Italo Linhares de Araujo

Campus de Itapajé
Universidade Federal do Ceará


Computer Science, Software, Health Informatics


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Machine learning and cloud enabled fall detection system using data from wearable devices: Deployment and evaluation
    I Arajo, MB Pereira, W Silva, I Linhares, V Marx, AM Andrade, ...
    Simpsio Brasileiro de Computao Aplicada Sade (SBCAS), 413-424 2022

  • Gerontecnologas y internet de las cosas para prevencin de cadas en adultos mayores: revisin integradora
    JL Diniz, VF Sousa, JFV Coutinho, L Arajo, RMC Andrade, JS Costa, ...
    Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 35, eAPE003142 2022

  • Gerontecnologias e internet das coisas para preveno de quedas em idosos: reviso integrativa
    JL Diniz, VF Sousa, JFV Coutinho, L Arajo, RMC Andrade, JS Costa, ...
    Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 35, eAPE003142 2022

  • Internet of things gerontechnology for fall prevention in older adults: an integrative review
    JL Diniz, VF Sousa, JFV Coutinho, L Arajo, RMC Andrade, JS Costa, ...
    Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 35, eAPE003142 2022

  • gape: Framework para deteco de quedas de idosos e suas causas com dispositivos vestveis
    L Arajo

  • Continuous Integration for Machine Learning Experiments Reproducibility: a Practical Study
    AM Andrade, MB Pereira, SHS Silveira, FIF Linhares, AHO Neto, ...
    Anais do I Workshop Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software Inteligente, 25-28 2021

  • Refactoring Decision based on Measurements for IoHT Apps
    BS Oliveira, L Arajo, JOV Paiva, EC Junior, RMC Andrade
    Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 1-9 2021

  • Dorsal: Ferramenta para Geraao de Modelos de Dados para Aplicaoes voltadas a Saude e Cuidado de Idosos
    P Oliveira, I Arajo, E Junior, P Duarte, IS Santos, RMC Andrade, ...
    Anais Estendidos do XX Simpsio Brasileiro de Computao Aplicada Sade, 1-6 2020

  • Lessons learned from the development of mobile applications for fall detection
    I Linhares, R Andrade, EC Junior, PA Oliveira, B Oliveira, P Aguilar
    GLOBAL HEALTH 2020, 18-25 2020

  • Towards a Taxonomy for the Development of Older Adults Healthcare Applications.
    L de Arajo, EC Junior, PAS Duarte, I de Sousa Santos, PAM de Oliveira, ...
    HICSS, 1-10 2020

  • Raspcare: A telemedicine platform for the treatment and monitoring of patients with chronic diseases
    RV Andreo, M Athayde, J Boudy, P Aguilar, I de Araujo, R Andrade
    Assistive Technologies in Smart Cities 2018

  • Towards developing a practical tool to assist UX evaluation in the IoT scenario
    RLA Almeida, TGR Darin, RMC Andrade, IL de Arajo
    Anais Estendidos do XXIV Simpsio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimdia e Web, 91-95 2018

  • Greatest: A card game to motivate the software testing learning
    TA Beppe, L de Arajo, BS Arago, I de Sousa Santos, D Ximenes, ...
    Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 298-307 2018

  • An algorithm for fall detection using data from smartwatch
    IL De Araujo, L Dourado, L Fernandes, RMDC Andrade, PAC Aguilar
    2018 13th Annual Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 124-131 2018

  • Retrospective for the Last 10 years of Teaching Software Engineering in UFC's Computer Department
    RM de Castro Andrade, I de Sousa Santos, IL de Arajo, BS Arago, ...
    Proceedings of the XXXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 358-367 2017

  • Generating test cases and procedures from use cases in dynamic software product lines
    IL Arajo, IS Santos, JBF Filho, RMC Andrade, PS Neto
    Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 1296-1301 2017

  • What changes from ubiquitous computing to internet of things in interaction evaluation?
    RMC Andrade, RM Carvalho, IL de Arajo, KM Oliveira, MEF Maia
    Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: 5th International 2017

  • WatchAlert: Uma evoluo do aplicativo fAlert para deteco de quedas em smartwatches
    RLA Almeida, AA Macedo, L de Arajo, PA Aguilar, RMC Andrade
    Anais Estendidos do XXII Simpsio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimdia e Web 2016

  • Uma metodologia para o ensino terico e prtico da engenharia de software
    RMC Andrade, IS Santos, IL Arajo, RM Carvalho
    Proceedings of VIII FEES (SBES 2015) 2015

  • Evoluindo o mtodo ChAPTER em direo gerao de casos de teste
    L Arajo


  • What changes from ubiquitous computing to internet of things in interaction evaluation?
    RMC Andrade, RM Carvalho, IL de Arajo, KM Oliveira, MEF Maia
    Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: 5th International 2017
    Citations: 67

  • Greatest: A card game to motivate the software testing learning
    TA Beppe, L de Arajo, BS Arago, I de Sousa Santos, D Ximenes, ...
    Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 298-307 2018
    Citations: 20

  • An algorithm for fall detection using data from smartwatch
    IL De Araujo, L Dourado, L Fernandes, RMDC Andrade, PAC Aguilar
    2018 13th Annual Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 124-131 2018
    Citations: 13

  • Raspcare: A telemedicine platform for the treatment and monitoring of patients with chronic diseases
    RV Andreo, M Athayde, J Boudy, P Aguilar, I de Araujo, R Andrade
    Assistive Technologies in Smart Cities 2018
    Citations: 11

  • Gerontecnologias e internet das coisas para preveno de quedas em idosos: reviso integrativa
    JL Diniz, VF Sousa, JFV Coutinho, L Arajo, RMC Andrade, JS Costa, ...
    Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 35, eAPE003142 2022
    Citations: 9

  • WatchAlert: Uma evoluo do aplicativo fAlert para deteco de quedas em smartwatches
    RLA Almeida, AA Macedo, L de Arajo, PA Aguilar, RMC Andrade
    Anais Estendidos do XXII Simpsio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimdia e Web 2016
    Citations: 8

  • Lessons learned from the development of mobile applications for fall detection
    I Linhares, R Andrade, EC Junior, PA Oliveira, B Oliveira, P Aguilar
    GLOBAL HEALTH 2020, 18-25 2020
    Citations: 7

  • Towards developing a practical tool to assist UX evaluation in the IoT scenario
    RLA Almeida, TGR Darin, RMC Andrade, IL de Arajo
    Anais Estendidos do XXIV Simpsio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimdia e Web, 91-95 2018
    Citations: 6

  • Uma metodologia para o ensino terico e prtico da engenharia de software
    RMC Andrade, IS Santos, IL Arajo, RM Carvalho
    Proceedings of VIII FEES (SBES 2015) 2015
    Citations: 6

  • Retrospective for the Last 10 years of Teaching Software Engineering in UFC's Computer Department
    RM de Castro Andrade, I de Sousa Santos, IL de Arajo, BS Arago, ...
    Proceedings of the XXXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 358-367 2017
    Citations: 5

  • Generating test cases and procedures from use cases in dynamic software product lines
    IL Arajo, IS Santos, JBF Filho, RMC Andrade, PS Neto
    Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 1296-1301 2017
    Citations: 4

  • GREat Tour: Um Guia de Visitas Mvel e Sensvel ao Contexto
    ERR Lima, IL Arajo, IS Santos, TA Oliveira, GS Monteiro, CEB Costa, ...
    Anais Estendidos do XIX Simpsio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimdia e Web, 53-56 2013
    Citations: 4

  • Machine learning and cloud enabled fall detection system using data from wearable devices: Deployment and evaluation
    I Arajo, MB Pereira, W Silva, I Linhares, V Marx, AM Andrade, ...
    Simpsio Brasileiro de Computao Aplicada Sade (SBCAS), 413-424 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Internet of things gerontechnology for fall prevention in older adults: an integrative review
    JL Diniz, VF Sousa, JFV Coutinho, L Arajo, RMC Andrade, JS Costa, ...
    Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 35, eAPE003142 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Ismayle de Sousa Santos, Italo Linhares de Arajo, Bruno Sabia Arago, and Fernanda Siewerdt. 2017. Retrospective for the Last 10 years of Teaching Software Engineering in UFC
    RM de Castro Andrade
    Proceedings of the 31st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 358-367
    Citations: 3

  • gape: Framework para deteco de quedas de idosos e suas causas com dispositivos vestveis
    L Arajo
    Citations: 2

  • Continuous Integration for Machine Learning Experiments Reproducibility: a Practical Study
    AM Andrade, MB Pereira, SHS Silveira, FIF Linhares, AHO Neto, ...
    Anais do I Workshop Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software Inteligente, 25-28 2021
    Citations: 1

  • Uma avaliao de ferramentas para testes em sistemas de informao mveis baseada no mtodo dmadv
    IS Santos, CIM Bezerra, GS Monteiro, L Arajo, TA Oliveira, RM Santos, ...
    Anais do IX Simpsio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informao, 553-564 2013
    Citations: 1