Jose Nuno do Couto Furtado Moreira de Matos

Auxiliary Researcher (ICNOVA - NOVA/FCSH)


Social Sciences, Communication, Sociology and Political Science, History


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Before the court of public opinion: Imprensa de Lisboa and the 1921 press workers’ strike
    José Nuno Matos

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT This article is a study of A Imprensa de Lisboa, a periodical created by professional associations of journalists, printers and distributors of Lisbon newspapers in 1921, during a period in which they were on strike. This conflict brought a significant portion of the Portuguese capital’s press to a standstill, except for a handful of publications, namely those created in that same context. Alongside and against A Imprensa de Lisboa, newspaper companies published O Jornal. Meanwhile, A Batalha, the official organ of the General Confederation of Labour, to which the unions on strike were affiliated, continued to be published. The aim of this research is, firstly, to analyse the relation between the goals of the strike and A Imprensa de Lisboa’s coverage not only of the conflict itself, but also of a set of other topics and events seen as matters of interest to a wider public opinion, i.e. beyond the interests of the industrial working class. Secondly, it aims to identify similarities and differences between the agenda and contents of A Imprensa de Lisboa and A Batalha, to clarify to what extent the strategy pursued by the former meant keeping a distance from the points of view commonly voiced in the workers’ press.

  • Journalism in State of Emergency: An Analysis of the Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemics on Journalists’ Employment Relationships
    José Luís Garcia, José Nuno Matos, and Pedro Alcântara da Silva

    University of Minho
    A condição socioprofissional dos jornalistas tem sofrido profundas transformações ao longo das últimas décadas. Estas têm origem numa sucessão de crises que afetam a comunicação social no contexto de um processo combinado de liberalização e digitalização. Além de mudanças nas rotinas de produção, as redações jornalísticas sofreram operações de reestruturação, responsáveis pela recomposição da sua força de trabalho. Entre despedimentos coletivos, aumento do desemprego, contratos a prazo, “recibos verdes”, formas descontínuas e intermitentes de trabalho, baixos salários, trabalho gratuito e a reduzido custo de estagiários, a precariedade passou, aos poucos, a caracterizar a condição jornalística. A partir dos resultados do “Estudo Sobre os Efeitos do Estado de Emergência no Jornalismo no Contexto da Pandemia Covid-19”, este artigo pretende analisar as implicações destas políticas nas relações de emprego dos jornalistas. O objetivo principal é compreender em que medida é que a resposta das empresas de comunicação social a esta nova realidade representa uma reversão da lógica de precarização ou, pelo contrário, a sua aceleração. O estudo pretende, em primeiro lugar, realizar um diagnóstico das relações de emprego antes da declaração de estado de emergência (DEE) — entre março e abril de 2020 — nomeadamente a incidência de vínculos temporários e a sua relação com fatores como o género ou a idade. Num segundo momento, analisar-se-á os efeitos da DEE a este nível, principalmente no que respeita ao recurso a contratos temporários, a despedimentos ou ao lay-off.

  • “It Was Journalism that Abandoned Me”: An Analysis of Journalism in Portugal
    Jose Matos

    Information Society Research
    Over the last few decades, journalism in Portugal has undergone a series of changes in both its practice and its conditions. This reconfiguration has been reinforced by the noticeable rise in layoffs and fixed-term contracts, particularly after the implementation of an austerity program over the last few years. This has led many journalists to abandon their job, either voluntarily or otherwise. The present article aims to analyse these trends through the socio-professional trajectories of ex-journalists, seeking to understand what led to the end of their careers, what came after, and what is their current outlook on journalism.

  • Red censorship: Newspaper companies before the Press strike in 1921
    José Nuno Matos

    Este artigo constitui um estudo sobre uma greve de jornalistas, tipografos e distribuidores que ocorreu em Lisboa no ano de 1921. Culminar de uma tensao verificada nos anos anteriores, responsavel por varias greves, este acontecimento destaca-se quer pela sua longevidade, durando cerca de quatro meses, quer por reunir trabalhadores com condicoes sociais distintas. A partir da analise da sua cobertura por O Jornal, orgao das empresas de jornais, bem como por O Seculo e o Diario de Noticias, esta investigacao visa, em primeiro lugar, demonstrar como a producao jornalistica se insere numa estrategia de luta contra os grevistas, nomeadamente atraves da sua vinculacao ao regime bolchevique e ao exercicio de uma “censura vermelha”. Alem de visar o seu descredito, o estabelecimento de tal relacao servia para justificar a repressao da atividade sindical. Num segundo momento, o texto pretende identificar diferencas e semelhancas entre os discursos veiculados pelos diarios, contribuindo assim para a reflexao em torno da distincao entre jornalismo informativo e politico.

  • The making of Portuguese Human Resources Management (1959–1986): regime change and the prevalence of normative discourse
    José Nuno Matos

    Informa UK Limited
    Abstract The development of Human Resources Management in Portugal reveals how national features may prevent or postpone the adoption of mainstream management models. Based on an analysis of the magazines Indústria Portuguesa, edited by the Portuguese Industrial Association, and Pessoal, by the Association of Portuguese Human Resources Technicians and Managers, this paper aims to understand how political events in the period between 1959 and 1986 came to shape a very distinctive configuration of management discourses. Contrary to what happened in more developed countries, the political effort to modernize productive structures, from the end of the 1950s, and the onset of the revolutionary process in 1974, in the wake of the fall of the authoritarian regime, determined the pervasiveness of normative concepts. Only in the mid-1980s, faced with a new political scenario and against the backdrop of a new shape of the labor movement, would Portuguese management lay emphasis on rational procedures.

  • Laughter, fado, and dance: Employability and emotional management in Randstad Portugal's Facebook page

  • From trauma to retrieval: Human resources managers and the revolutionary process

  • The social anchoring of Portuguese MPs, 1975–2009: Trade union participation during 35 years of democracy
    José Nuno Matos

    The main purpose of this article is to analyse the relationship between trade unions and political parties. Based upon the concept of political field proposed by Pierre Bourdieu, this study centres on the evolution of parliamentary recruitment among trade union leaders. It is a study that, being based upon the historical relation between these two social and political actors, aims to reflect upon the ideas of politics and representation.