Factors impacting export intensity of SMEs in India Aditi Goel, Dolly Gaur, Khushboo Gupta, and Kanishka Gupta Poznan University of Economics The aim of the paper is to explore the factors impacting export intensity of SMEs in India. It examines the influence of various firm level variables on export intensity. The sample considered for the study includes 50 SME firms from different industries ranging from equipment and manufacturing to textile. Data for ten years (2011-2020) has been analyzed for drawing relevant results. For regression, Least Square Dummy Variable corrected (LSDVC) estimates have been used to address the issue of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation issue present in the data. The results arrived at indicate that the expenditure incurred on research and development, selling and distribution acts as an investment which provides returns in terms of better export performance. Also, top managers having international experience can be an important asset for a firm looking for expanding in international market. These results have substantial implications for the management of SME firms.
Intellectual capital and non-performing assets: the role of knowledge assets in improving credit quality of Indian banking sector Dolly Gaur and Kanishka Gupta Emerald Purpose Intellectual capital (IC) is beneficial to the improved performance of businesses, irrespective of their industry. The present study proposes to check if the use of IC can also help in improving the asset quality of banks. Thus, this study aims to examine the impact of IC and its components on non-performing assets (NPAs). Design/methodology/approach The study has been conducted with a sample of 30 Indian commercial banks and analysed over a time frame of 15 years (2004–2005 to 2018–2019). The modified value-added intellectual coefficient model has been used to measure the independent variables, IC, and its components. The dependent variable, NPA, has been represented by the net NPA ratio. Two-step system generalized methods of moments (SGMMs) have been applied for the regression analysis. Along with the short-term estimates provided by the SGMM approach, the long-term impact of explanatory variables on the dependent variables has also been seen. Findings The results of the study show that IC and its components are indeed helpful for the management of NPA, as they impact the problem loans negatively. Furthermore, the long-term benefits of IC in enhancing bank credit quality are more substantial. Practical implications The results from the present study can be used by bank management. The bank managers can draw inferences that the efficient application of IC can help them reduce their loan losses. Developing skills and knowledge of employees, maintaining close relations with stakeholders, significantly the customers, and putting more sophisticated processes and infrastructure to use can help banks to control their loan losses. Originality/value A major proportion of studies examining the role of intangible assets in various aspects of the banking sector focuses on the association between IC and the financial performance of banking entities. However, for banking institutions, apart from financial performance, improving credit quality is also imperative for staying afloat. Thus, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the present study is one of the first to examine the relationship between knowledge-based assets (i.e. IC) and bank credit quality.
Transformational women leadership: a road to sustainable development goal of women empowerment Dolly Gaur, Kanishka Gupta, and Abhinav Pal Emerald Purpose To promote gender equality, world leaders at the UN came up with Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG5). It proposes to eliminate discrimination against women by providing them with similar opportunities for reaching leadership positions. Hence, this study aims to examine the contribution made by women transformational leaders to their employees’ performance. The study seeks to emphasize the role played by female leaders in the on-job performance of employees and their mental well-being by encouraging intrinsic motivation among them. Design/methodology/approach For the purpose of data collection, a questionnaire was sent through Google Forms to the employees who had females as their superiors or in the decision-making position. Data from a final sample of 517 respondents was gathered, on which SEM was applied to analyze the direct impact of transformational women’s leadership on employee performance and the indirect impact through the mediation of intrinsic motivation. Findings The study found that by having feminine traits, women are stronger transformational leaders as they encourage individuals to be self-motivated instead of getting stimulated because of some external incentive. Also, such a leadership style ensures better work performance and mentally healthier employees. In addition, transformational women's leadership creates a better work environment by inspiring a teamwork culture instead of individualism. Practical implications The study has implications for not just researchers but other stakeholders as well. The study is useful for organizations as it directs them to hire and promote more women for leadership positions. Also, the results hint that people prefer working for women-led organizations as it will ensure a healthier work atmosphere. Originality/value There are many studies from earlier times related to transformational leadership. However, female leadership and the role it plays for employees have not gotten their fair share of attention. Thus, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the present work is one of the very few where contributions made by women transformational leaders have been assessed.
Russia–Ukraine war and the impact on Indian economy Anindita Bhattacharjee, Dolly Gaur, and Kanishka Gupta Emerald PurposeIndia is not geographically close to either Russia or Ukraine. However, India's trade relations with them make it vulnerable to the consequences of the war between these countries. Thus, the present study aims to examine the impact of the Russia–Ukraine war on various sectoral indices of the Indian economy.Design/methodology/approachEvent study methodology has been used in this study for analysis. The date of the war announcement is the event day. The sample studied includes ten sectors of the Indian economy listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). Results correspond to the period of −167 days to +20 days of the announcement of the war, i.e. from June 25, 2021, to March 28, 2022.FindingsAlmost all the sample sectors earned significantly positive abnormal returns in the post-event period. The metal industry has led this group by showcasing the highest abnormal returns. Though Indian sectors made overall positive returns, the market soon corrected itself and abnormal returns were wiped out.Practical implicationsThese results can benefit portfolio managers, analysts, investors and policymakers in hedging risks and selecting suitable investments during increased global uncertainty. The study's conclusions help policymakers establish an institutional and supervisory framework that will make it easier to spot systematic risks and reduce them by putting countercyclical measures in place.Originality/valueIndia has no geographical proximity or trade relations with Russia or Ukraine, as strong as any other European country. However, Russia has remained a strong ally to India in the trade of defense equipment. Similar is the case with Ukraine, a significant global partner for India. Thus, the impact of conflict between these two countries has not been limited to Europe only but has also engulfed related economies. Hence, the present study is one of the first attempts to examine the burns sustained by the Indian economy due to this war.
Stock Market Responses to the CoVId-19 Health Crisis: evidence From the world’s Largest economies Abdul Wajid and Kanishka Gupta IGI Global The outbreak of the novel COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a major black swan event which has caused shock waves and severely hurt the sentiments of market participants. The pandemic has raised uncertainties and risks all over the world, impacting substantially the world's 20 largest economies. While the stock markets' intense reaction to the official news of the pandemic is well known, the reaction of largest world economies during the initial phases of the outbreak until 11th March 2020 is not very well established. Therefore, the present study investigates how stock markets in world's 20 largest economies have reacted to major events and press releases associated with disease from the beginning of the pandemic (i.e., 31st December 2020 till 11th March 2020). The results of the study suggest that the declaration of the novel COVID-19 as a pandemic was the most devastating event for stock markets. This was confirmed by using various parametric and non-parametric tests. In addition, the last event was further analyzed by observing CARs of various indices individually.
DETERMINANTS OF INVESTMENT RISK IN THE INDIAN CONSUMER GOODS SECTOR: THE DYNAMIC PANEL REGRESSION APPROACH Khushboo Gupta, Thanikella Ramana, Deol Singh, and Kanishka Gupta Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) The objective of the current paper is to study the relationship between company financial factors, macroeconomic factors and the market measures of risk of the Consumer Goods Sector of the Indian economy. Systematic, unsystematic and total risks are the measures of the risk used. Dynamic panel data regression techniques have been applied to the data of the companies comprising the S&P BSE FMCG index of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) of India. The time frame established for the study is the period from 2011 to 2020. The results show that on average 89.6 percent of total risk is attributable to the unsystematic portion, whereas the rest is attributable to the systematic portion. Furthermore, both the financial variables and macroeconomic variables can be used to gauge the risk related to investments. Moreover, marketing personnel may justify their expenditure that builds their brand value as these efforts will reduce the risk for investors and increase their wealth. The results of this study are especially useful for business managers, as well as investors, helping them to understand risk and the factors contributing to it, which may provide useful insights regarding cost-of-capital and value-of-firm calculations.
Impact of knowledge-based HRM practices on organizational performance: Mediating effect of intellectual capital Kanishka Gupta IGI Global This paper examines the components of Intellectual Capital (IC) as mediating variables between knowledge-based Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and organizational performance. Therefore, integrating research channels in the field of human resource and organization performance. Factor analysis and path analysis have been performed to test the research model and finally parallel mediation effects of the mediators have been examined. Outcomes of the study showed that HRM practices lead to the creation of Intellectual Capital, and the relationship between HRM and performance is positively mediated by components of IC in context of Indian service sector. Additionally, in comparison, amongst the mediators, organizational capital is found to be the most contributing component followed by human and relational capital. The findings of this research will assist the HR managers and organizations in the composition and positioning of HRM practices and IC.
Volatility in Indian stock markets during COVID-19: An analysis of equity investment strategies Khushboo Gupta, Seshanwita Das, and Kanishka Gupta IGI Global The aim of the paper is to evaluate the impact of novel COVID-19 on the returns and volatility of Indian stock markets with special reference to equity investment strategies of Bombay Stock Exchange. For the purpose of evaluating the impact, the study has applied GARCH) The research has considered a time frame from March, 2015 to January, 2021. Prior to implementing GARCH model, pre-estimation tests i.e., Augmented Dickey-Fuller and ARCH-Lagrange Multiplier, were conducted. Outcomes clearly indicate that the returns during the crisis for all the strategy indices have been negative which means that the COVID-19 outbreak resulted in massive losses. Additionally, 'during crisis' period showed increase in volatility for all the strategy indices depicting that the pandemic has a long-lasting effect and will take time to fade off. This research will help the investors in the investment decision process by giving them insights about the different strategies.
Influence of intellectual capital on performance: An analysis of it and pharmaceutical firms Kanishka Gupta and T. V. Raman IGI Global Intellectual capital (IC) has gained recognition in enhancing the firms' value and gain a competitive advantage in the developed world. The present study examines the impact of IC on firms' financial performance. The study takes 48 companies for the time period of 10 years (2009-2018). The paper has used modified Pulic's value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC) as a proxy to measure IC and return on assets (ROA) to measure firms' financial performance. Granger causality between all the components of IC and ROA has been tested using Dumitrescu-Hurlin test. To analyse the impact, correlation and dynamic panel data regression technique has been applied. The result indicates that overall intellectual capital, human capital, relational capital, process capital, and financial capital have a significant impact on financial performance. On the other hand, innovation capital has no significant relationship with firms' financial performance. The results are helpful for managers, policymakers, government, and investors so that they can properly manage and regulate the IC of their organization.
Intellectual capital: a determinant of firms' operational efficiency Kanishka Gupta and T.V. Raman Emerald PurposeIntellectual capital (IC) has been recognized in improving the efficiency of businesses and gaining competitive edge in the developed world. The present study offers perspectives into the effect of IC on the efficiency of the Indian financial sector companies.Design/methodology/approachFor the purpose of evaluating efficiency, the research has used stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). All Indian financial sector companies listed in National Stock Exchange (NSE-500) for the timeframe of ten years (2008–2018) have been considered. The paper has employed modified Pulic's Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM) as a proxy to measure IC. Correlation and panel data regression have been used in order to examine the relationship.FindingsThe results of the study indicate positive and significant relationship between IC and efficiency of the firm. The results also show that all the components of IC, that is, human capital, relational capital, process capital and capital employed have a significant impact on firms' efficiency. Additionally, it has been seen that sample companies do not invest in research and development leading to no innovation capital.Practical implicationsThe research will assist managers in managing and controlling the IC, investors in matters related to investment and financial experts in improving the company's IC and value creation.Originality/valueThe current research is one of the pioneering studies in the context of Indian financial sector that examines the impact of modified VAIC on operational efficiency calculated using SFA.
Intellectual Capital and Profitability: Evidence from Indian Pharmaceutical Sector Kanishka Gupta, Sweta Goel, and Prakash Bhatia SAGE Publications Intellectual capital (IC) has gained recognition in enhancing the firms’ value and gain competitive advantage in the developed world. Thus, it is imperative for all stakeholders to have an understanding of its impact on firms’ profitability. The present study aims to analyse the impact of intellectual capital on firms’ profitability of Indian pharmaceutical companies listed in National Stock Exchange (NSE-500) for the time period of 10 years (i.e. 2009–2018). The paper has used modified version of Pulic’s Value Added Intellectual Coefficient, i.e., M-VAIC as a proxy to measure intellectual capital and firms’ profitability as represented by ROA, ROE and EBITDA. In line to analyse the effectiveness, a balanced panel data regression technique has been used. The results of the paper indicate a significant relationship between intellectual capital and firms’ profitability. Also, it is found that human capital, relational capital and physical capital have a significant role in increasing the profitability of the firm. The analysis would help the administration and management of pharmaceutical companies in the composition and organization of intellectual capital, stakeholders in the decisions related to investment and financial specialist for enhancing intellectual capital efficiency and value creation for the firm. Human capital is found to be having a positively significant impact on firms’ profitability; their inclusion and management are suggested for the companies.
A feasibility study of implementation of green tax