Assistant Professor
islamic university of science and technology
Scopus Publications
Gohar Abass Khan, Irfan Bashir, Mohammed Alshiha, and Ahmed Abdulaziz Alshiha
PurposeThe primary objective of this paper is to determine the factors that affect the entrepreneurship propensity of students undergoing compulsory entrepreneurship education courses at various universities.Design/methodology/approachA research instrument was developed and implemented on a sample of 380 students who were offered compulsory entrepreneurship education courses at six major universities in the Jammu and Kashmir region of India. The study employed multiple cross-sectional designs with a simple random sampling technique to gather data. The collected data was subjected to descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling using SMART-PLS (Version 4).FindingsThe findings reveal that conceptualization, opportunity identification and implementation are the three antecedents of entrepreneurship propensity. The results indicate that the conceptualization factor is one of the most important predictors of entrepreneurship propensity, followed by opportunity identification, whereas implementation through education has the weakest influence on students' entrepreneurship propensity.Practical implicationsThis research provides important insights to universities for designing and developing entrepreneurship courses that can foster the start-up culture. The results will be helpful for policymakers to devise various programs to boost entrepreneurship.Originality/valueThe study integrated the theories of planned behavior and human capital to evaluate the effectiveness of entrepreneurship courses at the university level. The three factors, namely, conceptual factors, actualization factors and implementation factors of entrepreneurship propensity are under-researched.
Sameeullah Khan, Asif Iqbal Fazili, Park Thaichon, Sara Quach, Mohd Ashraf Parry, and Irfan Bashir
Purpose This paper aims to challenge the notion that “having-less” – limiting consumption of scarce resources to a select few – represents a social responsibility route toward guilt reduction. It rather argues that “saving-more” – the purposeful pursuit of conscious and collaborative consumption – captures consumers’ true representations of responsible luxury which in turn reduces anticipated guilt. Design/methodology/approach Six experiments using different operationalizations of saving-more (vs. having-less) and a mix of fictitious and real luxury brands were conducted on real luxury buyers. Findings The findings demonstrate that saving-more (vs. having-less) leads to a stronger purchase intention; an effect explained by a higher responsible luxury perception and lower anticipated guilt associated with saving-more (vs. having-less). Furthermore, the ability of saving-more (vs. having-less) in building responsible luxury perception and reducing anticipated guilt is stronger (vs. weaker) when luxury is distributed based on deservingness (vs. entitlement). Research limitations/implications This research proposes a novel distinction between two responsible luxury approaches: promoting limited consumption for business goals, that is, having-less and promoting conscious consumption for societal goals, that is, saving-more. Practical implications Brand managers can enhance responsible luxury perception and reduce consumer guilt through corporate communication, product communication and collaborative product accessibility modes. Managers must also convince consumers that their access to luxury is based on real achievements. Originality/value This study empirically invalidates the notion that merely invoking scarcity and rarity tactics is an expression of social responsibility. It integrates social responsibility and fairness accounts of guilt into a coherent theory of guilt over luxury consumption.
Sameeullah Khan, Asif Iqbal Fazili, and Irfan Bashir
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Abstract This paper postulates that consumers’ desire for doing-luxury – pursuing luxury with the intention of acquiring a life experience (vs. having-luxury) – pursuing luxury with the intention of acquiring a material good reduces counterfeiting schadenfreude – consumers’ feelings of pleasure from the losses of luxury brands due to counterfeiting. Two experiments employed various methods of invoking doing-luxury (vs. having-luxury) – actual product exposure and brand positioning to test the predicted framework. The results demonstrate that doing-luxury (vs. having-luxury) leads to a lower counterfeiting schadenfreude; an effect explained by the lower perceived similarity. This research makes an important contribution to the counterfeiting and experiential marketing literature by demonstrating the role of brand positioning in reducing a critical counterfeit-related social emotion. The results also validate the relevance of the intentions-based distinction of experiential versus material purchases in predicting counterfeiting schadenfreude. To reduce counterfeiting schadenfreude, luxury brands must signal an ephemeral image focusing on moments of luxury rather than functions of luxury. In addition, ad appeals must invoke sensory elements, feelings, emotions, imagination, and mental stimulation rather than the hard facts about the products per se.
Maraj Rahman Sofi, Irfan Bashir, Ahmed Alshiha, Emad Alnasser, and Sultan Alkhozaim
PurposeThe study seeks to explore the intricate dynamics among customer relationship management (CRM) practices, guest satisfaction and loyalty in the hospitality context. Additionally, it aims to examine the moderating influence of guest engagement on the relationships between CRM practices and guest satisfaction and loyalty.Design/methodology/approachAn integrated theoretical framework is developed by incorporating CRM practices and guest engagement into the satisfaction-loyalty framework. Two research instruments were adapted from the literature to assess the perspectives of customers and employees in the hotel industry in Kashmir. The customer survey measured guest satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement, while the employee survey focused on CRM practices, including key customer focus and CRM organization. Data was collected using a pen-and-paper survey with convenience sampling across 10 qualifying hotels, each classified as 3-star or above. A total of 270 matched responses from guests and employees were obtained and analyzed using descriptive analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM), and moderation analysis with SPSS and AMOS software. The study utilized a rigorous data matching process to ensure reliability, with guest-employee pairs verified and cross-checked with hotel records.FindingsThe results indicate CRM practices play a pivotal role in shaping guest satisfaction and loyalty. Notably, personalization and a targeted customer approach emerged as the most influential factors in enhancing tourist satisfaction. Similarly, prospecting, personalization, and effective knowledge management significantly contributed to visitor loyalty. The establishment of robust relationships is underscored through collaborative active guest engagement. Furthermore, the study highlights the nuanced relationship between satisfaction and loyalty moderated by guest engagement. High levels of guest engagement amplify the positive impact of satisfaction on loyalty, while lower engagement levels attenuate this effect. Moreover, the moderating influence of guest engagement on the relationships between CRM practices and guest satisfaction and CRM practices and guest loyalty was notably strong at elevated guest engagement levels and relatively weaker at lower engagement levels.Research limitations/implicationsWhile the study findings encourage organizations to prioritize customer relationship development, hospitality entities must emphasize the adoption of CRM philosophy and robust guest engagement measures. Actively involving guests in co-creating services can yield incremental benefits in terms of attracting, retaining, and effectively serving guests.Originality/valueThis study introduces novel dimensions to the existing CRM framework within the hospitality context, specifically exploring the impact of hotel-specific elements (personalization and prospecting) on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore, it innovatively investigates the moderating role of guest engagement in the satisfaction-loyalty relationship, expanding its scope to include the relationships between CRM practices and guest satisfaction and guest loyalty.
Asif Iqbal Fazili, Asif Hamid Charag, Irfan Bashir, Ahmed Abdulaziz Alshiha, and Maraj Rahman Sofi
Purpose This study aims to extend the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to develop finer understanding about tourist’s attitude and intention towards visiting a politically unstable and conflict-ridden destination such as Kashmir. Design/methodology/approach A research instrument adapted from previous studies is administered on 490 tourists. The data collected is subjected to exploratory factor analysis followed by structural equation modelling using SPSS and AMOS. The study tests and validates a more robust behavioural prediction model grounded on the TPB. Findings The results of the study found that the tourists’ destination choice intention in a politically sensitive area such as Jammu and Kashmir is collectively determined by perceived destination attractiveness, perceived destination image, familiarity with place, media exposure and perceived value. However, quite interestingly, perceived risk and attitude were found to be insignificant determinants of choice intentionality. Research limitations/implications The study empirically validates extended TPB to predict tourist behaviour in a politically sensitive setting. Furthermore, the study provides vital inputs to the destination managers, policy makers and practitioners to develop strategies to enhance destination image and attractiveness. Although the study provides critical insights into the tourist’s decision-making process, nonetheless, certain limitations, such as restricted geographical approach, convenience sampling and ignoring the inter-group variations, warrant attention. Originality/value The study is essentially a pioneering effort in applying an integrated TPB model in determining destination choice intentionality in a politically sensitive region of Jammu and Kashmir. The region has the potential to be one of the best destinations in the world. Therefore, studying the tourist perceptions and attitudes and intention towards Kashmir could help the local government and other destination management organizations in charting future courses of action.
Sameeullah Khan, Asif Iqbal Fazili, and Irfan Bashir
Purpose This paper aims to theorize that millennials' counterfeit buying behavior is partly driven by perceived peer counterfeit consumption – the perception that counterfeit luxury consumption is a norm within members of their own generation. Design/methodology/approach The research is based on two survey-based studies: Study 1 investigates the phenomenon on young millennials (n = 438) and Gen X (n = 374) using moderation analyses in PROCESS Macro; and Study 2 is based on young millennials (n = 643) and runs a partial least squares structural equation modeling model. Findings The findings reveal that perceived counterfeit consumption within own (vs other) generation leads to greater counterfeit purchase intention and this effect is stronger for young millennials (vs Gen X). Counterfeiting values (materialism, counterconformity and morality) strengthen the impact of perceived peer counterfeit consumption on the counterfeit purchase intention of young millennials, thereby establishing counterfeit luxury consumption as a salient norm. Practical implications To modify perceptions about peer counterfeiting norms, normative messages must communicate counterfeit avoidance among millennials through social media influencers. Luxury brand managers must focus on the experiential value of luxury and pursue unconventional luxury inspired by a sense of rebelliousness and independence. Originality/value This work demonstrates that millennials engage in counterfeit luxury consumption when they perceive it as a salient consumption norm among members of their own generation. It adds a novel construct of perceived counterfeit consumption and demonstrates the role of generation as a normative referent. The article provides a values-based motivational account of conformity to peer counterfeiting norms.
Sameeullah Khan, Asif Iqbal Fazili, and Irfan Bashir
Purpose This study aims to examine whether counterfeit luxury buyers’ tendency to impress others overrides their anticipation of embarrassment or whether the anticipation of embarrassment delimits their self-presentational goals. Design/methodology/approach This paper is based on three studies – a survey and two experiments that test the predictions. This study adopts a mix of moderation and mediation analyses to test the proposed hypotheses. Findings The findings reveal a greater counterfeit purchase likelihood and embarrassment aversion among publicly (vs privately) self-conscious consumers. Furthermore, a higher (vs a lower) audience class and a conspicuous (vs an inconspicuous) brand lead to lower counterfeit purchase intention, and anticipated embarrassment mediates both these effects. To mitigate the threat of embarrassment, publicly self-conscious consumers are more likely to buy counterfeits among a higher-class audience when the brand is inconspicuous (vs conspicuous). They, however, are indifferent to brand conspicuousness among a lower-class audience. Practical implications To deter counterfeit consumption, anti-counterfeiting campaigns must invoke consumers’ tendency to overestimate the degree of public attention. Ad appeals must accentuate the anticipation of embarrassment by enhancing self-consciousness through a higher-class audience involving a conspicuous brand. Originality/value This paper makes a novel contribution to counterfeiting literature by demonstrating that counterfeit luxury consumption is driven by countervailing motives of gaining approval and avoiding disapproval. The paper departs from mainstream theorizing by demonstrating that counterfeit luxury buyers engage in a protective self-presentation style by choosing inconspicuous counterfeits.
Mohammad Saleem, Touseef Rizvi, and Irfan Bashir
American Psychological Association (APA)
Sadat Hussain Ahanger, Irfan Bashir, Adnan Rouf Shah, and Mohd Ashraf Parry
SAGE Publications
This study aims to investigate the determinants of attitude and intention to recycle electronic waste. Building on TRA a theoretical framework is developed and tested using a structured questionnaire administered online among 506 university students. The collected data is descriptively analysed with SPSS and structural equation modelling is employed using SMART-PLS (version 3.0). Results show that attitude has positive influence on intention to recycle electronic waste. Notably, incentives emerge as a pivotal factor for recycling intention followed by social influence, sense of responsibility and incentives. The results show that awareness has insignificant influence on intention to recycle e-waste. Further, results confirm that attitude mediates the effect of awareness, incentives, SoR and social influence on intention to recycle e-waste. The study extends TRA by introducing SOR and incentives as novel constructs, enriching understanding of e-waste recycling behaviour. The study offers potential insights into customer perspectives on electronic product obsolescence to enhance e-waste recycling strategies. Understanding how consumers perceive obsolescence allows for product adjustments that align with recycling preferences. Moreover, decision-makers can use the study’s findings to gauge public support for e-waste recycling initiatives. The findings offer valuable guidance for businesses aiming to implement effective e-waste recycling programmes, engage young adults in recycling efforts, l and enhance overall e-waste recycling participation.
Mohammad Saleem, Touseef Rizvi, and Irfan Bashir
Institut Agama Islam Ma arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung
This study analyses the mediating role of Core Self-evaluation (CSE) on the relationship between dispositional mindfulness and mental wellbeing. A sample of 184 Muslim students (Mage = 22.08) studying in the different universities completed the self-report measures of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), the Core Self-evaluations Scale (CSES), and the Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS). The collected responses are subjected to multiple regression and mediation analyses. The results revealed that dispositional mindfulness and core self-evaluations significantly predicted mental well-being. It is found that core self-evaluation fully mediates the effect of dispositional mindfulness on mental well-being. Moreover, it is also observed that measures of dispositional mindfulness, core self-evaluation, and mental well-being are indifferent with respect to students’ gender. Therefore, the study highlights the importance of core self-evaluation and explains a possible process by which depositional mindfulness enhances Muslim students' mental well-being.
Sameeullah Khan, Asif Iqbal Fazili, and Irfan Bashir
Purpose This paper aims to theorize counterfeit luxury consumption among millennials from a generational identity perspective. Design/methodology/approach The paper proposes and tests a model of counterfeit buying behavior using an online survey of 467 millennial respondents. The study uses multi-item measures from the extant literature and uses the structural equation modeling technique to test the proposed hypotheses. Findings The findings reveal when millennials have a self-defining relationship with their generation, they tend to internalize the generational norm pertaining to counterfeit luxury consumption. Millennials’ counterfeit related values: market mavenism, postmodernism, schadenfreude and public self-consciousness contribute to their generational identity. Moreover, market mavenism, cool consumption and public self-consciousness establish counterfeit luxury consumption as a generational norm. Practical implications The findings of this paper suggest that the expertise and influence of market mavens can be used to deter counterfeit consumption. Moreover, luxury brands must communicate a cool image to offset the rebellious image of counterfeits. Further, from a standardization versus adaption standpoint, the generational perspective allows for the standardization of anti-counterfeiting campaigns. Originality/value The paper makes a novel contribution to the counterfeiting literature by demonstrating that millennials pursue counterfeit luxury brands when they pledge cognitive allegiance to their generation. The paper, thus, extends the identity perspective of counterfeit luxury consumption to group contexts. The authors also test and validate the role of descriptive norms in group contexts by introducing the construct generational norm to counterfeiting literature.
Asif Hamid Charag, Asif Iqbal Fazili, and Irfan Bashir
PurposeThe purpose of this study is to understand the residents’ perception towards environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts of tourism development in Kashmir.Design/methodology/approachThe research instrument containing 27 items pertaining to six variables is adopted from the literature. A mix-method survey approach is used to solicit residents’ perceptions regarding environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts of the current level of tourism development. A total of 326 useful responses were subjected to descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc analysis using SPSS (Version 22.0).FindingsIn general, the negative and positive impacts of tourism development are well perceived by the residents. The results indicate that the residents display positive perception regarding economic impacts, however, social and environmental impacts are negatively perceived. Furthermore, barring level of education, the study found no significant difference in the residents’ perception towards tourism impacts (environmental, social, cultural, economic, quality of life and cost of living).Research limitations/implicationsThe paper identifies perceived impacts and issues of tourism development thereby, proposing possible mitigating measures. Also, the study identifies the need to develop a comprehensive policy framework addressing the issues related to the resident’s negative feelings towards tourism impacts. Further, the study envisages the need for engaging residents in developing a progressive and participatory planning process for future tourism activities in the area.Social implicationsThe study offers critical social implications for city tourism development. It suggests a community-based approach should be adopted to sensitize residents about the positive benefits of tourism.Originality/valueThe study is a novel attempt concerning residents’ residents perceptual differences towards tourism impacts. Furthermore, this study investigated socio-cultural impacts of tourism under two separate categories for better understanding. in doing so, this study provides finer understanding of perception of residents towards tourism impacts in Indian context. The findings of the study will prove critical for different stakeholders in developing future tourism framework and policies in the region.
Sameeullah Khan, Asif Iqbal Fazili, and Irfan Bashir
Maraj Rahman Sofi, Irfan Bashir, Mohammad Ashraf Parry, and Altaf Dar
Purpose The study aims to investigate the effect of four customer relationship management (CRM) dimensions, namely, customer orientation, customer relationship management organization, managing knowledge and CRM based technology, on customer satisfaction in the hospitality sector of Kashmir. Design/methodology/approach A survey instrument with a slight modification is adapted from literature and is exercised on the customers of three- and four-star hotels operating in Kashmir. A total of 176 responses received using systematic random sampling were subjected to exploratory factor and regression analyses to uncover the underlying relationships among dependent and independent variables. Findings The results revealed a significant and positive relationship between CRM dimensions, namely, customer orientation, managing knowledge and CRM organization on customer satisfaction. Though the results also indicate a significant positive effect of CRM-based technology on customer satisfaction, the magnitude of this effect is very weak. This suggests that hotel organizations use technology as a mere tool to store customer information only. Thus, CRM-based technology should be used by the hotels to analyze customer information and, subsequently, design customized products. This will unravel the full potential of the technology and lead to better customer satisfaction. Practical implications The findings of this study provide significant insights to the practitioners to understand the role of successfully implementing a CRM strategy. It reflects that establishing an effective CRM strategy helps managers in improving customer satisfaction and in maintaining a long-term relationship with customers to achieve the organizational goals. Thus, establishing an efficient and effective CRM strategy should be (one of) the key objectives for all hotel managers. Moreover, the hotels that successfully implement CRM strategy and manage customer knowledge properly will reap the rewards in terms of better customer loyalty and long-term sustainable profitability. Originality/value This study approaches the implementation of CRM strategy from a customer perspective with a specific focus on investigating the effect of four CRM dimensions on customer satisfaction in the hospitality sector. This will provide a novel impetus to the hotel managers to devise and manage a CRM strategy that leads to (better) customer satisfaction.
Asif Hamid Charag, Asif Iqbal Fazili, and Irfan Bashir
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence the consumer intention to adopt Islamic banking. Design/methodology/approach The study extends the theory of reasoned action (TRA) by incorporating additional variables such as government support, perceived risk, perceived image, religiosity and culture. A research instrument adapted from previous studies is administered online on a sample of 310 respondents. The data collected are subjected to exploratory factor analysis followed by structural equation modeling using SPSS and analysis of a moment structures (22.0 Version). Findings The results of the study reveal that consumer intention to use Islamic banking is collectively determined by attitude, religiosity, culture, government support and perceived risk. It reflects that attitude and religiosity are the major predictors of a consumer’s intention followed by government support. Furthermore, results indicate that a consumer’s attitude toward Islamic banking is determined by social influence, government support, religiosity and perceived risk. Also, it is found that culture and perceived image have no significant effect on a consumer’s attitude toward adoption of Islamic banking. Further, the results indicate that attitude mediates the effect of religiosity, perceived risk, government support and culture on a consumer’s intention to use Islamic banking. Research limitations/implications The success of Islamic banking ultimately depends on consumer readiness and adoption of it. This study provides significant insights into various aspects of consumer attitude and intention toward Islamic banking adoption. The results provide vital inputs to policymakers and practitioners in offering and promoting Islamic banking. Also, the knowledge and understanding of key consumer specific factors can be used by banks in framing strategies for positioning and targeting Islamic banking products. The study is subjected to certain limitations such as – the study accounts only for limited factors and does not provide for factors such as pricing, behavioral control and Islamicity of the product. Second, this study is limited to the geographic area of Kashmir. Third, the study design is cross-sectional is nature. Originality/value Essentially, this study is a pioneering effort in applying an integrated TRA model to determine consumer intention to use Islamic banking in Kashmir. Furthermore, the current study examines the relationship between additional variables simultaneously within the framework of TRA. The study also explores the effect of religiosity and culture on consumer’s attitude and intention, which has remained largely unexplored in the context of Islamic banking.
Irfan Bashir and Chendragiri Madhavaiah
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the determinants of the customers’ attitude and behavioural intention to use Internet banking services, paying special attention to the role of perceived risk, trust, enjoyment, website design and social influence. Design/methodology/approach – A research model grounded on the technology acceptance model (TAM) reflecting the effects of trust, perceived risk, perceived enjoyment, perceived website design and social influence on TAM constructs is proposed. The structural equation modelling technique is used to analyse a sample of 697 individual Internet banking users in India through an online survey. Findings – The results of data analysis confirm some of the hypotheses drawn from the literature. Consistent with some of the other studies, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust and perceived enjoyment are found to be immediate direct determinants of customers’ attitude towards using Internet banking. Attitude, perceived risk, perceived enjoyment and trust determine the customers’ behavioural intentions to use Internet banking. Although the direct effect of perceived website design is significant only on perceived ease of use, its indirect effects are significant on perceived usefulness, attitude and behavioural intentions. Furthermore, perceived enjoyment exerts both direct and indirect effects on perceived usefulness but exerts only direct effect on perceived ease of use. Research limitations/implications – Generalizability of the research is a practical limitation in consumer research studies and the present study is not an exception to that. The current study focused only on some technological, behavioural and attitudinal factors, and many customer-specific factors and other psychographic and behavioural factors such as cost, perceived value, service quality and satisfaction, which can provide more significant insight into the adoption process, are not a part of the scope of the study. Practical implications – This research specifies the implications in three perspectives, viz., theoretical, methodological and managerial. Furthermore, this study provides the practical recommendations to enhance customer trust and guidelines to reduce perceived risk. The most significant implication for the banking sector is that apart from offering useful and user-friendly services, they need to build a trusting relationship with customers. Originality/value – This study extends existing body of Internet banking literature by incorporating trust and risk perceptions. The effects of website design and perceived enjoyment on Internet banking acceptance have been examined and were found to be significant in the Indian context. In addition, it enables us to contribute to the current literature on the emerging Indian Internet banking services (IBS) market, which is largely under-researched.
J Rama Krishna Naik, Byram Anand, and Irfan Bashir
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate and test a six-factor model that explains considerable variation in patient satisfaction with tertiary care hospitals in India. Design/methodology/approach – The data of this study were collected through a systematic randomly distributed questionnaire. A pre-tested and contextually prepared structured questionnaire was used to gather 436 responses from selected tertiary care hospitals located in Hyderabad. Descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha are used to measure the internal consistency of the scale using the computer software SPSS 20.0. Findings – The findings of this study highlight six distinct dimensions of patient satisfaction and the relationships among them. Positive and significant relationships among the dimensions and patient satisfaction have been found. Research limitations/implications – One limitation to this study was the inclusion of the selected tertiary care hospitals in Hyderabad city and responses are collected from inpatients who were admitted in the surgical departments of these hospitals. Practical implications – This instrument would enable patients to provide feedback to hospitals regarding the quality of health care received by them. Hospitals could use this feedback to analyze their performance, satisfaction and benchmark their performance against competitive hospitals. This study has directs implications for health care service providers to provide quality of services to patients, to maintain high level of patient’s satisfaction and re-intentions. Originality/value – Few studies identified and examined the factors that influence patient’s perceived satisfaction. This study adds value by investigating what factors influences patient satisfaction among selected tertiary care hospitals located in Hyderabad.