Dr. Lokesh Kumar Jain


Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University Bikaner




Agronomy and Crop Science, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Efficacy of herbicides on performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in western Rajasthan

    Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture
    An experiment was conducted from winter (rabi) season 2017–18 to winter (rabi) season 2020–21 at the research farm of College of Agriculture, Sumerpur, Pali, Rajasthan to find out the efficacy of herbicides in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) on sandy loam soils of western Rajasthan. The experiment comprised of 8 treatments with 4 replications in randomized block design (RBD) using cultivar RSG 974. The application of pendimethalin 30 ec @750 g/ha as pre-emergence (PE) recorded mean maximum seed yield of 15.02 q/ha followed by PE application of metalachlor 50 ec @1000 g/ha (12.52 q/ha) and were significantly superior over rest of herbicidal treatments. A similar trend was also found in weed parameters, growth and yield attributes under study. The mean maximum net returns (49112 `/ha) and a benefit to cost ratio (2.19) was recorded with pendimethalin 30 ec @750 g/ha as pre-emergence followed by treatment metalachlor 50 ec @1000 g/ha as pre-emergence (1.95) as against minimum in weedy check (0.89) during study period. Although, hoeing twice at 25 and 40 DAS gave higher seed yield (17.69 q/ha) and significantly superior over rest of treatments except in net return and B:C ratio.

  • Role of biofertilizers and biopesticides in organic farming
    Hanuman Prasad Parewa, Neeshu Joshi, Vijay Singh Meena, Shourabh Joshi, Anirudh Choudhary, Moola Ram, Suresh Chand Meena, and Lokesh Kumar Jain


  • Effect of Frontline demonstrations of gram in Sirohi district of South-Western Rajasthan

  • Chemical weed control in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and its residual effects on greengram (vigna radiata)

  • Sustainable crop production and soil health management through plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
    Hanuman Prasad Parewa, Vijay Singh Meena, Lokesh Kumar Jain, and Anirudh Choudhary

    Springer Singapore

  • Remote sensing techniques and its application in arid zones of India
    Lokesh Kumar Jain

    IGI Global
    Remote sensing technologies offer the potential for contributing the security to human existence on arid zones in the country in variety of ways. Remote Sensing in agriculture particularly for natural resource management. It provides important coverage, mapping and classification of land cover features. The remote view of the sensor and the ability to store, analyze, and display the sensed data on field maps are make remote sensing a potentially important tool for agriculture. The aerial photography gives two main advantages viz., speedy survey in very large area or remote area and precise description and recording of resources status. Remotely sensed images provide a means to assess field conditions and gave valuable insights into agronomic management. It led to understanding of leaf reflectance and leaf emittance changes in response to leaf thickness, species, canopy shape, leaf age, nutrient status, and water status. Understanding of leaf reflectance has led to quantify various agronomic parameters, e.g., leaf area, crop cover, biomass, crop type, nutrient status, and yield.

  • Scenario of quality potato production in Rajasthan
    Lokesh Kumar Jain

    IGI Global
    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important non-traditional tuber crops of Rajasthan. The potato tuber is a modified stem developed underground on a specialized structure called stolen. It contributes to food and nutritional security and provide cheap source of vegetable. It is used either alone or intermingled with other vegetables. It is also consumed as many fried salted food items. Potato is a highly nutritious, easily digestible, wholesome food. In Rajasthan, where varied climatic conditions promoting cultivation of almost every crops and vegetables, the economic conditions of growers, lack of storage facilities and lack of improved technologies for the state remain as bottleneck for its cultivation. In this chapter I tried to elaborate the constraints and possible suggestion for increasing cultivation of potato which is fairly to highly responsive to inputs supplied and gave cash returns in short periods.

  • Climate shifts at Udaipur Region

  • Drought severity and its impact on crop production in udaipur region

  • Energetics of different in-situ moisture conservation practices in maize (Zea mays)


  • Private Sector Insurance and Its Profitability In India
    L Jain, A Pavani
    Alliance School of Business, Alliance University 2024

  • Impact of organic weed and nutrient management practices on soil physico-chemical properties and nutrient balance in Maize (Zea mays L.) of western Rajasthan
    LK Jain, MP Verma, HP Parewa, A Choudhary
    Journal of Cereal Research 15 (1) 2023

  • Yield and quality of mustard as affected by organic weed and nutrient management practices.
    LK Jain

  • Efficacy of herbicides on performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in western Rajasthan
    LK Jain, HP Parewa
    The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 92 (10), 1225-1229 2022

  • Soil Physico-chemical properties and nutrient balance as influenced by integrated weed and nutrient management in a transitional plain zone of Luni basin
    AC L.K.Jain, M.P.Verma, H.P.Parewa
    Maize Journal 11 (1), 24-30 2022

  • Seed Hardening: A Way to Tolerate Against Abiotic Stress in Rainfed Areas
    ACHPP Lokesh Kumar Jain, Mahendra Prakash Verma, Nema Ram
    International Journal of Economic Plants 9 (1), 18-21 2022

  • Growth and productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) as influenced by organic weed and nutrient management practices in Western Rajasthan
    ANNALS OF PLANT AND SOIL RESEARCH 24 (1), 59-64 2022

  • Impacts of maize consumption for overall growth of human being.
    LK Jain, MP Verma, SC Meena

  • Reduction in seepage rate and storage capacity of a dugout pond-A case study
    DH Ranade, AS Tomar, LK Jain, SK Vishwakarma
    Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2022

  • Popularization of Pearlmillet Production Technology through Front Line Demonstrations in the Transitional plain Zone of Luni Basin of Rajasthan
    L Jain, HP Parewa, SD Ratnoo
    Journal of Cereal Research 14 (3): 321-326. http://doi. org/10.25174/2582 2022

  • Communication Sources Followed by Tribal Communities for Adoption of Improved Animal Husbandry Practices in Pali and Sirohi District of Rajasthan
    P Lavania, MP Verma, LK Jain
    New Delhi Publishers 11 (3), 197-200 2022

  • Impact of organic methods of nutrient and weed management on weeds nutrient uptake and maize productivity in sandy loam soils of Rajasthan, India
    LK Jain, I Singh, RK Sharma, PL Maliwal
    Indian Society of Weed Science 54 (3), 245-250 2022

  • Awareness programme through front line demonstration on multi nutrient block (MNB) supplementation in lactating goats
    P Lavania, LK Jain
    Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition 39 (3), 272-276 2022

  • Computation of Crop Water Balance of Sorghum and Soyabean
    DH Ranade, RK Gupta, LK Jain

  • Refinement of wheat straw harvester for paddy straw harvesting and bruising
    N Goel, SK Singh, AK Dixit, A Singh, M Singh, L Jain
    Journal of Agricultural Engineering 59 (3), 201-216 2022

  • Soil physico-chemical properties and nutrient balance as influenced by integrated weed and nutrient management in a transitional plain zone of Luni basin of Rajasthan
    LK Jain, MP Verma, HP Parewa, A Choudhary

  • Seed hardening: a way to tolerate against abiotic stress in rainfed areas
    L.K.Jain, M.P.Verma, Nema Ram, Anirudh Choudhary and H.P.Parewa
    International Journal of Economic Plants 9 (1), 018-021 2022

  • Impacts of maize consumption for overall growth of human being
    SCM Lokesh Kumar Jain, M. P. Verma
    Environment and Ecology 40 (3), 1154-1158 2022

    AS Tomar, DH Ranade, VK Paradkar, LK Jain, SK Vishwakarma

  • Status of Women Empowerment in Barmer (Rajasthan)
    International Journal of Social Sciences 10 (3), 287-293 2021


  • Sustainable crop production and soil health management through plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
    HP Parewa, VS Meena, LK Jain, A Choudhary
    Role of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil: Volume 1: Stress Management and 2018
    Citations: 51

  • Growth and nutrient uptake of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) as influenced by bio-fertilizers and phosphorus nutrition.
    LK Jain, PS Pushpendra Singh
    Citations: 43

  • Phenotypic stability for seed yield in rainfed horsegram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.]
    S Sodani, R Paliwal, L Jain
    J. Arid Legumes 4, 340 2006
    Citations: 32

  • Effect of integrated nutrient management on maize (Zea mays L.) growth and its nutrients uptake.
    JK Balyan, P Singh, BS Kumpawat, LK Jain
    Citations: 23

  • Impact assessment of front line demonstrations on greengram in Barmer district of western Rajasthan
    LK Jain
    Journal of food Legumes 29 (3and4), 249-252 2016
    Citations: 21

  • Productivity and profitability of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivation as influenced by biofertilizers and phosphorus fertilization
    LK Jain, P Singh, JK Balyan
    Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development 21 (2), 201-203 2006
    Citations: 17

  • Economics and gap analysis in Isabgol cultivation through frontline demonstrations in western Rajasthan
    LK Jain
    International Journal of Agricultural Extension 2 (2), 109-114 2014
    Citations: 15

  • Maize (Zea mays L.) productivity in response to integrated nutrient management in southern Rajasthan.
    JK Balyan, PS Puspendra Singh, LK Jain, ML Jat
    Citations: 15

  • Dry and wet spells for agricultural planning at Bhilwara.
    ML Jat, RV Singh, JK Balyan, LK Jain
    Citations: 15

  • Role of biofertilizers and biopesticides in organic farming
    HP Parewa, N Joshi, VS Meena, S Joshi, A Choudhary, M Ram, ...
    Advances in Organic Farming, 133-159 2021
    Citations: 14

  • Sustainable potato production and the impact of climate change
    S Londhe
    IGI Global 2016
    Citations: 13

  • Energetics of different in-situ moisture conservation practices in maize (Zea mays)
    ML Jat, P Singh, JK Balyan, A Gupta, LK Jain
    The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 75 (7) 2005
    Citations: 11

  • Impact of organic nutrient management practices on yield attributes, yield and economics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
    HP Parewa, M Ram, LK Jain, A Choudhary, SD Ratnoo
    International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 10 (Jun, 3), 257-260 2019
    Citations: 10

  • Impact of frontline demonstration on productivity and profitability analysis of cluster bean in Barmer district of Rajasthan
    LK Jain, HP Parewa, S Ratnoo
    Forage Res 44 (4), 282-285 2019
    Citations: 10

  • Correlation and path analysis in horsegram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam) Verdc.].
    RV Paliwal, SN Sodani, LK Jain
    Citations: 9

  • Rainfall analysis for crop planning in Udaipur region.
    ML Jat, RV Singh, JK Balyan, LK Jain
    Citations: 9

  • Comparative performance of mechanical and vegetative soil conservation measures in Vertisols.
    DH Ranade, LK Jain, RK Gupta, DK McCool
    Citations: 9

  • Technology and Extension Gaps in Pearlmillet Productivity in Barmer District, Rajasthan
    LK Jain
    Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development 33 (2), 39-42 2018
    Citations: 8

  • Growth and nutrient uptake of chickpea as influenced by phosphorus and nitrogen
    LK Jain, P Singh
    Crop Research 25, 401-413 2003
    Citations: 8

  • Analysis of drought, dry and wet spells at Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh
    AS Tomar, DH Ranade, VK Paradkar, LK Jain, SK Vishwakarma
    Indian J. Soil Conservation 29 (3), 268-270 2001
    Citations: 8