
Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering
Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies




Non motorized Transportation, Sustainable Construction, Pedestrian Behavior, Air Pollution modelling, GIS


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Flexural behavior of reinforced geo-polymer concrete beams at ambient temperature
    Muthusamy Saradha, Thaniarasu Ilango, Shanmugam Annamalai, and Krishnamurthy Muthumani

    Akademiai Kiado Zrt.
    AbstractAn experimental study was carried out on geo-polymer and reinforced concrete beams to evaluate the flexural behavior of the beams for the structural grade of M30 concrete. The results show that the geo-polymer concrete beams exhibit similar flexural strength when compared to reinforced concrete beams. The split tensile strength, stiffness characters, the energy capacity and ductility relationship were also found with satisfactory results. The deflection and the stiffness degradation at the salient stages were found to be similar and thus the geo-polymer concrete beams find a good alternative to reinforced concrete beams under flexural behavior.

  • Study on The Application of Processed Municipal Solid Waste Ash for Sustainable Construction Materials
    Durgalakshmi S, Ilango T, N. Pugazhenthi R, Ajay Partap Singh, S. Baskar, S. Padmanabhan, V. Vijayan, and S. Baskar

    EDP Sciences
    The total amount of solid trash produced in India is 160038.9 TPD, according to the Annual Report on Solid Waste Management (2020–21), CPCB, Delhi. Out of which, Tamil Nadu created 13422 TPD of solid waste, of which 9430.35 TPD was processed, and 2301.04 TPD was landfilled. The researchers have been forced to look at alternative processes and materials for the manufacturing of construction materials utilizing processed municipal solid waste ash (PMSWA) due to the increased demand for environmentally friendly and sustainable products. This research work focused on the replacement of fine aggregate by (0%, 10%, 30% and 50%) Processed Municipal Solid Waste Ash (PMSWA) in the Solid Blocks. This research enhances the sustainable material development in the construction industry. SEM study showed that specimens with CTR do not have any cracking on their fracture surfaces, unlike samples without CTR. This study examines the material’s physical characteristics, including its mechanical attributes like compressive strength and flexural strength as well as its chemical composition using XRF. It demonstrates that the substitution or addition of PMSWA to construction materials is appropriate, cost-effective, and safe.

  • SEM–EDS Microstructural Analysis of Heritage Structure
    Ramachander Damera and T. Ilango

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Minimization of construction waste in Chennai construction industry
    R. Janani, T. Ilango, E. Meenakshi, and M.J. Rajesh kumar

    Elsevier BV

  • Optimization in men & material cost using AWP technology
    S. Ganesh, P.R. Kalyana Chakravarthy, and T. Ilango

    Elsevier BV

  • Shrinkage study and strength aspects of concrete with foundry sand and coconut shell as a partial replacement for coarse and fine aggregate
    Kalyana Chakravarthy Polichetty Raja, Ilango Thaniarasu, Mohamed Abdelghany Elkotb, Khalid Ansari, and C Ahamed Saleel

    The demand for natural aggregates (river sand) is increasing day by day, leading to the destruction of the environment, a burden that will be passed on to young people. Further, wastes from various industries are being dumped in landfills, which poses serious environmental problems. In order to ensure sustainability, both the issues mentioned above can be solved by utilizing industrial waste as aggregate replacement in the concrete construction industry. This research is done to find out the results using two substances viz., waste foundry sand (WFS) and coconut shell (CS) substitute for river sand and coarse aggregate. Many researchers have found the maximum benefits of substituted substances used in cement, which has material consistency. This current observation explores these strong waste properties of waste-infused concrete and cement, which experience shrinkage from drying out. The replacement levels for waste foundry sand were varied, between 10%, 20%, and 30%, and for CS, it was 10% and 20%. The experimental outcomes are evident for the strength, which increases by using WFS, whereas the strength decreases by increasing the CS level. The concrete that experiences shrinkage from drying out is included in the waste material, showing a higher magnitude of drying shrinkage than conventional concrete.

  • Soil stabilization using raw plastic bottle
    P. R. Kalyana Chakravarthy, S. Banupriya, and T. Ilango

    AIP Publishing

  • A detailed study on the mechanical and durability properties of hybrid fibre reinforced concrete
    P.R. Kalyana Chakravarthy, T. Ilango, and S. Chezhiyan

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract A trial examine was finished to consider the flexural conduct of high quality cement for target quality of 80 MPa utilizing snared end steel fibres, pleated steel fiber in different volume parts of the extents 0.25%, 0.50% and 0.75% the High quality cement (HSC) is accomplished with the assistance of silica rage and superplasticizer for more noteworthy quality and solidness. The bridging action of fibre helps to arrest the crack propagation. The compressibility characteristics break rigidity what’s more flexible quality has expanded whenever differentiated with the ordinary concrete. Compressive strength characteristics has expanded up to 5.88%, Split Tensile strength expanded by 38.71%. The flexural strength is expanded by 6–12%. The chloride permeability is very low in all the types of concrete with and without fibres as per ASTM C 1202. The water penetration is almost NIL in all the mix which shows that the closely spaced cement matrix contributes to this behaviour.

  • Stabilization of structures in seismic areas subjected to different ground motions

  • Analysing the strength aspects of precast reinforced beam-column connections

  • Budget houses for low-income people

  • Road safety audit of ananthagiri hills ghat road at Vikarabad district

  • Statistical investigation of ground water quality across coovum watershed

  • Spatial distribution analysis and mapping of ground water quality across Chennai

  • Connections in structural steel joints

  • Seismic response of Indian designed five storey structure with world earthquake ground motions

  • Enhancement of mechanical properties of Luffa fiber/epoxy composite using B<inf>4</inf>C
    R. Jino, R. Pugazhenthi, K. G. Ashok, T. Ilango, and P. R. Kalyana Chakravarthy

    American Scientific Publishers

  • Properties of Concrete partially replaced with Coconut Shell as Coarse aggregate and Steel fibres in addition to its Concrete volume
    P R Kalyana Chakravarthy, R Janani, T Ilango, and K Dharani

    IOP Publishing
    Cement is a binder material with various composition of Concrete but instantly it posses low tensile strength. The study deals with mechanical properties of that optimized fiber in comparison with conventional and coconut shell concrete. The accumulation of fibers arbitrarily dispersed in the composition increases the resistance to cracking, deflection and other serviceability conditions substantially. The steel fiber in extra is one of the revision in coconut shell concrete and the outcome of steel fiber in coconut shell concrete was to investigate and compare with the conventional concrete. For the given range of steel fibe from 0.5 to 2.0%, 12 beams and 36 cylindrical specimens were cast and tested to find the mechanical properties like flexural strength, split tensile, impact resistance and the modulus of elasticity of both conventional and coconut shell concrete has been studied and the test consequences are compared with the control concrete and coconut shell concrete for M25 Grade. It is fulfilled that, the steel fibers used in this venture has shown significant development in all the properties of conventional and coconut shell concrete while compared to controlled conventional and coconut shell concrete like, Flexural strength by 6.67 % for 1.0 % of steel fiber in conventional concrete and by 5.87 % for 1.5 % of steel fiber in coconut shell concrete.

  • Pedestrian flow characteristics for different pedestrian facilities and situations

  • Design Implications of Walking Speed for Pedestrian Facilities
    Rajat Rastogi, Ilango Thaniarasu, and Satish Chandra

    American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
    Pedestrians walk differently on different types of facilities. Walking speeds are governed not only by the width of the facility but also by age and gender, land uses, temporal variations, cell phone usage, carrying baggage while walking, and movement in groups. This paper discusses development of adjustment factors for effective design of pedestrian facilities on the basis of pedestrian walking speeds under such influences on three types of facilities, e.g., sidewalks, wide-sidewalks, and precincts. Eighteen locations are selected in five cities in India, and data are analyzed considering the influencing parameters. Pedestrians walk faster than the population mean walking speed on sidewalks at 71.22  m/min, whereas they walk at a speed of 63.60  m/min on precincts. Exercise and leisure walking speeds of pedestrians are 74.57  m/min and 62.44  m/min, respectively. Significant difference is observed in the walking speed of pedestrians when moving alone or in a group. Pedestrians carrying baggage walk slowe...