Jhon Firison


Research Center for Animal Husbandry, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food
National Research and Innovation Agency




Livestock Cultivation and Production


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Genome-wide association study of genetic markers of coat color patterns in Sumatran native cattle
    Hartati Hartati, Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra, Eko Handiwirawan, Erpan Ramon, Jhon Firison, Zubir Zubir, Nandari Dyah Suretno, Mariyono Mariyono, Yenni Yusriani, Dewi Khosiya Robba,et al.

    Veterinary World
    Background and Aim: Coat color is a phenotypic trait that is affected by many functional genes. In addition, coat color is an important characteristic of breeds in livestock. This study aimed to determine functional genes for coat color patterns in Sumatran native cattle in Indonesia using a genome-wide association study method. Materials and Methods: A bovine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 50K BeadChip was used for the investigation. A total of 46 Sumatran native cattle of three colors as follows: Brown (36 animals), white (9 animals), and black (1 animal), were used as experimental animals. Results: Results showed that the SNP markers ARS-BFGL-NGS-75486 (p = 2.46×10-7) and BTB-01992588 (p = 1.06×10-5) were selected as two genetic markers for coat color variation in animals under study, which were located at the cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) gene at BTA7 and small G protein signaling modulator 1(SGSM1) genes at BTA17, respectively. The polymorphic informative content values of both SNP markers were 0.33 (ARS-BFGL-NGS-75486) and 0.13 (BTB-01992588). In this study, a genetic marker for coat color patterns in Sumatran native cattle was obtained based on the haplotypes of both SNP markers. Conclusion: It can be concluded that CYFIP2 and SGSM1 are two coloration genes that affect the phenotype characteristics of Sumatran native cattle. Keywords: cattle, coat color, functional gene, genome-wide association study, Sumatra.

  • The effect of addition of calcium mineral in feed containing fishery wastes on egg production and hatching performance of Mojosari ducks
    S. N. Ahmad, G. E. Tresia, E. S. Rohaeni, B. Bakrie, J. Firison, J. A. Lase, Wardi, A. Misbah, E. Handiwirawan, and M. Purba

    Abstract Calcium (Ca) is an essential mineral for eggshell formation and muscle contraction, and a lack of it can result in poor egg quality and decreased egg output in laying ducks. This study aims to see how feeding the mineral Ca in a ration containing Shrimp head meal and Bilis fish head affects the laying performance and quality of hatching eggs in Mojosari ducks. A total of 105 female and 15 male Mojosari ducks, aged 78 weeks, were raised for three months and randomly divided into 15 flocks (each flock containing seven females and one male duck). There were three kinds of treatment, namely P0 (control, without mineral), P1 (ratio of Shrimp head meal and Bilis fish head 2:1 + 1% mineral), and P2 ((ratio of Shrimp head meal and Bilis fish head 1:2 + 1% mineral). The findings revealed that adding mineral Ca to feed, including Shrimp head meal and Bilis fish head, had no significant influence (P>0.05) on laying Mojosari duck performance in terms of feed intake, egg production, egg weight, egg quality, ducklings produced, and income over feed cost (IOFC). Furthermore, Ca addition in the ration did not result in substantial increases (P>0.05) in fertility, hatchability, or egg size characteristics. Based on the findings of this study, feeding ducks with shrimp head meal and Bilis fish head can be used as an alternate calcium-free feed formulation.

  • Feeding elephant grass and Gliricidia sepium on performance of Bali calves during transitional diet
    Nurmeiliasari, A.H.K. Amrullah, H.D. Putranto, A. Riska, V.C. Hapsari, E. Yunita, and J. Firison

    CRC Press

  • The Existence of Macroalgae in Indonesia: Unlocking the Nutritive Potential for Sustainable Beef Production
    Tanda Panjaitan, Jhon Firison, I Nyoman Suyasa, Reny Tambunan, Bayu Atmoko, Noor Krishna, Yudi Adinata, and Nurul Hilmi

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Assessment of the existence of macroalgae and revealing the chemical composition to investigate the potential usage for feed to support sustainable beef production has been conducted in Indonesian prominent livestock production area specifically Lombok, Bali, Yogyakarta, Lampung and Bengkulu. These regions host numerous seaweed production centres, while others hold the capacity to develop into seaweed cultivation zones. To assess the existence, utilisation, and accessibility of macroalgae in each region, observations and interviews were conducted. Subsequently, dominant macroalgae species were sampled and subjected to proximate analysis to determine their nutritional profiles. The results showed that the dominant macroalgae observed included red algae (Rhodophyta) like Eucheuma sp., Gracilaria sp., and Acanthophora sp., green algae (Chlorophyta) such as Ulva sp. and Caulerpa sp., and the brown alga (Phaeophyta) Sargassum sp. The dominant macroalgae found in all five observation sites with high abundance were Sargassum sp., Gracilaria sp., and Eucheuma cottonii. Ulva sp. and Eucheuma spinosum were present at four sites, while Acanthophora sp. and Caulerpa sp. were found at three sites. The dry matter content of the macroalgae ranged from 9.92% to 17.01%, with the highest values observed in the Eucheuma group (14.11%-17.01%). This was followed by Sargassum sp. (12.55 ± 2.40%), Ulva sp. (12.28 ± 2.33%), and Gracilaria sp. (11.09 ± 3.79%). Caulerpa sp. exhibited the lowest dry matter content (9.92 ± 1.29%). The crude protein (CP) content varied both within and between groups of algae species and observation sites. Gracilaria sp. exhibited the highest CP content (13.55 ± 0.16%), followed by Caulerpa sp. (11.87 ± 2.22%), Sargassum sp. (8.98 ± 0.42%), and Ulva sp. (6.98 ± 0.94%). The mineral content of the macroalgae was noticeably high, which is reflected in the low organic matter content. Ulva sp. had the highest organic matter content (80.17%), followed by Sargassum sp. (70.55%), Gracilaria sp. (66.53%), Caulerpa sp. (47.61%), and Eucheuma cottonii (43.50%). The readily available seaweed in this study tend to exhibit moderate to high protein and mineral content, making it a promising partial replacement or supplement for conventional feed, potentially contributing to sustainable beef production. Gracilaria sp., the most readily available seaweed, high in nutrient content with the potential to partially replace conventional feed protein sources. Its abundance of vitamins and minerals may enrich the overall value of the feed.

  • Evaluation of nutrition status and fertilization recommendations for lowland paddy (Case study in Merigi Kelindang District, Bengkulu Central Regency)
    Yahumri, Miswarti, Afrizon, Siti Rosmanah, Andi Ishak, Wawan Eka Putra, Emlan Fauzi, Jhon Firison, Taupik Rahman, and Harwi Kusnadi

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Farmer fertilization doses are generally insufficient compared to the recommended doses therefore causing low productivity of rice plants. This study aims to evaluate soil nutrient status to determine site-specific fertilization recommendations in Merigi Kelindang District, Central Bengkulu Regency. This study was carried out in February-April 2022 in Merigi Kelindang District, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. Data was collected by taking composite soil samples at random after harvesting or before the first tillage. Determination of nutrient levels of N, P, K, and soil pH using the at Paddy Soil Test Kit. Data were analyzed descriptively comparatively. The results showed that the nutrient status of paddy fields in Merigi Kelindang District was low N 72%, medium N 14%, high N 7%, and very high 7%. P nutrient status was medium at 93% and low at 7%. High K nutrient status 100%. Meanwhile, pH status is acidic at 7% and slightly acidic at 93%. Recommendations for fertilizer usage in the Merigi Kelindang sub-district as follow; Urea 300 kg/ha for sandy soil (clay content < 20%) or 250 kg in clayey soil (clay content >20%); SP-36 fertilizer (100 kg/ha); KCl (50 kg/ha) without the use of paddy straw as compost and no KCL needed if 5 t/ha paddy straw compost used. Recommendations for soil management with a soil pH value of 5-6 (slightly acidic) are conventional drainage systems and the application of urea as N fertilizer.

  • Knowledge improvement of agricultural extender through technical guidance of paddy soil test kit
    Y. Yahumri, E. Fauzi, W.E. Putra, A. Ishak, Alfayanti Alfayanti, Miswarti Miswarti, J. Firison, T. Hidayat, Z. Efendi, S. Rosmanah,et al.

    EDP Sciences
    Paddy Soil Test Kit is one of the appropriate instruments to determine the nutrient status of lowland paddy and preparation of site-specific fertilization recommendations to increase rice productivity. Agriculture extension agents as technology transfer agents have a strategic role. Technical Guidance is needed to improve knowledge of agriculture extension. This study aims to analyze the level of knowledge of agricultural instructors on Technical Guidance use of Paddy Soil Test Kit and Preparation of Site-Specific Fertilization Recommendations. Data collection was carried out before and after implementation of Technical Guidance through direct interviews with a questionnaire guide. The evaluation was carried out on all participants of technical guidance, totaling 32 extension workers from representatives of 11 sub-districts throughout Bengkulu Selatan Regency by providing pretest and posttest to determine the increase in knowledge of Technical Guidance participants. The level of knowledge of participants is calculated using index % formula. The significance of increasing knowledge of technical and technical training participants was analyzed using non-parametric Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test statistical analysis. Correlation test to determine level of knowledge on age, experience, and education. Results of the analysis showed that there was a very significant increase (<0.05) in the knowledge of officers after the implementation of technical guidance from an index of 52.58% (low category) to 84.83% (high category). There is no correlation between increasing knowledge about Paddy Soil Test Kit with age (sig > 0.05) which is 0.571, experience 0.661, and education 0.130.

  • The use of family labor in beef cattle cultivation (case in women farmer groups receiving beef cattle assistance in Bengkulu)
    Wahyuni Amelia Wulandari, Jhon Firison, Zul Efendi, Harwi Kusnadi, and Erpan Ramon

    EDP Sciences
    Beef cattle cultivation is a side job for farmers which is carried out by family labor and the incomes are used to finance various needs of the farmers’ family. This study aims to determine the use of family labor in beef cattle cultivation and the use of livestock sales. The research was carried out from October 2020 to April 2021 in two Women Farmers Groups (WFG) in Bengkulu City and Seluma Regency who received beef cattle assistance from the government. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that in general, beef cattle cultivation was carried out jointly by man and women farmers with a labor allocation of 39.59%. In intensive farming, farmers are more dominant in cultivation activities amounting to 46.25%, while in semi-intensive farming women farmers are more dominant in cultivation activities (41.06%). The income from the sale of livestock are mainly used for children's education expenses and buying vehicles (91.67% each), building or renovating houses (87.50%), and buying feeder cattle (79.17%). For the development of beef cattle in farmer group, it is necessary to consider the cultivation system before determining the target of recipient of the program. The development by WFG is more suitable for semi-intensive cultivation systems.

  • Effect of weeds management toward understorey species diversity and soil fertility under oil palm plantation
    Miswarti, Andi Ishak, Wahyuni Amelia Wulandari, Jhon Firison, Siti Rosmanah, Erpan Ramon, Nurmegawati, Irma Calista, Yahumri, and Yudi Sastro

    EDP Sciences
    The objectives of this study was to determine soil fertility and types of plants in understorey ecosystems in oil palm plantation stand which are managed in different ways. The data collection method was a direct observation on smallholder oil palm plantation at 15 years of age with different management, namely: 1) weed control using herbicides, 2) without management, and 3) used for beef cattle grazing. The data consisted of soil fertility and identification of understorey species in each management. The soil samples were taken in a composite manner and analyzed in the laboratory, while the plant species samples were gathered using the 1x1 m2 method and identified using an identification manual. From the results, weed control in oil palm plantation with cattle grazing has a positive impact on soil fertility compared to the use of herbicides and without control. The diversity of understorey species in cattle grazing locations is less, namely, as much as 11 species compared to the use of herbicides (15 species) and without control (22 species). Weed management by grazing cows in the oil palm plantation increased land fertility and the dominance of understorey plants as a source of animal feed.

  • Fading local wisdoms of upland rice varieties in situ conservation in South Bengkulu Regency (case in Pino Raya subdistrict)
    A Ishak, E Fauzi, J Firison, Miswarti, and Y Sastro

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Upland rice is a useful source of germplasm and it is conserved by farmers through local wisdom. This paper aims to explain fading the local wisdom of upland rice in situ conservation in Pino Raya subdistrict, South Bengkulu regency. Data were collected from March to May 2020 through interviews and field observations. The interviews involved 11 key informants using snowball techniques consisting of a customary leader, village heads, agricultural extension, and farmers. Data were analyzed descriptively using the interactive model from Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the local wisdom of in-situ conservation of upland rice faded because shifting cultivation was no longer practiced by farmers due to oil palm expansion. Cultivation of upland rice is only on young oil palm plantations that are increasingly entering forest area. Intensification of wet rice cultivation allows farmers to cultivate modern varieties which early maturing rice and high productivity. Improvement in the community’s economy due to oil palm expansion and the diminishing of the upland area for rice cultivation caused the young generation to no longer be interested in planting upland rice local varieties. As a result, the “Dundang Padi” ceremony as a form of local wisdom that is practiced by the Pino Raya community is fading.


  • Efektivitas Sosialisasi terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Penyuluh Pertanian tentang PermenpanRB 35/2020 di Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan
    A Ishak, S Budiyono, F Emlan, F Jhon, K Harwi
    AgriHumanis: Journal of Agriculture and Human Resource Development Studies 3 2022

  • Effect of weeds management toward understorey species diversity and soil fertility under oil palm plantation
    A Ishak, WA Wulandari, J Firison, S Rosmanah, E Ramon, I Calista, ...
    E3S Web of Conferences 306, 05013 2021

  • The use of family labor in beef cattle cultivation (case in women farmer groups receiving beef cattle assistance in Bengkulu)
    WA Wulandari, J Firison, Z Efendi, H Kusnadi, E Ramon
    E3S Web of Conferences 306, 02037 2021

  • Peran penyuluh pertanian dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan pada saat wabah pandemi Covid-19
    S Sudarmansyah, R Ruswendi, A Ishak, E Fauzi, S Yuliasari, J Firison
    Jurnal Agribis 14 (1), 1598-1612 2021

  • Cluster Analysis of Determining the Location of Oil Palm Replanting in Mukomuko District
    E Fauzi, L Harta, R Oktavia, S Sudarmansyah, HB Astuti, J Firison, A Ishak, ...
    AGRITROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3 (1), 38-45 2020

  • ANALISIS NILAI TAMBAH PENGOLAHAN GULA AREN (Kasus di Desa Gunung Kembang, Manna–Bengkulu Selatan)
    WE Putra, J Firison, L Harta, A Ishak
    Jurnal Agribis 13 (2), 1-5 2020

  • Identifikasi Jenis Tumbuhan Bawah Pada Tegakan Kelapa Sawit Dan Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Pakan Ternak Sapi Potong
    J Firison, BB WIRYONO, A ISHAK
    Jurnal Littri 25 (2), 59-68 2019

  • Keragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Bawah Pada Tegakan Kelapa Sawit Dan Potensinya Sebagai Pakan Ternak Sapi Potong (Kasus Di Desa Kungkai Baru Kabupaten Seluma)
    J Firison, B Brata
    Naturalis: Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan 8 (1 2019

  • Pemanfaatan tumbuhan bawah pada tegakan kelapa sawit oleh masyarakat lokal (kasus di Desa Kungkai Baru, Kecamatan Air Periukan, Kabupaten Seluma–Bengkulu)
    J Firison, A Ishak, T Hidayat
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian 5 (2), 19-31 2018

  • Uji adaptasi beberapa varietas unggul baru (VUB) padi sawah di kabupaten Bengkulu Utara Provinsi Bengkulu (Adaptation test of some new superior varieties (vub) padi sawah in
    A Damiri, Y Oktavia, J Frison
    Build. Sustain. Mod. Innov. Agric. order to Support MEA, 342-348 2015


  • Pemanfaatan tumbuhan bawah pada tegakan kelapa sawit oleh masyarakat lokal (kasus di Desa Kungkai Baru, Kecamatan Air Periukan, Kabupaten Seluma–Bengkulu)
    J Firison, A Ishak, T Hidayat
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian 5 (2), 19-31 2018
    Citations: 22

  • Peran penyuluh pertanian dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan pada saat wabah pandemi Covid-19
    S Sudarmansyah, R Ruswendi, A Ishak, E Fauzi, S Yuliasari, J Firison
    Jurnal Agribis 14 (1), 1598-1612 2021
    Citations: 21

  • Identifikasi Jenis Tumbuhan Bawah Pada Tegakan Kelapa Sawit Dan Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Pakan Ternak Sapi Potong
    J Firison, BB WIRYONO, A ISHAK
    Jurnal Littri 25 (2), 59-68 2019
    Citations: 11

  • ANALISIS NILAI TAMBAH PENGOLAHAN GULA AREN (Kasus di Desa Gunung Kembang, Manna–Bengkulu Selatan)
    WE Putra, J Firison, L Harta, A Ishak
    Jurnal Agribis 13 (2), 1-5 2020
    Citations: 9

  • Keragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Bawah Pada Tegakan Kelapa Sawit Dan Potensinya Sebagai Pakan Ternak Sapi Potong (Kasus Di Desa Kungkai Baru Kabupaten Seluma)
    J Firison, B Brata
    Naturalis: Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan 8 (1 2019
    Citations: 6

  • Efektivitas Sosialisasi terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Penyuluh Pertanian tentang PermenpanRB 35/2020 di Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan
    A Ishak, S Budiyono, F Emlan, F Jhon, K Harwi
    AgriHumanis: Journal of Agriculture and Human Resource Development Studies 3 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Uji adaptasi beberapa varietas unggul baru (VUB) padi sawah di kabupaten Bengkulu Utara Provinsi Bengkulu (Adaptation test of some new superior varieties (vub) padi sawah in
    A Damiri, Y Oktavia, J Frison
    Build. Sustain. Mod. Innov. Agric. order to Support MEA, 342-348 2015
    Citations: 3

  • Effect of weeds management toward understorey species diversity and soil fertility under oil palm plantation
    A Ishak, WA Wulandari, J Firison, S Rosmanah, E Ramon, I Calista, ...
    E3S Web of Conferences 306, 05013 2021
    Citations: 1

  • The use of family labor in beef cattle cultivation (case in women farmer groups receiving beef cattle assistance in Bengkulu)
    WA Wulandari, J Firison, Z Efendi, H Kusnadi, E Ramon
    E3S Web of Conferences 306, 02037 2021
    Citations: 1

  • Cluster Analysis of Determining the Location of Oil Palm Replanting in Mukomuko District
    E Fauzi, L Harta, R Oktavia, S Sudarmansyah, HB Astuti, J Firison, A Ishak, ...
    AGRITROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3 (1), 38-45 2020
    Citations: 1