Identification of Significant Attributes for the Development of an Assessment Tool Applicable to Green Campuses in India Mahale Janhavi and Khare Kanchan EDP Sciences Green campuses play a significant role in transforming societies and fostering a sustainable future as they are anticipated to make a significant contribution toward environmental sustainability. The evaluation and prioritization of the green campus initiatives are likely to be underresearched. The global movement toward green building initiated following the development of various green building rating tools (GBRT) for assessment. These tools require modification to account for sustainability considerations. When applied to educational campuses in India, the limitations of the eight existing GBRTs were revealed. To address these limitations, a scientific study of eight GBRTs including two Indian GBRTs such as Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) and other six international GBRTs like Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) was conducted. This study identified significant green attributes for green campuses, with a particular focus on green campuses in India. A questionnaire survey was conducted to gather data on these attributes. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to 249 valid responses from the survey, resulting in the extraction of 56 significant attributes of green campuses under nine components. This study discusses the significant attributes identified through this analysis.
Support Vector Regression Models of Stormwater Quality for a Mixed Urban Land Use Mugdha P. Kshirsagar and Kanchan C. Khare MDPI AG The present study is an attempt to model the stormwater quality of a stream located in Pune, India. The city is split up into twenty-three basins (named A to W) by the Pune Municipal Corporation. The selected stream lies in the haphazardly expanded peri-urban G basin. The G basin has constructed stormwater drains which open up in this selected open stream. The runoff over the regions picks up the non-point source pollutants which are also added to the selected stream. The study becomes more complex as the stream is misused to dump trash materials, garbage and roadside litter, which adds to the stormwater pollution. Experimental investigations include eleven distinct locations on a naturally occurring stream in the G basin. Stormwater samples were collected for twenty-two storm events, for the monsoon season over four years from 2018–2021, during and after rainfall. The physicochemical characteristics were analyzed for twelve water quality parameters, including pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, Total solids (TS), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Phosphate, Ammonia and Nitrate. The Water Quality Index (WQI) ranged from 46.9 to 153.9 and from 41.20 to 87.70 for samples collected during and immediately after the rainfall, respectively. Principal Component Analysis was used to extract the most significant stormwater quality parameters. To understand the non-linear complex relationship of rainfall characteristics with significant stormwater pollutant parameters, a Support Vector Regression (SVR) model with Radial Basis Kernel Function (RBF) was developed. The Support Vector Machine is a powerful supervised algorithm that works best on smaller datasets but on complex ones with the help of kernel tricks. The accuracy of the model was evaluated based on normalized root-mean-square error (NRMSE), coefficient of determination (R2) and the ratio of performance to the interquartile range (RPIQ). The SVR model depicted the best performance for parameter TS with NRMSE (0.17), R2 (0.82) and RPIQ (2.91). The unit increase or decrease in the coefficients of rainfall characteristics displays the weighted deviation in the values of pollutant parameters. Non-linear Support Vector Regression models confirmed that both antecedent dry days and rainfall are correlated with significant stormwater quality parameters. The conclusions drawn can provide effective information to decision-makers to employ an appropriate treatment train approach of varied source control measures (SCM) to be proposed to treat and mitigate runoff in an open stream. This holistic approach serves the stakeholder’s objectives to manage stormwater efficiently. The research can be further extended by selecting a multi-criteria decision-making tool to adopt the best SCM and its multiple potential combinations.
A Composite Permeable Sloping Seawall for Effective Energy Dissipation: A Quasi-Soft Alternative Solution for Shore Protection Vaishnavi Dabir, Kanchan Khare, and Mutukuru Gangireddy Munireddy MDPI AG The recent trend in coastal research centers around environmental sustainability, especially in coastal conservation. A seawall typically has three layers, namely core, filter, and hard rubble/concrete armor. In the current study, a two-layered seawall is proposed, comprising a coir geotextile roll from the coastal regions, along with sand encapsulated in a geotextile over an impermeable core. This can be considered as a quasi-soft solution against the traditional, three-layered, hard alternative. The objective of this study is to investigate the combined effect of slope and porosity, of this composite structure, on the wave reflection. The findings show that the composite structure provides less reflection coefficient values compared to traditional rubble mound seawalls. Four orientations and positions of coir rolls with geosynthetic sandbag were tested. The armor layer with coir rolls overlain by geosynthetic sandbags over an impermeable core could be a better alternative, as it increases the hydrodynamic performance by 59% as compared to sandbags, used alone, over an impermeable core on a slope of 1:2.
Constructed Wetlands for removal of Phosphorus from Domestic Wastewater-A Patent Review Vandana Patyal, Dipika Jaspal, Amit K. Tiwari, and Kanchan Khare Springer Science and Business Media LLC Research related to phosphorus (P) removal in domestic wastewater treatment has increased manifolds due to stress on freshwater resources globally. Constructed Wetlands (CWs) have gained popularity as an innovative, sustainable, and cost-effective technology in this direction. This review summarizes the various patenting patterns and innovations related to the application of CWs for the removal of P from domestic wastewater. For this purpose, the Relecura patent database has been used. The patent landscape has been analyzed based on application volume, patent geographical details, application organization, main technologies, keywords, concepts, assignees, code analysis, and citation analysis. The results indicate that a total of 115 patents have been filed in this field of research, out of which 76 are patent applications and 39 granted patents which indicates a tough examination cycle and a limited rate of the grant of patent applications. China is leading with a total patent count of 105 and also in terms of citations, inventors, and assignees. Based on citations most of the patents are related to efficient sewage treatment systems by incorporation of solar heating, immobilized bed, moving bed, double layer wetland system, and composite filling material systems. The study cogitates about inventions and utility model patents related to different configurations and types of artificial wetlands employing natural, waste, and synthesized material adsorbents. Synthesized adsorbents utilizing low-cost materials to improve P adsorption have been shown to have an added economic and environmental advantage of extending the filler replacement cycle and minimization of secondary pollution.
Detecting, extracting, and mapping of inland surface water using Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager: A case study of Pune district, India Rushikesh Kulkarni, Kanchan Khare, and Humera Khanum F1000 Research Ltd Background: Recent developments in optical satellite remote sensing have led to a new era in the detection of surface water with its changing dynamics. This study presents the creation of surface water inventory for a part of Pune district (an administrative area), in India using the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and a multi spectral water indices method. Methods: A total of 13 Landsat 8 OLI cloud free images were analyzed for surface water detection. Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) spectral index method was employed to enhance the water pixels in the image. Water and non-water areas in the map were discriminated using the threshold slicing method with a trial and error approach. The accuracy analysis based on kappa coefficient and percentage of the correctly classified pixels was presented by comparing MNDWI maps with corresponding Joint Research Centre (JRC) Global Surface Water Explorer (GSWE) images. The changes in the surface area of eight freshwater reservoirs within the study area (Bhama Askhed, Bhatghar, Chaskaman, Khadakwasala, Mulashi, Panshet, Shivrata, and Varasgaon) for the year 2016 were analyzed and compared to GSWE time series water databases for accuracy assessment. The annual water occurrence map with percentage water occurrence on a yearly basis was also prepared. Results: The kappa coefficient agreement between MNDWI images and GSWE images is in the range of 0.56 to 0.96 with an average agreement of 0.82 indicating a strong level of agreement. Conclusions: MNDWI is easy to implement and is a sufficiently accurate method to separate water bodies from satellite images. The accuracy of the result depends on the clarity of image and selection of an optimum threshold method. The resulting accuracy and performance of the proposed algorithm will improve with implementation of automatic threshold selection methods and comparative studies for other spectral indices methods.
Perceiving the Suitability of Adopting Problem Based Learning Pedagogy for Technical Education Entrants Vaishnavi Dabir, , Anjali Kulkarni, Kanchan Khare, , and Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Abstract: During campus Interviews, the student's cognition is the Employers desideratum. They have incertitude regarding the same due to the scholastic system which is exam-oriented. It thus is an obligation on the teacher's part to ascertain that students get more proactive during the classroom sessions. Problembased learning (PBL) could be an effective alternative tool for boosting their interest and involvement in technical education. As Symbiosis Institute of Technology is an autonomous body, the freedom of adopting a different teaching method was used. In this study, the first week of the academic semester was converted into a week full of PBL activities instead of regular classes on a cohort of students from diverse background. This was done to understand if students could apply pre-requisite knowledge that they gained through regular tutelage. To test the usefulness of the concept of PBL in technical education, few activities were planned to introduce students to new concepts allied with the course structure of that semester. The study showed that students had limitations in the application of prerequisite knowledge and 10% couldsolve the problem completely. 62% of students were successful in doing new tasks using the PBL technique. 8% of students were able to reach to correct solution. Thus, student engagement can be boosted by the use of PBL pedagogy in technical education. Keywords: Problem-based learning, Technical Education, Engineering, Employability
Materials in constructed wetlands for wastewater remediation: A review Vandana Patyal, Dipika Jaspal, and Kanchan Khare Wiley The wastewater treatment industry is constantly evolving to abate emerging contaminants and to meet stringent legislative requirements. The existing technologies need to be modified, or new innovative treatment techniques need to be developed to ensure environmental protection and secure sustainability in the future. Emphasis is mainly on nutrient recovery, energy-efficient systems, zero waste generation, and environmentally friendly techniques. Constructed Wetlands (CWs) have evolved as natural, eco-friendly, economical, and low-maintenance alternatives for wastewater remediation. These wetlands employ several materials as adsorbents for the treatment, commonly known as media/substrate. This review paper presents an assessment of various materials that can be used as substrates in CWs for the efficient removal of organic and non-biodegradable pollutants in different types of wastewaters. The effect of pH, mineral composition, specific surface area, and porosity of various natural materials, agricultural and industrial wastes used as media in CWs for wastewater remediation was discussed. The study showed that different substrates like alum sludge, limestone, coal slags, rice husk, and sand had removal efficiency for chemical oxygen demand (COD):71.8-82%, total phosphorous (TP):77-80%, and total nitrogen (TN):52-82% for different types of wastewaters. It also highlights the challenges related to the long-term sustainability of these materials.
Wastewater Treatment Technologies: A Bibliometric Analysis Vandana Patyal, Dipika Jaspal, and Kanchan Khare Informa UK Limited ABSTRACT Today the world is facing a major problem of getting rid of wastewater safely so that it does not disrupt the environment. The existing infrastructure and management systems are not adequate to cater to the increasing volume and changing quality of pollutants. Therefore, it becomes essential to manage wastewater and to use appropriate technologies and techniques for its treatment. In this study, the global research trends through wastewater treatment technologies was analyzed from 2000 to 2019 using Scopus database. Analysis of the existing database has been carried out based on the parameters such as trends in publication numbers, sources, institutions, authors, and countries. Scopus revealed a total of 11,757 journal articles, 2,933 conference proceedings, 1872 review papers, and 29,176 patents during this period, as on 9th May 2020, with the key words’ wastewater, treatment, and technologies. As per the analysis, China and USA portrayed maximum publications related to wastewater treatment technology.
Optimization of storm water drainage network using ant colony system Sayali Apte, Mugdha Kshirsagar, and Kanchan Khare IEEE The major objectives of storm water management include protecting the environment; minimize the event of flooding and supporting healthy streams which result in healthier and more sustainable communities. Effective storm water management gives ecological, social, and financial advantages to the community. The present study focuses on optimization of storm water collection system by application of proper routing algorithm. The main aim of the present study is to minimize the total cost associated with construction of storm water drains without compromising its discharge carrying capability. In this study a meta-heuristic approach based on Ant Colony System is used to optimize the multi-objective problem of storm-water drainage system. An illustrative example inspired from real life storm-water management problem has also been solved. The problem has been solved by varying the weightages of the heuristic values for drainage length and slope. The findings indicate that present approach provides a scientifically credible solution for storm-water drainage network optimization in urban areas.