeping the drainage closed, the resulting tendencies of these sands regarding the PWP build-up will be different. This research paper presents a simplified cyclic shear test, which is used to evaluate the accumulation of PWP in sands under defined specimen preparation procedure and testing conditions. In the proposed experiment, a comparison of different sands with this respect is easily achieved. The principle of this experimental method is based on the evolution of the PWP during cyclic shearing of a water-saturated sand sample. Undrained conditions during the experiment allow for the evolution of the PWP, which is quantified by the rate of the PWP build-up. The duration of a single cyclic shear test, including specimen preparation, is approximately 30 min. The evaluation of the rate of the PWP build-up for different densities resulted in an exponential dependence of the PWP build-up on the variation of the relative density. The results confirmed a higher generation of PWP in a fine sand compared to a coarse sand. A comparison with the results of undrained cyclic triaxial tests in the case of eight different sands demonstrated a good agreement between both experimental methods. The basis for the comparison was the density-dependent evolution of PWP in these methods. The presented method delivers a value (index) that quantifies the PWP build-up in sands under the defined testing conditions.

  • On the determination and evolution of fabric in representative elementary volumes for a sand specimen in triaxial compression
    Selma Schmidt, Max Wiebicke, and Ivo Herle

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    Abstract The soil response in triaxial compression tests, that are commonly treated as element tests, is known to be inhomogeneous. Several studies have revealed the localisation of deformation throughout the whole specimen by digital image correlation techniques on X-ray tomographies. The fabric of a soil specimen has so far only been studied on complete specimens as a bulk measurement or in chosen subsets. In this contribution, we present a study on the spatial and temporal distribution of the fabric throughout one Hostun sand sample in triaxial compression. Therefore, we calibrated the minimum representative element size first for three chosen fabric variables considering three different criteria. By distributing the elements in a regular grid over the specimen, we are able to clearly identify the onset of the localisation in terms of void ratio, coordination number and contact fabric anisotropy. Spatially and temporally the contact fabric variables precede the void ratio changes as they are much more sensitive to small changes. Graphical Abstract

  • Slope stability with regard of the stress-strain behaviour during shearing
    Kornelia Nitzsche and Ivo Herle

    Der Gleichgewichtszustand einer Böschung wird oftmals mithilfe von Grenzgleichgewichtsmethoden berechnet. Dabei wird vernachlässigt, dass bis zum Erreichen des Scherwiderstands eine Verschiebung in der Scherzone stattfinden muss. Die Scherspannungsentwicklung hängt u. a. vom Lagerungszustand und den hydraulischen Bedingungen ab. Folglich ist die Mobilisierung des Scherwiderstands in der Scherzone nicht homogen, was zu einer Überschätzung der Böschungsstandsicherheit führen kann. In diesem Bericht wird ein Berechnungsverfahren vorgestellt, das die Entwicklung der Standsicherheit in Abhängigkeit von der Scherdehnung in der Scherzone koppelt. Zur Veranschaulichung werden zwei einfache Beispiele für eine Böschung mit ebener Gleitfläche gezeigt.

  • Max Wiebicke, Ivo Herle, Edward Andò, and Gioacchino Viggiani

    The behaviour of granular materials, such as sands, is controlled by the interaction of particles. This interaction can be described geometrically by orientations and statically by forces. Using x‐ray μ‐tomography and image analysis, it is possible to determine the geometrical fabric at the grain‐scale, whereas the forces still remain inaccessible in natural granular materials. This article shows how the fabric can be accessed using standard and recently proposed advanced image analysis techniques and elaborates which problems arise when describing the fabric quantitatively. These techniques were applied to a triaxial compression test on Hostun sand. The results are described in terms of a fabric tensor, a coordination number and an anisotropy and then related to the macroscopic behaviour of the sample.

  • Determination of Slope Stability Including Strain-Dependent Soil Behavior
    Kornelia Nitzsche and Ivo Herle

    Springer International Publishing

  • Numerical Analysis of Stone Columns for the Reduction of the Risk of Soil Liquefaction
    Jamal Hleibieh and Ivo Herle

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Strain-dependent slope stability
    Kornelia Nitzsche and Ivo Herle

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractThe state of equilibrium of a slope is usually interpreted and expressed by safety factors based on calculations with limit equilibrium methods. Different stress states, failure modes and hydraulic conditions in sections along a slip surface affect the development of shear stresses during slope movement. Moreover, a post-peak softening of the shear strength can have a pronounced impact. As a consequence of the latter effect, the mobilization of the shear resistance along the slip surface is non-uniform and the safety of the slope can be overestimated or underestimated. In the presented paper, an algorithm is proposed to capture the strain-dependent slope stability. The approach is illustrated by means of a calculation example for a slope with a planar slip surface where a block sliding is assumed.

  • Soil improvement with rapidely curing polymers
    Georg Lichtblau, Nico Wiegel, Ivo Herle, and Götz Tintelnot

    Baugrundverfestigungen zur Erhöhung der Tragfähigkeit werden häufig mithilfe von Zementsuspensionen realisiert. Eine Alternative hierzu können polymermodifizierte Verfestigungskörper sein. Sie härten schneller aus als herkömmliche zementbasierte Mischungen. Zudem besitzen sie eine höhere Duktilität. Über die Variation der einzelnen Komponenten lassen sich die Eigenschaften gezielt in viele Richtungen steuern. Die erreichbaren Eigenschaften hängen allerdings teilweise stark von Baugrundbedingungen und Bodenzustand ab. Hierzu wurden weitreichende Untersuchungen an einem Boden‐Kunststoffgemisch sowie einem Boden‐Zement‐Kunststoffgemisch durchgeführt. In Laborversuchen wurde insbesondere die Entwicklung der Druckfestigkeit in Abhängigkeit von der Aushärtezeit und dem Umgebungswassergehalt untersucht. Des Weiteren wurde das volumetrische Verhalten während der Erhärtungsreaktion analysiert. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass der Einsatz von Polymeren einen signifikant positiven Effekt auf die Aushärtegeschwindigkeit und, in Verbindung mit Zement, auf die Festigkeitserhöhung im Vergleich mit Zementsuspensionen hat. Insbesondere die sehr hohe Frühfestigkeit bietet einen Vorteil für bautechnische Zwecke, um bspw. im Havariefall schnell und effektiv in den Baugrund eingreifen zu können.

  • Effects of groundwater flow on local hydraulic safety - Examples with FEM
    Christian Karcher, Silvia Imposimato, and Ivo Herle

    Üblicherweise werden in der Praxis hydraulische Sicherheiten für vordefinierte Versagensmechanismen und ohne Berücksichtigung einer bodenmechanischen Vorgeschichte berechnet. Die mathematische Analyse der durch Strömung reduzierten effektiven Spannungen, verbunden mit lokalen hydraulischen Sicherheiten, lässt Schlussfolgerungen auf den Gesamt‐ und örtlichen Zustand im Untersuchungsgebiet vergleichsweise einfach zu. Dazu werden unter Zuhilfenahme der Finite‐Elemente‐(FE)Methode Porenwasserdruckverteilungen und Effektivspannungen bewertet. Bei FE‐Programmen, die Berechnungen mit Porenwasserdrücken anbieten, genügen für diese Analyse Anpassungen im Post‐Processing.

  • Constitutive modelling of multiporous lumpy soils
    Ivo Herle, X. S. Shi, and Christian Karcher

    Springer International Publishing

  • Measuring the evolution of contact fabric in shear bands with X-ray tomography
    Max Wiebicke, Edward Andò, Gioacchino Viggiani, and Ivo Herle

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • A benchmark strategy for the experimental measurement of contact fabric
    Max Wiebicke, Edward Andò, Václav Šmilauer, Ivo Herle, and Gioacchino Viggiani

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Soil liquefaction as an identification test
    Bozana Bacic and Ivo Herle

    EDP Sciences
    Time-consuming and complicated investigations of soil liquefaction in cyclic triaxial tests are the most common way of laboratory analysis of this phenomenon. Moreover, the necessary equipment for the performance of cyclic triaxial tests is very expensive. Much simpler method for laboratory testing of the soil liquefaction has been developed at the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering at the TU Dresden. This method takes into account the pore water pressure build-up during cyclic shearing within a short time period. During the test, the soil sample is subjected to horizontal cyclic loading and the generated pore water pressure is measured. In the first series of these experiments, a dependence of the pore water pressure buildup on the initial density of soil could be observed, as expected. When comparing different soils, it is shown that the tendency to liquefaction depends also on the granulometric properties (e.g. grain size distribution) of the soil. The aim of the further development is to establish a simple identification test for laboratory testing of the soil liquefaction.

  • Measuring the fabric evolution of particulate media during load reversals in triaxial tests
    Max Wiebicke, Edward Andò, Ivo Herle, and Gioacchino Viggiani

    EDP Sciences
    The behaviour of granular materials upon load reversal is not yet fully understood. In order to experimentally reveal the microstructure of a specimen subjected to load-unload cycles, a triaxial compression test on lentils is carried out in the x-ray scanner. Before analysing the acquired tomographies, a benchmark analysis is conducted to validate the image analysis tools that are used to extract the fabric from these images. The contact fabric evolves strongly with the shearing in the experiment on lentils. However, only very slight changes of the anisotropy within the cycles are observed.

  • Numerical determination of the slopes stability under earthquakes - An example of an earth dam in a centrifuge experiment
    Jamal Hleibieh and Ivo Herle

    Die Stabilität von Böschungen kann durch Erdbebeneinwirkungen stark beeinträchtigt werden. Obwohl das Böschungsverhalten unter Erdbeben sehr komplex ist, gehen die meisten Methoden in der Praxis von einer pseudostatischen Situation aus, bei der die dynamische Erdbebenwirkung durch eine zusätzliche statische Kraft ersetzt wird. In diesem Beitrag wird durch Nachrechnung eines Zentrifugenversuchs überprüft, inwieweit die pseudostatische Analyse das Versagen durch Unterschreiten des Grenzgleichgewichts abbilden kann. Anschließend wird das Potenzial der hypoplastischen Modelle durch eine dynamische Nachrechnung des Zentrifugenversuchs mit der Finite‐Elemente‐Methode (FEM) gezeigt. Weiterhin werden die mit der Hypoplastizität berechneten Ergebnisse dafür verwendet, eine Rückanalyse für die pseudostatische Methode durchzuführen. Damit lassen sich die Defizite dieser Methode veranschaulichen. Eine mögliche Kombination aus dynamischen FEM‐Berechnungen und der pseudostatischen Analyse zur Ermittlung eines realitätsnäheren Standsicherheitsfaktors wird diskutiert. Hierfür werden weitere dynamische Berechnungen mit einem elastoplastischen Stoffmodell durchgeführt.

  • Optical high speed measurements of dynamic soil compaction

  • Laboratory study of the shear strength and state boundary surface of a natural lumpy soil
    X. S. Shi, I. Herle, and Jianhua Yin

    American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
    AbstractLandfills consisting of waste natural lumpy soils from open-pit mining are being deposited. The shear strength of excavated lumpy soils is important for designing the landfills. To this end...

  • A consolidation model for lumpy composite soils in open-pit mining
    X. S. Shi, I. Herle, and D. Muir Wood

    Thomas Telford Ltd.
    In open-pit coal mining, the excavated clayey cover is dumped without any compaction to form a landfill with a relatively open structure. In this type of material, water flowing through the landfills prefers the inter-lump voids, which have a permeability significantly higher than the clay lumps. With increasing time, the lumps in the upper layer may be partially transformed into a reconstituted soil, occupying the inter-lump voids with consequent decrease in permeability of the landfill. In the study presented here, a consolidation model is proposed based on the double porosity concept and the homogenisation theory. The analysis follows these steps: step 1, a representative volume of lumpy composite soils is divided into four parts and the governing differential equations are formulated based on conservation of mass; step 2, the inter-lump porosity for the lumpy composite structure is formulated as a function of the overall porosity and the porosity of its constituents; step 3, to account for stress (strain) concentrations within the lumpy composite material, a homogenisation relation is used based on analysis of the soil structure; step 4, the hydraulic conductivities of the inter-lump material (lumps) and intra-lump material (reconstituted soil) are approximated by the same set of parameters; step 5, for the lumpy soil, a new relationship between the strains and the absolute velocities of the solid skeleton is proposed, which eliminates the influence of the rigid displacement of the lumps. The model simulations are compared with experimental data, indicating that the proposed model can well represent the consolidation curves of the lumpy composite soil observed in the laboratory.

  • Validation of synthetic images for contact fabric generated by DEM
    Max Wiebicke, Václav Šmilauer, Ivo Herle, Edward Andò, and Gioacchino Viggiani

    Springer International Publishing


  • Heterogeneous and scale-dependent behaviour of an initially dense sand specimen in triaxial compression
    S Schmidt, I Herle
    Granular Matter 27 (1), 24 2025

  • Build-Up of Pore Water Pressure in Coarse-Grained Soils of Similar Fabric
    I Herle, B Bacic
    Recent Developments of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics in Theory and Practice 2024

  • Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Geogittern in ungebundenen Tragschichten
    C Brunig, I Herle, U Weisemann
    geotechnik 47 (3), 155-165 2024

  • Experimentalstudieson the influenceof geogridsin unboundbase layers
    C Braeunig, I Herle, U Weisemann
    Geotechnik 2024

  • Build-Up of Pore Water Pressure in
    I Herle, B Bacic
    Recent Developments of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics in Theory and Practice 2024

  • A simplified cyclic shear test for pore water pressure build-up of different soils
    B Baćić, I Herle
    E3S Web of Conferences 544, 01002 2024

  • Characterisation of the heterogeneity of a sand specimen in triaxial compression using x-ray CT and representative elementary volumes
    S Schmidt, M Wiebicke, I Herle
    E3S Web of Conferences 544, 04003 2024

  • A simplified cyclic shear test for pore water pressure build-up in sands
    B Bacic, I Herle
    Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication 10 (56), 2122-2127 2024

  • Vereinfachter zyklischer Scherversuch zum PWD‐Aufbau in grobkrnigen Bden
    B Bacic, I Herle
    geotechnik 46 (4), 210-219 2023

  • Density-dependent pore water pressure evolution in a simplified cyclic shear test
    B Baćić, I Herle
    International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 9 (4), 47 2023

  • Einfluss der Dichte auf den Suffosionsverlauf in binren granularen Packungen
    J Welsch, I Herle
    geotechnik 45 (4), 268-276 2022

  • On the determination and evolution of fabric in representative elementary volumes for a sand specimen in triaxial compression
    S Schmidt, M Wiebicke, I Herle
    Granular Matter 24 (4), 97 2022

  • Bschungsstandsicherheit unter Bercksichtigung des Spannungs‐Dehnungs‐Verhaltens bei Scherung
    K Nitzsche, I Herle
    geotechnik 44 (3), 191-197 2021

  • Case study of a liquefiable mine tailing sand deposit
    W Wehr, I Herle, P Kudella, G Gudehus
    Slope Stability Engineering, 847-852 2021

  • Pressure-and density-dependent bifurcation of soils
    I Herle, D Kolymbas
    Bifurcation and localisation theory in geomechanics, 53-58 2021

  • Measuring the fabric evolution of sand–application and challenges
    M Wiebicke, I Herle, E And, G Viggiani
    geotechnik 44 (2), 114-122 2021

  • Fundamentals of constitutive modelling for soils
    I Herle
    ALERT Doctoral School 2021 Constitutive Modelling in Geomaterials, 3 2021

  • Determination of Slope Stability Including Strain-Dependent Soil Behavior
    K Nitzsche, I Herle
    Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics: Proceedings of the 16th 2021

  • Hypoplastic description of the interface behaviour
    I Herle, K Nbel
    Numerical Models in Geomechanics, 53-58 2020

  • Numerical analysis of stone columns for the reduction of the risk of soil liquefaction
    J Hleibieh, I Herle
    Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology 7, 618-633 2020


  • Hypoplastic model for cohesionless soils with elastic strain range
    A Niemunis, I Herle
    Mechanics of Cohesive‐frictional Materials: An International Journal on 1997
    Citations: 1192

  • Determination of parameters of a hypoplastic constitutive model from properties of grain assemblies
    I Herle, G Gudehus
    Mechanics of Cohesive‐frictional Materials: An International Journal on 1999
    Citations: 714

  • Hypoplastizitt und granulometrie einfacher korngerste
    I Herle
    Inst. fr Bodenmechanik und Felsmechanik 1997
    Citations: 246

  • The soilmodels. info project
    G Gudehus, A Amorosi, A Gens, I Herle, D Kolymbas, D Mašn, ...
    International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 2008
    Citations: 187

  • Hypoplasticity for soils with low friction angles
    I Herle, D Kolymbas
    Computers and Geotechnics 31 (5), 365-373 2004
    Citations: 152

  • On the metrology of interparticle contacts in sand from x-ray tomography images
    M Wiebicke, E And, I Herle, G Viggiani
    Measurement Science and Technology 28 (12), 124007 2017
    Citations: 114

  • Hypoplastic constitutive equation with internal variables
    D Kolymbas, I Herle, PA Von Wolffersdorff
    International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics 1995
    Citations: 114

  • FE‐studies on the influence of initial void ratio, pressure level and mean grain diameter on shear localization
    J Tejchman, I Herle, J Wehr
    International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 1999
    Citations: 95

  • State boundary surface of a hypoplastic model for clays
    D Mašn, I Herle
    Computers and Geotechnics 32 (6), 400-410 2005
    Citations: 92

  • Measuring the evolution of contact fabric in shear bands with X-ray tomography
    M Wiebicke, E And, G Viggiani, I Herle
    Acta Geotechnica 15 (1), 79-93 2020
    Citations: 89

  • Numerical simulation of a tunnel surrounded by sand under earthquake using a hypoplastic model
    J Hleibieh, D Wegener, I Herle
    Acta Geotechnica 9, 631-640 2014
    Citations: 66

  • A consolidation model for lumpy composite soils in open-pit mining
    XS Shi, I Herle, D Muir Wood
    Gotechnique 68 (3), 189-204 2018
    Citations: 59

  • A" class A" prediction of the bearing capacity of plane strain footings on sand
    J Tejchman, I Herle
    Soils and Foundations 39 (5), 47-60 1999
    Citations: 56

  • Effect of grain size and pressure level on bearing capacity of footings on sand
    I Herle
    Deformation and progressive failure in geomechanics, 781-786 1997
    Citations: 54

  • Improvement of a hypoplastic model to predict clay behaviour under undrained conditions
    D Mašn, I Herle
    Acta Geotechnica 2, 261-268 2007
    Citations: 53

  • Prediction of permanent soil deformations due to cyclic shearing with a hypoplastic constitutive model
    D Wegener, I Herle
    geotechnik 37 (2), 113-122 2014
    Citations: 51

  • Numerical analyses of a tunnel in London clay using different constitutive models
    D Mašın, I Herle
    Proceedings of the 5th international symposium TC28 geotechnical aspects of 2005
    Citations: 48

  • Numerical simulation of lumpy soils using a hypoplastic model
    XS Shi, I Herle
    Acta Geotechnica 12, 349-363 2017
    Citations: 47

  • Stationary states in hypoplasticity
    E Bauer, I Herle
    Constitutive modelling of granular materials, 167-192 2000
    Citations: 47

  • Comparison of vibrocompaction methods by numerical simulations
    M Arnold, I Herle
    International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 2009
    Citations: 41