Joko Susilo Utomo

Research Center for Food Technology and Processing
National Research and Innovation Agency



Food Science & Technology


Food Science and Technology


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Fertilizer management practices for cassava in acid dryland of Sukabumi Regency, West Java
    Sutrisno, Kartika Noerwijati, Abdullah Taufiq, Yuliantoro Baliadi, Joko Susilo Utomo, Eriyanto Yusnawan, Amri Amanah, Didik Harnowo, Titik Sundari, and Bambang Sri Koentjoro

    Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University
    The productivity of cassava in acid dryland is generally still low. Fertilization, land amelioration, and superior varieties are the main solutions for increasing cassava productivity. This research aimed to determine the response of high-yielding varieties and fertilization technology packages to the growth and yield of cassava in acid dryland of Sukaharja Village, Warung Kiara District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. The contents of organic carbon, nitrogen, and magnesium of the soil is below the minimum threshold, so the application of N fertilizer, organic matter, and ameliorant is expected to increase plant growth. The research consisted of two treatment factors: two cassava varieties and three fertilization technologies. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized split-plot experimental design with three replications with variety as the main plot and fertilization technology package as the subplots. The treatment effect was observed on the character of plant height, wet biomass weight, stem diameter, number of tubers, tuber length, tuber diameter, tuber weight (large and small) per plant, and tuber yield per plot to be converted per ha. Tuber quality was observed by observing water content, percent dry matter, and starch yield. The results showed that the fertilization technology package increased plant height, fresh biomass weight, stem diameter, large tuber weight per plant, and yield per hectare in both varieties. Differences in varieties and fertilization technology packages have no effect on starch levels.

  • Physicochemical Characteristics of Bun Made from Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato Clones
    Joko Susilo Utomo and Erliana Ginting

    EDP Sciences
    Sweet potato tubers are source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, beta-carotene, anthocyanins, and other phenolic components. Beta-carotene has been promoted because of its high antioxidant activity and health benefits. The research activity was aimed to determine the suitability of orange sweet potato as a substitute material for bun making. The texture characteristics of MSU 14011-09 showed the highest chewiness value compared to the other three varieties and one clone. Beta-carotene levels of mashed orange sweet potatoes varied. The highest value was found in Beta 1 (12,601μg/100g, dw) and the lowest was MSU 14011-09 (3,561μg/100g, dw. Beta-carotene affects the color of mashed sweet potatoes. The bun made from Beta 2 and MSU 14011-09 had low moisture content and high yield, whereas the bun from Beta 2 had high cohesiveness. Beta 1 produces buns with high L, a*, and b* values, whereas Beta 2 and MSU 14011-09 produce buns with low L, a*, and b* values. The lower the a* and b* value of Bun, the higher the color preferences of the panelists. Beta 2, Beta 3, and MSU 14014-84, were suitable for bun production.

  • Agronomic performance, seed chemical composition, and bioactive components of selected Indonesian soybean genotypes (Glycine max [L.] Merr.)
    Heru Kuswantoro, Erliana Ginting, Eriyanto Yusnawan, Joko Susilo Utomo, and Titik Sundari

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    Abstract The use of improved soybean varieties is crucial when it comes to the progress of soybean cultivation in Indonesia. This study presents the agronomic performance, seed chemical composition, and bioactive components of 12 soybean genotypes grown in Malang, Indonesia. Parameters included the agronomic characteristics, ash, protein, fat, total flavonoid content (TFC), total phenolic content (TPC), genistein and daidzein contents as well as antioxidant activity. The study found that Dena 1, Dering 1, and Deja 1 had the highest seed yield (2.76–2.84 t/ha), while Dega 1 had the largest seed size (24.69 g/100 seeds). The black-seeded genotype of Detam 1 had the highest protein content (39.79% dw), while GH 63 had the largest amount of total daidzein and genistein. Detam 4 (a black-seeded genotype) exhibited the highest values of TFC, TPC, and antioxidant activity. The agronomic characteristics and TPC significantly correlated, suggesting that both traits are applicable as criteria for soybean breeding selection. Detam 4 and GH 63 are likely promising to be used as gene sources for improving the nutritional and health benefits of soybean genotypes. GH 63 and GH 73 also have the potential for further release as new high-yielding varieties with early maturity and large seed size. Overall, the study provides valuable information on the agronomic superiority and nutritional aspects of improved soybean varieties in Indonesia.

  • Gamma-Ray Radiation Effect on Two Species of Canavalia Performance
    P. H. Putri, J. S. Utomo, and R. S. Soehendi

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract In Indonesia, sword beans are still only occasionally grown since the superior variety is not readily available. An alternative breeding technique to enhance plant characteristics is mutation. The goal of this study was to determine how gamma radiation affected the growth and performance of the two Canavalia species. Four accessions of two Canavalia species each received one of five gamma-ray treatments (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 Gy). Plant morphology during the germination phase, growth type, plant capacity to produce flowers and pods, flowering age, maturity age, seed weight per plant, seed weight per plot, and seed weight per hundred seeds were all observational factors. Using a factorial randomized complete block design, the data were examined. Microsoft Excel was used for the descriptive analysis, whereas STAR software was used for the analysis of variance and further analyses. Gamma-ray doses of up to 200 Gy have not been successful in altering the characteristics or reaching the LD50 in sword bean. The weight of the seeds per plant and per hundred seeds varied significantly, but the dose and accession variables were inconsistent, making it impossible to determine the ideal combination of the two parameters at this time.

  • Suitability of Purple-Fleshed Sweet Potato Clones for Ingredients of Chinese Buns (Buns)
    J S Utomo and E Ginting

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract A form of tuber known as a sweet potato includes bioactive substances in addition to carbs, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Purple-fleshed sweet potatoes have been heavily marketed as functional foods due to their anthocyanin content. Different textures can be found in the three types and two clones of sweet potatoes used as a base for buns. In comparison to the other 3 kinds, the textures of RIS 10043-02 and MSU 10003-07 were harder, more cohesive, and chewier. The high values of hardness (5.78N), springiness (73.77%), and cohesiveness contributed to the high chewiness value of the buns manufactured from Antin 2 (257.52N) (0.63N). The L*, a*, and b* values of the generated buns decrease with increasing anthocyanin concentration in the raw material, and the panelists’ preferences for color also increase. For the four sensory evaluation criteria of the buns manufactured from five different sweet potato clones, the scores varied from 3.64 to 4.08. It seems that the MSU 10003-07 clone, followed by Antin 2 and Antin 3, was the panelists’ favorite bun.


    ALOKI Ltd

  • Cassava flour production by small scale processors, its quality and economic feasibility
    Dian Adi Anggraeni ELISABETH, Joko Susilo UTOMO, Gangadharan BYJU, and Erliana GINTING


  • Suitability of orange-fleshed sweet potato genotypes for ingredients of selected food products
    J S Utomo and E Ginting

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Promotion of orange-fleshed sweet potato with high beta-carotene content would enhance the consumption of sweet potato as well as support the local-based food diversification. Deep-fried chips, jam, juice, and noodle are the products that commonly make from cereals and fruits other than tubers. Producing those products from sweet potato was aiming to study the suitability and acceptance concerning promoting their utilization and adoption once they are released as new varieties. Five orange-fleshed sweet potato genotypes, namely MSU 06071-82, MSU 06039-07, MSU 06042-18, MIS 0651-09, and Beta-2 were studied their suitability for making food products, such as deep-fried chips, jam, juice, and noodle-based on their physical, chemical and sensorial attributes. The results showed that MSU 06042-18 genotype with a relatively high beta-carotene content (5.425 μg/100 g wb) was suitable for the ingredient of deep-fried chips jam, juice, and noodle products, followed by MSU 05036-11 and Beta 2. In particular, MSU 06071-82 and MIS 0651-09 genotypes were suitable for juice ingredients based on the parameter evaluated. This information is essential in terms of enhancing the adoption of orange-fleshed sweet potato genotypes by farmers and their utilization by food processors.

  • Morphological characteristics of Madiun 1, the First Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) released cultivar in Indonesia
    Novita Nugrahaeni, Ratri Tri Hapsari, Trustinah, Febria Cahya Indriani, Sutrisno, Amri Amanah, Eriyanto Yusnawan, Siti Mutmaidah, Yuliantoro Baliadi, and Joko Susilo Utomo

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) is a tuber crop native to the tropics that belongs to the Araceae family. Porang is a potential tuber crops that has been known in Indonesia for a long time, but the value of its product has not been widely disclosed. The planting area covers over 45,000 ha with East Java as the main production areaMadiun-East Java has a long and the oldest history of porang cultivation in Indonesia and has great potential for porang development. Characterized and officially released its local cultivar as an official released cultivar would protect the local germplasm and can be used as a basis for character improvement. Porang Madiun 1 cultivar has morphological characteristics of compound leaf type, dark green-green leaf color. The color of the leaf edges is pink, but as the age of the plant increases, the leaf edges turn white. Porang leaf surface smooth-wavy, hairless. The edges of porang leaves are smooth- wavy, depend on sunlight intensity. Stem shape was round, stem color was green with white spots and longitudinal lines, The pattern of spots on the stems has a sparse density, with the color of the stems varying depending on the age of the plant. Shape of bulbil was irregular round with various size. Average corm weight of Madiun 1 was 0.1 kg for first year porang plant, 0.4 kg for second year porang plant, and 1.6 kg for third year it became 1.6 kg with the average number of bulbils 1.8, 4.9, and 16.7, respectively

  • Purple-fleshed sweet potato genotypes as the ingredients for crisps and noodle making
    Erliana Ginting, Joko Susilo Utomo, and Joko Restuono

    EDP Sciences
    The presence of anthocyanins in purple-fleshed sweet potato has been intensively promoted as functional foods regarding its high antioxidant activity and essential health benefits. Therefore, a number of attractive and nutritious food products needs to be developed in order to diversify the utilization and increase the consumption. As selected promising purple-flesh sweet potato genotypes have been available, their suitability prepared for different food products needs to be studied. About 12 genotypes of sweet potato with varied purple color intensity or deepness were processed into crispy chips (crisps) and noodles and evaluated their physical properties (yield, lightness, hardness) and sensorial attributes (color, aroma, texture, taste) using a Hedonic test with 20 panelists. The results showed that sweet potato genotypes with purple flesh in combination with yellow/orange or white color, namely MSU 06046-74, Antin 1, and MSU 06044-05 were suitable for crisps making, followed by those with medium purple color, such as Aya Murasaki, MIS 0612-73, MIS 0614-02, MIS 0601-22, and MSU 06014-51. Conversely, sweet potato with deep purple color, namely MSU 06028-71 and MSU 06046-48 were tailored for the ingredients of noodles. This information would be useful for releasing new purple sweet potato varieties in addition to their excellent agronomic traits.

  • The Characteristics and Predicted of Glycemic Index of Rice Analogue from Modified Arrowroot Starch (Maranta arundinaceae L.)

  • Physico-chemical characteristics of elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus campanulatus) germplasm
    Joko Susilo Utomo and Erliana Ginting

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The diversity of elephant food yam (Amorphophallus campanulatus) in Indonesia is essential to be explored concerning its potential use for food and benefit for health. Breeding for release new varieties with spesific characters needs a various of genetic materials, particularly from germplasm collection. Therefore, this study was performed to identify the physicochemical characteristics of 14 elephant food yam germplasm collected by Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute (ILETRI). The physical observations showed that the colour of the flesh varied from yellow to orange with the lightness values (L*) ranging from 70.53 to 81.63. The moisture, ash, reducing sugar, and amylose contents also varied from 66.58 – 88.36 %, 2.49-4.91 % (dm), 1.42-7.89 % (dm), 23.84-31,37 % (dm), respectively. These elephant food yam genotypes particularly contained high dietary fiber with the highest value observed in MLGAR 0101 (54.29 % dm) and MLGAR 0016 (53.15 % dm). The hardness levels of the boiled tubers ranged from 11.90-38.1 N with the highest value observed in MLGAR 0131, suggesting that this genotype had the most firm texture when used for direct consumption. Based on the results of chemical properties, MLGAR 0034, MLGAR 0111, MLGAR 030, MLGAR 0150, MLGAR 0312, and MLGAR 0131 are classified into one cluster.

  • Physico-chemical characterization of fresh tuber of water yam (Dioscorea alata) germplasm
    R Yulifianti, J S Utomo, and I M J Mejaya

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Information of the physical and chemical characteristics in water yam tuber (Dioscorea alata) is needed to complete the database of germplasm, support the breeding activities and utilization for both food and industry purposes. This study was conducted at the Food Chemistry Laboratory of Iletri to observe the physical and chemical characteristics of the water yam fresh tuber derived from 22 Iletri’s germplasm accessions. The fleshed of water yam color were varied, namely white, yellow, mixture of white and purple, white and yellow, yellow and purple. The trial was arranged using a completely randomized design with three replications. The moisture content ranged from 56.08-80.03%, dry matter 18.82-43.02%, ash 2.56-4.97% dw, starch 61.81-75.87% dw, amylose 28.40-43.15% dw, and reducing sugar 0.27-1.49% dw. The fiber content varied widely from 4.33% to 13.99% dw. The water yam also had a wide range of texture, ranging from soft to hard with a hardness level of 6.78-57.78 N. Based on the starch and fiber contents of the fresh tuber, MLGAR 0071, MLGAR 0183, MLGAR 0003 and MLGAR 0006 accessions were potential to be used as parent materials in breeding program to obtain superior varieties of water yam with high starch and fiber contents.

  • Physicochemical characteristics of promising soybean lines adapted to acid soil and the tofu produced

    UNS Solo
    Abstract. Ginting E, Utomo JS, Kuswantoro H, Han W-Y. Physicochemical characteristics of promising soybean lines adapted to acid soil and the tofu produced. Biodiversitas 22: 5012-5022. Breeding of soybean varieties adapted to different agro-ecological conditions in Indonesia is essential in terms of increasing domestic production through extensification. About 20 promising soybean lines adapted/tolerant to acid soil have been available, thus it is necessary to study their physical and chemical characteristics as well as the suitability as ingredients for tofu products. Four improved varieties (Grobogan, Tanggamus, Anjasmoro, and Wilis) were used as the checks. The results showed that one line belonged to large-seeded, namely Tgm/Anj-995 (15.13 g/100 seeds), slightly smaller than Grobogan (16.26 g/100 seeds). Eighteen lines were medium (similar to Anjasmoro and Tanggamus varieties), while one line was small-seeded (similar to Wilis variety). Five lines contained higher protein (40.35–41.80% dw) relative to four check varieties (36.03–38.18% dw). Tofu prepared from Tgm/Anj-908 and Tgm/Anj-991 lines had the highest scores for color, aroma, and taste acceptances; however, the texture was slightly firm, followed by the Tgm/Anj-932, Tgm/Anj-995, Tgm/Anj-862, and Tgm/Anj-888 lines, which had a softer texture. Their scores were slightly higher than those of Anjasmoro. This suggests that selected soybean promising lines tolerant to acid soil have better physical and nutritional performances relative to their check varieties, with six lines suitable for tofu ingredients.

  • Performance of agronomical and seed biochemical traits of soybean genotypes in relation to their tolerance and preference by Nezara viridula

    UNS Solo
    Kuswantoro H, Ginting E, Utomo JS, Yusnawan E. 2019. Performance of agronomical and seed biochemical traits of soybean genotypes in relation to their tolerance to and preference by Nezara viridula. Biodiversitas 20: 356-363. Qualitative and quantitative variations of biochemical compounds in plant organs is one of the causes leading to infestation by a certain pest which prefers to feed on particular genotypes than other genotypes. Objectives of this study is to find out the relationship of selected agronomical features and seed biochemical contents of soybean genotypes with their tolerance to Nezara viridula and also the preference of N. viridula to these genotypes. A total of 50 soybean germplasm were grown at Muneng research station during the dry season of 2016. The variability of the tested germplasm was reflected in the diversity of agronomic characters and seed biochemical contents. There was a significant positive correlation among the studied seed biochemical parameters, namely protein, methionine and cysteine contents. The protein and cysteine contents did not relate to N. viridula preference, but it was related to soybean tolerance against N. viridula. It was indicated by the insignificant positive correlation of protein and cysteine contents with the number of unfilled pods and the negative correlation of protein and cysteine contents with the ratio of number of unfilled pods to the total number of pods. Methionine content increased N. viridula preference, but it had no effect on soybean tolerance. Five genotypes, namely MLGG 0164, MLGG 0195, MLGG 0103, MLGG 0896 and MLGG 0196 were selected based on high seed biochemical contents which can be used as gene sources in soybean breeding programs. Among these five genotypes, MLGG 0195 had high protein, methionine and cysteine contents, but it was not tolerant to N. viridula. Hence, this genotype should be cultivated by controlling N. viridula optimally. MLGG 0196 had the highest methionine content, relatively high cysteine content, and N. viridula tolerance. This genotype can be used to improve seed biochemical content and plant tolerance against N. viridula.

  • Changes of Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activity in Soybean Seeds Harvested from Phakopsora pachyrhizi Infected Crops
    Eriyanto Yusnawan, Novita Nugrahaeni, and Joko Susilo Utomo

    Universitas Negeri Semarang
    Asian soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi is one of the most destructive foliar diseases on soybean. Severe infection of this disease causes early defoliation and reduces the yield. To determine the response of soybean genotypes to this disease and the changes of metabolites in seeds, a greenhouse study was conducted using eight Indonesian soybean cultivars, i.e. Malabar, Wilis, Ringgit, Pangrango, Argomulyo, Grobogan, Dena 1, and Dena 2. The experiment was arranged in a randomized completely block design and repeated three times. The soybean crops were inoculated with the pathogen and another set was not inoculated. Infection of P. pachyrhizi reduced fresh biomass, seed weight per plant, and weight of 100 seeds. However, total flavonoid contents in seeds increased from 12 to 50% in all infected genotypes. The increase of daidzein from 27 to 67% in seeds was observed, except for Malabar and Argomulyo . The increase of genistein was genotypic dependence. The increase of total phenolic contents as well as antioxidant activity was also depending on the genotypes. P. pachyrhizi could be one of the biotic elicitors to increase total flavonoid contents in soybean seeds. Dena 1 less suffered from the rust infection as represented by the least pustule number, less reduction in seed weight and weight of 100 seeds. Secondary metabolites particularly phenolics and isoflavones in seeds of this cultivar increased significantly after the rust infection. This cultivar could be considered as an alternative tolerant genotype where cultivated area is favorable for soybean rust infection.

  • Physical and chemical properties of restructured sweet potato stick from three sweet potato cultivars
    Joko Susilo Utomo and Russly Abdul Rahman

    Insight Society
    Restructured Sweetpotato Stick (RSS) was developed in attempt to overcome the lack of sweetpotato availability during off season. Moreover, RSS was produced aimed to control of the adequate qualities caused by the variation characteristics of sweetpotato. The making of RSS from 3 sweetpotato varieties was to study physicochemical and sensory attributes of the final product. RSS was produced using three sweetpotato (SP) varieties with different flesh colour namely White, Yellow and Orange . Samples, including raw materials, intermediate and final products were analyzed for physicochemical attributes. White and Orange cultivars judged generated the good quality RSS. A similar hardness and shearing force of RSS made of White and Orange was found. Proximate compositions on dry base (db) were: protein 3.59 and 2.74%, fat 21.44 and 35.91%, carbohydrate 71.83 and 59.19%; and ash 3.13 and 2.17%, respectively. White cultivar produced the RSS having yellow bright colour, high firmness and low fat content, whereas Orange cultivar generated RSS with bright orange colour, medium firmness but high fat content. RSS made from White and Orange cultivars were preferred with sensory score above the average. Result from this study illustrates that White and Orange sweetpotato cultivars can be used to make a convenient restructured product (RSS).

  • The effect of shape, blanching methods and flour on characteristics of restructured sweetpotato stick
    Joko S. Utomo, Yaakob B. Che Man, Russly A. Rahman, and Mohd. Said Saad

    The blanching methods and controlling dry matter content used in the preparation of mashed sweetpotato (SP) for producing restructured sweetpotato stick (RSS) were studied. The two shapes of trimmed tuber were sliced and diced. Blanching was conducted by (i) boiling for 2 min in water at 100 °C and (ii) blanching in water at 100 °C containing 1% (w/v) sodium tripolyphosphate (STP) for 2 min. Controlling the dry matter content of dough was conducted by adding SP flour (0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). Chemical and physical characteristics were determined on the final product. The results from this study showed that blanching in 1% STP for 2 min improves colour and ash content of fried stick. Mixing of 5% SP flour with mashed SP produces suitable dough for further processing. RSS can be produced by a combination of blanching in 1% STP and mixing with 5% SP flour produce an intermediate hardness, high lightness and low redness colouration of RSS.


  • Pengaruh Konsentrasi Starter Acetobacter xylinum Terhadap Karakteristik Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Nata de Mango (Mangifer indica L)
    F Melindasari, VA Wahyudi, A Husna, JS Utomo, D Elianarni
    Food Technology and Halal Science Journal 8 (1), 46-56 2025

  • Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Siswa dalam Pembuatan Database Produk Menggunakan Microsoft Access di SMK Abdi Karya Bekasi: Training and Mentoring Students in Creating Product
    R Noviana, W Winarti, D Indriani, D Andryani, KN Ramadha, I Rasal, ...
    PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 9 (12), 2395-2400 2024

    N Hidayah, M Indaryani, J Utomo
    Jurnal Cita Ekonomika 18 (2), 56-65 2024

  • Chemical characteristics and sensorial attributes of cassava genotypes at different harvesting times
    E Ginting, JS Utomo, TS Wahyuni
    AIP Conference Proceedings 3098 (1) 2024

  • Fertilizer management practices for cassava in acid dryland of Sukabumi Regency, West Java.
    K Noerwijati, A Taufiq, Y Baliadi, JS Utomo, E Yusnawan, A Amanah, ...
    Journal of Degraded & Mining Lands Management 12 (1) 2024

    A Manasikana, J Utomo, K Sumekar
    Pendas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar 9 (3), 221-239 2024

    HA Hilmy, J Utomo, M Indaryani
    Pendas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar 9 (3), 371-383 2024

  • Agronomic performance, seed chemical composition, and bioactive components of selected Indonesian soybean genotypes (Glycine max [L.] Merr.)
    H Kuswantoro, E Ginting, E Yusnawan, JS Utomo, T Sundari
    Open Agriculture 8 (1), 20220229 2023

  • Gamma-Ray Radiation Effect on Two Species of Canavalia Performance
    PH Putri, JS Utomo, RS Soehendi
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1246 (1), 012007 2023

  • Suitability of Purple-Fleshed Sweet Potato Clones for Ingredients of Chinese Buns (Buns)
    JS Utomo, E Ginting
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1246 (1), 012043 2023

  • Penghambatan Penurunan Mutu Cookies Substitusi Tepung Oat Dengan Jenis Kemasan Plastik Berbeda Terhadap Karakteristik Fisikokimia Dan Organoleptik Selama Penyimpanan
    R Dharlyansyah, S Sukardi, JS Utomo
    Food Technology and Halal Science Journal 6 (1), 18-32 2023

  • Ekstrak Antioksidan Kulit Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) Guna Menghambat Oksidasi Minyak Kacang Tanah
    BA Nursahila, N Harini, JS Utomo
    Food Technology and Halal Science Journal 6 (2), 148-161 2023

  • Physicochemical Characteristics of Bun Made from Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato Clones
    JS Utomo, E Ginting
    BIO Web of Conferences 69, 03001 2023

  • Yield, seed quality, and financial feasibility of soybean intercropped with maize in the Alfisol dry land.
    E Ginting, A Harsono, DAA Elisabeth, AA Rahmianna, JS Utomo, ...
    Applied Ecology & Environmental Research 21 (1) 2023

  • Cassava flour production by small scale processors, its quality and economic feasibility
    DAA Elisabeth, JS Utomo, G Byju, E Ginting
    Food Science and Technology 42, e41522 2022

  • Efektifitas Pembinaan Debitur Terhadap Kualitas Kredit Pada Usaha Mikro PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
    J Utomo
    BRI Institut 2022

  • Suitability of orange-fleshed sweet potato genotypes for ingredients of selected food products
    JS Utomo, E Ginting
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 924 (1), 012025 2021

  • Morphological characteristics of Madiun 1, the First Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) released cultivar in Indonesia
    N Nugrahaeni, RT Hapsari, FC Indriani, A Amanah, E Yusnawan, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 911 (1), 012011 2021

  • Physicochemical characteristics of promising soybean lines adapted to acid soil and the tofu produced
    E Ginting, JS Utomo, H Kuswantoro, WY Han
    Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (11) 2021

  • The characteristics and predicted of glycemic index of rice analogue from modified arrowroot starch (Maranta arundinaceae L.)
    D Damat, RH Setyobudi, JS Utomo, ZV Gaile, A Tain, DD Siskawardani
    Jordan J. Biol. Sci 14 (3), 389-393 2021


  • Potensi ubi jalar ungu sebagai pangan fungsional
    E Ginting, JS Utomo, R Yulifianti, M Jusuf
    Iptek Tanaman Pangan 6 (1), 116-138 2011
    Citations: 218

  • Proses pembuatan dan penggunaan tepung ubi jalar untuk produk pangan
    SS Antarlina, JS Utomo
    Dalam Edisi Khusus Balitkabi, 30-41 1999
    Citations: 76

  • Tepung kasava modifikasi sebagai bahan substitusi terigu mendukung diversifikasi pangan
    R Yulifianti, E Ginting, JS Utomo
    Buletin Palawija, 225861 2012
    Citations: 54

  • Kedelai sebagai bahan pangan kaya isoflavon
    R Yulifianti, S Muzaiyanah, JS Utomo
    Buletin Palawija 16 (2), 84-93 2018
    Citations: 53

  • Teknologi pasca panen ubi jalar mendukung diversifikasi pangan dan pengembangan agroindustri
    E Ginting, SS Antarlina, JS Utomo, R Ratnaningsih
    Buletin Palawija, 15-28 2006
    Citations: 42

  • The effect of shape, blanching methods and flour on characteristics of restructured sweetpotato stick
    JS Utomo, YB Che Man, RA Rahman, M Said Saad
    International journal of food science & technology 43 (10), 1896-1900 2008
    Citations: 35

  • Evaluation of Indonesian soybean varieties for food processing
    SS Antarlina, JS Utomo, E Ginting, S Nikkuni
    Soybean Production and Post Harvest Technology for Innovation in Indonesia 2000
    Citations: 32

  • Teknologi pengolahan dan produk-produk kacang tunggak
    JS Utomo, SS Antarlina
    Monograf Balitkabi 3, 120-138 1998
    Citations: 26

  • Aflatoxin contamination and fungi isolated from Indonesian agricultural commodities
    T Goto, E Ginting, SS Antarlina, JS Utomo, Y Ito, S Nikkuni
    JSM Mycotoxins 1999 (Suppl2), 211-215 2000
    Citations: 23

  • Morphological characteristics of Madiun 1, the First Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) released cultivar in Indonesia
    N Nugrahaeni, RT Hapsari, FC Indriani, A Amanah, E Yusnawan, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 911 (1), 012011 2021
    Citations: 18

  • ANALISIS KARAKTERISTIK LAHAN DAN MUTU BIJI PALA (Myristica fragrans Houtt) DAERAH LAMPUNG/Analysis of Land Characteristics and Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) Seed Quality of
    B Hafif, R Mawardi, JS Utomo
    Industrial Crops Research Journal 23 (2), 63-71 2017
    Citations: 16

  • Tepung instant ubi jalar untuk pembuatan roti tawar
    JS Utomo, SS Antarlina
    Majalah Pangan No 38, 28-34 2002
    Citations: 16

  • The characteristics and predicted of glycemic index of rice analogue from modified arrowroot starch (Maranta arundinaceae L.)
    D Damat, RH Setyobudi, JS Utomo, ZV Gaile, A Tain, DD Siskawardani
    Jordan J. Biol. Sci 14 (3), 389-393 2021
    Citations: 15

  • Cassava flour production by small scale processors, its quality and economic feasibility
    DAA Elisabeth, JS Utomo, G Byju, E Ginting
    Food Science and Technology 42, e41522 2022
    Citations: 13

  • Keunggulan fungsional ubijalar dari aspek kesehatan
    E Ginting, JS Utomo, N Richana
    Dalam: J. Wargiono dan Hermanto (Eds), Ubi Jalar: Inovasi Teknologi dan 2012
    Citations: 12

  • Pengembangan pemanfaatan ubikayu di provinsi Lampung melalui pengolahan tepung ubikayu dan tepung ubikayu modifikasi
    RW Arief, R Asnawi, JS Utomo
    Buletin Palawija 91 (24), 82-91 2012
    Citations: 12

  • Substitusi tepung ubijalar pada pembuatan mie kering
    SS Antarlina, JS Utomo
    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pangan. PATPI. Denpasar 1997
    Citations: 10

  • Kue kering dari bahan tepung campuran jagung, gude dan kedelai.
    SS Antarlina, JS Utomo
    Citations: 10

  • Mikroanalisis kandungan senyawa fenolik total ekstrak biji kedelai dengan reagen folin-ciocalteu
    E Yusnawan, JS Utomo
    Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan 1 (1), 73-81 2017
    Citations: 9

  • Kajian sifat fisikokimia dan amilografi pati garut dan ganyong
    JS Utomo, R Yulifianti, A Kasno
    Prosiding seminar hasil penelitian tanaman aneka kacang dan umbi. Pusat 2012
    Citations: 9