Jonathan Briones

Cell Biology-Inspired Tissue Engineering (cBITE)
Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine (MERLN)



Multidisciplinary, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Biophysics


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • The combination of hexagonal microfluidic devices and cell-based reporter cells allows detection of cytokine-producing cells at the single-cell level
    Jonathan C. Briones, Yuga Okui, Wilfred V. Espulgar, JeongHoon Park, Eri Itotagawa, Shohei Koyama, Eiichi Tamiya, Hyota Takamatsu, and Masato Saito

    Elsevier BV

  • Development of Nano–Micro Fused LSPR Chip for In Situ Single-Cell Secretion Analysis
    Yuhei Terada, Ain Obara, Jonathan Campos Briones, Xi Luo, Wilfred Villariza Espulgar, Masato Saito, Hyota Takamatsu, and Eiichi Tamiya

    Single-cell analysis has become increasingly important in uncovering cell heterogeneity, which has great implications in medicine and biology for a deep understanding of cell characteristics. Owing to its significance, it is vital to create novel devices that can reveal special or unique cells. In this work, we developed a single-cell secretion detection chip consisting of microwells that can trap single cells. Each well is surrounded by Au nanopillars capable of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) measurement. Using microfabrication and nanofabrication techniques, Au nanopillar and microwell structures were fabricated on a COP film. The Au nanopillar was modified with IL-6 antibodies for the direct detection of single-cell secreted IL-6 via LSPR absorbance peak shift. Specific IL-6 detection was successfully demonstrated using a null and IL-6 oversecreting Jurkat cell. A high single-cell trapping efficiency of over 80% was also achieved. Overall, the development of this single-cell secretion detection chip with a simple LSPR measurement setup represents a significant development in the field of cell biology and immunology, providing researchers with a powerful tool for studying individual cells and their secreted cytokines, and is useful for point-of-care testing (POCT) diagnostics.

  • Linking antigen specific T-cell dynamics in a microfluidic chip to single cell transcription patterns
    Hiroki Ide, Taiki Aoshi, Masato Saito, Wilfred Villariza Espulgar, Jonathan Campos Briones, Masahito Hosokawa, Hiroko Matsunaga, Koji Arikawa, Haruko Takeyama, Shohei Koyama,et al.

    Elsevier BV

  • A High-Throughput Single-Cell Assay on a Valve-Based Microfluidic Platform Applied to Protein Quantification, Immune Response Monitoring, and Drug Discovery
    Jonathan C. Briones, Wilfred V. Espulgar, Shohei Koyama, Hyota Takamatsu, Masato Saito, and Eiichi Tamiya

    Springer US

  • A design and optimization of a high throughput valve based microfluidic device for single cell compartmentalization and analysis
    Jonathan Briones, Wilfred Espulgar, Shohei Koyama, Hyota Takamatsu, Eiichi Tamiya, and Masato Saito

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractThe need for high throughput single cell screening platforms has been increasing with advancements in genomics and proteomics to identify heterogeneity, unique cell subsets or super mutants from thousands of cells within a population. For real-time monitoring of enzyme kinetics and protein expression profiling, valve-based microfluidics or pneumatic valving that can compartmentalize single cells is advantageous by providing on-demand fluid exchange capability for several steps in assay protocol and on-chip culturing. However, this technique is throughput limited by the number of compartments in the array. Thus, one big challenge lies in increasing the number of microvalves to several thousand that can be actuated in the microfluidic device to confine enzymes and substrates in picoliter volumes. This work explores the design and optimizations done on a microfluidic platform to achieve high-throughput single cell compartmentalization as applied to single-cell enzymatic assay for protein expression quantification. Design modeling through COMSOL Multiphysics was utilized to determine the circular microvalve’s optimized parameters, which can close thousands of microchambers in an array at lower sealing pressure. Multiphysical modeling results demonstrated the relationships of geometry, valve dimensions, and sealing pressure, which were applied in the fabrication of a microfluidic device comprising of up to 5000 hydrodynamic traps and corresponding microvalves. Comparing the effects of geometry, actuation media and fabrication technique, a sealing pressure as low as 0.04 MPa was achieved. Applying to single cell enzymatic assay, variations in granzyme B activity in Jurkat and human PBMC cells were observed. Improvement in the microfluidic chip’s throughput is significant in single cell analysis applications, especially in drug discovery and treatment personalization.

  • The future of microfluidics in immune checkpoint blockade
    Jonathan Briones, Wilfred Espulgar, Shohei Koyama, Hyota Takamatsu, Eiichi Tamiya, and Masato Saito

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • A microfluidic platform for single cell fluorometric granzyme B profiling
    Jonathan C. Briones, Wilfred V. Espulgar, Shohei Koyama, Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, JeongHoon Park, Yujiro Naito, Atsushi Kumanogoh, Eiichi Tamiya, Hyota Takamatsu, and Masato Saito

    Ivyspring International Publisher
    Granzyme B (GrB) is an essential cytotoxic effector in cancer immunotherapy as it can be a potential biomarker to predict the efficacy of immunotherapies including checkpoint inhibitors. Monitoring the Granzyme B activity in cells would help determine a patient's clinical response to treatment and lead to better treatment strategies by preventing administration of ineffective therapies and avoid adverse events resulting in a delay in subsequent treatment. Methods: A microfluidic device with hydrodynamic traps and pneumatic valving system was fabricated using photo and soft lithography. Single cell Granzyme B (GrB) activity was detected and measured fluorometrically using a commercial assay kit with a peptide substrate containing GrB recognition sequence (Ac-IEPD-AFC) and AFC (7-Amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin) label. Fluorescence was observed and measured using a confocal microscope with CSU-W1 scanner unit and CCD camera as well as an inverted microscope with photodetector. Model cells (NK-92, GrB-transduced Jurkat, and THP1 cells) and human PBMCs from healthy donor and lung cancer patients including an anti-PD-1 antibody treated patient were profiled of its GrB activity as proof of concept. Results: GrB expression from the model cells was found to be markedly different. NK-92 cells were found to have higher GrB activity than the GrB-transduced Jurkat cells. THP-1 was found to have relatively no significant activity. A marked increase in GrB expression was also observed in anti-PD-1 treated lung cancer patient sample in comparison to PBMC from a healthy donor. TCR+ Ig-G4+ PBMC cells were found to have high activity which signifies a clear response to PD-1 blockade. Conclusion: As proof of concept, we have shown the capability of a microfluidic platform to measure GrB production through a single cell enzymatic activity assay. Our platform might be a promising tool for evaluating the sensitivity of immunotherapies and identifying specific T cell subset responsible for the anti-tumor response.

  • Single cell fluorometric granzyme B profiling of immunological cells as early immunotherapy response predictor

  • A microfluidic platform for single cell fluorometric granzyme B measurement for granule mediated apoptosis profiling

  • Magnetic-Field-Enhanced Morphology of Tin Oxide Nanomaterials for Gas Sensing Applications
    Jonathan C. Briones, Gwen Castillon, Michael P. Delmo, and Gil Nonato C. Santos

    Hindawi Limited
    We studied the effect of an external magnetic field (up to 0.31 T) on the growth of SnO2nanowires fabricated using the horizontal vapor phase growth (HPVG) technique. The morphology of the nanowires was characterized by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the chemical composition was characterized by energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. We found that the length of nanowires was significantly enhanced by the application of EMF. The aspect ratio, as well as the density of the fabricated nanowires, increased with increasing magnetic field intensity. Although the physics behind the morphology enhancement of the nanowires under magnetic field is still being investigated, nevertheless, we demonstrated that the magnetic field could be used as a key parameter to control the morphology of tin oxide nanomaterials grown via HPVG technique. The magnetically enhanced nanowires were used in the development of a gas sensor and were found to be sensitive to hydrogen sulfide gas and the headspace gas emitted by spoiling meat.


  • Review of the Biodiversity and Limno-ecological Studies on Lake Taal: Updates from the Last 10 years.
    JR de Leon, LL Leyesa, MA Pilar, DA To, JCA Briones, RDS Papa
    Philippine Journal of Science 152 2023

  • Helminthic parasites of invasive alien fish hosts in Marikina River system, Philippines: Revealing new parasite hosts and species records
    DAL To, GML Gomez, RTB Pavia Jr, A Choudhury, JCA Briones

  • A High-Throughput Single-Cell Assay on a Valve-Based Microfluidic Platform Applied to Protein Quantification, Immune Response Monitoring, and Drug Discovery
    ET Jonathan C. Briones, Wilfred V. Espulgar, Shohei Koyama, Hyota Takamatsu ...
    Methods in Molecular Biology 2689, 119-142 2023

  • The combination of hexagonal microfluidic devices and cell-based reporter cells allows detection of cytokine-producing cells at the single-cell level
    MS Jonathan C. Briones, Yuga Okui, Wilfred V. Espulgar, JeongHoon Park, Eri ...
    Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2023

  • Gut Helminth Assemblages of Glossogobius aureus (Family Gobiidae) in Lake Taal, Philippines
    V Vargas-Martinez, KXO Sanchez, DAL To, JCA Briones
    Comparative Parasitology 90 (1), 66-72 2023

  • Linking antigen specific T-cell dynamics in a microfluidic chip to single cell transcription patterns
    ET Hiroki Ide, Taiki Aoshi, Masato Saito, Wilfred Villariza Espulgar ...
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2023

  • Helminthic parasites of invasive alien fish hosts in Marikina River system, Philippines: Revealing new parasite hosts and species records
    A Choudhury, DAL To, GML Gomez, RTB Pavia Jr, JCA Briones

  • Invasiveness risk assessment of non-native freshwater fish species (Order: Siluriformes) for Lake Taal, Philippines
    DAL To, GML Gomez, DRY Ramos, CDV Palillo, NKC Go, AS Gilles Jr, ...
    Philipp. J. Sci 151, 833-841 2022

  • Low levels of Trichinella spp. antibodies detected in domestic pigs at selected slaughterhouses with farm-based exposure assessment in Bulacan, Philippines
    RD Lagrimas, RMC Gonzales, JCA Briones
    Veterinary Parasitology 297, 109308 2021

  • The future of microfluidics in immune checkpoint blockade
    J Briones, W Espulgar, S Koyama, H Takamatsu, E Tamiya, M Saito
    Cancer Gene Therapy 28 (9), 895-910 2021

  • A design and optimization of a high throughput valve based microfluidic device for single cell compartmentalization and analysis
    J Briones, W Espulgar, S Koyama, H Takamatsu, E Tamiya, M Saito
    Scientific Reports 11 (12995) 2021

  • Aeromonas veronii and Plesiomonas shigelloides (Gammaproteobacteria) isolated from Glossogobius aureus (Gobiidae) in Lake Sampaloc, Laguna, Philippines
    JLJ Gacad, JCA Briones
    Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology 14 (1) 2020

  • Nutrient loadings and deforestation decrease benthic macroinvertebrate diversity in an urbanised tropical stream system
    EM Peralta, LS Batucan Jr, IBB De Jesus, EMC Trio, Y Uehara, T Ishida, ...
    Limnologica 80, 125744 2020

  • A Microfluidic Platform for Single Cell Fluorometric Granzyme B Profiling
    JC Briones, WV Espulgar, S Koyama, H Yoshikawa, JH Park, Y Naito, ...
    Theranostics 10 (1), 123-132 2020

  • The curious case of the endemic freshwater crocodile Crocodylus mindorensis as incidental host of marine fish acanthocephalan
    AJB Marcaida, M Urabe, JCA Briones, MLL Diesmos, M Tellez, ...
    Parasitology international 72, 101940 2019

  • Towards Immediate Assessment of Immunotherapy Efficacy using Single Cell Level Granzyme B Profiling
    J Briones, W Espulgar, S Koyama, H Yoshikawa, JH Park, Y Naito, ...
    JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2019 2019

  • Small Maar Lakes of Luzon Island, Philippines: Their Limnological Status and Implications on the Management of Tropical Lakes–A Review.
    MU Mendoza, JCA Briones, M Itoh, KSAR Padilla, JI Aguilar, N Okuda, ...
    Philippine Journal of Science 148 (3) 2019

  • Stream Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages Reveal the Importance of a Recently Established Freshwater Protected Area in a Tropical Watershed1
    EM Peralta, AE Belen, GR Buenaventura, FGG Cantre, KGR Espiritu, ...
    Pacific Science 73 (3), 305-320 2019

  • Polymer-Based Graphene Nanocomposite Coating with Anticorrosion and Anti-Barnacle Properties
    GNC Santos, NJ Sajor, J Briones, JR Foronda, KJ Haygood
    Philippine Journal of Material Science and Nanotechnology 5 (1), 1-1 2019

  • Fluorometric Granzyme B Profiling in Single Cells
    J Briones, W Espulgar, H Yoshikawa, M Saito, H Takamatsu, S Koyama, ...
    JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2018 2018


  • Salud ocupacional y teletrabajo
    M Gareca, R Verdugo, JL Briones, A Vera
    Cienc Trab 9 (25), 85 2007
    Citations: 86

  • Desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa y estado de ma-lestar mental en trabajadores de servicios de salud en Chile
    C Canepa, J Briones, C Prez, A Vera, A Jurez
    Cien Trab 10 (30), 157-60 2008
    Citations: 53

  • Long-Term Changes in the Diet of Gymnogobius isaza from Lake Biwa, Japan: Effects of Body Size and Environmental Prey Availability
    JC Briones, CH Tsai, T Nakazawa, Y Sakai, RDS Papa, C Hsieh, N Okuda
    PLoS One 7 (12), e53167 2012
    Citations: 30

  • A design and optimization of a high throughput valve based microfluidic device for single cell compartmentalization and analysis
    J Briones, W Espulgar, S Koyama, H Takamatsu, E Tamiya, M Saito
    Scientific Reports 11 (12995) 2021
    Citations: 27

  • Nutrient loadings and deforestation decrease benthic macroinvertebrate diversity in an urbanised tropical stream system
    EM Peralta, LS Batucan Jr, IBB De Jesus, EMC Trio, Y Uehara, T Ishida, ...
    Limnologica 80, 125744 2020
    Citations: 25

  • Small Maar Lakes of Luzon Island, Philippines: Their Limnological Status and Implications on the Management of Tropical Lakes–A Review.
    MU Mendoza, JCA Briones, M Itoh, KSAR Padilla, JI Aguilar, N Okuda, ...
    Philippine Journal of Science 148 (3) 2019
    Citations: 23

  • A Microfluidic Platform for Single Cell Fluorometric Granzyme B Profiling
    JC Briones, WV Espulgar, S Koyama, H Yoshikawa, JH Park, Y Naito, ...
    Theranostics 10 (1), 123-132 2020
    Citations: 18

  • Magnetic-field-enhanced Morphology of Tin oxide Nanomaterials for Gas Sensing Applications
    JC Briones, G Castillon, MP Delmo, GNC Santos
    Journal of Nanomaterials 2017 2017
    Citations: 18

  • Fish diversity and trophic interactions in Lake Sampaloc (Luzon Is., Philippines).
    JCA Briones, RDS Papa, GA Cauyan, N Mendoza, N Okuda
    Citations: 18

  • Climate and human-induced changes to lake ecosystems: what we can learn from monitoring zooplankton ecology
    RD Papa, JC Briones
    Journal of Environmental Science and Management 17 (1) 2014
    Citations: 17

  • Research note. the first report of three acanthocephalan parasite species isolated from Philippine fishes
    JCA Briones, RDS Papa, GA Cauyan, M Urabe
    Helminthologia 52 (4), 384-389 2015
    Citations: 15

  • Stream Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages Reveal the Importance of a Recently Established Freshwater Protected Area in a Tropical Watershed1
    EM Peralta, AE Belen, GR Buenaventura, FGG Cantre, KGR Espiritu, ...
    Pacific Science 73 (3), 305-320 2019
    Citations: 13

  • Initial assessment of parasite load in Clarias batrachus, Glossogobius giuris and Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Taal (Philippines)
    G Cauyan, JC Briones, E De Leon, JA Gonong, EO Pasumbal, MC Pelayo, ...
    Philippine Science Letters 6 (1), 21-28 2013
    Citations: 12

  • Food habits and distribution of the Lake Taal sea snake (Hydrophis semperi Garman 1881) and the sympatric Little File Snake (Acrochordus granulatus Schneider 1799) in Lake Taal
    VOS Garcia, RDS Papa, JCA Briones, N Mendoza, N Okuda, AC Diesmos
    Asian Herpetological Research 5 (4), 255-262 2014
    Citations: 11

  • The future of microfluidics in immune checkpoint blockade
    J Briones, W Espulgar, S Koyama, H Takamatsu, E Tamiya, M Saito
    Cancer Gene Therapy 28 (9), 895-910 2021
    Citations: 10

  • The history of freshwater research in the Philippines with notes on its origins in the University of Santo Tomas and present-day contributions
    RDS Papa, JCA Briones
    Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology 11 (1), 16-28 2017
    Citations: 8

  • Dietary habits and distribution of some fish species in the Pansipit River-Lake Taal Connection, Luzon Island, Philippines
    M Mendoza, K Legaspi, M Acojido, A Cabais, JL de Guzman, A Favila, ...
    Journal of Environmental Science and Management 18 (2) 2015
    Citations: 8

  • Interferencia trabajo-familia y presentismo laboral: Una comparacin entre trabajadores del sector productivo y del sector servicio
    A Vera, M Hirmas, C Carrasco, J Vanegas, C Canepa, J Briones, J Garca
    Memorias sobre Foro de las Amricas en Investigacin sobre factores 2008
    Citations: 8

  • Invasiveness risk assessment of non-native freshwater fish species (Order: Siluriformes) for Lake Taal, Philippines
    DAL To, GML Gomez, DRY Ramos, CDV Palillo, NKC Go, AS Gilles Jr, ...
    Philipp. J. Sci 151, 833-841 2022
    Citations: 7

  • Linking antigen specific T-cell dynamics in a microfluidic chip to single cell transcription patterns
    ET Hiroki Ide, Taiki Aoshi, Masato Saito, Wilfred Villariza Espulgar ...
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2023
    Citations: 6