Mahabuba Abdulrahim

Electrical Engineering Faculty Member
Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, United Arab EMirates


Lecture, Senior Lecturer and Assistant Professor in B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, India.

Instructor and Assistant Professor, Al Ghurair University, Dubai, U.A.E.

Electrical Engineering Faculty, Institute of Applied Technology, Ajman, U.A.E

Lecturer, Dubai Men’s College, Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, U.A.E.

Teaching Interests: Power generation and Transmission; Electrical Power Distribution; Electrical Machines, Engineering Electromagnetics; Electric Circuits; Control Systems ; Advanced Power Systems.

I love teaching; Teaching is always my passion. I feel younger when I am doing my teaching and learning process with my students; I love travelling and listening to good music.


2003 to 2009 | PhD (Power System Engineering Department)-Anna University, Chennai, India
2000-08-01 to 2003-01-03 | ME (Instrumentation Engineering) Anna University-Chennai ,India
1990-1994 BE (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) University of Madras, Chennai, India


Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Control and Systems Engineering, Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, Biomedical Engineering


Integration of Advanced Technologies for Energy Storage Systems

The transition to renewable energy is a global priority as we seek to mitigate climate change and reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Solar and wind energy, two of the most widely adopted renewable sources, present unique challenges due to their intermittent and variable nature. Energy storage systems are critical in addressing these challenges, ensuring a stable and reliable power supply. However, conventional energy storage systems struggle to efficiently manage the rapid fluctuations inherent in renewable energy generation. This proposal seeks to develop a Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) that integrates supercapacitors, lithium-ion batteries, and multi-level inverters. The aim is to enhance the overall performance, efficiency, and reliability of hybrid solar-wind energy systems by leveraging the strengths of each component: supercapacitors for rapid response to power fluctuations, batteries for long-term energy storage, and multi-level inverters for high power quality.

Applications Invited

Smart Guard: Advanced Wearable Health Monitoring and Alert System

The "Smart Guard: Advanced Wearable Health Monitoring and Emergency Alert System" is designed to enhance personal health monitoring through an integrated wearable device that tracks critical health metrics, including heart rate, body temperature, blood oxygen levels, diabetes management, stress level, GPS location, electrical activity of the heart (ECG), and it also detects when a person falls due to any health issue. This system aims to provide real-time monitoring and emergency alerts, making it particularly valuable for individuals with chronic health conditions, elderly people and athletes. The wearable device utilizes advanced sensors and microcontrollers to continuously gather and analyze data, which is then transmitted to a mobile application for real-time tracking and alerting. In case of an abnormal health event, such as a fall or a significant deviation in vital signs, the system automatically sends an alert to pre-configured emergency contacts with the wearer’s GPS location.

Applications Invited

Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Enhancing Colonoscopy Image Resolution Employing Scaling and Interpolation
    Karthikha R, Najumnissa Jamal D, Mahabuba Abdulrahim, and Syed Rafiammal S

    Colonoscopy is an important diagnostic tool in the field of medicine, allowing for a thorough examination of the colon's interior and the critical detection of abnormalities. The quality of the images acquired during a colonoscopy procedure is critical in the diagnostic process, influencing lesion detection, precise localization of abnormalities, and overall diagnostic confidence. In this comprehensive investigation, we delve into the numerous factors that have a significant impact on image quality in colonoscopy. These factors, which include resolution, contrast, colour representation, sharpness and clarity, and noise, are fundamental to medical practice and patient care. The main aim of this work is to improve the image quality specifically by the application of resolution enhancement technique. The quality of the resulting image depends on the chosen scaling factor and the types of interpolation methods namely Nearest Neighbour, Bilinear, Lanczos windowed sinc and bicubic interpolation adopted during the process. The results obtained from this work demonstrate that adapting the scaling factor of 2 and the Lancozs interpolation method provides the image with better quality when compared to the original image with PSNR and SSIM values of 35.5 and 0.92 respectively. The quality of the image is evaluated by using the metrics Peak-Signal-to-Noise -ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM). Higher PSNR and SSIM values are often required to ensure diagnostic accuracy which aids in the early detection of abnormalities and precise localization, which can be life-saving in colorectal conditions.

  • A Novel LA-MFO Technique based Vehicle to Grid Control Mechanism for Automatic Generation Control in Deregulated Power System

  • Power flow management of hybrid system in smart grid requirements using ITSA-MOAT approach
    T. Logeswaran, M. Senthil Raja, Jennathu Beevi Sahul Hameed, and Mahabuba Abdulrahim

    Elsevier BV

  • Optimal Design of Controller for Automatic Generation Control in Multi Area Restructured Power System with Battery Energy Storage and Wind Energy Systems
    Ashfaq Ur Rehman Mohamed Riazuddin, Mahabuba Abdulrahim, Jennathu Beevi Sahul Hameed, and Jayashree Ramasubramaniam

    Seventh Sense Research Group Journals

  • Design of a robust and adaptive fuzzy-logic-based power system stabilizer (RAFLPSS) for damping low frequency electromechanical oscillations
    Mahabuba Abdurrahim, Abdullah Khan M., and Ali Ahmed Edriss

    This paper presents a design procedure for a Robust and Adaptive Fuzzy Logic based Power System Stabilizer (RAFLPSS) to improve the small signal stability of Power System. The parameters of RAFLPSS are tuned by adaptive neural network. This RAFLPSS uses ANFIS network (Adaptive Network based Fuzzy Inference System) which provides a natural framework of multi-layered feed forward adaptive network using fuzzy logic inference system. In this approach, the hybrid-learning algorithm tunes the fuzzy rules and the membership functions of the RAFLPSS. The dynamic performance of SMIB system with the proposed RAFLPSS under different operating conditions and change in system parameters has been investigated. The simulation results obtained from the conventional PSS (CPSS) and Fuzzy logic based PSS (FPSS) are compared with the proposed RAFLPSS. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed RAFLPSS performs well in damping and quicker response when compared with the other two PSSs.

  • Sequential tuning of power system stabilizers for improving the small signal stability in multi-machine power systems

  • Small signal stability enhancement of a multi-machine power system using robust and adaptive fuzzy neural network-based power system stabilizer
    A. Mahabuba and M. Abdullah Khan

    AbstractThis paper presents a design procedure for a robust and adaptive fuzzy neural network‐based power system stabilizer (RAFNNPSS) and investigates the robustness and adaptive feature of the RAFNNPSS for a single machine connected to an infinite bus system and multi‐machine power systems in order to enhance the dynamic stability (small signal stability of the system). The parameters of RAFNNPSS are tuned by adaptive neural network (NN). This RAFNNPSS uses adaptive network‐based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) network, which provides a natural framework of multi‐layered feed forward adaptive network using fuzzy logic inference system. In this approach, the hybrid‐learning algorithm tunes the fuzzy rules and the membership functions of the RAFNNPSS. Speed deviation of synchronous generator and its derivative are chosen as the input signals to the RAFNNPSS. The dynamic performance of single‐machine infinite bus (SMIB) system, a two‐area, five‐machine, eight‐bus power system and a large power system (10‐machine, 39‐bus New England system) with the proposed RAFNNPSS under different operating conditions and change in system parameters have been investigated. The simulation results obtained from the conventional PSS (CPSS) and Fuzzy logic‐based PSS (FPSS) are compared with the proposed RAFNNPSS. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed RAFNNPSS performs well in damping and quicker response when compared with the other two PSSs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • PSS parameters tuning using genetic algorithm
    M. Abdulrahim, Zakaria Fadl Almoula, Hafid Al-Hafid, Nader Barsoum, Sermsak Uatrongjit, and Pandian Vasant

    Optimal tuning of power system stabilizer (PSS) parameters using genetic algorithm with single objective function is presented in this paper. A Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system is considered. The main objective of this research paper is to investigate the suitability of genetic algorithm for effective tuning of parameters of the power system stabilizer in a single machine infinite bus system. A conventional speed based lead‐lag PSS is used. A simple and effective method of tuning the parameters of PSS is proposed which is posed as an optimization formulation by maximizing the damping of modes of oscillations of the SMIB system over a wide range of loading conditions and different system configurations. It is found that GA based PSS with single objective design shows improved dynamic performance over Conventional PSS over a wide range of operating conditions and different system parameters.

  • Microcontroller based computer control of robot arm for sorting of objects


  • Enhancing Colonoscopy Image Resolution Employing Scaling and Interpolation
    R Karthikha, M Abdulrahim
    2024 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International 2024

  • Design and Development of Hybrid Solar-Wind Energy Storage System for Storage Capacity
    M Abdulrahim, A Bourezg, B Jamal, A Ahmed
    Journal of Engineering Research and Reports 24 (1), 49-59 2023

  • Power flow management of hybrid system in smart grid requirements using ITSA-MOAT approach
    T Logeswaran, MS Raja, JBS Hameed, M Abdulrahim
    Applied Energy 319, 119228 2022

  • Phonocardiography based Classification of Normal and Abnormal Heart Sounds and their Correlation Analysis
    A Mahabuba, P Sujini, J Beevi
    Proceedings of International Virtual Conference on Innovations and Research 2022

  • Optimal Design of Controller for Automatic Generation Control in Multi Area Restructured Power System with Battery Energy Storage and Wind Energy Systems
    AURM Riazuddin, M Abdulrahim, JBS Hameed, J Ramasubramaniam
    Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2021

  • Review on Applications of Energy Storage Systems in Smart Grid”
    A Mahabuba, S Sathyan
    4th International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Energy 2020

  • Non-linear parameter optimization of power system stabilizers in interconnected multi-machine power systems
    A Mahabuba, MA Khan
    Emerging Developments in the Power and Energy Industry, 781-788 2019

  • Interconnected Simultaneous Tuning of Power System Stabilizers in a Multi machine Power System
    A Mahabuba
    International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science 3 (10 2017

  • A Novel approach for Tuning of PSSs using Genetic Algorithm with both Single and Multi-Objective Function
    A Mahabuba, A Khan
    International Conference Proceedings ECBA2016 at Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2016

  • Efficient Places for Power System Controllers in a Multi Input Multi Output System using Relative Gain Array Analysis
    A Mahabuba
    European International Journal of Science and Humanities 1 (3) 2015

  • Design and Comparative Analysis of an Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy PSS, Robust Fuzzy PSS and Conventional PSS for Damping Low Frequency Electro-Mechanical Oscillations
    A Mahabuba
    International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and 2015

  • Identification of the Optimum locations of power system stabilizers in a multimachine power system using second order eigenvalue sensitivity analysis
    A Mahabuba, A Khan
    Scientific Research Publishing 2013

  • Sequential tuning of power system stabilizers for improving the small signal stability in multi-machine power systems
    A Mahabuba, MA Khan
    Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2 2012

  • Design of a robust and adaptive fuzzy-logic-based power system stabilizer (RAFLPSS) for damping low frequency electromechanical oscillations
    A Mahabuba, K Abdullah, AH EdrissAli
    Proceedings of SPIE-International Society of Optical Engineering 8349 2011

  • Simultaneous Tuning of Power System Stabilizers for Enhancing the Damping Performance in Multi Machine Power Systems
    A Mahabuba, K Abdullah, A Yousif
    International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering 4 (4), 198-208 2010

  • Small signal stability enhancement of a multi‐machine power system using robust and adaptive fuzzy neural network‐based power system stabilizer
    A Mahabuba, MA Khan
    European Transactions on Electrical Power 19 (7), 978-1001 2009

  • Vijay Ramnath and G
    J Mahabuba
    Anil “Analysis of heart sounds and cardiac murmurs for detecting cardiac 2009

  • Optimal Tuning of the Parameters of the Power System Stabilizer using Genetic Algorithm
    A Mahabuba, F Zakaria
    IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems at Corfu, Greece 2008

  • PSS Parameters Tuning using Genetic Algorithm
    A Mahabuba, F Zakaria, H Hafid
    International Conference on Power Control and Optimization, AIP Conference 2008

  • Micro Controller based Computer Control of Robotic Arm for Sorting of Objects
    A Mahabuba, S Balaviswakumar, S Bharath, E Arthi, D Brinda
    International Conference on Robotics and Applications, IASTED- 2004, HAWAII, USA 2008


  • Small signal stability enhancement of a multi‐machine power system using robust and adaptive fuzzy neural network‐based power system stabilizer
    A Mahabuba, MA Khan
    European Transactions on Electrical Power 19 (7), 978-1001 2009
    Citations: 34

  • Optimal Location of Power System Stabilizers in a Multimachine Power System Using Relative Gain Array (RGA) and Genetic Algorithm
    A Mahabuba, MA Khan
    International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering 2 (1), 19-27 2008
    Citations: 17

  • Analysis of heart Sounds and Cardiac Murmurs for detecting cardiac Disorders using Phonocardiography
    A Mahabuba, J VijayRamnath, G Anil
    National Symposium on Instrumentation (NST – 31) organized by Indian 2006
    Citations: 13

  • Identification of the Optimum locations of power system stabilizers in a multimachine power system using second order eigenvalue sensitivity analysis
    A Mahabuba, A Khan
    Scientific Research Publishing 2013
    Citations: 11

  • Vijay Ramnath and G
    J Mahabuba
    Anil “Analysis of heart sounds and cardiac murmurs for detecting cardiac 2009
    Citations: 7

  • Power flow management of hybrid system in smart grid requirements using ITSA-MOAT approach
    T Logeswaran, MS Raja, JBS Hameed, M Abdulrahim
    Applied Energy 319, 119228 2022
    Citations: 6

  • Sequential tuning of power system stabilizers for improving the small signal stability in multi-machine power systems
    A Mahabuba, MA Khan
    Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2 2012
    Citations: 2

  • Optimal Design of Controller for Automatic Generation Control in Multi Area Restructured Power System with Battery Energy Storage and Wind Energy Systems
    AURM Riazuddin, M Abdulrahim, JBS Hameed, J Ramasubramaniam
    Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2021
    Citations: 1

  • Micro Controller based Computer Control of Robotic Arm for Sorting of Objects
    A Mahabuba, S Balaviswakumar, S Bharath, E Arthi, D Brinda
    International Conference on Robotics and Applications, IASTED- 2004, HAWAII, USA 2008
    Citations: 1