Julia Siqueira Simoes


Professor at Food Science and Technology of Veterinary School
Universidade Iguaçu




Food Science, Agricultural and Biological Sciences, General Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Multidisciplinary


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Total Mercury Content in the Tissues of Freshwater Chelonium (Podocnemis expansa) and a Human Health Risk Assessment for the Amazon Population in Brazil
    Fábio Júnior Targino, Joanna Damazio de Nunes Ribeiro, Julia Siqueira Simões, Carla Silva Carneiro, Stella Maris Lazzarini, Aline Ramos Souza, Micheli da Silva Ferreira, Sergio Borges Mano, and Eliane Teixeira Mársico

    Researchers recognize the silent, negative and deleterious effects caused by mercury pollution in gold mining areas. Freshwater turtles are culturally part of the diet of riverside populations in the Amazon region and this area presents mercury (Hg) pollution issues mainly due to gold mining activities. Thus, this research aimed to evaluate the total mercury (THg) content in the different organs of Amazonian giant river turtle (Podocnemis expansa) and carry out a human health risk assessment associated with the consumption of these animals. This study was conducted in the Vila Balbina, municipality of Presidente Figueiredo, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Skin (n = 28), muscle (n = 19) and brain (n = 2) samples were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (TDA-AAS) and a DMA-80™ mercury analyzer was used for the total mercury determinations. The average values found for THg in the skin, muscle and brain samples were, respectively, 0.1045 mg·kg−1, 0.1092 mg·kg−1 and 0.0601 mg·kg−1. Thus, THg was observed even though the P. expansa were kept in captivity, possibly due to previous contamination by air, water and food. The Hazard Quotient (HQ) was calculated considering a 9.07 g·day−1 intake dose of P. expansa and the consumption of turtles once a week showed an HQ = 2.45, which may cause long-term injuries to human health. Although the muscle concentrations were below the maximum limit established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Brazilian regulatory agencies, it is important to evaluate consumption factors such as amount ingested, frequency and animal gender, which may cause a potential risk to regular consumers due to mercury bioaccumulation. The WHO may consider various aspects in order to warn the Amazon population about the severity and silent hazard of this metal, especially due to the importance of this matrix in the region. This region urgently needs government actions to inhibit clandestine mining and to prevent future serious, chronic health problems of the entire population.

  • Study of inorganic elements in different organs and tissues of Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) from Brazil
    Fábio José Targino Moreira da Silva Júnior, Joanna Damazio Nunes Ribeiro, Hugo Leandro Azevedo da Silva, Carla da Silva Carneiro, Edgar Francisco Oliveira de Jesus, Ubiratan Barbosa de Araújo, Stella Maris Lazzarini, Aline Ramos Souza, Julia Siqueira Simões, Ricardo Tadeu Lopes,et al.

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Concentrations and health risk assessment of total mercury in canned tuna marketed in Southest Brazil
    Camila Valente Alva, Eliane Teixeira Mársico, Roberta de Oliveira Resende Ribeiro, Carla da Silva Carneiro, Julia Siqueira Simões, and Micheli da Silva Ferreira

    Elsevier BV

  • Nutritional and Sensory Quality of the Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and the Influence of Packaging Permeability on its Shelf Life
    Julia Siqueira Simoes, Eliane Teixeira Mársico, César Aquiles Lázaro De La Torre, Sérgio Borges Mano, Robson Maia Franco, Luiz Felipe Lopes Dos Santos, and Carlos Adam Conte-Junior

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT The Malaysian freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii was used for nutritional, bacteriological and sensory evaluations. Prawns were refrigerated (0 ± 1°C) and divided into two groups named T1 and T2 corresponding to permeable and impermeable (O2/CO2) packaging, respectively, in order to evaluate their shelf life. The percent composition ensured its high nutritional value, and consumer testing showed that acceptability was close to ideal, with good purchase intent. The type of treatment did not significantly influence the parameters assessed, and the shelf life was established as 150 h. The mesophilic bacteria count was the determining factor for quality assessment. Total volatile basic nitrogen and pH were not good parameters for evaluating quality, whereas the biogenic amines, especially agmatine, appeared to be appropriate quality parameters.

  • Applications of extracts from skin and seed muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) waste on bacterial growth, autoxidation, and color in atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
    Julia Siqueira Simoes, Eliane Teixeira Mársico, Maurice R. Marshall, Amarat Simonne, Yavuz Yagiz, Changmou Xu, Wei‐Yea Hsu, Roberta de Oliveira Resende Ribeiro, and Carlos Adam Conte‐Junior

    Hindawi Limited

  • Inhibitory effect of acid concentration, aging, and different packaging on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and on color stability of beef
    Ana Paula A. A. Salim, Anna C. V. C. S. Canto, Bruno R. C. Costa-Lima, Julia S. Simoes, Pedro H. N. Panzenhagen, Marion P. Costa, Robson M. Franco, Teófilo J. P. Silva, and Carlos A. Conte-Junior

    Hindawi Limited
    The presence of pathogens such as Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EC) represents risks to public health and to economy of Brazilian beef industry. In this context, the application of lactic acid (LA) is an efficient practice employed to reduce bacterial count without compromising consumer safety. Our aim was to verify the inhibitory effect of LA application combined with aging and different packaging on EC and its effects on beef color. The LA effect on EC counts was concentration dependent during aging and storage, with T2 (10% of LA added) demonstrating greater (p   .05) EC counts, however reduced (p   .05) after application and during storage. LA treatment (T2) promoted a reduction in E. coli O157:H7, despite the effects on beef color. Practical applications The present data evidence a breakthrough in lactic acid (LA) researches once evaluate the inhibitory effect of aging, LA concentration and package on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and the influence of these technologies in beef color. Moreover, the data presented allow clarifying the meat industry about the potential use of LA preservation on beef.

  • Mercury content in whey protein and potential risk for human health
    Leticia Fraga Matos Campos de Aquino, Roberta de Oliveira Resende Ribeiro, Julia Siqueira Simoes, Sérgio Borges Mano, Eliane Teixeira Mársico, and Carlos Adam Conte Junior

    Elsevier BV

  • Effect of lactic acid On Escherichia Coli O157: H7 and on color stability of vacuum-packaged beef steaks under high storage temperature
    Ana Paula A. A. Salim, Anna C. V. C. S. Canto, Bruno R. C. Costa-Lima, Julia S. Simoes, Pedro H. N. Panzenhagen, Robson M. Franco, Teófilo J. P. Silva, and Carlos A. Conte-Junior

    Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
    The effect of lactic acid (LA) addition on Escherichia coli O157:H7 survivability as well as the color stability was determined in vacuum-packaged beef steaks storage at 10°C for 50 days. Longissimus dorsi muscle was portioned into beef steaks and inoculated with Escherichia coli O157:H7. Afterwards, the samples were submitted at three treatments: without lactic acid addition or non-treated (NT); with 0.56 M (5%, v/v) (L5), and with 1.13 M (10%, v/v) (L10) of lactic acid addition. Same division was performed with samples non inoculated. All samples were package at vacuum and stored at 10ºC during 50 days. L10 demonstrated an efficient bacteriostatic effect (P < 0.05) against E. coli O157:H7 and total aerobic mesophilic bacteria. Nonetheless, LA induced a decrease (P < 0.05) in a* values in samples after application and during storage, promoting discoloration of beef steaks. Therefore, L10 was efficient in controlling E. coli O157:H7 even at abusive storage temperatures. However, this decontamination treatment affects negatively the color stability of beef.

  • Effect of sustainability information on consumers' liking of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
    Julia Siqueira Simoes, Eliane Teixeira Mársico, Adriano Gomes da Cruz, Mônica Queiroz de Freitas, Laís Higino Doro, and Carlos Adam Conte-Junior

    BACKGROUND This research aimed to investigate whether consumer acceptance is affected by information on sustainable practices on the product label. Hedonic evaluations of freshwater prawns were performed by 80 consumers under three aspects: the blind condition - consumers taste samples without information; expected - without tasting samples, consumers evaluated the message 'Freshwater prawns were grown using sustainable practices, reducing environmental impacts caused by traditional breeding'; informed - in which prawns were tasted and the card evaluated. RESULTS For the entire consumer group, it was observed that the message about sustainability on packaging increased freshwater prawn acceptability (8.25, expected condition (E) versus 6.75, blind condition (B)). High scores were observed under all three test conditions, ranging from 6 (like slightly) to 9 (like extremely), on a 9-point scale. CONCLUSION It can be concluded that the use of sustainable information can influence consumers' perception and increase their preference toward freshwater prawns, and even increase the sensory attributes of the product.

  • Seasonal variation in trace and minor elements in Brazilian honey by total reflection X-ray fluorescence
    Roberta de Oliveira Resende Ribeiro, Eliane Teixeira Mársico, Carla da Silva Carneiro, Julia Siqueira Simoes, Micheli da Silva Ferreira, Edgar Francisco Oliveira de Jesus, Eduardo Almeida, and Carlos Adam Conte Junior

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Microbiological, physical and chemical characteristics of freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in modified-atmosphere packaging
    Julia S. Simoes, Eliane T. Mársico, César A. Lázaro, Micheli da S. Ferreira, Robson M. Franco, Ana Paula A. A. S. Pereira, and Carlos A. Conte‐Junior

    SummaryThis study evaluated the influence of packaging atmosphere (air versus 50% N2/50% CO2) on microbiological (mesophiles, psychrotrophs), physical (gas measurement) and chemical (pH, total volatile basic nitrogen [TVB‐N], NH3, H2S and biogenic amines) parameters in freshwater prawns during storage at 0 ± 1 °C for 240 h. To select the most appropriate packaging, 21 batches of each treatment were analysed. Both the packaging permeability and the combination of gases affected the shelf life, but the modified‐atmosphere packaging (MAP) was more efficient than air packaging, increasing the shelf life by 40 h. The parameters of pH and TVB‐N showed no statistical difference between the two atmosphere conditions all along the storage period. The biogenic amine agmatine showed potential for use as a quality indicator due to the increased concentration during storage. In further studies, this amine can be applied as an indicator for public health issue.


  • Total Mercury Content in the Tissues of Freshwater Chelonium (Podocnemis expansa) and a Human Health Risk Assessment for the Amazon Population in Brazil
    FJ Targino, JDN Ribeiro, JS Simes, CS Carneiro, SM Lazzarini, ...
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (15), 6489 2023

  • Total Mercury Content in the Tissues of Freshwater Chelonium (Podocnemis Expansa) and a Human Health Risk Assessment for the Amazon Population in Brazil
    FT Jnior, JD de Nunes Ribeiro, JS Simes, CS Carneiro, SM Lazzarini, ...

  • Study of inorganic elements in different organs and tissues of Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) from Brazil
    FJTM da Silva Jnior, JDN Ribeiro, HLA da Silva, C da Silva Carneiro, ...
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10 2022

  • Observational evalution of fish quality marketed in Nova Iguau county during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
    SA Barbosa, BS Figueira, TT Silva, LSB Baptista, CC Cabral, JS Simoes, ...

  • Avaliao observacional da qualidade do pescado comercializado no municpio de nova iguau frente pandemia por sars-cov-2
    SA Barbosa, BS Figueira, TT Silva, LSB BAPTISTA, CC Cabral, ...
    Ars Veterinaria 37 (3), 128-133 2021

  • Assessment of total mercury content in tissues of Mullus argentinae in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    PL Azevedo, JS Simes, M Lemos, J Castro, ROR Ribeiro, ET Mrsico
    Revista Brasileira de Cincia Veterinria 28 (4) 2021

  • Anlise de glten em produtos industrializados rotulados como isentos de glten
    SF Luiz, RBT Carpenter, DO Barboza, JS Simes, CA Valente, ...
    Alimentos: Cincia, Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente 1 (9), 1-14 2020

  • Concentrations and health risk assessment of total mercury in canned tuna marketed in Southest Brazil
    CV Alva, ET Mrsico, ROR Ribeiro, C da Silva Carneiro, JS Simes, ...
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 88, 103357 2020

    L Aquino, D Oliveira, JS Simes, MF Lima, CAC Junior, R Deliza
    Galo 2020

    SA Barbosa, L Stephanie, B de Souza Figueira, GDP Jnior, TT Silva, ...
    Galo 2020

  • Nutritional and Sensory Quality of the Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and the Influence of Packaging Permeability on its Shelf Life
    JS Simoes, ET Mrsico, CAL De La Torre, SB Mano, RM Franco, ...
    Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 28 (6), 703-714 2019

  • Applications of extracts from skin and seed muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) waste on bacterial growth, autoxidation, and color in atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
    JS Simoes, ET Mrsico, MR Marshall, A Simonne, Y Yagiz, C Xu, WY Hsu, ...
    Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 43 (7), e13976 2019

  • Concentration of total mercury in canned tuna marketed in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
    CV Alva, TM Eliane, JS Simes, MA Xavier, MS Ferreira

  • Jaboticaba yoghurts enriched with whey protein or albumin: evaluation of phenolic content and color
    CAM Coentro, ET Mrsico, BS Frasao, ROR Ribeiro, LGC Garcia, ...
    Revista Brasileira de Cincia Veterinria 26 (4), 158-164 2019

    SF Luiz, RBT Carpenter, ROR Ribeiro, JS Simes, CA Valente, ...
    Galo 2019

  • Concentrao de mercrio total em atum enlatado comercializado no municpio do Rio de Janeiro: risco potencial sade?
    CV Alva, ET Mrsico, JS Simes, MA Xavier, MS Ferreira
    Hig. aliment, 1022-1026 2019

  • Inhibitory effect of acid concentration, aging, and different packaging on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and on color stability of beef
    APAA Salim, AC Canto, BRC Costa‐Lima, JS Simoes, ...
    Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 42 (1), e13402 2018

  • Mercury content in whey protein and potential risk for human health
    LFMC de Aquino, ROR Ribeiro, JS Simoes, SB Mano, ET Mrsico, ...
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 59, 141-144 2017

  • Effect of lactic acid on Escherichia coli O157: H7 and on color stability of vacuum-packaged beef steaks under high storage temperature.
    APAA Salim, AC Canto, BRC Costa-Lima, JS Simoes, PHN Panzenhagen, ...
    Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Food Sciences 6 (4) 2017

  • Effect of sustainability information on consumers' liking of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
    JS Simoes, ET Mrsico, AG da Cruz, MQ de Freitas, LH Doro, ...
    Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95 (15), 3160-3164 2015


  • Concentrations and health risk assessment of total mercury in canned tuna marketed in Southest Brazil
    CV Alva, ET Mrsico, ROR Ribeiro, C da Silva Carneiro, JS Simes, ...
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 88, 103357 2020
    Citations: 25

  • Microbiological, physical and chemical characteristics of freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in modified‐atmosphere packaging
    JS Simoes, ET Mrsico, CA Lzaro, MS Ferreira, RM Franco, ...
    International Journal of Food Science & Technology 50 (1), 128-135 2015
    Citations: 20

  • Mercury content in whey protein and potential risk for human health
    LFMC de Aquino, ROR Ribeiro, JS Simoes, SB Mano, ET Mrsico, ...
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 59, 141-144 2017
    Citations: 19

  • Effect of sustainability information on consumers' liking of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
    JS Simoes, ET Mrsico, AG da Cruz, MQ de Freitas, LH Doro, ...
    Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95 (15), 3160-3164 2015
    Citations: 13

  • Seasonal variation in trace and minor elements in Brazilian honey by total reflection X-ray fluorescence
    R de Oliveira Resende Ribeiro, ET Mrsico, C da Silva Carneiro, ...
    Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-8 2015
    Citations: 13

  • Inhibitory effect of acid concentration, aging, and different packaging on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and on color stability of beef
    APAA Salim, AC Canto, BRC Costa‐Lima, JS Simoes, ...
    Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 42 (1), e13402 2018
    Citations: 11

  • Nutritional and Sensory Quality of the Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and the Influence of Packaging Permeability on its Shelf Life
    JS Simoes, ET Mrsico, CAL De La Torre, SB Mano, RM Franco, ...
    Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 28 (6), 703-714 2019
    Citations: 10

  • Applications of extracts from skin and seed muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) waste on bacterial growth, autoxidation, and color in atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
    JS Simoes, ET Mrsico, MR Marshall, A Simonne, Y Yagiz, C Xu, WY Hsu, ...
    Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 43 (7), e13976 2019
    Citations: 10

  • Total Mercury Content in the Tissues of Freshwater Chelonium (Podocnemis expansa) and a Human Health Risk Assessment for the Amazon Population in Brazil
    FJ Targino, JDN Ribeiro, JS Simes, CS Carneiro, SM Lazzarini, ...
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (15), 6489 2023
    Citations: 4

  • Study of inorganic elements in different organs and tissues of Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) from Brazil
    FJTM da Silva Jnior, JDN Ribeiro, HLA da Silva, C da Silva Carneiro, ...
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10 2022
    Citations: 4

  • Anlise de glten em produtos industrializados rotulados como isentos de glten
    SF Luiz, RBT Carpenter, DO Barboza, JS Simes, CA Valente, ...
    Alimentos: Cincia, Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente 1 (9), 1-14 2020
    Citations: 3

  • Avaliao observacional da qualidade do pescado comercializado no municpio de nova iguau frente pandemia por sars-cov-2
    SA Barbosa, BS Figueira, TT Silva, LSB BAPTISTA, CC Cabral, ...
    Ars Veterinaria 37 (3), 128-133 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Effect of lactic acid on Escherichia coli O157: H7 and on color stability of vacuum-packaged beef steaks under high storage temperature.
    APAA Salim, AC Canto, BRC Costa-Lima, JS Simoes, PHN Panzenhagen, ...
    Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Food Sciences 6 (4) 2017
    Citations: 2

  • Jaboticaba yoghurts enriched with whey protein or albumin: evaluation of phenolic content and color
    CAM Coentro, ET Mrsico, BS Frasao, ROR Ribeiro, LGC Garcia, ...
    Revista Brasileira de Cincia Veterinria 26 (4), 158-164 2019
    Citations: 1