Dra. Esp. Maria Angelica Alvarez Paucar


Academic Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM)




Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


Pediatric Dentistry
Public health
Dental Research


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Development of new experimental dentifrice of peruvian solanum tuberosum (Tocosh ) fermented by water stress: Antibacterial and cytotoxic activity
    Percy Romero-Tapia, Gabriela Sedano-Balbin, and Sonia Sacsaquispe-Contreras

    Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing
    AIM "Tocosh" is a potato that has undergone a process of hydraulic oxidation that enhances its antimicrobial properties so that this natural resource can be used in medical sciences. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the antibacterial and cytotoxic activity of a new experimental tooth based on Solanum tuberosum "Tocosh" on the cell lines 3T3 and DU145. MATERIALS AND METHODS To evaluate the cytotoxicity, cell cultures 3T3 and DU145 were used. Cell viability was determined by the MTT assay (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) in a medium containing 10% calf serum where the cells were preincubated at a concentration of 1 × 106 cells/mL in culture medium for 3 hours at 37°C and 6.5% CO2. Then, the absorbance was measured using a microplate reader where the formazan crystals were diluted with acidic and cold isopropanol, and quantified in an ELISA reader. To evaluate the antibacterial effect, the Kirby Bauer inhibition halos method was used on strains of S. aureus (ATCC 25923), S. mutans (ATCC 25175), and S. mitis (ATCC 49456). RESULTS Solanum tuberosum (tocosh) was not cytotoxic because it only had one CC50 at the concentration of 0.26927 mg/mL and 0.26845 mg/mL for the cell lines 3T3 and DU145, respectively. Tocosh toothpaste (TD) has an antibacterial effect against S. aureus and S. mutans. CONCLUSION The new ecological dentifrice was not cytotoxic since it did not alter cell viability because its CC50 was only 0.268 and 0.269 μg/mL for the 3T3 and DU145 cell lines, respectively; however, it presented an optimal antimicrobial activity against the oral strains evaluated. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE This research has great potential for clinical use because this new dentifrice has antimicrobial activity against different oral germs. How to cite this article: Mayta-Tovalino F, Sedano-Balbin G, Romero-Tapia P, et al. Development of New Experimental Dentifrice of Peruvian Solanum tuberosum (Tocosh) Fermented by Water Stress: Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activity. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019;20(10):1206-1211.

  • Perception of clinical training and future objectives of residents of oral implantology (POCTOIR-30 questionnaire): A pilot study of statistical validation
    G Mendoza-Azpur, María Álvarez-Paucar, Luis Gálvez-Calla, and Luz Carbajal

    Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing
    Ab s t r Ac t Aim: The aim of the present study was to develop and validate the psychometric properties of the questionnaire (POCTOIR-30) for the evaluation of the perception of clinical training and future goals of residents of oral implantology. Materials and methods: The development of the questionnaire followed the process of five phases: (a) preparation of the instrument, (b) validation of the content, (c) validity of the construct, (d) evaluation of internal consistency and reliability, (e) evaluation of the level of knowledge, for which an instrument on implant training of residency programs was used as a reference. To evaluate the sensitivity and validity of the questionnaire, a pilot sample of 20 residents between 20 years and 50 years of a residency program in oral implantology was used. Results: The factor analysis of the data and the adjustment statistics process resulted in the quality care of 4 factors and 30 questions that were included in the present questionnaire (POCTOIR), which covers: logistics and infrastructure (five items), training in oral implantology (10 items); information on the postgraduate program (seven items) and accessibility and sustainability of care (ten items) and future goals after postgraduate studies (five items). Content validity was measured using the index that combines the ease of calculation and the evaluation of results at the statistical level (κ 0.833). The reliability of the instrument was evaluated to measure the degree of internal correlation (Cronbach’s α 0.738). Finally, the reliability was evaluated to measure the constancy of the responses repeatedly with the same subjects (intraclass correlation 0.74). Conclusion: This study showed that the POCTOIR-30 instrument has adequate levels of validity and reliability to be used in residents of areas related to oral implantology in new research. Clinical significance: The impact of the academic training of the residents in oral implantology significantly influences their performance at the time of performing the surgical and prosthetic protocols. Therefore, this research validates statistically the perception of academic training and future goals of postgraduate residents in order to quantify and apply improvement strategies during their years of study.

  • Oral health and obesity in the SAYCARE study: reliability and internal validity of diagnostic methods
    M. P. M. Rando-Meirelles, M. L. R. Sousa, G. C. Vale, V. A. Lages, P. P. Vásquez, P. Jimenez, R. S. Villena, and M. A. Alvarez-Paucar

    The aim of this pilot study was to address the reliability, internal validity and viability of oral health methods used in the South American Youth/Child cARdiovascular and Environmental study.

  • An 11-Year Retrospective Research Study of the Predictive Factors of Peri-Implantitis and Implant Failure: Analytic-Multicentric Study of 1279 Implants in Peru
    Frank Mayta-Tovalino, Yens Mendoza-Martiarena, Percy Romero-Tapia, María Álvarez-Paucar, Luis Gálvez-Calla, Juan Calderón-Sánchez, Rodolfo Bolaños-Cardenas, and Antonio Diaz-Sarabia

    Hindawi Limited
    Aim. To analyze the risk factors by logistic regression and perform the analysis of the survival rate of osseointegrated dental implants placed in public and private institutions. Methods. An analytic-multicentric study was carried out, where 1279 dental implants that were placed by specialists from January 2006 to October 2017 in public and private institutions (UPCH-SI, HCFAP, CMNAVAL, UPCH-SM, and UPSJB) were evaluated. The variables sex (X1), location (X2), hypertension (X3), antibiotic prophylaxis (X4), diabetes (X5), osteoporosis (X6), bisphosphonates (X7), history of periodontitis (X8), hypercholesterolemia (X9), bone quality (X10), bone quantity (X11), design (X12), smoker (X13), connection (X14), edentulism type (X15), staging (X16), 3D guided surgery (X17), load (X18), bone graft (X19), peri-implantitis (X20), mucositis (X21), and GBR (X22) were collected and analyzed by the Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. The logit analysis was performed among all the variables to choose the best statistical model that explains the true risk factors. The analysis was performed by multivariate logistic regression and the Kaplan–Meier test, at a level of statistical significance of p<0.05. Results. It was found that the failure rate of the 1279 implants evaluated was 17.98% corresponding to only 23 implants lost as they have good longevity over time. When establishing the best multivariate logistic regression model, it was found that the variables that remained stable in relation to their statistically significant value and more stable confidence intervals were age, osteoporosis, bisphosphonates, history of periodontitis, bone quality, bone graft, connection, number of implants, GBR (guided bone regeneration), and follow-up. Conclusions. Dental implants placed by specialists in public and private institutions had a failure rate similar to that in studies previously published in other countries.


  • A copper-masked monosubstituted carbene as a general transmetalating agent toward stable carbene complexes
    M lvarez, F Villalba, M Casciotti, F Molina, G Sciortino, A Lleds, ...
    Chem 10 (5), 1576-1592 2024

  • Copper‐Catalyzed Sulfimidation in Aqueous Media: a Fast, Chemoselective and Biomolecule‐Compatible Reaction
    EJ Meeus, M lvarez, E Koelman, PJ Prez, JNH Reek, B de Bruin
    Chemistry–A European Journal 30 (14), e202303939 2024

  • Predictive factors of non-pharmacological measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 contagion: Results of a large adult Spanish sample from the PSY-COVID study
    C Mateo-Canedo, JP Sanabria-Mazo, JB Navarro, I Cigarroa, M Alvarez, ...
    medRxiv, 2023.10. 30.23297748 2023

  • The catalytic nitrene-oxo transfer battle in water as solvent
    M lvarez, PJ Prez
    Chem Catalysis 3 (8) 2023

  • Intramolecular Interception of the Remote Position of Vinylcarbene Silver Complex Intermediates by C(sp3)−H Bond Insertion
    Daz‐Jimnez, R Monreal‐Corona, A Poater, M lvarez, E Borrego, ...
    Angewandte Chemie 135 (5), e202215163 2023

  • Carbene-controlled regioselective functionalization of linear alkanes under silver catalysis
    M lvarez, F Molina, PJ Prez
    Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (51), 23275-23279 2022

  • Predictive factors of non-pharmacological measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 contagion: A cross-sectional study in a large Spanish sample
    C Mateo-Canedo, JP Sanabria-Mazo, JB Navarro, I Cigarroa, ...

  • Environmental Dissemination of Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteria in the Rio Grande River: A Public Health Concern?
    MD Fuentes, G Sepulveda, M Flores, J Mendoza, M Alvarez, ...
    Texas Public Health Journal 74 (4) 2022

  • Alkane Functionalization by Metal‐Catalyzed Carbene Insertion from Diazo Reagents
    M lvarez, A Caballero, PJ Prez
    Transition Metal‐Catalyzed Carbene Transformations, 1-24 2022

  • Gold (I) complexes bearing a PNP-type pincer ligand: photophysical properties and catalytic investigations
    M Casciotti, G Romo-Islas, M lvarez, F Molina, JM Muoz-Molina, ...
    Dalton Transactions 51 (45), 17162-17169 2022

  • Locus of control and the acknowledgment of effort
    F Aguiar, M lvarez, L Miller
    American Behavioral Scientist 65 (11), 1480-1496 2021

  • Two copper-carbenes from one diazo compound
    M Alvarez, M Besora, F Molina, F Maseras, TR Belderrain, PJ Prez
    Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (12), 4837-4843 2021

  • Indicadores de salud oral en nios y adolescentes con parlisis cerebral de centros especializados de Lima-Per, periodo 2012-2013
    M Alvarez-Pucar, M Lu-Chang Say, R Revoredo-Morote
    Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.), 225-233 2021

  • Actividad antioxidante del gel a base de extracto de Origanum vulgare Importante para la salud bucal? Estudio preliminar
    L Galvez-Calla, MA Alvarez-Pucar, O Alczar-Aguilar, F Mayta-Tovalino, ...
    Revista Estomatolgica Herediana 31 (1), 6-16 2021

  • PGI7 Budget IMPACT of Capsule Endoscopy for Crohn's Disease Management in Spain
    RT Torrejon, JFM Nuez, L Menchn, IE Martn, M Alvarez, R Saunders
    Value in Health 23, S534 2020

    TR Torrejon, JF Munoz Nunez, L Menchen, I Elias Martin, N Van Ient, ...
    VALUE IN HEALTH 23, S533-S533 2020

  • Aerobic intramolecular carbon–hydrogen bond oxidation promoted by Cu (i) complexes
    M lvarez, F Molina, MR Fructos, J Urbano, E lvarez, M Sodupe, ...
    Dalton Transactions 49 (41), 14647-14655 2020

  • La ineficacia del procedimiento del apremio personal por pensiones alimenticias en relacin Inters Superior del Nio.
    M Alvarez
    Universidad Catolica de Cuenca. Jefatura de Posgrados 2020

  • Perception of Parents about the Oral Habits of their Children and their Malocclusion Traits
    RRM Mara Anglica Alvarez-Pucar
    Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 3 (11), 18-21 2019

  • Development of new experimental dentifrice of Peruvian Solanum tuberosum (Tocosh) fermented by water stress: Antibacterial and cytotoxic activity
    F Mayta-Tovalino, G Sedano-Balbin, P Romero-Tapia, D Alvtez-Temoche, ...
    J Contemp Dent Pract 20 (10), 1206-1211 2019


  • Nivel de conocimientos en salud bucal de las madres y su relacin con el estado de salud bucal del nio menor de cinco aos de edad
    LAB Lipa, SAC VIllacampa, CHC Retegui, EP Alva, MSV Huasupoma, ...
    Odontologa sanmarquina 15 (1), 14-18 2012
    Citations: 171

  • La implantacin de la calidad en los centros educativos
    I Cantn, M lvarez, F Gonzlez, J Poms, M Lorenzo, M Santos
    Una perspectiva aplicada y reflexiva. Madrid: CCS 2001
    Citations: 103

  • Effectiveness of primary healthcare educational interventions undertaken by nurses to improve chronic disease management in patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension and
    M Gorina, JT Limonero, M Alvarez
    International journal of nursing studies 86, 139-150 2018
    Citations: 70

  • Lightweight insulating concretes with rice husk
    J Salas, M Alvarez, J Veras
    International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete 8 (3 1986
    Citations: 51

  • An unforgettable event: a qualitative study of the 1997–98 El Nio in northern Peru
    AM Bayer, HE Danysh, M Garvich, G Gonzlvez, W Checkley, M lvarez, ...
    Disasters 38 (2), 351-374 2014
    Citations: 44

  • El Nio adversely affected childhood stature and lean mass in northern Peru
    HE Danysh, RH Gilman, JC Wells, WK Pan, B Zaitchik, G Gonzlvez, ...
    Climate Change Responses 1, 1-10 2014
    Citations: 41

  • Validation of a new portable metabolic system during an incremental running test
    V Daz, PJ Benito, AB Peinado, M lvarez, C Martn, V Di Salvo, F Pigozzi, ...
    Journal of sports science & medicine 7 (4), 532 2008
    Citations: 38

  • An 11‐Year Retrospective Research Study of the Predictive Factors of Peri‐Implantitis and Implant Failure: Analytic‐Multicentric Study of 1279 Implants in Peru
    F Mayta-Tovalino, Y Mendoza-Martiarena, P Romero-Tapia, ...
    International journal of dentistry 2019 (1), 3527872 2019
    Citations: 34

  • AIDS prevention training for pharmacy workers in Mexico City
    S Pick, J Reyes, M Alvarez, S Cohen, J Craige, A Troya
    AIDS care 8 (1), 55-70 1996
    Citations: 31

  • Could white coat ocular hypertension affect to the accuracy of the diagnosis of Glaucoma? Relationships between anxiety and intraocular pressure in a simulated clinical setting
    JL Mndez-Ulrich, A Sanz, A Feliu-Soler, M lvarez, X Borrs
    Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 43 (1), 49-56 2018
    Citations: 29

  • Properties of concrete made with fly ash
    M Alvarez, J Salas, J Veras
    International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete 10 (2 1988
    Citations: 28

  • Two copper-carbenes from one diazo compound
    M Alvarez, M Besora, F Molina, F Maseras, TR Belderrain, PJ Prez
    Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (12), 4837-4843 2021
    Citations: 26

  • Educational diagnosis of self‐management behaviours in patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia based on the PRECEDE model: Qualitative study
    M Gorina, JT Limonero, M lvarez
    Journal of clinical nursing 28 (9-10), 1745-1759 2019
    Citations: 23

  • El perfil de salud-enfermedad bucal y las necesidades de tratamiento de los adultos mayores de Lima urbana 2012
    CC Retegui, SC Villacampa, LB Lipa, RV Goi, JRD vila, MA Pacar, ...
    Odontologa Sanmarquina 16 (2), 29-33 2013
    Citations: 22

  • Efecto inhibidor in vitro del extracto etanlico de propleo al 15% y 30% frente a cepas de Lactobacillus acidophilus
    RM Huaytalla Alemn, CM Glvez Ramrez, M Carhuapoma-Yance, ...
    Revista Estomatolgica Herediana 28 (1), 36-43 2018
    Citations: 21

  • Development of new experimental dentifrice of Peruvian Solanum tuberosum (Tocosh) fermented by water stress: Antibacterial and cytotoxic activity
    F Mayta-Tovalino, G Sedano-Balbin, P Romero-Tapia, D Alvtez-Temoche, ...
    J Contemp Dent Pract 20 (10), 1206-1211 2019
    Citations: 20

  • Microbial contamination and chemical toxicity of the Rio Grande
    J Mendoza, J Botsford, J Hernandez, A Montoya, R Saenz, A Valles, ...
    BMC microbiology 4, 1-16 2004
    Citations: 20

  • Tratamiento pulpar en la apexificacin del diente inmaduro mediante agregado de trixido mineral
    VV Reyes, M Pucar
    Odontologa sanmarquina 12 (1), 29-32 2009
    Citations: 19

  • Microanalysis of the relationship between goal self-efficacy and cardiovascular reactivity. A test for the moderating role of incentive value and the mediating role of anxiety
    A Sanz, F Villamarn, M lvarez, JT Limonero
    International journal of psychophysiology 62 (1), 66-76 2006
    Citations: 19

  • Molybdenum and tungsten complexes with carbon dioxide and ethylene ligands
    M lvarez, A Galindo, PJ Prez, E Carmona
    Chemical Science 10 (37), 8541-8546 2019
    Citations: 18